Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 42 - (one)

The mayor may be really poor, but it is a bit exaggerated that he is so poor that he has no money to equip the guards with horses. The team can’t match it, the Cavaliers can always match it. If you really can’t go out into the wild to catch some monsters that can be used as mounts, there is no problem, so everyone has to rely on their feet to travel.

It seems that there is only one possibility – the NPC and the player are the same, because the riding system has not been opened at level 20, so not only the player can’t ride, but also the NPC. Then push it backwards, as long as you can find an NPC with a mount, you can determine the open level of the mount system according to the level of the other party.

Ye Xu silently praised himself, he is really a clever little ghost, and he has already figured out the routine of Goubi’s plan.

Because the guard’s advance was too slow, Ye Xu didn’t want to wait any longer after following him for a while. He let Tangtang hurry on the road at full speed, he went over to brush some mobs on the periphery, and when the guards arrived, he would break the blockade and enter the camp with them. This will increase efficiency, at least without wasting time on the road as it is now.

Before long, he arrived at the mission destination. Over a small hillside, you can see thousands of undead monsters ahead, and the camp surrounded by them is really small and pitiful, and it is very unbelievable that it can last until now.

Ye Xu looked around and couldn’t find a suitable place for the group of monsters. The only suitable place was the high wall in the camp. It’s a pity that Ye Xu hasn’t learned the flashing skill yet, otherwise he can charge flashing, and three teleports will be enough for him to reach the wall.

Now visually measure the distance from the periphery to the high wall, at least forty-five yards. And even if he came to the corner of the wall, he couldn’t climb up the wall.

It seems that he can only honestly pick up the leaks from the periphery. Ye Xu thought about it, and did not come down from the hillside at all, but found a tall rock and climbed up. After that, he asked Xiaoling to attract the monsters to see if he could attract a few more undead monsters.

Most of the undead who attacked the city were the lowest undead warriors, and only a few dozen necromancers were scattered in the strange group. So if the monsters came over, Ye Xu could drop his skills condescendingly, and those undead warriors couldn’t hit him at all.

The only trouble now is that it is not clear whether these undead monsters can be attracted. If they didn’t want to leave too far, Ye Xu would have to fly a kite.

He is about the same speed as the undead monster. As long as the distance is large enough at the beginning, there is no need to worry about being caught up later. Moreover, the thunderstorm has a paralysis effect, and the monsters within 5 yards of the thunderball will be affected, and there is no upper limit. It is impossible for Ye Xu to attract a lot of monsters at once, so one thunderstorm should be enough.

The shackles of ice and the paralysis of thunderstorms are actually deceleration effects, but one is a single deceleration, and the other is a group deceleration. Moreover, the duration of the paralysis is short, which can cause group slowdowns, and the shackles of ice have a long duration and can only attack a single target.

Xiaoling maintained a certain height and flew towards the group of undead monsters, and when it was 10 yards away, he threw a group attack skill Soul Storm into it. This is a 10×10 range attack skill, which attracts a large number of monsters at once. Because Ye Xu hadn’t come down from the boulder, the more monsters he could attract at the moment, the better, regardless of the 5-yard range of the thunderstorm.

After a while, Xiaoling really flew over with a lot of undead monsters.

However, when they were about to arrive, 80% of the undead monsters chose to withdraw, even if Ye Xu threw a thunderstorm on his body and refused to approach, it seems that this place has indeed exceeded their gambling limit. The remaining 20% ​​may be because of the relationship that stood at the outermost periphery from the beginning, and did not leave, it is still in their pursuit area.

Ye Xu cooperated with the summons to quickly kill the 20% of the undead monsters. After that, he thought for a while and asked Xiaoling to lead the monster just now.

He thought that when the time comes, let Xiaoling stop at the farthest position of the monster’s activity, so that the monster will always be hung on the edge. And this edge is within 20 yards of Ye Xu’s attack, can’t he continue to spawn monsters? Anyway, as long as Xiaoling doesn’t fly out of this distance, the monster will not give up and leave.

However, in actual operation, Ye Xu found that there would still be some small situations, such as sometimes taking the position of the first hatred. At this time, the monster will turn to look at Ye Xu, run two steps in his direction, and then find that the distance is too far, so he empties his hatred for him, and finally chooses to turn back.

Fortunately, when passing by Xiaoling, it will find that the former second hatred, now the first hatred Xiaoling is in its attack area, and then stop abruptly, continue to hold the sword that can’t reach the butterfly, incompetently furious, hacking and slashing. Air.

Ye Xu thought to himself, isn’t this really a bug? In a game he played before, once the player ran out of the distance, the monster would leave without looking back. It would be useless if you turned around and chased back to the area to hit it. It would never stop and attack halfway through. . Until you return to your original position, you will accumulate hatred again and run after you.

In this way, players can’t use the card’s farthest way to safely group monsters. You have to run around with the monsters, and once the hatred of the monsters is cleared, the blood volume will return to full, and it was a waste of time before.

In short, regardless of whether it is a bug or not, this time Ye Xu will not give feedback to the GM.

His last feedback was mainly because he felt that his skill usage cycle could be shortened after the feedback, which was beneficial to him, so he was willing to report it. As for the fact that there is no way to take advantage of this after the bug is fixed and the player pks, he doesn’t care. After all, he is not a pvp player, but a pve player. After the modification, it is more meaningful for him to help the pve gameplay.

This time is different. After this change, he won’t get any benefit. Discovering this now will at least allow him to safely swarm monsters even if the terrain is not suitable in the future, instead of struggling to find monsters next to favorable terrain. After all, there is no available terrain around most of the monsters, and it is quite troublesome for mages to swarm.

As for the reward for finding bugs… You can also see that the earth-colored candy has turned into green candy. Although it looks a lot better and can be used as a mount, Ye Xu feels that such benefits are not enough for him to report bugs. just forget it.

Ye Xu and Xiaoling worked together to calculate the furthest distance of these undead monsters. Maybe because they are monsters that came halfway, there is no big map area limit, the longest distance of each monster is 50 yards away from the original location, so you should pay special attention to distance control when pulling monsters.

Xiaoling can pull monsters in a 10×10 area at a time, so it must stop 40 yards from the outermost monster, otherwise the innermost monster will turn around and run away. Fortunately, Ye Xu’s attack range was 20 yards. He could stand at 55 yards and attack. The outermost monsters in this position could not reach him, but he could easily hit a large number of monsters. When the outermost group has fallen, he will move forward a few yards to continue outputting, and he can attack the monsters inside without worrying about being chased by the monsters inside.

After several attempts back and forth, Ye Xu decided that this move was feasible, and Ye Xu let go of his hand to spawn monsters. By the time the guards arrived late, Ye Xu had already killed a lot of mobs, and I believed that even if they didn’t come, Ye Xu would be able to clean up slowly.

So Ye Xu now sees the guards’ eyes are very bad, and thinks that these guys are “grabbing monsters”.

No way, you have to endure. Ye Xu quickly seized the opportunity to infiltrate the guards and followed them to the front of the camp. The people inside finally waited for reinforcements to arrive, and weeping with joy, they opened the door to welcome everyone entering. When the last person entered, all the mages threw a group attack at the door, successfully blocking the undead monsters who wanted to follow.

Ye Xu didn’t care about these NPCs’ reminiscences, and directly climbed up the high wall, and began to rely on the geographical advantage to stand up for output. It’s really cool to run around without calculating the distance, but it’s a pity that you can’t pick up the drops on the ground.

Most of the guards they came to support were long-range, and the number of melee combat was relatively small. At this moment, the melee warriors have no room to play, and can only follow the city wall to serve as a meat shield for the remote ones, and withstand the occasional attack of the necromancer from the monster group.

Of course, no one here helps Ye Xu, but he doesn’t need it either.

He let Xiaoling fly along the wall, constantly throwing off the group attack skills, so that every monster hit by the NPC could touch it. Tangtang is also, relying on the prevention of high blood and thick blood, using Taishan to hit the top can hit four targets at one time, which is better than nothing. Shadow can only attack alone. Fortunately, he is fast and can attack three targets in one second. It is not easy to be beaten among the monsters.

Ye Xu himself stood on a city wall and threw thunderstorms alternately in front of the left, right and right. This area of ​​his does not need the help of summoned creatures to output, and he can basically touch all the monsters in the vicinity by himself.

I have to say that in such a place where monsters are dense, sputtering is really a magical skill. It is not like some group attack skills that stipulate the maximum number of targets that can be attacked at the same time, anyway, those within the range will definitely be affected by the splash. Unfortunately, splashes are mostly attributes attached to melee weapons, and it is difficult for long-range players to encounter them.

Thunderstorm can deal 200% attack damage, and its splash damage within five yards is only reduced by 50% on this basis, so even splashes can cause 100% of Ye Xu’s attack damage. Relying on this, Ye Xu often grabbed the first position in dps in various teams before, and now he also compares the surrounding mages who lost group attacks to scum.

Ye Xu clearly felt that although the surrounding mages were of a higher level than him, their professional rank was higher than him, and their attack damage hung him, the number of targets they attacked was not as many as he was, and the cooldown time of their skills was too long. Many times, they have to keep throwing single attacks in the gap between group attacks, which is very hard.

Obviously, in the early stage of the game, not only players rarely get powerful group attack skills, but even NPCs. However, NPCs are at least a little better than players. They can do a group attack, but players can’t. At this stage, the number of players with group attack is less than 5%, even if their group attack skills are very tasteless.

Thinking that the quest that exploded the thunderstorm was an incidental to his first boss kill in Novice Village, Ye Xu felt that maybe the quest rewards related to the first kill would be very rich. It’s a pity that he never encountered similar skills again, so he could only try to grab a copy for the first kill.

Now everyone is still hanging out in a large number of small towns, and the competition for the first kill of the dungeon in each town is not particularly fierce. When he went to the main city in the future, the first kill would be difficult to get, so he had to seize the opportunity.

As Ye Xu thought about it, he quickly lost his skills. When the thunderstorm cools down, you will lose the light blade and fire dragon technique. Anyway, don’t read the article, just throw it all over the place.

It’s really cool to play games that don’t need to grab people’s heads. It’s full of monsters, and if you close your eyes and lose skills, you won’t be smashed. It’s very suitable for fishing. Ye Xu yawned, but finally failed to resist the temptation and quietly opened the game forum.

I’m tired of watching variety shows recently, so I’d better use the forum’s 818 for a change.

As soon as I opened the forum, I saw a blood-red hot post floating on the homepage, and the reply thread has been more than ten pages. Generally speaking, a post in a forum can have N pages of replies, and there are only four possible situations.

The first is that the father said that the public is reasonable, and the mother said that the mother is reasonable, and the people who eat melons are so arguing that no one can persuade anyone;

The second is that the post involves people with a huge fan base, and one reply from one fan is enough to kill the page;

Third, the content in the post has undergone a shocking reversal or even multiple reversals, and the plot has ups and downs;

Fourth, there is a mad dog in the party or the people who eat melons who will not let go, and keep replying and tearing at everyone. The number of replies sent by one person can account for half of the total number of floors.

No matter what the situation is, for a pure passerby like Ye Xu who is completely out of the way, it is a good melon that cannot be missed. So Ye Xu didn’t think about it, just clicked in, and then had time to carefully check the title.

“Wild bosses are for grabs, if you can’t stand it, don’t play online games and go home with your single-player playing cards! @Liuquan Town a stupid woman”

Ye Xu: Oh.

It was actually what happened in their town! Ye Xu was instantly refreshed, his yawns stopped, and he continued to look down with burning eyes.

It turned out that the landlord upgraded in a strange area yesterday afternoon. Later, a wild boss was suddenly spawned nearby, and the landlord hurried over there. But it is a pity that someone has already taken the lead, and the other party and the boss are fighting hard.

However, the landlord thinks that wild bosses are meant to be grabbed by players. If they are not allowed to grab them, why would they design wild bosses, and it would be over if they were changed to dungeons. So he rushed out without any psychological burden, killed the player who was fighting the boss, and stole the opponent’s boss.

As a result, this incident stabbed a hornet’s nest, and I don’t know where a female player appeared, with a very high justice value, and I couldn’t stand his behavior of robbing the boss. Not only did he kill him directly, but he also stepped on his body and abused him for ten minutes, which made him very angry, so he rushed to post and blamed the other party.

Because robbing bosses in the game is a routine operation, generally speaking, it will not rise to an attack on character, so the landlord cannot accept the opponent’s condemnation at all. He felt that the female player was simply a Taoist priest. What kind of online games did she play when she saw injustice, and each circle had its own unspoken rules. Why would she take it for granted and force everyone to be as “virtuous” as her.

It’s a pity that the landlord doesn’t know the game nickname of the female player, so even if he posts, he can’t be accurate. What’s worse is that he forgot to take a screenshot of the man’s appearance, so he can only describe it in words. Said that the other party looks pretty good, I don’t know if he has raised his appearance, his temper is particularly bad, and his profession is an archer.

Ye Xu always felt a little familiar when looking at this description, but he thought it wouldn’t be so coincidental, so he didn’t feel relieved.

In the following replies, most of the people who eat melons belonged to the owner of the station at first, because the owner posted a few screenshots of chats from nearby channels, all of which are female players accusing him of being unkind to rob the boss, and also said that he would see it next time. The landlord grabs the boss and fights it once. In fact, in holographic online games, everyone is used to speaking directly instead of typing, but what you say in a nearby channel will be automatically recognized by the system as text and published in the chat box, so the landlord can get screenshots.

With the pictures as evidence, the landlord can easily gain the support of some people, and think that the female player is really too much. She can’t bear to grab the boss, but it is not good to raise the game behavior to the character. After all, among the game veterans who often play large-scale online games, there are a few who haven’t grabbed the wild map boss. According to her, everyone has a personality problem.

However, there are also a few people who feel that the screenshots of the landlord are too one-sided, as if they deliberately intercepted some of them out of context. However, the landlord ignored these questioning players, and kept replying to other people’s replies, drowning their comments in the vast replies, resulting in no splash.

Some people agree and some people oppose it. Although the righteous person is late, a small group of players with firm stance appeared in the post. They feel that it is wrong to rob the boss. What’s wrong with the girl. What’s the reason why you are not allowed to be scolded by others, the world is your mother? Does everyone rob the boss to prove that everyone is right? No matter how many people do a wrong act, it is still wrong. If you do it, you must be prepared to be scolded.

Arguing here, it is inevitable that there will be a quarrel.

Although the number of righteous players is relatively small, they can’t help but feel that they are justifiable and their counterattacks are particularly fierce. Even in the face of a large number of enemies with opposite positions, they still tear up and do not fall behind. The two sides were torn for three hours until one of the parties involved in the incident spoke up.

This party is not the female player who was hung up, but the poor little guy who was robbed of the boss at the beginning. In the landlord’s description, he gently took the matter of robbing the boss, and many details were not explained clearly, but Xiaopoi restored the whole thing without concealing it at all.

[Millennium Song]: I am the unlucky person who was robbed of the boss at the beginning, and things are not as simple as the landlord said!

He said that he had almost killed the boss, and when he first started to beat the boss, he felt as if someone was secretly watching. He was a little worried that others would grab the boss, so he sent a message to his friend, the female player, asking for support, because he remembered that the other party happened to be leveling in a nearby map.

As a result, the other party had an accident on the way, was stumbled, and failed to arrive in time. Millennium Yige had already beaten the boss to the point of crippling blood. He thought he could save the boss without the help of his friends, but at this moment, the landlord jumped out and attacked him.

At that time, he didn’t have much blood left, so he was caught off guard by a sneak attack with a combo, and he died immediately. Then the landlord took over the boss with residual blood and killed the boss.

Because he just died, Millennium Yige didn’t go to resurrection directly, so he happened to see the scene of the landlord going crazy and cursing people. It seems that the landlord never went to the official website to check the boss’s distribution mechanism before, nor did he beat the wild boss. After robbing the boss, he found that the income was not as much as he expected, and he was so angry that he cursed his mother.

As I said before, the allocation mechanism of “Lingyuan” is completely based on labor, and the amount of damage caused to the boss can get as much experience as possible. The landlord won’t get much experience if he grabs a remnant blood monster. It’s meaningless to grab this last blow. Moreover, the boss’s drops are allocated to the team with the highest contribution value by default, so the landlord has no right to pick up the treasure chest.

On the contrary, it was Millennium Yige, who successfully used the treasure chest in his soul state and took away the boss’s drop. The landlord was furious when he saw this scene, said a lot of dirty words, and scolded all the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the thousand-year-old song. Thousands of years are not good at singing, but he can’t speak in his soul state, he can only type, and he is not very good at swearing, so he was crushed all the way.

Having said that, he also attached a few long screenshots, and it can be seen from the time that he did not intentionally miss a few words. The landlord scolding people is indeed quite dirty, and the screen is full of blocked words.

In the screenshot of the landlord, there is no female player’s game nickname at all, it is all the nickname of [female archer]. In the screenshot of Millennium Yige, the nickname of the landlord is directly displayed, but Millennium Yige thoughtfully put a mosaic on the other party.

Only then did the people who eat melon realize a strange question: Why can’t the landlord see the game ID of the female player?

In “Lingyuan”, players do not have IDs on their heads. Only by adding friends or forming a team can they see the ID name from the corresponding interface. In addition, if A takes the initiative to attack B, then B can see who maliciously attacked him, but A who strikes first can’t see B’s name; even if A strikes first is killed by B, he can’t see it either. What is the name of the person who kills him, because he “reasoned a loss”.

In addition, the person who strikes first will become a gray name that lasts for 1 minute. After killing a non-gray name and a non-red name player, it will turn into a red name, while the attacked person or others attacking the gray name and the red name will not. something. Therefore, many people will deliberately lure others to act first, so that they can fight back casually.

But from the narrative point of view of the landlord, he has been implying that the female player is not taking care of others, as if from the beginning, she had nothing to do to beat people. But if the other party moved first, then the landlord should be able to see her ID. I can’t see it now, it can only prove that the landlord maliciously misled everyone. In fact, the landlord himself did it first. The female player and Qian Yige both fought back in self-defense.

Because of this, I believe that there are many more people who have been singing for thousands of years. Everyone slowly began to discover various loopholes in the landlord’s description, and the questions that had been ignored before were also called out, but at this time the landlord has begun to pretend not to reply.

Millennium Yige didn’t stop there, he continued to talk, because he hadn’t talked about the key points. His friend went to sleep and didn’t know about it at all, and he had to help her prove her innocence before she woke up.

[Millennium Yige]: Because I couldn’t scold the landlord, and I was very angry, I sent the screenshot to my friend and asked her to teach me a lesson from this stinky guy. My friend was also very angry when he saw the screenshot, and promised to help me kill him, so I waited at ease, not in a hurry to resurrect.

Then, he witnessed his friend hurriedly arrive, and happened to hear the landlord still cursing. The female player immediately scolded back and told him to keep his mouth shut. The landlord didn’t get the boss’s experience and drops, and he was in a very bad mood. When he encountered a female player who contradicted him, it exploded immediately.

Then ten seconds later he lay beside Millennium Yige, dying even more miserably than Millennium Yige. In order to vent her anger for her friend, the female player stepped on his corpse and scolded him like him, but she used a lot of elegant words, at least not full of genitals.

Because it was caused by robbing the boss at the beginning, and the experience distribution setting of “Lingyuan” is obviously to prevent some players from getting something for nothing, and deliberately wait for others to beat the boss to the residual blood and then grab the spoils. Since it is a behavior that is not approved by the official, even if it is the default unspoken rule of the game industry, at least in “Lingyuan”, it is not worth promoting. The female player used this to attack the landlord, warning him not to do such thankless stupid things again in the future, and don’t think that you can steal chickens and dogs without regard to morality in the game.

Millennium Yige posted a screenshot of this paragraph at the same time, filling in the part of the content that was maliciously cut out by the landlord. After watching the whole process, you can basically confirm that what Millennium said by the song is true, and the female players do not have the meaning of map guns saying that all the boss grabbing is a bad character, everything is edited maliciously by the landlord.

There is basically no reversal of the post here, after all, the hammer given by the song for thousands of years is quite solid. What’s more, the landlord himself was cowardly and didn’t dare to play against the line, relying on his forum name not the game ID, and Qian Yige gave him a code again, intending to pretend that nothing happened.

At this time, the post was only 7 pages long, and when Ye Xu read it, the reply was over a dozen pages long. It’s impossible to generate so many pages just relying on everyone’s group ridicule. Ye Xu knew that there must be more salacious operations in the future.

He quickly scrolled down, and in a short while he turned to the inflection point of everyone’s enthusiastic reply-the female player who was hung up this morning finally woke up from her beauty sleep, and found that she had been shown a wave by an idiot, and angrily wrote in the post Declare war with the owner.

[Chu Jifeng]: Hehe, trash, dare to hang me? I’m a jerk, I will kill you every time I see you in the future. If I see you robbing a boss again, I’ll kill the corpse until you go back to the novice village to play eggs! @The son is handsome

People who eat melons: “…” Xie Jie is really irritable.

Hey, why do you feel a little handsome for some reason? !

Ye Xu: “!!!”

The post was forwarded to Mo Bei within three seconds, so that the good brothers could enjoy the **** storm of the grumpy old sister together. To be honest, he didn’t expect that the main character in the post was really the one he met two days ago. In fact, he was more impressed by Jiang Yuexuan, the beautiful actress, and didn’t pay much attention to Chu Jifeng.

With reverence for the eldest sister’s head, Ye Xu scrolled down. Then, in the replies of the melon eaters who shouted that 666 is bloody, and a small group of people accused her of being too cruel, I found the reply of the landlord who pretended to be dead.

After a night of hard work, this time the landlord doesn’t want to be a tortoise anymore. Because Chu Jifeng didn’t save face for him at all, he directly released his game ID Aite. When he didn’t explode his ID, he could still pretend that the years were quiet, but now he has lost all face after the explosion, and directly broke the jar.

He started to catch Chu Jifeng, Millennium Yige, and the melon-eating crowd who were helping them to speak for them, and one person contributed hundreds of replies. He didn’t care whether what the other party said was reasonable or not, anyway, the scolding was over. For a while he scolded them for being unreasonable, and for a while he scolded other people for meddling with their own affairs. He didn’t remember at all that he first tried to use the crowd’s hands to bully others.

Most of the gamers are more enthusiastic. To put it more vulgarly, they have a bad temper and can’t stand being aggrieved. Chu Jifeng was too lazy to deal with the incompetent and furious landlord, but when they were scolded, they would definitely retaliate, so the group of people quarreled with the landlord, and they came out of the tenth floor after arguing, and did nothing else for the whole morning. In the fight.

Ye Xu had no interest in the landlord’s unskilled swear words, and after hesitantly flipped through the pages, he closed the forum after confirming that there were no new reversals. He has not yet opened a post by himself, but he has recovered from the fact that he has eaten a melon from an “acquaintance”. He only feels that the world is really too small.

No, maybe it’s just that there are relatively few influential people in Liuquan Town, and there are not many people who deserve to be posted on the forum. Everything is inevitable by chance.

Over there, Mo Bei read the post much faster than him, and not long after that, he sent Ye Xu a string of exclamation marks. Ye Xu also replied with a series of exclamation marks, and the two were speechless for a long while in the chat box.

In the end, Mo Bei sent a sentence: “I’m losing. Others live so flamboyantly and wanton, but I, a dignified local tyrant, can’t be cowardly. If this is replaced by me being hung up, since I have proved my innocence later, I will definitely not I will go to post again, I wish to sink quickly, things have been painted up in the past.”

He also thought of the fact that he had been caught for eavesdropping and behaved like a quail in front of Chu Jifeng and the others. I didn’t feel it at the time, but looking at it now, there is always a feeling of losing the face of the local tyrant.

Ye Xu also replied: “1.”

They may be the most cowardly RMB players. Well, he is actually better than Mo Bei. After all, he also has a small temper. But he thinks he can’t be as dashing as Chu Jifeng. He will be harsh when he says harsh words, and he will never settle for peace of mind. Even if the dust settles, he still wants to be provocative and make things worse.

Your solution is always your solution, hold and admire any big scene.

In the end, the two of them sent a adoring emoji to Chu Jifeng together, and then, unsurprisingly, they were teased by her backhand. Sure enough, someone who can be friends with that rascal Jiang Yuexuan is not going to be serious at all.

But such an interaction has inexplicably brought the relationship closer. After the chat was over, Mo Bei realized something was wrong.

He asked Ye Xu suspiciously, “Why doesn’t she wonder why I sent her that emoji?”

Ye Xu was a little speechless: “…Because a big guy like her must have received a lot of worship in the morning, she is used to it.”

And even if no one sent it to her, as long as she wasn’t stupid, she could think of what happened recently, that is, the posters on the forum. Then it’s not surprising to speculate that the purpose of their posting is not surprising, after all, not everyone is as silly as Mo Bei.

“Uuuu okay, then, where did you upgrade Xiaoye? Why didn’t you call me together? Am I not your royal baby daddy?” Mo Bei awkwardly changed the subject.

Ye Xu is ruthless and ruthless: “Those who spend money to find someone to train are not allowed to come to me to gain experience for nothing. Is it because I worked so hard to kill monsters to make you prostitute for nothing? Don’t think of using me to save money.”

Mo Bei, who was seen through, had to hire someone obediently. It’s really hard to save some pocket money these days.

After sending Mo Bei away, Ye Xu stopped looking at the forum. Because he was doing two things with one mind, he spent a lot of time browsing the previous post. When he ended the call, he found that there were not many undead monsters left outside the high wall. Ye Xu simply stopped fighting, jumped off the wall and brushed off half of the blood, and then took the time to pick up things in the monster group.

These drops are refreshed after half an hour without anyone picking them up. A lot of equipment has been brushed away before, and now only half of them are left. Ye Xu felt a lot of pain in his heart, as if he had missed hundreds of millions, so he could only quickly pick up a wave to minimize the loss.

Fortunately, because Xiaoling can pick up gold coins, the gold coins dropped by monsters are basically not brushed away. It carried 50% of the physical damage all the way to pick up gold coins in the monster group, which brought Ye Xu a lot of gains, and barely soothed Ye Xu’s throbbing heart.

It would be nice if summons could also have backpacks, so they could carry red and blue potions on their own, as well as pick up drops. It’s a pity that even if there are such summons, the rank must be very high, so don’t dream at this stage.

It is worth mentioning that the crumbling high wall has not collapsed yet, which is really surprising. Ye Xu went around the camp in surprise, only to find that the wall could still hold up because several NPCs in the camp had been working hard to repair it, and he hadn’t noticed this before.

These NPCs should be engineers in the life profession. This is a life profession that can only be learned by a physics department, as opposed to a scroll maker who can only learn from the law department.

But it is completely different from the scroller. Engineers basically only large guilds will arrange for people to learn, because it involves the subsequent construction of the guild territory, so there is no need for scattered players to learn. The Scroll Master is different, it is the best choice for legal players to make money.

Ye Xu planned to learn this, because the scroll master could seal the skills he had learned into the scroll, make it a disposable item, and sell it. Although Ye Xu doesn’t need to sell scrolls to make money, he does have a lot of particularly sharp skills on hand, which are worth making into scrolls that can be shared with friends.

Anyway, idle is idle, each player can learn to collect plus one of the six major life occupations, not learning for nothing. And he is not very interested in other things, only the scroll making looks more interesting.

It’s a pity that I haven’t heard of where to learn scroll making, so I can only learn it later.

After cleaning the battlefield, Ye Xu didn’t intend to stay and grind with the guards. He directly used the Huicheng Stone to return to Liuquan Town, and ran to the Mercenary Union to hand over the task.

This time it seems that he is the only player who has taken over the quest, and the rest are NPC adventurers. However, because the adventurers missed the guards and could not follow into the camp, they could only kill monsters on the periphery, and the number of kills was limited. Moreover, there are not many NPCs who take the quest, and some of them come very late. They only come when the monsters are almost killed, so naturally they don’t contribute much.

Ye Xu originally thought that he should contribute to all the mercenaries, but when he looked at the ranking, it was not the case at all. A five-person NPC mercenary team won the top spot, and their contribution was slightly higher than Ye Xu.

“What happened to these five people?” Ye Xu asked the staff of the mercenary union in surprise.

The other party checked the magic crystal and explained: “The five of them worked together to kill the leader of this wave of undead, and shared the contribution value of the leader equally.”

So if it wasn’t for the cooperation of the five people, the contribution value would have killed Ye Xu long ago.

“It turns out that there is a leader… No wonder…” Ye Xu was stunned.

In fact, he should have thought of it long ago, the undead will not gather to attack a certain place for no reason, there must be a leader. And this is a purple quest. Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be as simple as killing a bunch of mobs. It makes sense to have a powerful boss. It’s a pity that it was killed by the NPC team first, and it didn’t give others a chance to get a piece of the pie.

Ye Xu suspected that this boss should have been hiding in the surrounding mountains and forests before, and was met by the team, or that the other party actually went for the boss from the beginning. So the boss who was supposed to attack the camp at the end was gone, and the difficulty of guarding the camp dropped sharply.

If he didn’t participate in killing the boss, Ye Xu naturally couldn’t get the most generous reward. Fortunately, he didn’t expect himself to be able to take it all by himself. This is a multiplayer mission. At first, he thought that there would be many competitors who would rob him of monsters. With this level of contribution, he has already achieved it.

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