
v2 CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX: In which an ambitious young academic presents her work and receives unexpected interest.

Content Warning: unwanted sexual thoughts

Susan tapped her tablet, and a series of charts flashed onto the screen. “On the left, you see a 3D plot of data gathered from nearly one thousand ordinary mortals, all confirmed to have no trace of supernatural heritage or infestation. On the right, here’s the equivalent graph for Una…” She tapped again. “And there’s Maria.”

Una, John and Maria stared at Susan like a classroom full of students confronted with an unexpected algebra quiz. Susan looked back at them impatiently, and Una tried to puzzle out what the peaks and valleys on the colorful graphs meant.

After Susan finished her battery of tests on Maria and Una—complete with salacious whispers to induce arousal—she’d asked her three friends to review the results. She’s nervous, Una realized. It’s like she’s giving a professional presentation, complete with a formal wardrobe. Until she’d donned the blazer she now wore, Una hadn’t noticed that Susan’s skirt and blouse were part of a suit.

Jay Sigma lounged in the doorway, eating popcorn from a paper bag. “Dearest Susan,” he said through a mouthful, “You’re about as far over their heads as a satellite in geostationary orbit.” He shoved another handful of popcorn into his mouth, then reached in for more. Susan blushed, tapping her lower lip with a pencil.

Jay had simply tagged along once again. Cesar and Bill, the two “transformees,” had clearly wanted to know if Susan had come up with anything to help them, but John had persuaded them to join the refugees for lunch. At least the two of them can commiserate? thought Una with a sigh.

Una glared in Jay’s direction for a moment before concentrating on Susan’s charts. “Hold on, I don’t think it’s as complicated as it sounds.” She pointed one long nail at the screen. “See, my signature has all those funny peaks, which I assume are… demonic traits. And Maria’s looks like a smaller version—it’s about halfway between the mortals and mine.”

Susan brightened. “Exactly! That’s how we know she’s a demi-succubus. Along with these measurements, I took some basic readings from Cesar and Bill. They don’t show any signs of demonic energy… well, other than the residual traces that it turns out are common on most curse-bearers.”

John and Maria both raised their hands, and a bemused Susan pointed at John first. “Father Hayes, you have a question?”

“That’s a good sign, right?” John folded his hands, resting them on the table. “They’re not contagious. It’s not as if Maria’s creating more demi-succubae who will transform more people, and so forth.”

Susan nodded. “Correct. That was my first worry, but it’s not consistent with historical records of succubae either. Those often involve reports of people transforming, but it doesn’t spread.”

Maria bounced in her seat, hand still raised. Susan pointed at her. “All right, two things. First, if I was spreading a transformation plague, I’d call it… a Femdemic!” Jay Sigma let out a chuckle at this, but nobody else laughed. “Second… it did spread to me, obviously? And if I’m a demi-succubus, does that mean I’m going to go full succubus, eventually?”

“Aha,” said Susan. “That’s what I was getting to next. Let me switch back to Una’s graph.” She tapped the tablet, and the plot of Una’s aetheric signature filled the screen. “Now, both Maria and Micki became demi-succubae. But Una is now a full-fledged succubus. What do you think the most significant difference is?” She tapped a series of red squiggles that spread across the bottom of the rumpled shape that represented Una.

Maria screwed her face into a mask of concentration, and Una shook her head.

Jay groaned. “That signifies the presence of an actual demon, a good ole’ Type IV memetic entity. Yael is her name, right?”

Una nodded, startled. “She’s part of me, but… not of Maria, obviously?”

“Right. Let me see if I can explain this simply. The energy to transform you came from Yael, who’s like an enormous, nine-thousand-year-old battery. If batteries got bigger and crustier over time, with aetheric manifolds that…”

Susan shook her head. “OK, never mind that part. Yael’s energy can run out. As you all know, she and other succubae still need recharging! But like other demons, she has many ways of regaining energy, even through rest or a dormant period.”

John was taking notes, Una noticed, a grave look on his face. “Because Micki was resisting Yael’s influence, it took forever to use her trickle of energy to change that body… and Micki was charging up and using some of that energy on her own.”

Una nodded. “Like when we scried to find Mastema’s location.”

“Or when you transformed me into the ravishing temptress I am today!” Maria sounded proud. “That happened all at once, just like Bill and Cesar. Is that because nobody was resisting, or what?”

“That would certainly have an effect,” said Susan, tilting her head. “But I think it has more to do with the source. Yael was controlling the process, trying to manage the flow of energy so she wouldn’t drain completely. The two of you, as creatures of matter, seem to have just dumped all your power in a burst.”

She pointed at Maria with a level gaze. “And you, my little oddity, don’t have a demon acting as a power source. So where does your power come from?” Susan had lapsed back into quiz mode.

“Even I don’t know the answer to this one,” said Jay. “But knowing Susan, there’s a theory.”

Susan stuck her tongue out at Jay for a moment, then swiped on her tablet. An animation appeared, showing two three-dimensional signatures moving and overlapping. “I bet you can’t guess what this is! Well… okay, there’s no way to guess. I’ll just tell you. Remember that device I had to track Micki when she went missing? I hooked it up to the van’s battery and locked onto Una’s signature. Interestingly, it didn’t change that much even after Una… sorry, I’m digressing again.”

Susan rotated the animation, which allowed a better view of the two signatures. Something was happening, but it was hard to make out. “Even though the van was down the road, it was still recording signature energy. This is the two of you having sex.”

Una blinked. “This must be… the least pornographic recording of sex that anyone’s ever made.”

“Believe me, it was even less sexy as a spreadsheet full of comma-separated numbers!” Susan winked. “Well, unless you’re a math nerd. OK, see this part right here? It’s a little hard to make out, so I’ll just tell you. Una, that’s part of your signature grafting itself onto Maria’s.”

Maria’s mouth formed a perfect O shape. “So… you’re saying I’m part Una now? Because of the wish I made to be more like her?”

Susan nodded. “Basically. But you don’t have a demon fueling you or trying to take over your body. That graft is only growing when you feed it. With sex, for instance. Just as when Micki was a demi-succubus, you can charge yourself up by drawing on energy, but then it’s hard to control that power—it bursts out in a rush like one of those stun guns, or a portable jump start battery. But that has unpredictable effects.”

John snorted. “It seems predictable in one way. There are four women in this community center who used to be men.”

Susan nodded. “Have I mentioned that Yael’s known for that sort of transformation? Although I had a hunch about exactly that way back when we were first reading about her… sordid exploits… it’s been confirmed by the dossier we took from Thomas Spencer’s files.”

Una rubbed the bridge of her nose. This is a lot to absorb. “Wait… since Maria isn’t part demon like I am, does this mean I’m the source of energy for her powers?”

Susan tapped her lower lip again. “I’d have to actually record her using those powers to know for sure, and I can’t think of a prudent way to do that. But I don’t think so. You sensed her changing Cesar; I remember you noticed something in this direction at around the same time. But you didn’t seem drained, and you flew off right afterwards.”

John nodded, furrowing his brows. “You’ve said flight takes a lot out of you.”

Susan smiled winsomely. “Admittedly, we charged you up quite a lot that evening.” Maria waggled her eyebrows and wolf-whistled.

“Cut to the chase,” Una said. “Where does Maria get her power from? Maybe we can… dam it up?”

Susan shook her head. “She may not have the huge battery of Yael, but she clearly can drain energy from sexual ecstasy, then channel that into other uses. I suspect you’re subconsciously influencing others’ desires, Maria—and you’d really better be careful with that. You can probably sense desire, too.”

“Oh, you mean like when you can tell some guy wants you? Yeah, of course!” Maria seemed unfazed.

“Of course?!” John interjected. “How long have you known about that?”

Maria shrugged, scratching at the base of one of her little horns. “A while? At least since we were at that creepy compound. I thought I was just developing women’s intuition.”

Jay Sigma stifled another chuckle and tapped something on his phone. If he’s recording any of this, I’m going to drop that phone in the river, Una thought.

“So, what do we do in this situation?” John nodded at Una’s question.

Susan flexed her fingers. “I’d like to recommend prayer, meditation, a satisfying amount of masturbation and self-control…” She glanced at Maria. “I’m not sure that’s going to be enough in this case. Maria, using these powers is clearly altering your body as well. Probably still based on Yael’s template. So, if you don’t want hooves and red skin and a bunch of angry transformed men following you around, you should probably avoid… hooking up with strangers?”

Maria frowned, as if she’d been asked to give up drinking water. “I have a couple of questions.” When Susan nodded, she continued. “Is it possible I could turn purple or blue instead? I don’t feel like red goes with my—okay, okay. I’ll stop joking. Are you saying I should sleep with friends instead?”

Susan regarded the tall blonde in front of her with a sympathetic expression. “Maria, you now gain energy not just from eating and oxygen, but from the psychic energy of sexual arousal and release. We know from Micki’s transformation that all sorts of things can cause a physical change to continue, but I don’t know what your endpoint is, since you don’t have a demon pushing it along. The least risky thing approach is celibacy.”

Maria seemed to have lost all her good humor. “I understand. Still, I don’t think life as a succubus is all that bad… right, Una?”

Una took a deep breath. “I wish I could tell you it was all orgies and lying around on beds of rose petals. I’m being hounded by unsavory demons; it sounds like the Church is still looking for me—” She turned to John for confirmation, and the big priest nodded. “—not to mention it’s hard to move around in public, and I don’t fully understand my powers. I can’t really recommend my lifestyle.”

Inwardly, Una couldn’t help but remember the terrifying vision she’d seen in Central Park, of Maria draining John and transforming. I don’t know if that was a hallucination, my own fears coming to life, or a premonition of the truth. Maybe I should find that little girl, Niamh… but for now, telling them about it would just muddy things.

“If you really are feeling… in need of sexual release, come talk to us. I’m here for you.” Her tone felt reluctant, and she still pictured the sadistic leer on Maria’s face in the moth-vision. “And Susan… well, Susan can probably help, but she has her own problems, too.” Susan shrugged, then looked at John.

John raised his hands. “If it’s all right with you girls, I’ll sit this one out. I’ve already been breaking my vows with one succubus girlfriend.” He managed a weak smile in Una’s direction, and she reached out to touch his hand.

“All right, all right,” Jay Sigma broke in, flexing his fingers. “I can step up for this one and help a beautiful lady in need. No priestly vows, no fear of transformation.”

Susan rolled her eyes. “Jay, I don’t think you should—”

“Wait, wait, I’m not suggesting that Maria should jump in bed with me!” said Jay. “I’m not that much of an operator.” Una raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Maria watched Jay with curious interest.

“What I’m saying,” he continued, “is that some… technological assistance might be helpful. Remotely operated to avoid transformative effects. I have something that might fit the bill if Maria is up for it.”

Susan slapped the table. “I knew you were going to mention the BlissForge! Come on, Jay, this isn’t the time!”

“BlissForge?!” John and Maria asked, almost in unison.

Una stood up and raised her hands, acutely aware that she was the oldest person in the room, whether counting Yael’s millennia of experience or only her mortal life. “Susan, maybe we can turn to the question of Bill and Cesar? They’re directly affected by all of this… and am I supposed to change them back?”

Susan looked grateful, but Jay silently mouthed “call me” at Maria, who winked back at him.

“I saved this topic for last… because I don’t have a satisfying answer.” Susan leaned on the table, her palms resting on the weathered wooden surface. “The natural first assumption is that Una could do it, even if Maria’s powers are unstable. Una’s transformed people, including two of us here in this room, so she could just transform Bill and Cesar, right?”

Una nodded, aware of everyone’s eyes on her. “I mean, I could, sure. I’m a succubus.” Her words sounded hollow in her own ears. Surely this kind of thing should be easy for a demon of lust and sex, she thought. Or is there something I’m missing? She took a deep breath. “The other times I’ve felt that power surge in me were with people I cared about, of course. Pleasure, not business. But I could try again. It’s just sex, and release, and… let the power fly.” She spread her fingers, imitating an explosion.

“Sounds good on paper,” Susan replied, looking at her. “But there’s a lot going on with your powers that we don’t understand, since you’re still… learning from Yael? Accessing your memories? You don’t want to end up transforming them into… well, into whatever those guys in the park became.”

Una blanched, remembering the goat-like creatures she’d created from her would-be rapists. “No. No, I don’t. But I think that was a specific spell. The other times, I felt compelled to ask people what they deeply desired.”

Maria and Susan both nodded. In their stares, Una glimpsed remembrance of the moments when they’d each made fateful wishes, to become like her, or to serve her forever. John’s face, meanwhile, grew thoughtful. His own wish had resulted in no change at all.

“Yes,” Susan began. “That seems to be a key to your transformative powers, but not Maria’s. Instead, she’s repeating her own transformation, but on others. What I’m concerned about is interference.”

She flipped through some papers in a folder, looking every bit the serious researcher. “There are too many accounts of rapid-fire transformations, where an unplanned sequence of changes destabilizes a target’s physical form and even their aetheric matrix. Especially if there’s more than one entity involved, and if the first transformation hasn’t had time to stabilize.”

“In plain language, please?” John asked.

“Change them again before they get used to those bodies, and they could melt into piles of goo,” said Jay. For once, he wasn’t smirking, but Una could hear the undertone of scientific curiosity in his voice.

Susan shook her head. “Yes, I’m afraid that’s the gist of it. Especially if it’s Maria, and then Una; slightly unique powers, similar enough to trigger harmonic interference.”

Una looked frustrated; her eyes flashed yellow-gold. “So what can we do, then? Just leave them like this, in female bodies they don’t want?”

Susan sighed. “Try to support them, for now. I have some ideas we could try, but I need more time to check some assumptions. And some equipment.” She stood up and disconnected her tablet from the screen.

“This is all my fault,” said Maria, a dejected note in her voice. “I should be the one to explain things to them. To apologize.”

John put a hand on Maria’s arm. “You don’t have to do that alone. In fact, since intimate contact with you triggered their transformations, you shouldn’t try to comfort them on your own. We’ll all help, and I’ll fill Mrs. Phillips in too… nothing fazes that woman.”

Susan adjusted her blazer, then picked up her papers and tablet. “I wish I could stay and help, but I have an appointment with some people who might be able to help.”

“Appointment? With whom?” Una cocked her head curiously.

Susan’s expression seemed unusually shy. “It’s a job interview, actually. At the Office of Supernatural Affairs.”

Jay Sigma whistled. “Gonna cozy up to the feds, eh? Good luck. You’re going to need it.”

Susan rolled her eyes at him. “It’s technically a state agency, even if they have some influence at the federal level.”

Una’s jaw dropped. “Susan, you didn’t tell me you were doing this!”

“I only found out this morning. I didn’t want to jinx it, and honestly… I’m a little nervous. We’ll see what I can learn!” She looked down, then back up at Una, her expression shifting from uncertainty to determination. “I’m sorry I have to run out. I promise we’ll catch up later.”

Una nodded, reaching out to take Susan’s hand. Her skin felt warm, soft, and human. “Good luck, my love.”


The lobby of the Office of Supernatural Affairs looked like any other government building, with a receptionist desk and a line of chairs, as well as a metal detector and a TSA-style security station. Only the curving ironwork of top-of-the-line aetheric detectors, warding sigils subtly worked into the floor tiles, and a pair of guards with unusual helmets set it apart from a courthouse or a Department of Motor Vehicles.

Susan smoothed her skirt and jacket, then adjusted her glasses and approached the receptionist, who eyed her skeptically. “Where you headed today, miss?”

Susan cleared her throat. “Office of Supernatural Affairs. My name is Susan Miller, I’m here to see Demetrius… oh wait, I forget his last name, I’m sorry.” She fumbled for her phone, feeling suddenly flustered.

“Demetrius Wittier,” the receptionist said, checking his tablet. “Only one Demetrius here. OSA reception is on the ninth floor. Don’t go anywhere else in the building.” He leaned to the left and called to the security guards. “Jimmy! Got another one going to the Woo-Woo Crew. Sorry, miss. There are additional security precautions for that agency.”

The security guard flipped on a switch next to the aetheric detector, and a humming, rattling noise filled the air. “Spit in here, please.” He held out a tube, which Susan took.

“Wow, you have a spectral analysis unit configured for supernatural signatures?” she asked, impressed. “Does it work on relative aetheric density, or… Oh, I’m sorry. You probably aren’t supposed to tell me.”

“I don’t even know,” said the guard, his tone bored. “Just spit in the tube, miss. Are you carrying anything metal, or other living or sentient beings?” She shook her head and followed his instructions, then stood inside the detector, waiting for the light to turn green while another guard examined her briefcase.

The aetheric detector buzzed and spat. The light on the side turned orange, then yellow, and then finally a deep, glowing green. A side panel lit up with readings that Susan couldn’t see from her angle. However, she heard the two guards murmuring to each other perfectly well.

“What the fuck is a Code Aurum? I’ve never seen that one before…”

“Procedure sheet doesn’t say, but I guess we’d better call it in. I’ll get the containment squad, you phone upstairs to the weirdos. Let’s clear the lobby.”

Susan had a sinking feeling. What would happen if I just turned around and walked out? Someone would probably tackle me. She kept her face carefully composed, waiting for the guards to act.

“This is Officer Gomez, requesting backup and—”

Then an anxious voice rang out, along with running footsteps. “No, wait! Hello, stop—there’s no need for that, sorry.” A young man with a cloud of kinky hair was stumbling down the main staircase, waving a plastic ID badge and a printed pass. “I’m so sorry, Miss Miller, I should have known you’d be early. I was supposed to meet you. Hello there, officer. I’m Demetrius Wittier, OSA Liaison First Class… this is my guest. And she’s cleared, okay?”

The guards looked at Demetrius with expressions of disbelief. “She just set off the aetheric alarm, sir,” said the first guard. “We don’t even know what it means, but you can’t just vouch for her.”

Demetrius, still panting, pulled a piece of paper from a stack under his left arm, crumpling it slightly while handing it over. “Here, please read this. It should be sufficient.”

Susan tried to peek at the paper, but it was opaque, on thick creamy stock. She took a deep breath, trying to control her sense of panic. The guards both looked the page over before glancing at each other and shrugging.

“This looks legit, and if she says so, then I guess we gotta let you through.” The guard called Jimmy handed the paper back to Demetrius with a frown. “But you tell your boss that we’ve got to report this up our own chain of command. Go on through, miss.”

Susan approached Demetrius through the detector, which hummed, vibrated and spat a few more sparks of light. “Thanks,” she said. “And sorry… I didn’t know I’d cause a problem.”

Demetrius gave her a strange look. “Let’s talk in the elevator… this way’s the fastest.” She followed him up the stairs, trying to breathe evenly. He’s got a nice ass, she thought. Somebody could bounce a quarter off that, and I wouldn’t mind getting a handful…

Susan felt a tingle in her core and caught herself. Lord help me, I’m doing it again. Every time I’m stressed or upset, I think about sex. It’s just misattribution of arousal, but I keep looking at every cute guy, or girl, or nonbinary person, and wondering what they’d be like to—

“Miss Miller? Are you coming?” Demetrius looked at her curiously from inside the elevator.

Susan snapped out of her reverie. “Sorry. Please, call me Susan.” She glanced up at his warm brown eyes, his strong nose, and his dark lips, and felt the urge rise in her again.

“Not to jump the gun,” she began again. “But are you interviewing me? Or your boss? You said something about several positions, maybe in the archives…?” Her pulse was quickening for very different reasons now, imagining all the records and materials available in an agency like this. She licked the insides of her lips. Oh, please have a copy of the Malleus Maleficarum Invertum! Or the Secret Transmissions of Pai Leng…

Demetrius shook his head. “I know that’s what I said after Gail connected us, but… something else came up.” Susan noticed they’d gone directly past the ninth floor without slowing. “Someone else wants to meet with you.” He pressed his fingers to his temple briefly. “I should just tell you, so you have more than a moment to prepare. It’s the Director, Victoria Lombardi. She has some questions for you.”

“Oh.” Susan’s mouth went dry. “I, um… you’re sure there’s no archive work available?”

Demetrius smiled sympathetically. “She’s not all that scary. Kind of normal, when you get past the whole lady-in-charge thing?” The elevator stopped at the twelfth floor, and Demetrius waved. “Please text me and let me know how it goes?”

Susan’s mouth opened, but no words came out. Outside the elevator, a woman in a green dress was leaning on a reception desk. “Miss Miller? This way, please.” Susan flung a final sideways glare towards Demetrius and turned to face her fate.

The executive assistant, assuming Susan’s guess about the woman’s position was correct, led her down a long hallway. Unfortunately for Susan, she was even more attractive than Demetrius: a tall, curvy Latina woman with hair and makeup done to perfection. I’m wearing a skirt and heels and a nice jacket, Susan thought. I don’t look half bad, but I feel underdressed compared to this knockout. She stared at the woman’s hips, swaying as she walked, the hem of her tight-fitting dress rising and falling. Remember to breathe, Sunghi.

They entered a conference room, and the assistant motioned towards a seat at a long table. “I’m Gabriella, by the way. Maybe we’ll be working together.” Susan met her eyes, and the sparkle there made Susan’s thighs tense. “Victoria will be right in. Can I get you anything to drink?”

“Just water would be nice,” Susan replied, her voice a little unsteady. “Thank you.”

Gabriella left, and Susan looked around the room. It was spacious, with a large window and a view of the city’s skyline, the Financial District stretching away in the distance. She noticed a large, gold-rimmed mirror on the wall, and a closed-circuit camera that panned to track her position. The table in front of her was a typical conference table, its wooden surface polished to a high gleam; a stack of untidy papers littered one side.

Before Susan could give in to her curious urge to peek at the documents, a small door at one end of the room opened. A young woman hurried over to the table and swept up the papers before turning to Susan. Her attire was professional, though a little more like a secretary’s than Gabriella’s elegant outfit: pencil skirt, white sleeveless shirt, and a vest with lace details.

Susan inhaled as she saw the woman’s face: she was gorgeous in a more subtle way than Gabriella, with smooth, milky skin and a cascade of dark, shiny tresses. Her features, pursed in a concerned moue, reminded Susan a little of a statue she’d seen once: a woman with a slender nose and a pointed chin. Yikes, are all the secretaries who work here models or something?

“Hi,” the woman said, smiling and extending a hand. “I’m Victoria Lombardi. Nice to meet you, Miss Miller.” Shocked, Susan stood and took her hand, shaking it firmly. Her skin was like warm satin.

“Um, it’s an honor to meet you, Director Lombardi. Call me Susan.”

The Director’s smile widened, showing gleaming teeth. “Call me Vicky, then. Please, let’s sit. You’re probably confused by all of this, maybe as confused as our poor security team downstairs.” She sat at the table, and Susan mirrored her, taking the seat across.

“I’m sorry about that,” Susan stammered. “I didn’t realize—”

Vicky held up a hand, and Susan instinctively stopped talking. Holy shit, she realized. This woman’s presence is… incredible. She’s in command, but seems perfectly casual at the same time. She’s a relaxed boss, naturally dominant. Oh no, the director of the OSA is… exactly my type.

Susan tried not to squirm in her seat and crossed her legs. That didn’t do much to reduce her awareness of the heat pooling in her center, but she did her best to focus on Victoria instead.

The director watched her with a quirk of the lips that wasn’t quite a smile. “Susan, I’ve read your CV and a few of your papers. You’re an excellent researcher, especially regarding obscure supernatural topics.”

She tapped the table with her French-tipped fingernails, and Susan’s gaze followed to the letter opener sitting by Victoria’s papers. Hold on, she thought. That’s not a letter opener—it’s way too sharp. It’s some kind of ritual knife.

“Your research into the aetheric signatures of demons is especially impressive,” said the director. “And we’re aware of your recent inquiries in that direction… and why.” She paused, tilting her head. “Hey, Susan… can I ask you to do me a funny little favor before we talk further? Don’t feel you have to say yes. It’s not an official part of this interview.”

Susan stared at Victoria, feeling as if she was a bird, hypnotized and struggling not to fly into a beautiful cobra’s open mouth. “Of course,” she said. “What is it?”

“Take that knife,” Victoria said, her voice like honey. “And slice your wrist open.” She pointed at the shining dagger, her gesture as casual as if she’d asked a friend to pass the salt.

Next time: Called to service and self-understanding.

This week due to some unexpected family stuff (nothing seriously bad) we're on the road and may not be able to post two more chapters in addition to this one! We'll do our best to try for Wednesday and Friday, but there may be a delay!

As usual, we'd love to hear your thoughts or questions about what's happening in the story, what you'd like to see, things that don't make sense or whatever other thoughts you have. As long as we know there are readers out there who truly want more chapters, we'll keep posting! (Even a little emoji comment helps!)

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Want more? If you haven't already read them, check out our side-stories from the same universe, New York City after Portal Day!

  • Parturient, a story by The Wolf Among the Woods. A different and motherly form of demonic possession...
  • SYNCHRONY::OVERRIDE, a strange tale of body and identity in a pocket dimension of soul-driven automata...
  • Redraw Me, a slice-of-life relationship tale about a trans woman whose girlfriend draws her dreams to life...
  • Samira's Curse, a smutty romp about two friends whose relationship is transformed...

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