Summoning Went Wrong

Chapter 11. Bones and Burns

Joseph POV:


A week has passed since we killed the demon. During this time, a lot has happened.

Selma has woken up a day after the fight, without remembering what happened to her.

She and Belda have decided to stay with me, each one of them occupied with their own thing.

Even if she was still recuperating, Selma wanted to help people convert to the Goddess's religion. She has already created something that is really reminding me of a cult for some reason.

Belda on the other hand stayed in her room with the book she has taken from the carapace of the monster and only coming out only to eat or shower. She was in a state of being that when someone was trying to talk to her, she glared at the said person with a look that could almost kill. And for a mage at her level, the threat was real.

I was working with the duke and his assistant, to come up with a way that can make the slums into a more habitable environment. I proposed a place similar to a guild that can give them odd jobs, similar to what low-ranking adventures do. My plan was quickly accepted by the duke and he has already started the constructions on the same field where I fought with the demon.

I even discovered the existence of a criminal organization that was controlling the citizens of this city, thanks to a kind yet extremely hyperactive guard, who was after them for a while. With her and some other guards, we busted some of their stanches and captured a lot of people.

Right now, I was in the room reserved for me, waiting for the crystal ball on my desk to work.

It is the newest way of communication, that supposedly utilizes the mana in the air to send messages to one other. The royal version on the other hand is able to make real-time communication possible while being able to see each other. A cutting-edge technology, revolutionizing the world of communication.

Or so it should be, but this piece of junk doesn’t work at all. Everybody knows that the warriors cant use magical objects, because of our little mana reserves. Even with a mana stone at hand making these things work is a nightmare.

In other circumstances, I would as a magician to help me make this thing work, but thanks to the new security procedure. After the terrorist attack 3 years ago, all communication via crystals must be done by a person whose mana has been registered by the crown.

“Why didn’t we just use letters."

The crystal finally lit up and a transparent square appeared above it. The image inside of the square was flue at first, but It became clearer, till I could see the face of the king.

“Father.” I bowed down in front of him, as per the etiquette dictate’s it.

“Please stand back up my son. You have done something exceptional.” I raised my head to see my father's smile. “Not only did you killed the monster that was lurking in the shadows, but you even discovered a criminal organization in this city, bringing a great service to this city. Tell me my son what is your wish for.”

Hearing the words that were similar to those of the demon’s, made me flinch a little.

“… I and the duke came up with a system that might make the slums a more habitable place. I want to try it out here. I wish to have your benediction on this project.”

“Hmmm, a pretty selfless one. Fine then do as you want to. But known this, some things can't be fixed when broke. There is no shame in falling in some things.”

“… Thank you, father.”

The king nodded and the video was cut.




[Evolution complete]

[All states are operational.]

[User's body in unusable condition.]

[Requesting consciousness reboot]


[Requesting consciousness reboot]


[Requesting consciousness to reboot]

[…Consciousness rebooting…]



I woke up with the world’s sorest body.


Pain everywhere. My limbs and my chest were the worst as if someone ripped them off and reattached them. With a barbwire. That was heated up to 100 C° and then cooled in acid.

....I’m in deep pain.

[Evolution complete]

[New skills received: [Chained Possession] [Lesser Telekinesis] [Mass Absorption]]

[The status board now shoves the passive skills and resistances]

[New physical characteristics have been added.]

[Due to title [Broken Soul] new physical characteristic been created: [Fragmented]]

[You receive 10 additional Skill Point]

What? I was level 3 a minute ago, how the hell did I evolve? Also, in what did I evolved into? No, first thing first, I need to open my eyes I can't see a thing.

Even this small movement was a tremendous effort.

The first thing I saw was a stone ceiling. My vision was blurry and tainted in white color as if I was wearing shaded glasses.

With my vision, my hearing also returned. In the distance, I could hear water flowing so I might be close to a stream.

How did I even get here?

I remember trying to escape from those three when a landslide buried me alive…

Am I still alive? Those the dead still feel pain? If they do, I have to apologize to a lot of monsters.

With more effort I managed to get myself in a sitting position, making me possible to see more of my environment.

I was in a catacomb or something similar to it. There was no light source and the floor was moist.

This has a very familiar feeling to it. Have I been here?

I looked at my body and I almost screamed in fright.

For starters, I was completely white and without a lower body. The part is under my tight was made from a white mist. I continued to look further, and I discovered that my whole body was covered with fissures like a complicated network of spiderwebs. I tried to touch it, but when I moved my arm, it fell apart into pieces that started to float in the air around me.

“What the-“

I panicked and I tried to move away, resulting in more fragments detaching from me.

Before I could notice, I was already in pieces that were floating in mid-air.

“What is happening here!” I could see one of the fragments where a piece of my mouth was speaking with one of my eyes.

“Ok, calm down, don’t panic, close your eyes, and take deep breaths.”

I calmed down and when I opened my eyes, the pieces converged in my direction rebuilding me like a puzzle.

“Ok, stay calm, keep it together.”

I slowly raised my hand. The joints felt into pieces only to be reconstructed again.

I touched my face and detached a fragment that had my left eye on it, helping me see myself.

As I expected, my body was made of a white material that was broken into pieces of variable sizes.

My face looked the same except the horns were missing and it looked more like a realistic sculpture.

Where my eye fragment came off was a hole with its inside made out of the same material as my outside.

My eye went further down my body.

My chest was missing, or to be more precise it was a mess. It was made out of a collection of fragments that just kept on changing their place. From time to time a fragment would leave my body to float away only to return to its original place.

From the mess of fragments, a chain, seemingly made out of glass, was extending, disappearing in the darkness of the tunnel.

I made my eye come back to my head. Then I tried to take a step forward. The sensation was similar to that of a hoverboard that could float, took me a while to get used to it.

Let’s follow this chain, it might lead me outside.

I floated for a while, till I reached a wall.

The chain on my chest went through it.

I put my hand on the wall, only to go through it without any resistance.

“… This will take time to get used to.”

I passed through the wall.

On the other side, there was a river that flew slowly. I hovered above the river when I found something at its shore.

It was a corpse in a horrible condition. It was burned black, completely carbonized, revealing the bones at some places. The head and the shoulder were in the worst condition, with only a few black strands of muscle holding them together. The limbs of the corpse were painfully thin ending in blades, but only one of the legs stayed intact the others were all broken. The chain I was linked to was coming out under the corpse.

Don’t tell me…

“Is this me?”

I am dead? After all my struggle I died like this? I can’t … I…

“I won’t accept this! What have I done wrong?! How did this happen?! Explain it!”

My shouts echoed in the tunnels, without an answer, only adding to my frustration.

“Goddess, you bitch! What have I done against you?! I tried so hard not to be seen by you and this is how you treat me! Screw you! I will not end it like this! I will stay in this city and make you pay even if that’s the last thing I do! You hear me you over-divinified bug!?”

[Title received: [Revenge Driven]]

“Shut up!”

… Wait a minute…


The familiar tablet popped before my eyes.



Name: Desmond ˙(Temporary,)

Race: Stranded Spirit

Age: 16

Job: Alchemist

LV: 1/30

HP: 5/560

MP: 60/540

STR: 30

VIT: 0

SPD: 20

MRES: 30

Skill PT: 510

Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Transparent Body] [Flight] [Intangibility] [Fragmented]

Skills: [Alchemy: LV:5] [Deal Making, LV:3] [Wish Granting, LV:2] [Mapping, LV:1] [ Appraisal,LV:2] [Mind Palace, LV:1] [Slave Mark, LV:1] [Familiar Summon, LV:5] [Chained Possession, LV: 1] [Lesser Telekinesis, LV:1]

Passive skills: [Herbology; LV:1] [Sweet Talk, Lv:5] [Speed Healing, LV:1] [Mass Absorption, LV:1] [Midas’s touch]

Resistances: [Poison] [Fire]

Curses: [Iophobia] [Holy Burn]

Unique Skills: [Body Physic Manipulation] [Harvest]

Titles: [Broken Soul] [Novice Summoner] [Heretic] [Cursed Book Owner] [Revenge Driven]



So, I still have all my abilities. But what is with these states? The HP and MP are ridiculously high while the others are so low. The vitality is 0! 0! How is that even possible?

“Show race!”




[Stranded Spirit]

Treat level: E

Description: When a monster at the brink of evolution is dying, it might transform into this rare being. Their soul is bound to their rotting flesh that they can control like a puppet. By consuming other living beings’ bodies, they are able to slowly heal their own, resembling more and more to their former selves. If they ate enough when they evolve, they might be able to live once again.

Most compatible magic: necromancy, spiritual magic




So, I can turn back if I eat enough! Oh, count on me I will have a feat when I get out of here!

“Show new skills and titles!”






[Chained Possession]: Your soul is linked to your body by the chain of life. You may possess other bodies and objects, but beware that when you are possessing something your body is vulnerable.

[Lesser Telekinesis]: You can levitate small objects with your mind.


Passive skills:

[Speed Healing]: The highest form of healing. It can heal deadly wounds, but unable to grow back lost limbs.

[Midas’s touch]: a curse than a skill. By making physical contact with an object it will transform it into something else. Each material has its own transformation.

[Mass Absorption]: by eating flesh you can heal a percentage of your body.



[Poison]: - 50% damage made by poison.

[Fire]: -50% damage made by fire.



[Iophobia]: +10% damage received by arrows. Also, the cursed will experience a deep fear and hatred from arrows.

[Holy Burn]: Your body and soul will slowly burn away into nothingness by the will of the Goddess. Remaining time: 24 days



[Revenge Driven]: When faced with the person the user hated the most all states will increase by 10%




“… I am fucked.”

Not only did they turn me into this thing, but they even put a curse into me to kill me if I survive!

Argh, why?!

“Why did, those , sunofffudfdduhfzndfsdAAAAAAHHHHHHH!(This is not a spelling mistake, the character is too angry to talk.)

I tried to punch something, but everything went through my body as if it was a hologram. My body yet again fell into pieces that started to float in the air, but I was too angry to even notice.

I just lost everything! My life, my humanity, my money… the book! There might be a way for me to turn back faster in it!

I looked around the shore, but there was only garbage around.

“Shit, it must have been lost during the fight!”

Seriously, I need to find that thing! Not only it contains knowledge that I want, but also it was mine. I will take it back what is mine!

My title as the owner hasn’t changed yet, meaning that no one has written their own name into it. I need to find it and fast.

I took a deep breath, waiting for the fragments to reconstruct my body, and turned to my former body.

Seriously what have they done to me to look like this? My head is literally a skull! Did they used acid or something?!

Not only that, but it was also bashed in, showing the contents inside!

“Well, at least this is proof that I had a brain! Hahahaha! Ahhhh, I’m so broken right now. “

I cleansed my fists, which crumbled into pieces that started to float in the air.

I come closer to my body and touched it.

My hand went through my body and I felt it dissolved in it.

I tried to make a fist.

The body shake and the right leg kicked the air.

“Okay then let’s try this.”

I used the chain to climb inside my body, disappearing in it completely.

Slowly, the charkhas started to stand back up. I couldn’t maintain my balance with the broken blades as limbs, so I decided to go quadrupedal for now, till I get used to it.

I couldn’t see a thing inside, due to the lack of eyes, so I did the following.

I let half of my body inside of the corps, while my head and shoulders came out of its mutilated back, giving me a very scary appearance. I took a few steps to get used to my current body. With one of the blades longer than the other, this gave me quite a unique way of moving. The closest thing I could think of was a sloth on the ground.


…. Something just fell off.

Oh, gods are those…? Ugh, I’m feeling sick!

This answers the day's old question: Ghosts do feel sick.

“…Let's just keep going, I probably don’t need those anymore. Probably. Gods, I hate this already.”

With one of my blades, I touched a wooden plank. Where I made contact, a black mark spread through the wood, turning it completely black and rock-like.

I went closer with my ghost body to inspect it.

“Is this… coal?”

Did I turn wood into coal? Is this the effect of [Midas’s Touch]? I can turn things into coal?

I looked around looking for something that I could test on.

I took another step towards a glass bottle when I realized something. Each time I took a step the ground under my front “blades” turned into sand.

“Oh shit, this is great! Just what I need!”

With as big steps as I could make and with as little physical contact, I could make with the ground I went near to the bottle and I touched it gently with one of my blades.

The bottle shook a little, before slowly melting before my eyes like ice, becoming a small pool of clear liquid.

“Well, this proves it. I can turn things into various things. I wonder what I need to touch to get gold and… wait, what about food? I need food to heal myself and evolve safely. Do I transform it into something that I cannot eat? …. No, I can use [Body Physic Manipulation] on myself, but I wonder if that counts as being healed? I should at least try it out who knows if it will work.

“[Body Physic Manipulation].”




[Activating Unique sill [Body Physic Manipulation]]


[Unique skill [Body Physic Manipulation] been restricted by system]

[Skill [Midas’s Touch] is set on overdrive.]

[Overriding system…]

[Overwrite refused.]

[Further attempts will result in disconnection of consciousness!]





… Nothing happened.

[[Body Physic Manipulation] is currently showing malfunctions]

“Can something go easy for a once?!”

Leaving it as it was, I shifted my objective to another thing. In the distance, I could hear various sounds around me. Water flowing, debris colliding into each other, and rats. A lot of rats.

“…It’s time to let out some steam.”

I started to walk as slow as I could, trying not to make a noise.

Soon I found prey. It was a brown rat the size of a small cat. It was back to me, so it didn’t notice me. With the agility of a cat, I jumped forward and I lashed on it. Trying not to touch it with my front claws I bitt with my sharp teethes and I swallowed half of it, without mushing it.

… Ugh, the texture is horrible, I am so glad I have no taste buds!

I benched forward and I swallowed the rest in a bird-like manner.

[Target too weak to receive Exp]

To where the food went in my thin body was a complete mystery for me.

A pleasantly hot feeling started to spread from my stomach, enveloping my whole body.

It lasted for a couple of seconds before I returned to normal.

Do zombies feel like this when they eat someone? If so then I learned something very interesting, without meaning to.

“I will need more than this.”

I returned into predator mode and searched for another target. I found another one eating something at a cross-section. Like before, I jumped forward and I bite its head off.

[Target is too weak to receive Exp]

“Sigh, I will need to find something slightly stronger to get some Exp.”

I looked around to find something to eat.

Then I heard a noise behind me. Something not happy.

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