Summoned Again?

The Million View Special Continued 6

Playtime with the wolves was a blast. When I introduced giant rubber balls and trashcan-sized frisbees, the wolves damn near lost their minds. I soon had both Denise and Martha out there with me and they enjoyed themselves. Martha was still mad at me over eating out Denise; but, she was civil at least. Denise snuck a kiss to my cheek whenever Martha wasn't looking at us, too.

When the wolves were tuckered out and wanted to sleep, I made giant dog beds appear for them. Their startled shouts and then tackling each other to get the 'best one', was pretty funny to see.

Make us one, Mate. Karina said to me.

I nodded and did so. It was plusher and fluffier, much to her delight, and she entered it and walked around three times before settling down.

Clothes off. Too rough. Karina said and lifted her head to give me a pointed look.

“Goodnight, Denise. Martha.” I said and started to strip off.

“Oh, god!” Martha gasped and grabbed Denise before she fled inside the touring bus and closed all the curtains. I could almost feel her relief that Denise's bedroom was on the other side of the bus. It was just too bad that Denise was in the bathroom and had her face pressed up against the window and was staring at me.

Karina barked a laugh out loud and also laughed sexily in my head. She thinks we are going to mate!

I had to laugh at that. “She doesn't realize how much of a disappointment it would be for you.” I said, loud enough for Martha to hear. I knew she was watching and listening, so I took my time and stripped all the way off. Giving her a good show was the best way to tease her.

I climbed into the large dog bed with Karina and looked into her eyes. “Where do you want me?”

Along my belly, Mate. I would share your warmth. Karina responded.

“Oh! That's a good idea.” I said and dropped a large brick firepit in the middle of the clearing and a pile of wood, then lit it with a fireball.

All the wolves made happy sounds.

Thank you, Mate. Karina said and liked my face.

I did my best to lay down and snuggle into her belly and tuck myself under her fur. I was just trying to get comfortable and then fell right to sleep. That was odd for me, then I realized I was in the same clearing and nothing else was there.

I sighed. “Look, I don't care what you want. I told you before. I'm going to handle this to the best of my ability. You've got a huge mess here, one that's perpetuated for far too long.”

The deity didn't say anything.

“If you had brought someone here when it first started, smoothing things over would have been easy. It's been decades now and the population is too used to being on guard from being attacked, even if it was them that started it. It takes time to learn to relax after feeling years of tension. It just does.”

There was still no response, and then a very odd thought entered my head.

“Oh. Well, damn. I never would have thought of that. Thanks, Karina.” I said and the giant wolf queen appeared beside me.

“You are welcome, my mate.” Karina said in her sexy voice.

“I'll get started as soon as I wake in the morning.” I said and rubbed her muzzle.

“No, you need to feed our people first.”

I chuckled. “I meant after that. I won't ignore their needs, not now that I know about them.”

“You are a good mate.” Karina said and licked my face. “I am sorry you cannot kiss me like a human.”

“I am, too.” I said and meant it. I felt a deep connection with her and I felt like I was missing out on more than half of whatever relationship we had, just because our forms of showing affection were so different. I didn't want to keep treating her like a dog, even if she thoroughly enjoyed it.

“How do we leave this dream realm?” Karina asked. “We need sleep.”

“Let's just lay down again and go to sleep. If she wants to keep watching that, that's on her.” I said and we did exactly that. I thought she was going to ask me what Karina had suggested, and she didn't. I didn't know if she wanted to be surprised by it or thought that whatever a wolf would suggest would be stupid and not work. Either way, the deity remained quiet.

Karina and I slept for the rest of the night undisturbed.


After feeding the wolves again the next morning, which was just how I was marking the accelerated time, I started to work making a mould for a new pendant. It was in the shape of a wolf's head, Karina's specifically, and I would be enchanting it to give people a feeling of well-being and open mindedness.

I also added in the stay-awake enchantment, because the pendant was large enough that attaching multiple enchanted metal plates wouldn't be noticed. It was the start of a plan that would take some time to get out to the people, just like it had back on Earth. I was okay with that, though. Like there, I would sell them cheap.

“This was the best idea, Karina. Thank you.” I said and kissed the top of her head.

Karina made a sad sound and I sighed as well. I wasn't sure what to do about our differences, either.

I worked for several hours to get the stamping moulds for the enchantments created, because I wasn't going to worry if the product looked fancy. I needed them done quickly and out there as soon as possible.

Denise came out of the bus with Martha right behind her. “You've been working hard for hours.”

“I have.” I said and finished the stamper for the stay-awake stamp. “I can take a break for now, then I have to get the forge going and start pouring out pendants.”

“Why are you doing that again?” Denise asked as she sat beside me at my workbench.

I quickly explained it and she looked around at the wolves.

“Did you do something like that to me?” Denise asked.

I chuckled. “No, just being around normal wolves and seeing that they only protect themselves when attacked, has made you look at them differently. That's what the pendants are going to be for. Protection and to help people stay awake when they are scared. It'll make them feel better about everything and they won't be so quick to judge, because a wolf is protecting them from the wolves.”

Denise looked down at the prototype pendant. “Can I have one?”

I smiled and handed it to her. “I'm almost out of chains, so I need to go find a supply of them from somewhere.”

“You should try (mouth noises). They have lots of different stores there.” Denise said.

It kind of sounded like where the girls wanted to go for shopping back in New York, so I nodded. “Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out when I leave here.”

“Are you staying for the whole five minutes?” Denise asked with hope in her voice.

I gave her a crooked smile. “Would someone like another tongue lashing?”

Denise blushed and glanced at Martha, who shook her head. “I really shouldn't.”

“I can promise that I will never take advantage of you. That's something that I absolutely hate to do to someone.” I said and put my hand on hers. “I've seen too many things where people were taken and abused, forced to do things they wouldn't have done otherwise, and they were left broken and afraid afterwards.”

Martha's eyes were wide and Denise looked surprised.

“I will never force myself on anyone. At one point, I almost made that mistake, and it was a huge mistake to make. Luckily, I was stopped before anything too bad happened.”

“What... what happened?” Denise asked in a whisper.

“I had been drugged and completely desperate to have sex with a woman I clicked with. She was sexy, smart, and she wanted me as well. We were not in a situation where that could happen, though. I nearly lost control because of the grief I was in at the time and I almost did a horrible thing.” I took a deep breath and let it out. “I was so relieved that i didn't cross that line, even if at the time I wanted to. I really, really wanted to.”

Denise held my hand with both of hers. “You did try later, didn't you?”

I nodded. “It was a mess, because of the previous situation, and it didn't last. I couldn't trust her after what she did and she thought the relationship was going to be based solely on me using her for sex.”

“Then you left.” Martha said.

“I had to. She didn't need me anymore and my ego couldn't take much more of her accusations, even if she was the one in the wrong and I was only retaliating. I tried to tell her she was making a mistake and she didn't believe me. I haven't seen her since.”

“Oh, Damon.” Denise said and leaned in to kiss me. “I hope you've recovered since then.”

“Mostly.” I said and she gave me another tender kiss. “It's been difficult, because I lost a valuable relationship with my sister because of her. I tried working on it, avoiding it, and forgetting about it.”

“How's that working out for you?” Martha asked.

“On my sister's and family side? Horribly. None of them are talking to me. With my chosen family I've built since then? Wonderfully. We all have fun and are raising a beautiful little girl that I have custody of.”

“All?” Denise asked.

“My girlfriend, my live-in Nanny for Crystal, and the Nanny's girlfriend.”

“You have a girlfriend.” Denise said and let my hand go.

I took her hand back. “Susan's perfectly fine that I occasionally find someone that I connect with. Her mother is a psychologist and knows all about my problems, too.”

“Are you really a sex addict?” Martha asked.

“Kind of.” I said and looked right into Denise's eyes. “It takes a very special and rare someone, who tastes absolutely delicious, and I can't help reacting to them.”

Denise blushed and nodded.

“Finding someone like you can usually stop me from straying any farther. The thing with Martha really was the first time that's happened and I won't be repeating it. I know the dangers of what I did now and I can avoid them in the future.”

“Damon, you can't just...” Martha started to say.

“I am in another world and I have a severe problem that can be debilitating if it's not handled properly. Denise was very gracious to allow me to satisfy my urges by joining in her masturbation.” I said and Denise blushed deeply. “If, at some point, she decides she wants more than that, neither I nor my erection will say no.”

“But... is it... just sex?” Denise asked, her face turned slightly away.

I reached up and lightly touched her chin to turn her face towards me. “Even when it's just sex, it's never just sex. There's a connection there, on a very personal level. People can easily ignore it and just enjoy the act for itself and not worry about it.”

“Not... not you?” Denise whispered.

“If you can believe it, I have multiple girlfriends back home and they know about each other. I don't hide my problem and they are okay with it. I also satisfy them as much as possible in their own unique ways.”

“Huh? What does that mean?” Denise asked and Martha made a groan sound.

I had to laugh at Martha's reaction. “Two of them love having access to lots of money... and rolling around on three million dollars as I have sex with them.”

Both Denise's and Martha's mouths dropped open from shock.

“One lives with me and she loves romantic dates and getting pounded so hard that she can't walk the next day.”

Denise blushed again while Martha covered her face with a hand. They didn't say anything as they waited for me to keep talking. I didn't.

“Wait, that's it?” Martha asked several minutes later.

“I've had both short and long relationships during my travels; but, they all had to end when I left.”

Denise sighed. “You're not staying.”

“No.” I said and reached up to cup the side of her face with my free hand. “I'm also not leaving for about six months.”

Both women gasped.

“I have a job to do here and I'm going to do it. I already warned those I care about back home about how long this was going to take. They were sad about it and also understanding.” I gave her a kiss and she leaned into me and kissed me back enthusiastically.

“I can't stay here for that long.” Martha said. “I need to get back to my family and...”

“ if I don't?” I asked when I broke the kiss. “We're both stuck here until we find the last two members of the group. Until then, we can't complete the mission or go back home.”

“You really believe that.” Martha said.

“This isn't my first mission and I know how it works.” I said and put an arm over Denise's shoulders. “What would you like for lunch?”

Denise looked down at my crotch and back at my face. “A frank and beans.”

I burst out laughing while Martha slapped a hand over her own face and groaned again. “Let's take things slow, okay? We have all the time in the world to hang out and get to know each other.”

Denise nodded and the three of us went inside the bus to eat after I fed the wolves. When we were done, eating, Denise took my hand. “I want to call my father.”

“You do realize he believes you're still in jail, right?” I asked and she nodded. “Okay, let's go.”

“Right now?” Denise asked.

“Sure. I can take you to the closest town and you can call home. It's no big deal.”

“I... I thought... you know.” Denise blushed a little from embarrassment.

I chuckled. “I'm not keeping you prisoner, Denise. I'm worried about you and I'm protecting you. If you've changed your mind about that, I can take you home right now.”

“You would?” Denise asked and glanced at Martha.

“I gave you a bag full of money so you can live your life how you want to live it. Staying with me wasn't a requirement. It never was.” I said. “I just thought you needed some time to adjust to not being wanted by the police and living in a prison.”

Denise took a deep breath and let it out. “It's my choice.”

“It's always been your choice.” I said and kissed her cheek. “I'll fly you over to the town and you can call home. If you decide to, I'll fly you back there.”

“O-okay.” Denise said and we went outside. “How do we do this?”

I scooped her up into my arms in a princess carry and she made a startled sound, then she relaxed and put her arms around my neck. I floated up into the air and she smiled at me, so I took off and the wind blew her hair all over the place. She started laughing and tried to get her hair out of her face. I created a shield around us and she kissed my cheek in thanks.

A short phone call later, where her father berated her and blamed her for being arrested as a prostitute and left him at home all alone to take care of himself, I grabbed the phone and called the man a complete asshole for blaming her for something that wasn't her fault. I then compared him to an idiot that would be insulted for the comparison to him, then told him he could get off his fat ass and get his food for himself before I hung up.

Denise stood there and stared at me with a surprised look on her face.

“I'm sorry. It bugs me when they blame the victim for suffering from a crime. It wasn't your fault. It was never your fault.” I said and hugged her. “He had no right to say those things to you and he can sit there and suffer, for all I care. Just because he's your father, that doesn't mean you have to be his goddamn maid!”

Denise hugged me back and I felt her tears hit my neck.

“Shh. It's okay. Really.” I said and rubbed her back under her jacket. “If you feel guilty about what just happened, send him ten dollars and a take out menu. His frustration of only affording the meal and not being able to pay for delivery, will be exquisite.”

Denise laughed and lifted her tear streaked face from my shoulder to look at me. “You're horrible.”

“Completely and totally.” I said with a crooked smile and she smiled back as I wiped at her face with a cloth. “So, back home, back to Martha, or do you want to go visit a group of girls that I rescued from the same kidnapping ring I saved Martha from?”

“Wait, that was real? She really was taken for that?” Denise asked, surprised.

“And rejected. Her spectacular ass in those leather pants didn't make an appearance until after I rescued her.” I said and Denise giggled. “Hey, wait a minute! You're wearing them right now and I completely missed it!”

Denise laughed and gripped my coat.

“No! Let go! Turn around! Good god, don't keep it from me!” I nearly shouted and she kept laughing.

I joked and pleaded with her for several minutes, before I scooped her up in my arms again. I took off into the air and she held on and cuddled into my neck.

“Thank you, Damon.” Denise whispered and kissed my neck.

“It's really going to be okay.” I said and came to a stop in mid-air. “Have you decided?”

“You can take me back to Martha.” Denise said. “I think she needs someone to take care of, more than I need to meet new friends.”

“They don't have to be mutually exclusive.” I said and flew back towards the tour bus.

“I think they do. I won't be there much if I'm hanging out with a bunch of other girls in (mouth sounds).”

I reluctantly agreed. They were a great group of girls and I was sure that Denise would fit right in with them, especially when they exchanged stories.

Martha had a look of extreme relief when I landed with Denise in my arms. “I'm so sorry that it didn't work out.” She said and came over to us as I stood Denise on her feet, then Martha took her into a hug and held her. “It's okay now. It's okay.”

Denise gave me a look and I nodded slightly.

“I better get back to work. Those pendants aren't going to make themselves.” I said and walked over to my workbench and started up the forge. It was going to take a while to smelt enough gold in the little forge, then I smacked myself in the forehead for being so stupid. I cast enlarge spells on the forge and the crucible, then put enough coins into the crucible to get it a quarter full.

Once they were melted, I could add more. Or enlarge it again. I sighed and took the coins out. Dammit, I could melt them in a normal crucible first and then enlarge it to make a bunch more molten gold for pouring moulds. I did that and the process went a lot faster. I had two crucibles, one small and one large, so I used both.

I smelted a small amount of gold and then enlarged both crucibles to make that small amount be a heck of a lot more and poured the moulds. Cooled them off with a spell, and then kept working. Shrink, melt, enlarge, pour moulds. It seemed like a never-ending process as I made hundreds of the main pendant and the small squares to be stamped with enchantments.

I stopped for supper and the wolves enjoyed more cold cuts of meat, especially the turkey. Martha was pretty clingy with Denise and Denise gave me a knowing look again. I winked at her and she glanced at Martha, who was currently looking at one of the wolves playing with one of the giant balls.

Tonight. Denise mouthed to me and used her eyes to point to my crotch and then at the bus.

I raised my eyebrows at her and she opened her mouth slightly and motioned with her hand towards her lips as she pushed her tongue into the inside of the opposite cheek. Oh. I thought and nodded acceptance. If she wanted to try it, I wasn't going to say no.

Denise beamed a smile at me and kept eating.


“Mmm... why... why does this... taste so good?” Denise asked between long sucks from my rock hard erection.

“Part... of my... charm.” I said and tried to hold back on blowing my load too soon. She was really good at giving head. Really, really good.

“I want... all that charm... mmm... down my throat.” Denise said and gave the tip a particularly probing lick around it and then dipped into the little hole.

“OH, FUCK!” I yelled and couldn't hold it back anymore. I started to spew out like a geyser and Denise looked immensely pleased as she caught as much of it as she could in her mouth and then swallowed.

“Soooo... good!” Denise said before she dove back onto me and kept sucking.

“You... really are.” I said and shivered slightly as she made me orgasm again.

“Mmm.” Denise moaned and then lifted up to swallow again. “I need to feel it, Damon.”

“We... should wait.” I weakly protested.

“I have.” Denise said and pulled off her nightgown to show me she was naked under it. She climbed on top of me and looked into my eyes. “I'm not coerced, or tricked, or cloudy in my mind.” She said and then sat down on me. “OHHH!” She yelled and creamed all over my belly. “Oh... oh... ohhh, god!”

I couldn't help myself and rolled her over. I pulled out slightly and went back in, to feel for her depth and the best spots to reach for her. I found several of them almost immediately and started to move my hips for her.

Denise moaned and purred and writhed under me until she had another orgasm, then she wrapped her arms and legs around me and helped me to go faster. Her kisses were light as she moaned and kept helping me to get her off.

I had to admit that it was a complete turn-on to have her show me and not tell me how she liked it. The oddest thing was that Karina was right there in my mind with me. She felt very sad that we couldn't do what Denise and I were doing, because she could feel my pleasure at being with someone like that.

“I don't... want to... get pregnant.” Denise whispered.

I do! Karina said in my head. Give me pups, Damon. Many, many pups!

The two conflicting needs in my head, fought for dominance. My desire to propagate my species was at war with my desire to make my mate happy, which at the moment were two different people with two different opinions.

At the very last possible moment, I pulled out and rubbed myself on Denise's belly and blew a huge load all over her chest and face. She moaned loudly at the feel of the hot burning fluid hitting her sensitive skin, then her hands dropped down from around my neck to rub the white stuff all over herself. She stared at me as she licked it off of her hands.

“Damon... god... that felt... soooo good!” Denise said and then her hands reached down and her fingers explored inside herself. “You didn't... I'm so... happy... sad... I don't know!”

I pulled her hands out of the way and went down on her to make her happy again. I must have missed a thing or two from her experience at the party, so I had a bit of work to do. As I dug my tongue into her, I also dug through her memories. I didn't find anything associated with any trauma, which meant she actually liked what just happened and it wasn't a remnant or half-forgotten memory.

I laid down beside her and she draped herself over me before she immediately fell asleep. I waited for nearly ten minutes before I cast the cleaning spell on her and myself, because it was ticklish and I didn't want to wake her.

I laid there and felt Karina in my mind. I'm sorry, my queen. I can't fulfill your desire.

Not yet. Karina said. You will think something out. You have to.

I felt her put a compulsion into me and I closed my eyes to check it out. It was such an odd sensation to both feel and see a compulsion. A slightly golden glow was trying its best to settle into my mind.

Karina, what is that? I asked her.

My desire made real, my Mate. Karina said. You only need to accept it to understand.

I can't have anything influencing my mind. I thought back to her.

You are in bed with a young one and not the old one. Are you not under an influence already?

I opened my mouth to protest and explain, then I sighed. In that moment of weakness, my mental defenses lapsed, because I had accepted her words and that let her compulsion enter and settle into my brain.

NOOOOOO! A woman's voice yelled into my head and a bright glow tried to diffuse the golden one... and nothing happened. The bright glow faded away, as did that woman's presence that I hadn't felt before, and my mind seemed both confused and completely clear.

I also knew what do to.

I slipped out of bed and didn't bother dressing as I stored my discarded clothing and left Denise's room on the bus. Martha was asleep on the couch and looked posed to attack me, so I slipped by her and went outside.

Karina stood there and the other wolves were arrayed in a perfectly formed circle around her.

“Beast Conversion.” I said and used the ability on myself. I didn't bother deadening the pain, because I had the Queen's Royal Bloodline of Arcanus Lupus Maxima, in my system.

The wolves all sat and watched as I started to transform. I grew to almost twice my height before I fell forward onto to my hands and knees with my eyes closed. My bones snapped and grew, changed shape, and formed into what they needed to be. My skull cracked open and elongated, then my nose and mouth extended out very far from my face as my teeth grew impossibly long.

My skin rippled and flowed as it seemed to change pigment and then fur grew out all over me. My ears changed shape and position, giving me more movement and better pinpoint accuracy for listening. My butt itched at the top of the cheeks for a few moments as my tail grew out, then my entire body shivered.

My transformation was complete.

I opened my huge wolf eyes and a very happy Karina looked back at me with matching eyes.

My Mate. Karina said proudly and lifted her head up to the sky. “AAAWOOOOOOO!”

“AAAWOOOOOOO!” The other wolves chorused with her.

I felt and heard hundreds, then thousands of wolves copy her declaration of my birth, both with my ears and inside my head. I lifted my head to join in and cast the loudness spell on myself.

AAAAAWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, with magical help.

The wolves froze in place at the sound and the ground shook all around us. The bus, thanks to its suspension, didn't move at all. My voice propagated for miles and miles, much farther than it should have, and wolves all across the country stopped their own howls to hear mine. To their surprise, they all could.

Apparently, the pack's own magic combined with mine, was a very potent mixture, because a wave of very delicious fear came from the millions of humans around us.

MATE! Karina yelled to get my attention, so I eased down on my howl as I looked at her.

Yes, dear? I asked innocently and the wolves around us let out chuckles.

Karina walked over to me and sniffed my face, then my neck, and stalked around me and poked me with her nose all over me before she went back in front of me with a pointed look on her face.

Claim what is yours. Karina said as she knelt down on her front paws and lifted her tail for me. Her absolutely delicious smell slapped my muzzle like a freight train and I instantly grew hard for her.

Yes, my queen. I said and climbed on top of her and shoved my giant erection into her.

“AWOOOOO!” Karina yowled and then I was moving in and out of her so fast that the other wolves were left speechless.

They would usually comment or make fun of technique or not satisfying the female, and all they could do was stare as I growled, bit, nuzzled, and licked Karina's face as I pounded into her for a heck of a lot longer than any wolf had ever done any other wolf.

More! More! Karina moaned in my head, then she stiffened when she felt me throb inside of her.

You asked for this, my Mate. I said to her and then pushed with all my might and slipped completely inside of her and unloaded into her.

OHHHHHHH! Karina moaned in my head and she had her own orgasm as I completely filled her up. She had never felt anything like it before and it just flat out did it for her. Decades of instincts that she had denied for so long, were unleashed inside of her. Her brain practically lit up with activity when she finally received that which the pack had demanded of her since she took over.

The pack's magic and my own, ensured that she was pregnant. It was all of their desire for her to be so, which meant she had thousands of other wolves and their mental reinforcement helping her now. I felt the magic confirmation flow out of us and go into every pack member. They all howled with happiness and that came flowing back to us.

We... are joined... in the pack. Karina panted. Forevermore.

I laid down on top of her after using the featherlight ability. I felt it. I said and licked her muzzle.

Karina licked mine back and we laid down together to wait for her to relax enough to let me go. It took a really long time for that to happen. I slipped out of her and remained on her back, because she seemed to like having me there, as if I was protecting her.


When I woke up a long time later, I was human again and surrounded by wolves.

You are poking me. Karina said in amusement.

I chuckled and sat up on top of her. That happens a lot with human males.

You may dismount me, Mate. Karina said and I hopped off of her. She gave me a look, then did her five lick trick again and I ejaculated onto her tongue for her. You should not taste delicious.

It's a gift. I thought to her and rubbed her ears for her, then cast a cleaning spell on myself and equipped my clothing. “How can you get me to go so fast, anyway?”

Mate Bonding. I am horny for you and you will provide sustenance for me. Karina responded. Whenever I need it.

“Do all mates have that?” I asked.

No, only the king and queen. Karina said. I will call upon you again soon. We must ensure that...

“Oh, we're all sure of that.” I interrupted and the other wolves nodded.

I still require...

“Of course.” I said and pet her. “I need to get back to work.”

Karina nodded and I walked over to my workbench. I glanced over at the bus and saw a very shocked Martha staring out at me. I waved and took a sandwich out of inventory to eat and share with the wolves. She lost the color in her face and disappeared from sight. I chuckled and sat down and ate, then got back to work.

I stopped for lunch and went inside the bus to make something for Martha and Denise.

“Did you really let the wolf lick you?” Denise asked.

“Denise!” Martha gasped.

“Yes. She is apparently adept at it and it only takes her five licks and I blow. It's both weird and oddly amazing.” I admitted and Martha stared at me. “What? I'm not going to lie about it.”

“How many times have you done it?” Denise asked with an odd look on her face.

“Since I arrived on this world, that was only the third time. The first time she pretty much surprised me and tore my pants open to do it. The second time was the other day and that was more of an order. Just now it was convenient.”

For some reason, that made Denise smile.

I chuckled at the look and put a hand on her shoulder. “It's not a contest.”

“That's what you think.” Densie said with a smirk.

“Oh, god.” Martha said and rubbed her face with her hands. “Really, Denise? He just had a giant wolf lick his penis to get him off and you're thinking you can do better?”

“Huh? You think I can't?” Denise asked, looking insulted.

“UGH!” Martha grunted and went into the bedroom before she slammed the door.

Denise smirked at me. “She won't be so clingy with me now.”

I couldn't stop my laugh from escaping and hugged her. “I'm glad I could help.”

“It is weird, you know.” Denise said when I let her go.

“We have a mental connection that lets her get me off whenever she wants me to.” I said and Denise looked surprised. “Yeah, it's pretty similar to my own problem.”

“Oh, my god. If the two of you... if she was human...”

“It would be a never ending mutual orgasm party.” I said.

“Almost like last night.” Denise said and shivered. “Good god, last night.”

Her smell slapped me across the face.

“Well, damn.” I said and she looked down at my erection.

“Lunch can wait.” Denise said and took my hand and led me into her bedroom.

“You don't have to...”

“I need it, Damon. Feeling your warmth like that...” Denise shivered again. “Wow.”

I nodded as we stripped off and then we climbed into the bed.

Fifteen minutes later, Denise claimed victory by only licking me four times to get me off. She didn't care that she cheated and had used her hands for most of it. It was only four licks and that was all that counted.


I ended up working for almost a week on making the pendants, or ten full minutes real time. I couldn't stay away from the camp for much longer than that, so I gathered up what I completed and then stored everything to get it out of the way of the wolves. I played with them for a few more hours, kissed Denise on the cheek to say goodbye, and waved at Martha. She didn't react at all.

I flew up into the air and flew at my best speed back to the gorge and landed not far away from the camp. I didn't see anything around and the turrets hadn't detected anything moving, so I went back down to where the guard was.

“You didn't click.” The guard said.

“You're still awake.” I responded and he laughed.

“Try the other direction.” He suggested and I nodded. I actually walked for a few minutes before deciding my map wasn't lying to me and went back to where the guard was. I pretended to pull another folding chair out of The Bear and sat down near him. We chatted about things like the best weapons for close fighting and getting through armor.

He went to bed just after midnight and I stayed up like I promised. I had slept just before coming back here, so I was wide awake. I kept watch with both my eyes and my Map all night and nothing happened.

I served a hot breakfast of eggs and bacon cooked in a frying pan on a hotplate cooker and toast just cooked on the cooker. The scientists were surprised and Anita and Karen gave them knowing looks and ate their fill.

While they ate, I packed everything up and loaded it back into the various storage areas inside and on The Bear. After everyone had one more bathroom break, we were off.

“Oh, my god.” The woman scientist whispered when we approached the hill of mostly loose dirt we had come down on, to drive back up it.

“Don't worry, The Bear can take it.” Karen said with the utmost confidence.

I slowed us down and let The Bear in low gear handle it. We slipped and slid a few times, scaring the scientists a little, and then we reached the top that looked a bit higher than the hill of loosely packed dirt and rocks we were on.

“Don't panic.” I said and gunned the engine.

The scientists screamed as the front tires hit the edge of the cliff and we popped up and teetered a little, then the front wheels hit solid dirt and The Bear pulled us up onto the flat surface with a thump.

“Sweet merciful heaven.” One of them whispered.

“I told you.” Karen said and pat the turret. “Let's get back on schedule.”

“Not a problem.” I said and stepped on the gas.

We made it back to the paved road a short time later and then we sped along at a ridiculous speed. I used magic to shield The Bear and the equipment and didn't bother trying to pretend to slow down. We had time to make up and we would make it up.

We stopped for food twice that day, made it to a large town and stayed the night in a very nice hotel. I paid for it, of course. That morning, I made a breakfast of sausages, hash browns, and toast.

“Forget hiring you to stay at the base for our travel needs. I want to marry you and keep you all to myself.” The woman scientist said, which made everyone laugh.

“I must politely decline, dear lady.” I said and took her hand to kiss the back of it. “However, I do appreciate the offer, even if it is a joke.”

The woman blushed a little and nodded.

We checked everything over on The Bear before we climbed inside and drove out of town. We had another day of travelling before the job would be over and we were eager to get it done.


The next day passed by without incident. No crashed cars to avoid, no creatures to kill or be wary of, and no corrupt townspeople trying to steal The Bear or kidnap the scientists. It turned out to be quite a relaxing trip overall.

When we pulled into the large compound where the main facility was, we were greeted with applause.

“Well done, all of you.” A smug man said and stepped forward to greet the scientists personally and stopped in front of Karen. “You must be Karen Holden.”

“I am.” Karen said and shook the man's hand. “I believe you and I have papers to sign, complete the delivery, and arrange for payment.”

The man smiled. “A woman after my own heart!” The man said with a huge smile. “We can observe the unloading and the inspection while we discuss what form of currency you would like.”

Karen nodded and the two of them stepped off to the side and watched very carefully as the expensive equipment was unloaded and checked, then reassembled on a large rolling platform into what it was supposed to be. It was then taken away. Karen nodded to us and she followed the man inside the building.

I cast Remote View on her and watched her go to the man's office. Karen wasn't stupid, though. She had the secretary come in as well to verify the signatures for the completed contracts, the intact delivery, and then on the transfer of the local currency. I wasn't surprised when the man offered to hire her immediately for another run.

Karen declined, stating maintenance on The Bear and needing a rest after such a long drive, then she offered to accept the commission in a week. The man grinned at her, happy at not being outright refused like he thought she was doing, and they shook hands. Karen picked up the case of money and started to leave the office.

I cast Remote View on the office and watched as the man and the secretary discussed the successful trip and the delivery. They had always suffered damage of some kind or lost someone along the way, then the guard entered the office and told him how professional everything was during the trip, the meals, and even the security we had provided.

“That woman and her team are going to go far if that's their normal operation level.” The head man said with a nod. “Add her to the preferred transport list. Quality like that is nearly impossible to come by.”

“Yes, sir.” The secretary said and left the office with the guard.

I cancelled the spell and waited for an excited Karen to come out of the building.

“We've got another offer for next week!” Karen exclaimed and ran over to us.

“That's great!” Anita said and hugged her. “What are we going to do until then?”

“They wanted us to leave right away.” Karen said and smiled. “I gave him a bit of a runaround about us needing rest and crap. We can't have them think we're always available.”

Anita laughed and let her go. “Get in and get that cash stowed in the secured locker. We've got some off-time to spend relaxing.”

“I definitely need at least a day off from everything.” I said and opened my mouth wide as I yawned. “That was one heck of a long drive and I haven't gone scrounging in a while.”

“I could have taken over the driving.” Karen said as we climbed in.

“I'll take you out in a few days to get you used to it before you can drive it on missions, all right?”

Karen leaned over the seat and kissed me. “You need to install gun triggers on the steering wheel.”

“That's not how a turret works, you gun nut.” Anita said and pushed her into the back.

Karen laughed and secured the money. “I let the facility book the reservation this time.” She said and handed Anita the card.

“Nice.” Anita read it off and I laughed. “What?”

“I've never been here before. Those street names were all just gibberish to me.” I said, truthfully.

Both Karen and Anita laughed.

“Directions it is.” Anita said and told me how to get to where we were going. It was a high class and upscale hotel and we were directed to park The Bear in a special parking spot for reserved vehicles. We climbed out and I locked it, cast Remote View on it, and we entered the hotel.

“Wow.” Karen whispered.

“Yeah.” Anita whispered.

“We're a little under-dressed.” I said and walked over to the receptionist's counter. “You wouldn't happen to have a reservation for Holden, do you?”

The pretty woman looked in her computer and nodded. “You don't look like a Karen.”

“That's because he would look terrible as a woman.” Karen joked and handed over her ID papers.

The receptionist laughed softly and checked them against her information. “We have you booked for three days.”

“Is there any chance we can extend that to a week? We have another job for the facility then.” Karen asked.

“Hmm. I don't know. Let me check the other reservations.” The receptionist said and checked for several minutes. “That room has been booked on the fourth day.”

“Do you have a comparable room?” I asked and put a bit of cash on the counter. “Or perhaps a more expensive one?”

The receptionist looked at the new bills and smiled. “I can try, sir.”

“Thank you.” I said and stood there with the money under my hand on the counter.

It only took her another few minutes to find an appropriate room. She gave us the new details and the price, which surprised Anita and Karen. I just slid the money across the counter to her.

“Here's a deposit and we'll pay the rest when we check out.” I said.

“Thank you, sir! That's greatly appreciated.” She said and scooped the money up, counted it, and entered it into the system. She didn't even try to steal any of it. “You're all set up for your stay, sir. Enjoy it.”

I put another bill on the counter. “Thank you very much for your help.”

She beamed a smile at me. “I was happy to, sir.” She said and looked at the bill. “More than happy to!”

I nodded and took the key before I led Anita and Karen over to the elevator. They didn't say anything until the doors closed and the elevator started to rise up.

“You didn't have to do that, Damon.” Karen said, her face slightly angry.

“I know.” I said and turned to face her. “You can keep my share of the money you were going to force on me later.”

Karen gasped and Anita turned her head slightly away.

“I don't need it and you both earned that money.” I said.


“Yes, I know it's my vehicle and my food and my equipment.” I said and gave her a kiss. “I also know that you would have tried to do the mission anyway. That we got to do it in luxury, in a third of the time, and had a great time during it, is immaterial.”

Anita barked a laugh and looked at me. “Arrogant asshole.”

“Guilty.” I said and gave her a kiss. “I call dibs on the first bath in the giant bathtub.”

“DAMMIT!” Karen yelled and then she laughed as she hugged me.

Anita joined in the laugh and hugged me, too.

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