Super Coach

Chapter 1001 - Godfather of german football

Pictorial: There is a spirit called persistence!

This game of playing Brazil was counted by countless people as the dullest game of the current Confederations Cup. Although the German team finally defeated Brazil by 2: 0, the scene was ugly and the process was poor. It was really not at all. Like the strong dialogue that the two world’s top teams should interpret.

However, in the course of this game, there are also many details that make people feel satisfied and missed.

The first one, I want to propose is Sven? Bender!

Perhaps, when many people mentioned Sven? Bender, the first picture that came to mind was defense. Indeed, the role of this midfielder in the overall tactical system of the national team is defense, but the same is defense, Sven? Bender But he always explained his role again and again. He used one game after another to prove that his success was not accidental!

The scene that impressed me the most was a counterattack by the Brazilian team in the second half. One-on-one confrontation with World Footballer Kaka. Sven? Bender did not give up in the case of being overtaken by the opponent. Finally, and blocked the road from Kaka to the restricted area at the front of the restricted area.

There are a lot of players in the game, once the enemy has crossed his defensive area, he will choose to let go regardless, because that is no longer within his defensive scope, but there are also a group of respectable players, they choose Do more, give more, Sven? Bend belongs to the latter undoubtedly.

The final foul was decisive and resolute, he should not be blamed, but should be appreciated!

And immediately afterwards, Hulk ’s corners focused on his body. As long as he heard the muffled sound from the powerful shot, he could easily feel the strength of this shot. How big is it, but after receiving such a head-on impact, Sven? Bender still chose to poke the ball to his teammates in the first time, and sounded the horn of the team’s counterattack.

My line of sight did not follow the ball, but saw Sven? Bender. He knelt down on the grass, bent over with pain, and knocked the turf on his head. I was moved. An urge to shed tears, because I can feel that all he did just now was to bear the pain of the body.

I was thinking, if the German team’s goal to break the deadlock is to be rewarded for merit, then Sven? Bend should definitely be the first, because if there is no him. I can’t imagine whether there will be a counterattack this time.

After the game, I specifically urged our reporters to ask about this foot when asking Sven? Bender, he seemed to carelessly smiled and shook his head, saying that it no longer hurts, and when we returned, our reporter told I. From Sven? Bender’s smile, he saw joy, and was pleased that someone could realize his dedication and dedication.

my best friend. Yang Cheng, he repeatedly emphasized that a team that will always only have stars cannot win, because behind the star’s aura, there must be a group of unknown people to provide support behind them, Sven? Germany is undoubtedly the unknown in this German team.

Yang Cheng said after the game that the warning from the success of the German team is the victory of the whole football!

I think he knows nothing. He understands the role of Sven? Bend, but he can’t comment on Sven? Bend alone. Although he must have praised his most important midfielder more than once in private, he cannot say so in public because he Not clear. Every one of your own words may cause unnecessary trouble to the players.

I like Sven? Bender, not because of his great skills, but because of his perseverance, humility, and obscurity and dedication to the team!

The second thing that impressed me was that I saw a mature, patient, persevering German team that would never give up until the last one!

Brazil ’s tactics in this game are conservative. Perhaps we can even say that it is extremely ugly. Scolari has never advertised that he is an artistic head coach. He also takes victory as his only pursuit. , So he does n’t mind what tactics he uses.

After watching the first half, I was worried, I was worried that this German team would collapse? Under such stubborn oppression and persecution by opponents, and under the harassment and influence of the opponent’s non-stop small movements, will there be players who can’t help but get angry?

I am happy, they did not, but used the offensive again and again, with continuous and unremitting efforts, and finally defeated the Brazilian team!

In the interview with the players after the game, I noticed that several players mentioned the locker room. Although we do n’t know what happened in the locker room, we can find something from the players ’words.

Schweinsteiger said that this game has made us more mature, made us more responsible, and more persevering, because we used to be too dependent in the past, just like a child, But after this game, we will all learn to take responsibility bravely, head coach, and share for teammates.

Ram said that during the halftime, many people thought that the game was over, they all started to complain, began to be irritable, but he was used to it, and he did n’t say anything, let us calm down, and let us be right. The second half was full of hope and hunger for victory!

I met Barak after the game, I smiled and asked the former national team captain, what happened in the locker room?

Ballack answered me with a smile, nothing!

I want to beat him, but I ca n’t, because maybe nothing really happened, or maybe it ’s just this group of young players who have completed a mature transformation in an instant, as if a man was easily born in his own child Only then did I suddenly realize that I should assume more and more important responsibilities.

But there is no doubt that I clearly feel that Yang Cheng’s team is constantly changing.

If, before the European Cup in 2012, Yang Cheng still had great hopes that the German team could play a hearty offense, then the first European Cup loss to Spain made Yang Cheng clearly aware of this hope It is based on the castle in the air, so he gave up the unrealistic delusions and chose a defensive counter-attack tactic that is more in line with the national conditions of German football.

Open active anti-reverse, this is a set of tactics tailor-made for the German team by Yang Cheng. After that, the tactical style of the German team has undergone earth-shaking changes, and has stood out from the dead group all the way. By the time it reached the finals and finally defeated Spain, the idea of ​​fan-shaped defense caused a huge response in the football world.

Even if the European Cup final is now, it is still regarded by countless head coaches as a classic matchup that changed the concept of football defense. The defensive system played by the German team in this game has been learned and learned by countless people.

But now, we can clearly see that on the premise of stable defense, the German team is further strengthening the team’s offensive cooperation and tactics, diagonal offense, high penetration penetration. The sideline advances forward and the German team’s offensive routines are constantly improving and changing.

I have a data on hand. In the current Confederations Cup, the German team shot 59.4% in the penalty area, which proves that the German team’s more pursuit is to complete the last shot in the penalty area. This also This made them the first team with 8 field goal percentages, higher than Spain.

Also, if we analyze the data by taking the ball forward as a data. The German team has so far ranked first in all teams with 56 forwards, and their 64.5% success rate is also the first in all teams, with 27 successful long passes. Also the first.

I do n’t know how to describe such a team, the defense is unbreakable, the offense is very changeable, full of treacherous, unpredictable, but I can be sure that this German team is definitely better than the one that won the European Cup. A German team is stronger and more frightening!

Fifteen years ago, the youth training program launched by Yang Cheng in Germany had just begun to be implemented, even if it included Yang Cheng and Beckenbauer. Unexpectedly, German football will rapidly emerge with this massive reform, and the style will gradually get lost.

15 years later, it was Yang Cheng who led this national team again. Having won the European Cup, laid the foundation for the strong team, and now leads the team to show amazing progress and strength in the Confederations Cup, showing a new style of German football.

All this is caused by the unremitting efforts of all German footballers in the past 15 years. It is also the past 15 years of Yang Cheng ’s non-stop supervision and reminder of German football. In the past few years, Yang Cheng led the national team Always stick to your own path, constantly improving and enhancing the results of your own strength.

In 2010, after Yang Cheng took charge of the national team, he stated that he would hit the World Cup champion in 2014!

3 years later, we see hope!

Perseverance has created the prosperity of German football, and will inevitably create a great revival of German football after that!

And Yang Cheng, regardless of whether he can win the Confederations Cup, whether he can lead the team to the World Cup next, he will leave a strong stroke in the history of German football and become Germany The greatest in the history of football and the coach with the most far-reaching influence on German football … This comment on the front page of the photo newspaper has caused great reactions in German football and the world.

Perhaps many people feel that the German team is dull to play Brazil, but there are also many people. From this game, they have seen the transformation of the German team. At least this team is in a strong dialogue for the first time. People see hope, people feel confidence.

It is a pity that Yang Cheng, who was in Brazil, did not watch this report. After leading the game with El Salvador and playing with Brazil, Barak and Paul Bayer took the team back to São Paulo for training , And he went north to Recife with Benitez to watch the match between Côte d’ Ivoire and Uruguay.

Veteran Drogba fought, because this may be his last competition, but unfortunately, Uruguay is better, and finally with the goals of Cavani and Suarez, 2: 1 eliminated Côte d’ Ivoire, smoothly Out of the group.

In this way, the semi-final matchup list came out, Brazil met Spain, Germany encountered Uruguay.

After finishing all the group matches on the 23rd, the first semi-final will be played on the evening of the 26th. The German team is fortunate than Uruguay, because they play one day earlier, they can get an extra day of rest, and the game will be in Belo Orizante.

“I didn’t expect to go around. Our opponent is Uruguay!” After watching the game, Yang Cheng shook his head with a smile when he returned, because Germany and Uruguay played a warm-up match before the game.

But frankly. This warm-up game is of little significance to the tactical investigation of both sides, because no one is doing their best in the warm-up game, and everyone is using this warm-up game to run in the team and adjust the state, so the two teams in the warm-up game The performance is useless, the key is to look at the performance of the two sides in the official competition of the Confederations Cup.

“After I go back, let the think tank send the report immediately!” Benitez nodded.

Fight Brazil. When the German team faced Hulk ’s free kick, the reason why Di Palma immediately proposed that the wall be placed higher, and there is no gap, these are the data provided by the think tank before the game They found that Hulk was not good at this kind of high arc free kick, and they all won by vigorous volley.

In this case, the German team’s human wall and defense were arranged in a targeted manner, and it really blocked Hulk’s free kick.

sometimes. The result of the game is to accumulate a lot of details in the process, and finally build up.

“The three forwards of the Uruguay team are all outstanding. The trident Yu Wei is still there!” Yang Cheng said with envy.

Fran, Cavani and Suarez, these three strikers are very good at attacking, cooperate with each other in place, and have strong scoring ability and personal ability, which has undoubtedly become the sharpest weapon in the Uruguay team.

In contrast to the current situation of the German team, the strikers are Klose and Gomez, the latter of which is not in line with Yang Cheng’s tactics, which has to be said to be a big regret, and Klose is now also an old age Put it.

If Yang Cheng could have a Cavani in his hands at this time, he was convinced. The offensive of the German team will be higher than now, and the glory period of the German team will be longer.

Cavani’s forward is full-fledged, tall and tall, but has a fast speed, a large range of activities, and a wide deterrent area for shooting. He is **** his feet, but comprehensive in technology. Whether he is turning as a center’s back to turn the ball or inserting a forward point, he is competent, and his pull and running are active and anti-robbing on the spot is also excellent.

Such a forward is of great help to any team’s offense, especially for a team that lacks a forward, such as the German team. Unfortunately, Yang Cheng can’t use it now. What a pity!

“Did you find that Uruguay’s midfield organization is not the same, the more forward the ball is to rely on the striker to withdraw the midfield to complete!” Benitez asked Yang Cheng after thinking about it.

Yang Cheng nodded, “This is natural, there is no way to pass the ball in the midfield. There are only two options. The full-back forward inserts the ball and pushes the ball forward, just like Chelsea let Ashley? , Or take the striker to retreat to the midfield and connect the offensive and advancing lines of the midfield and frontcourt. “

After listening, Benitez smiled slightly, looked at Yang Cheng, said nothing, and said nothing.

Walking the full-back forward and inserting assists, to some extent, is equivalent to adding some hidden dangers to the back line. Uruguay refuses to take this route and does not have a suitable full-back, but takes the forward to retreat because of Uruguay ’s three. Famous strikers all have strong strength, so they can do it.

Actually the same sentence, first ensure the quality and firmness of the defense, then consider the offense!

Cavani has a wide range of activities, ample physical strength, and strong tactical execution. Such a forward is a bit like the Kuyt of the Netherlands, or the Oric at Bayern in the past, all of which belong to this type of tandem type. Players are also very useful.

But such tactics also have big problems. One important thing is that taking the forward to retreat to the midfield, under ideal conditions, can indeed play a good role, but once the player on the forward is in a bad state Good, he may cause the team to be passive across the board.

Cavani is in a bad state, Uruguay’s ball progress is problematic, and Fran and Suarez are in a bad state, which directly causes insufficient pressure on the restricted area, and may also cause chain problems.

This set of tridents in Uruguay is indeed outstanding. The set of tactical systems created by Tabares, to a certain extent, created the 2011 Uruguayan completion of a hegemony in South America, but I have to mention By the way, Fran is 34 years old and has already lived up to the courage of those years. In addition, the ball has played very little in the past few years, and his state has always been a big hidden danger.

When playing Spain, Uruguay was already passive. It was because Spain strangled Uruguay ’s ball and pushed Uruguay to a strong midfielder. Finally, it crushed Uruguay. Now it encounters Germany again. Yang Cheng It is also very confident to win Uruguay.

In the final analysis, there is a big difference between the strong team and the weak team.

The strong team has a rich talent pool, can combine different tactics, and can also play the power of the strong team, but the weak team is different, and the weak team has finally assembled a set of teams that is enough to challenge and rival the strong team. By the way, once the problem is encountered again, or it is contained, it is almost the same.

But in any case, Yang Cheng and admire Tabarez, at least this coach can face Uruguay’s current disadvantages, combine and piece together such a team, and bring Uruguay to the status of South American hegemony. With this in mind, it is worth Yang Cheng’s thumbs up to Tabares.

Of course, admiration is only under the court, in my heart, on the football field, Yang Cheng will do everything possible to defeat Uruguay! (To be continued)

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