
v2 CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE: (18+) In which a valued partner helpfully talks through a tricky process of change.

Content Warning: F/F joint masturbation

Susan waved from her rooftop, a compact figure in gray and white standing beside a water tower. Una circled above her, spiraling downwards. Susan’s apartment building was a narrow, six-story walkup close to the Hudson river. In the center of the rooftop was a tiny square of black bitumen, with the rest of the space dominated by the water tower, a tarp-covered section, and assorted crates and antennae.

Una landed neatly in front of her girlfriend. “I hope it’s okay that I’m literally dropping in.”

Susan had her hair pinned up in a loose bun, but with long strands falling down around her chin and shoulders. She wore her usual work uniform: a slate-gray suit and button-down tailored to fit her petite frame and curvy figure, with black oxfords. Una had only seen the outfit over video calls and pictures; with Susan’s new job and Una’s relocation to Brooklyn, they’d barely seen each other in weeks.

“Of course it’s okay,” she yelped. Her brown eyes, flecked with gold, shone with happiness behind her glasses, and Una felt her own heart skip a beat. I always forget how cute she is in real life. Susan threw her slim arms around Una’s neck and planted a warm, lingering kiss on her lips, making Una flush and her tail flick.

“It’s not every day a beautiful, naked sex demon falls out of the sky onto my rooftop. What a treat!” Susan laughed. “All right, let’s see if my deductive skills have sharpened. You flew here from the north, not home; you’re naked, but carrying a bundle of clothes.”

The scholarly young woman adjusted her glasses. “Cute outfit, and not your usual style of underthings… hmm!” Her voice took on a playful tone, with an edge of seriousness. “Let me guess: you were at John’s place, and you two had wild, raunchy sex. Probably in the new body you told me about? But something happened during sex that changed you, and you couldn’t change back afterwards.” Susan crossed her arms and smirked. “Am I right, or am I right?”

Una blinked. “That’s… wow, that’s exactly what happened. But how did you know it was, uh… wild, raunchy sex?”

Susan’s smile grew wider, and her eyes sparkled. “Oh, mistress. That was just an assumption based on how long you’ve both been waiting. And the scent of your sweat and arousal.”

She leaned in close and sniffed Una’s neck with theatrical delicacy. “Mmm, yes. Very nice.” Her voice lowered to a purr. “You smell like a woman who’s been properly fucked. And I detect Father Hayes’ unique aroma as well. It’s very distinctive, and it’s not the first time I’ve smelled it on you, remember?” Susan waggled her eyebrows at Una.

Una blushed and rolled her eyes, trying unsuccessfully to hide a smile. “Okay, sex Sherlock. I’m impressed.” She sighed heavily. “I know you need to get downtown, but I was hoping you might have some ideas about why I can’t change… back into my human form. More human, at least.”

Susan tapped her lower lip. “Hmm. Jay Sigma’s far more of a nanotech expert but I consider myself an expert in you, my dark lady. I’ve been wanting to get a look at what he did to you, but I still wish you’d consulted me first…”

“I know, and I’m sorry. It was… a spur-of-the-moment decision. Reacting to a bad dream, and…” The succubus shrugged, a sheepish look on her face, and folded her wings against her back, where they promptly disappeared.

Susan reached out, stroking the smooth skin of Una’s shoulder and upper back with a wistful expression on her face. “I don’t suppose you’d want to come with me to work? I could request access to the medical lab, run some scans… in some of my clothes, of course!”

Una raised an eyebrow. “From what you told me about your first day, I don’t think OSA’s security would be happy about a red-skinned demon girl wandering in.”

Susan puffed out her cheeks and sighed. “Yeah, you’re right. I get why you were so eager to use the nanotech treatment. Unwanted attention and all that. Come over here, let’s sit down and see what I can find out about you.”

“Thanks.” Una gave her girlfriend another hug, pressing her cheek against hers. “It means a lot that I can rely on you, even though we’re taking a little space… you were always the smart and clever one, even before our lives turned upside down.”

“Aw, thanks,” Susan murmured, kissing her cheek in return. “And of course you can come over. I might not want to live together, but I absolutely want to see you. Kind of badly, actually.” Her hand moved to the small of Una’s back and slid down to squeeze her butt firmly. “Don’t make me feel jealous of John!”

They walked over to sit on the rooftop couch under a stretch of tarpaulin, and Una couldn’t help but remember the last time they’d lain on it together, reveling in each other’s bodies. She glanced sideways at Susan and caught the knowing smirk on her youthful face. Of course she knows what memory I’m revisiting!

Una described her transformation at John’s family home, finishing by showing Susan her barely transformed fingernails. The scholar tapped on her nails and sniffed them, then nodded. “They haven’t changed since then, I take it? No reverting to the long, dark and pointies?”

“Nope. Just these little things.” Una sighed. “I was so excited to look relatively normal, and now I feel like I’ve been silly. I borrowed a fancy dress from Jay, got in to see Monsignor Albert that way, and then surprised John with another new outfit. But I didn’t even get to show you…!”

Susan scrunched her face up in a parody of an angry expression. “Oooh, the men get all the perks, and all I get is a video call! I so wanted to see your new style.” She shifted on the couch, sitting on one thigh with her legs curled underneath and her hand on Una’s knee. “But let’s see if we can’t figure something out. Yael obviously knew how to do this, and she’s been dropping cryptic demon clues.”

“Yep, like I told you. Riding on the desire of another, becoming what someone else wants. I think I know what she means… that’s how I changed my voice, back when John and I first hooked up, but at the time I didn’t know how I pulled it off.” Her gaze grew distant. “Then, when Spencer had me at his camp, I think I did it again.” She rubbed the bridge of her nose.

“Okay. What if it’s simpler than you’d assumed? What if you can do it even without having sex?” Susan leaned forward, staring intently at her girlfriend. Una couldn’t help but notice that Susan’s shirt was unbuttoned far enough to expose the inner slopes of her breasts, nestled in satin. Her eyes lingered on that tantalizing view for a second longer before snapping back up.

“Uhhh,” she managed, her cheeks heating when she realized her girlfriend had definitely noticed. “How would I begin, though?”

Susan’s smile was mischievous, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Well, what were you imagining just now? The curve of my bra? Whether I’m wearing a thong or panties? The taste of my mouth, or the touch of my fingers?”

Una swallowed hard and licked her lips. “I was… I mean, yes, all of those things.”

Susan nodded. “So help me do the same. I’d love to hear about what your other form looked like… and how you enjoyed it.” Her voice was low now, her words coming in a breathy murmur.

“Well,” Una began, choosing her words gingerly. “I was a lot softer. Demon flesh has toned, dense muscle under the smooth skin… but my human form is more, uh, pillowy. When I ran, when John grabbed me, I felt myself jiggle. My breasts were slightly smaller and shaped differently.”

Susan closed her eyes. “Were they like mine? Not as spherical on top as yours are right now.”

Una shook her head and then remembered that Susan’s eyes were closed. “No, they have a little slope, or a dip, before they become full and round. And they don’t stick out as far. Teardrop-shaped, is that the term? My nipples are brown instead of dark red, and they’re a lot more sensitive.”

The succubus paused, watching her partner closely, but Susan’s face showed no sign of change. “My waist is still slim, but I’ve developed a little pooch of a tummy. Not a lot, but just enough to give me a little softness below.”

“Mmmm, yeah. I know what you mean. Tell me how John touched you.” Susan changed positions, laying down with her head on the end of the sofa, looking up.

Una’s heart beat faster. She could see the rise and fall of Susan’s chest, her breathing quickening. “I think he liked the softness, and the way my hips flared out. He grabbed my butt with both hands and squeezed me… in every sensitive place. My nipples, and my horns too—I told you I still had those, but little ones, like when I first grew them way back when.”

Susan slipped her hand between her legs, her fingers rubbing the fabric over her crotch. “Did you have hair? Between your thighs?”

Una smiled. “Yes… a lot more than the little horned design this body has.” Mirroring Susan, she slid two fingers over her mound. “My human body has a curly triangle, dark brown and thick.”

“I love how that would feel against my tongue,” Susan said softly, opening her eyes and staring straight up, rather than at Una. Her fingers moved in a slow circular pattern over her pussy, her hips shifting slightly with her motions. “I want to lick your clit until you squirt on my lips.”

“John went at me with his mouth,” Una whispered. “The way he sucked on me made my whole body tremble, and I had to ask him to stop. I wanted to come from his cock instead of his tongue.”

Susan groaned, squeezing her legs tightly together as she massaged her mound. “Did he fuck you good and hard? Did he cum inside you?”

“Yeah… after he spanked me hard and made me say the Act of Contrition.”

“Mmmmm.” Susan moaned, her hips rising to meet her hand. “Listen, Una… let me tell you what I know about you. I’ve seen you. You’re small, curvy but not voluptuous, just a little taller than me, and your skin has this pinkish-gold glow, like a sunrise. Your breasts are like peaches hanging from a bough, resting against your chest in perfect teardrops.”

Una closed her eyes now, reaching out to feel Susan’s desire, and her vision filled with images of herself, her grown-up Michaela self. “Go on,” she breathed, her own hands caressing her breasts, her belly, and sliding between her thighs as Susan continued to speak.

“Your hair is soft and thick and straight, hanging in those wings around your chin. I love those freckles across your nose and in the valley of your chest. You’ve got the kindest eyes I’ve ever seen, and I adore the way their amber depths light up when you smile.”

Una gasped as she felt something in her grab hold of the waves of need emanating from Susan. It was like riding those emotions, as if on a surfboard, letting them carry her forward. The feeling was intoxicating, like being drunk and caffeinated all at once.

“Your lips are so full and soft, and I can’t get enough of kissing them or feeling them brush against my skin. I love your soft slender limbs, your graceful movements, the way your hips sway when you walk, the gentle curve of your ass and thighs. I love the way it feels when I’m licking you, and your little tail slaps my cheek.” Susan’s breathing sounded ragged now, and Una could hear the wet sounds her fingers were making as they rubbed her pussy.

Una’s body shivered and twitched as Susan described her. Her skin prickled as if electrified, and her muscles tensed involuntarily. She felt her limbs shift, contracting in on themselves. Her tail seemed to pull up towards her spine, and she felt the bones in her hooves pop as they shrank and changed form, keratin giving way to new pink skin.

She felt it more clearly now, the sensation of riding. Una knew what Yael meant; Susan’s longing for her was like a wave, lifting her up and surging forward, but she could control it. She was in charge now, and she let Susan’s image of her propel her into the form she wanted. She imagined her body softening and growing lighter, her skin fading to the rosy tones of her human selves, and she let out a gasp of surprise as she felt it happen. Una opened her eyes to see Susan gazing at her adoringly.

“Why hello there,” Susan said. “Have we met?”

Una laughed and threw herself at her girlfriend, knocking Susan backwards onto the couch. She pressed her mouth hungrily to Susan’s lips and kissed her fiercely, her hands running over Susan’s breasts and down her stomach to slip beneath her waistband. Susan moaned, arching up to meet her. Their tongues danced together as Una’s fingers slid over Susan’s clit and dipped into Susan’s wet folds.

“Una, my precious. I’m so glad we figured this out, but…!” Susan’s hips pressed against her hand, even as she protested.

“I know,” said Una. “You’re late for work!” She kissed Susan again, biting gently on her lower lip.

“Yeah, I’m going to be really, really late,” Susan murmured, pulling her closer.

Una pulled back reluctantly. “I could go with you now? I even have clothes. Well, except the hose, I tore those with my hooves.”

Susan sat up, adjusting her clothing. She tapped her lower lip and seemed to decide. “I think… maybe I can get you in, yes. Just have to send a few messages on the way. And this is a splendid opportunity to show you a few things I found in the archives, too.” She stood up, smoothing her suit jacket down and brushing stray hairs off her pants.

Una grabbed her own dress, underwear and shoes, inspecting her body as she wriggled into them. Her skin had returned to its usual paler shade, her center of balance shifted once more, and her horns and tail at their smaller size. She felt her teeth with her tongue, and they seemed to have reverted as well, with only a hint of sharpness. Something was slightly different, but she couldn’t figure out what.

Susan appraised her with interest. “I might be even more jealous of John, knowing he got to take you out in that dress. You’re so damn cute now! At least I get to bring you to my office…” She winked.

Una was about to respond when a shadow moved over them, blanket the entire rooftop in the shade. She looked up, startled at the shape overhead. “What in the many names of hell is that?”

Susan glanced up. “I keep forgetting you’ve been spending less time in Manhattan lately! That’s the two new vacuum airships running their inaugural flights this week. Surely you’ve at least read about them.”

Una nodded. “I saw something in the papers a while ago, but I didn’t realize they were already… airworthy? I get that they’re better for the environment, but do they have to be so huge?”

Susan shrugged. “Something to do with the vacuum system. They weigh far less than conventional aircraft because they’re 99.9% empty, and they won’t burst into flames like the Hindenburg. But the hull is apparently incredibly expensive—some kind of synthetic dragonskin, a super-hard carbon.”

As the vast dirigible silently moved southwards towards Central Park, Una could see that its surface was iridescent, shimmering with rainbow hues as if wet or oiled. Beneath the curve of its belly, rows of tiny windows glittered along passenger decks. “It’s beautiful. But also kind of terrifying.”

“I know, right? I love seeing it go overhead. Lots of startups claim they’re going to combine magic and science to disrupt the economy or whatever, but Dracotech just hits the public with sheer spectacle.” Susan fastened a single button on her blazer, then gestured towards the stairwell.

They held hands on the way to the nearest express station. Susan’s hand was small and warm in her own, and Una squeezed it tightly, grateful for her presence and support. What do we look like to New Yorkers passing by? Una wondered. Just two girls, out for a walk, hand in hand? A couple? But probably not an odd sort of succubus… and the bearer of an angelic infestation.

Una felt light and tingled pleasantly from head to toe. But once she and Susan sat nestled in adjacent train seats, she realized she was still tingling, and in very particular ways. The hard plastic of the seat against her bare legs felt strangely stimulating, and she squirmed uncomfortably as the subway car rumbled through the tunnel.

She looked over at Susan, wondering if her girlfriend was similarly affected. Susan was tapping a message rapidly into a tablet, frowning slightly, her lips pursed. The sight made Una’s heart race, and the tingling sensation between her thighs increased, sending shivers up her spine. She squeezed her own knees, trying to ignore her growing excitement.

Una looked around the crowded car, hoping no one was noticing her strange behavior, but everyone else seemed absorbed in their own thoughts or activities, just like every other time she’d taken the subway. She adjusted her headband, accidentally brushing the fabric across her horns; the sensation made Una bite back a moan, and she quickly put her hands in her lap, clasping her knees tightly.

Susan looked up at the sound, raising her brows in question. Una shook her head silently, not daring to speak aloud. Susan’s eyes narrowed, and she leaned closer, putting her hand on Una’s thigh. “My… you’re still very worked up, aren’t you? Insatiable little succubus, didn’t John satisfy your hunger?”

Maybe it was the reduced difference in height, or the lack of intimidating demonic traits, but Una could sense a shift in the dynamic between them. Susan’s tone had changed, her voice deeper and more confident. Una’s cheeks flushed and her breathing deepened; she couldn’t help responding to this commanding side of Susan’s nature.

“Susan,” Una asked. “When you were imagining what I looked like… would you say you were imagining me in any particular… state?” The train clacked over a bumpy section of track, and when her ass bounced on the seat, the vibrations made her shudder.

“State? What do you mean?” Susan asked, tilting her head quizzically, but her lips curved upwards in a slight smirk.

“You know… a state of arousal. Like, uh, wetness.” Una whispered the last word in an embarrassed hiss. “Readiness for, you know… sex.”

“Ahhh.” Susan smiled knowingly. “Well, yes. I may have been imagining what you would look and feel like while I devoured your soft and juicy cunt.” Her voice lowered to a whisper, her breath tickling Una’s ear, and she slid her hand higher on Una’s thigh.

The succubus gasped. She glanced around. This time, a young man across the aisle caught her eye and smirked. His eyes traveled up and down her form, lingering on her cleavage and Susans’ hand, and then he looked away, whistling softly. Una looked away as well, her face hot with shame.

Susan’s hand stroked her knee, and she leaned close to Una’s ear. “Does it bother you that others can see how much you enjoy being touched? How much you want to be fucked?”

Una shook her head. The truth is… I like it. But she wasn’t ready to acknowledge that to anyone else yet; she didn’t even fully understand it herself.

Susan withdrew her hand with a gentle smile. “Next stop,” she said, patting Una’s hand. Una took a few deep breaths and tried to compose herself as the train slowed. She followed Susan through the crowded station and up into the sunlight, her body still tingling, and her mind spinning with questions and unsatiated desire.

“I remember what you told me about your first visit here,” said Una, speaking under her breath as they hurried through the busy plaza. “Code Aurum? Are alarms going to go off when I walk in the door?”

“Nope.” Susan led Una down a side street towards an unmarked door in the wall of a government office building. “They’ll go off when you walk through the aetheric detector.”

The aetheric detector turned out to be a tall wrought-metal frame with an ornate arch at its top, positioned just inside a small side entrance to the building. As Susan stepped through, it flashed red, emitting an ominous chime. Susan held out her hand and a bored-looking security guard scanned a card over it, then waved her through.

“Coming in the side door again, Miller? If you just want to see my gorgeous mug, you could say so. Or at least bring me a bagel.” He glanced at Una. “Your guest cleared already?”

“She’s a special case, but yes.” Susan smiled sweetly at him, and Una could tell she’d grown on him, at least a little. “Or… she should be. Don’t mind the codes too much, you’ll have to call up.”

The guard held a hand up as Una stepped forward. “You’re not in the system yet, Miss. Have to spit in this tube to calibrate.” He held out a long ceramic tube. “Sorry about this. Your pal’s a part of what we call the Woo-Woo Crew around here. Got all kinds of, you know, shenanigans.” He waggled his eyebrows and gave Una what she felt sure was a winning smile, at least in his own estimation.

The succubus took the end of the tube delicately in one hand, letting the guard hold the other. She allowed saliva to pool in her mouth before leaning forward to let a long strand of liquid drop from her pouting lips into the container. She handed it back to the guard, smiling shyly as he tipped it up and swirled the contents.

He glanced at the display screen. “OK, go ahead and walk through the thingummy there, Miss.”

When Una stepped through the frame, the detector buzzed angrily. Lights moved up and down the sides of the metalwork.

“What the…” said the guard. “I heard what you said about calling up, but she’s a Code Black? She doesn’t look like… like a…”

Una looked at him, her eyes wide, and fluttered her eyelashes. She saw him swallow nervously. “Like a demon? Sorry…” She pulled her headband off, ruffling her hair to let her small horns show through.

The guard shook his head. “I shoulda known, since you’re with her… Okay, let me call up.” He watched Susan and Una as he talked. “Hey, this is the front desk, we got a Code… yeah… uh huh… okay… yep, will do.” He set down the handset and pointed to a bench against the wall. “Sit down, you two.”

Susan sighed and rolled her eyes at Una, who shrugged, and they sat down next to each other. Una glanced sideways at Susan; her girlfriend looked nonplussed, but relaxed. “Are we in trouble? Did I just get you fired by the government or something?”

“What…?” Susan blinked. “No, no, my little worrier. They’re just sending—” A clatter of hurried footsteps echoed down the narrow staircase at the rear of the room, in the wake of an elevator chime from somewhere above. “… Demetrius.”

A flustered young man with dusky skin and an impressive, springy halo of brown hair tumbled into the waiting area and gawked at the two women. “Susan—I mean, Agent Miller. And Miss Belmont, right? Agent Miller, the Director said not to bring her here until…” He trailed off, glancing between Una and the guard, who was studiously ignoring them.

“Yeah, yeah,” Susan said. “I know. She can yell at me about it. Just clear us, okay? I’ll take the blame, but I need this subject’s special talents for some tests.”

Demetrius looked doubtful, his gaze traveling from Susan to Una. Una gave him an uncertain wave, and the young man signed and wrote in a ledger on the security desk.

On the way up in a freight elevator, Una tried to whisper to Susan without involving Demetrius, which meant she ended up mouthing words silently. Agent Miller? Special talents? Tests? Susan nodded, then winked.

The elevator rose for long enough that Una felt another wave of arousal pass through and settle in her belly. It’s like being on fire! Is this what it feels like to be a cat in heat? She shifted her feet and squeezed her thighs together. It didn’t help; beads of sweat formed along her hairline, and she could feel her pulse beating in her throat, her temples, her nipples, her core.

“Um… are you okay?” Demetrius was staring at her as if he’d caught a Kraken on a fishing line.

“Yeah! Yes! I’m fine!” Her voice sounded high and strained, even to her. She swallowed and tried to relax, but the tingles of arousal were spreading to her limbs. The elevator doors opened and Susan grabbed her by the shoulders, steering Una out into a carpeted hallway.

“She’s just very horny! Don’t worry, I can take care of it. Thanks, Demetrius!” As the doors of the elevator closed, Una cast a look back and saw the young man standing with his mouth agape.

Next time: The hidden corners of the Office of Supernatural Affairs.

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Want more? If you haven't already read them, check out our side-stories from the same universe, New York City after Portal Day!

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  • SYNCHRONY::OVERRIDE, a strange tale of body and identity in a pocket dimension of soul-driven automata...
  • Redraw Me, a slice-of-life relationship tale about a trans woman whose girlfriend draws her dreams to life...
  • Samira's Curse, a smutty romp about two friends whose relationship is transformed...

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