Super Floating City

Chapter 42: Awakening III

   “Evil spirit…”

Steven’s finger flicked gently, and the two letters spontaneously burned to ashes without wind. Such a supernatural event should not be known to too many people, otherwise it would easily cause panic among ordinary people. He doesn’t care much about Aboriginal matters, because he can’t manage it at all. Unless he intends to change the progress of this civilization, too much intervention will easily lead to distortion of civilization. At present, Stephen is not clear about his cosmic space, so he does not know how to treat the current civilization. If he releases half of his knowledge, it will be enough to let the world enter the era of interstellar civilization, but the consequences of growing seedlings are often It is a devastating disaster.

So far Stephen has restrained his influence on this world.

His first idea was to build a floating city secretly, leave this planet to explore the multiverse, and continue his research progress on the evil. The ultimate immortality is the second thought. It is related to this strange wizard civilization. I want to see if it can You can’t use this to help yourself reach a higher level. But the premise of all is that they have self-preservation strength, just a simple contact with the aboriginal wizards of this world, Stephen realized that they are very evil, barbaric, cruel, etc. These aboriginal wizards are not like the spells of the Arcane Council. The people get along so well.

“Forget it. Anyway, let’s take a look first.” Stephen took a red apple and said softly: “I just need some soul spars.”

Evil spirit is one of the easiest materials to obtain soul spar.

The strange event of Jinxi Manor has just begun. After all, the power of evil spirits should not be too strong. If it is a near-high-level caster’s evil spirit distortion, Stephen will definitely not be so easy to intervene.

Every few days.

After spending some time in the mining area, Stephen returned to Howling City again.

Time eliminates the turbulence of the previous period. Although the influence of the old Earl of Sutton depends on the spread of the family women, it is undeniable that he is a smooth old fox on the wrist of communication. He succeeded in attracting most of the nobles in Howling City, and quickly restored business order. At present, the entire city is calm and prosperous. The power transition needs to endure some pains, but if everything happens in the dark, then the turmoil will not affect the lives of ordinary people.

In the mansion of Countess Elijah, Stephen saw the disturbed old Earl of Sutton.

“I already know the things.” Stephen waved the old Earl of Sutton without further ado, and then said: “There should be evil spirits in the manor. I don’t know exactly how they appeared, but it should be related to the Bernard butler.”

“This kind of thing can’t be handled by ordinary people, even if I want to solve it, it’s a little troublesome.”

Evil spirits!

Hearing Stephen’s words, the old Earl of Sutton suddenly breathed a cold air, but he immediately stood up and bowed deeply, and then sincerely said: “Please, Lord Stephen, help me! No matter you I will be satisfied as much as I need!”

This incident has panicked his family.

Not only the servants and guards, but also the family members and the knight class are very uneasy. More than half of his enclave is near the Jinxi Manor. After knowing this, a lot of loyal knights came to him. Basically, the aboriginal aristocracy has a lot of knights, they are the cornerstone of the aristocracy, and they are trained soldiers all year round. The nobility in the Northland is hereditary. The replacement is not as frequent as in the South, and the gold content is a little higher. In addition, the fierce customs of the Northland are basically all emperors. In the Northland, about 100 households usually enclose a knight. The knight collar without moisture is equivalent to a small village. Normally, in the north, there are three hundred peasants supporting an official knight, which also includes two or three knights and five or six and a half soldiers.

In addition, most of the cavaliers seem to be okay. In fact, they are very poor, and the noble knights with no territory are playing the autumn wind everywhere.

Many leaders of the bandits and bandits who are currently active in the wild are born of desolate knights. Many knights eventually became caravan guards and adventurers. The nobles are very stingy in terms of dividing knights. These three are strength, loyalty, and blood. Points are indispensable.

The standard of the ordinary knights of the aborigines is a warrior of level 5 or above.

The panic caused by the supernatural event was very serious, and most of the servants in the Jinxi Manor were the families of the knights who were conquered by the Earl of Sutton. This is a tradition within the nobility. The divided knights send their lovers, children, and illegitimate children to the loyal nobles’ homes as servants. On the one hand, they can save a lot of rations, and on the other hand, they can receive proper education. In the Northland, only the eldest son with inheritance rights will stay with him, but many times they will receive training and education from the nobility. Sixty percent of the servants in the Jinxi Manor are the families of the knights who were conquered by the old Earl of Sutton, so after the supernatural event, the news spread very quickly.

——”Psionic Eye!”

Stephen frowned and cast a spell, and then he saw the gray mist over the old Earl of Sutton.

This is a twisted evil thought.

Steven’s eyes made Old Earl Sutton feel cold behind him, but he didn’t know why he could only stand on the spot. Some words he didn’t actually say, that is, he has been having nightmares recently.

“The evil spirits of Jinxi Manor are probably not simple.”

“There are also marks left by evil spirits on your body. If I guess correctly, you should have felt something wrong recently. At present, the evil spirits have not been completely formed, and it will be easier to solve it. If it is completely formed , It’s better to give up that piece of land.”

After a slowly said: “I need some materials for casting.”

“300 pounds of silver, 100 pounds of gold, no less than twenty gems of various colors, at least three such diamonds. In addition, I also need the blood of some powerful creatures to arrange the magic circle, preferably a creature with a little dragon blood. .”

He took out the diamond that Mrs. Ilya had originally traded and lit it up, and then said: “The sooner you prepare it, the better. If it is too late, I may not be able to deal with it.”

Jinxi Manor has a source of radiation.

This is something similar to evil. In the presence of a radiation field, evil spirits may eventually evolve into a deformed creature with a biological level of up to 15 and a challenge level of over 10.

If it is such a monster, Stephen is currently very difficult to deal with.

Hearing Stephen’s request, Old Earl Sutton couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. He might not be able to take out these things, but he might be hurt if he took them out. But the current situation is something he can’t cope with. There are many wizards in his family, more or less aware of the terrible consequences after the birth of evil spirits.

At present, he can only rely on Stephen to solve it, otherwise, that piece of land will really have to be abandoned.

“I will prepare as soon as possible.” Old Earl Sutton gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

Steven nodded expressionlessly and slowly said: “You have three days. After more than three days, the evil spirits have completely formed, you still have to find someone else to solve this matter.”

The time is too long.

pay is not directly proportional to profit.

Most of these evil spirits are earth-bound spirits, which can change the environment into ghosts. If it is its home field, it is very dangerous. By that time, all the people killed by it will become wraiths, and Jinxi Manor may become Ghost Manor.

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