
v2 CHAPTER FORTY-FIVE: (18+) In which rooftop debauchery is unceremoniously disrupted by a rebellious streak.

Content Warning: F2F transformation, M/F oral, F/F sex, dubious consent, genital trauma, cannibalism, graphic bodily extraction of armament

The archdemon Nezz, Lord of Control, lifted one massive hand. He slowly lowered it, as if pressing down a volume of air. “Una Belmont,” he intoned. “You will bow before me willingly in the end. It is inevitable; it is fated. Your every choice belongs to me, as does your body and your sigil. I have claimed them before, and I claim them again.” His voice was low, but rippled through the air like thunder. “When I have broken you, you will eagerly beg me for my next command. Now kneel.”

As the demon lord pressed his palm down, Una felt a massive weight on her shoulders. Next to her, the nun and the high-school girl fell prostrate on the rooftop, their bodies flattened as though pressed down by an unseen vice. The pressure increased as Una's own limbs gave way; then the weight grew too great, and her legs folded beneath her. Edges of ceramic tile bit into her skin as her body collapsed, her head and shoulders forced against the rooftop.

The pressure eased, and all three women gasped for air, their chests heaving. Sister Mary Margaret coughed, a sickly rasping noise. Una rolled over onto her back and stared upwards at an empty patch of sky, with any stars blotted out by the light of the city.

Nezz stood from his throne and took a step toward her, then another, each footstep sending a tremor through the platform. His shadow blotted out the light as he approached, looming like a monolith.

“You are clad well for your service, succubus. These other two, your attendants… displease me.” Mary Margaret and Charlene let out muffled moans, as though they were being crushed again.

The archdemon gestured towards the others. Una felt the weight of his will lessen further as his attention shifted, as though a great spotlight had swung away from her. She rose to her knees, and saw the nun and the young woman tearing at their clothes, panting with heat and exertion.

The nun was the first to shed her garments, revealing the wrinkled flesh beneath. Una watched as Mary Margaret stripped off the habit, and then tore at her plain underwear until she knelt nude. Unbound, her gray hair tumbled around her head, her face flushed red with anger.

Charlene, however, struggled to remove her uniform. She looked older than she had in Una’s dream of their school days, though even now she seemed barely an adult. Nezz made a slashing motion through the air with one finger, and Una heard the fabric of the girl's clothing rip. Charlene's clothes fluttered away, leaving only scraps of cloth and a few buttons.

Una noticed that Charlene's hair was dyed blonde; at her temples, the color faded back to brown, the natural hue of her roots and the thatch of her pubic hair. She dropped to the concrete, kneeling in a shred of her discarded school uniform.

The archdemon’s expression remained twisted in a mask of displeasure, but Una thought it seemed exaggerated, theatrical. “Scrawny wretches,” he said. “Change now, to suit my tastes.”

Charlene gasped, her shoulders heaving and tensing. Una saw the girl's body shift, growing rounder, softer, and more mature. Her thighs thickened, her breasts ballooning until they jutted out to either side. Her hips expanded, and she rolled forward to support herself on her hands and knees, her buttocks jiggling as they expanded. She groaned, and Una saw her eyes widen as she struggled with her shifting center of balance.

Mary Margaret cried out as well, her face contorting in pain. The nun's body seemed to contract, the wrinkled folds of her skin tightening and stretching across newly forming sinews and flesh. Her hair grew out, becoming thicker and lustrous. The nun's chest rose, and she gasped as her withered breasts filled into plump teardrops. Una watched the woman's nipples darken and stiffen, and then Mary Margaret arched her back, her fingers clawing against the rooftop. Her eyes rolled up in her skull.

From the gray locks on the nun’s head, feathers burst forth and covered her scalp, mingling with strands of hair. The smoothed curves and angles of her face now seemed far younger that her ancient years, though still mature. Her nose bent into an aquiline curve, and her palms and soles twisted into the shape of talons. The nun threw back her head and shrieked, a shrill cry that echoed across the pavilion. She really is a harpy, Una thought. I always suspected…

Although her extremities grew to resemble those of a bird, with feathers spilling down her back and lining the backs of her limbs, her torso kept a human shape. Soft, ample curves replaced the gaunt angles of old age and hunger. Mary Margaret panted, staring upward at the archdemon as though she might devour him in an act of vengeance, and her face was both that of a beautiful young woman and a fierce raptor, with eyes like black pools of ink.

Charlene's transformation completed, her naked body glistening with sweat. She now had the figure of a pinup girl, with wide hips and generous curves. Her hair had grown out into a wild, blonde mane, and her face had matured to meet the harpy’s in apparent age. The new, buxom woman glared at Una with a look of pure venom before collapsing onto her side.

Mary Margaret rose from the floor, her new form supple and strong. She looked up at the archdemon with a feral expression, and hissed like an eagle, her tongue darting between sharpened teeth. She flexed, and her wings extended, each feather shining silver in the moonlight.

Nezz held up one hand, and the harpy stopped in her tracks, glaring. “Somewhat improved,” he said, and smiled. His teeth seemed very bright, and very sharp. “Now, tend to each other while I see to our guest.” He waved dismissively, and Mary Margaret turned to stare at Charlene, her face a mask of hate and lust. She stalked towards the younger female, her talons clicking against the rooftop.

Una's attention returned to the demon lord towering over her. Nezz extended one foot towards her, and his toe nudged at one of her legs, pushing it to one side. She felt the pressure of his foot against her inner thigh and gasped, her body tensing in surprise. She sat with knees splayed, her feet behind her, as Nezz sank to his knees, the impact of his massive weight shaking her body as like an avalanche thundering down a mountainside.

The demon leaned forward, his head still far above hers. Una felt the heat of his breath against her skin as he exhaled. The exhalations smelled sweet, almost floral, and the scent of roses filled her nostrils. With his attention fully on her again, she felt the weight of the demon's will close around her like a velvet fist, constricting and suffocating.

To one side, behind Nezz, Mary Margaret had Charlene on her knees. The harpy’s hands rested on the girl's shoulders, forcing her down. Una heard a wet sound, followed by a moan of pleasure.

Nezz reached out with one enormous hand, and cupped her chin, tilting it upward. Una looked into his eyes and saw her reflection in the depths of his saucer-like pupils. She felt his power grasp her, and she trembled. “Stand,” the demon lord said, and released Una.

She rose shakily to her feet. Her tail flicked behind her, slapping her own ass, and her skin prickled with anticipation. She felt her heartbeat throb in her ears as Nezz tore away his loincloth. The sight of his immense cock, hanging like a great pillar of stone, stole the breath from her lungs. She gasped and stepped backwards instinctively.

Nezz grinned. He wrapped one massive hand around his member, his palm barely fitting around it, and stroked it once, twice. Una stared as the shaft swelled, the skin stretching and growing taut. The demon lord stood, and his cock pointed upwards towards the moon, its swollen head level with Una's own face.

“You know what to do, girl.” The crushing weight of the demon's will did not descend to compel her, but hung in the air like an enveloping mist.

In theory, I know what to do, Una thought. But this thing is enormous. I doubt I could take half of it in my mouth. Still, she found herself stepping towards the archdemon as though drawn in by some invisible thread. She wanted something here, something she couldn’t name. Her tail twitched against her backside.

Una leaned forward to lick the underside of the immense cock. She felt its warmth pulsing against her face in waves, like blasts from an oven. The skin was velvety soft, and the scent of musk and flowers filled her head, making her thoughts feel muzzy. Nezz stiffened and groaned, and she felt a thrill of fear run down her spine. He might lose control if I keep this up. I might lose control. Have I been here before?

Una ran her tongue across the expanse of Nezz's glans, feeling her own saliva pooling on her lips as she licked. She tasted the salt of pre-cum and inhaled its scent, her head spinning. She opened her mouth wide, but could not even fit her mouth around one side of the head, and she settled for sucking and licking the tip as Nezz growled in pleasure.

Beyond them, Una heard Mary Margaret crooning as Charlene cried out in rhythmic moans. Una felt a twinge in her core, a heat building there. Her pussy was slick, dripping with need. She wanted to touch it, stroke it, plunge her fingers inside herself, but she dared not stop her ministrations, and she kept her hands on the cock, running her fingers up and down its sensitive expanses.

Una lost track of time; her thoughts drifted in a haze. She felt Nezz's hands on her body, and she let him move her, guide her. His will surrounded her, and she felt as though she were floating. Her mouth kept working, licking and kissing as her body rubbed up against the shaft. More and more aroused, she felt her own orgasm building but denied—a pressure within her that demanded release. Nezz groaned again, louder than before.

Fuck this, came a thought from somewhere deeper in herself. Am I just going to stay here, doing what he tells me? Fuck that. I am no man's slave. “Fuck that,” she murmured, and Nezz shifted slightly, as if hearing her words. This ends before any release. I will not stay to provide you pleasure. Una’s lips curled, and she felt a movement against her gums, her teeth elongating and growing jagged.

Una bit down as hard as she could.

Nezz roared, a bellowing sound like the sundering of the earth by a geyser. The thick meat of his cock tore apart as Una’s jaws ripped away one side of its head, and blood spurted from the wound, spraying the roof with red. The demon lord reared back, and Una spat a chunk of spongy flesh from between her teeth onto the floor. Nezz clutched at his wound, his face a mask of disbelief.

The succubus licked her bloody lips and grinned, her face smeared with red. “You're no better than any man,” Una snarled, her voice raw. “You can't break me. You'll never fucking break me!” The demon lord growled in response and took a step towards her, raising one massive fist. To one side, the two women screamed together in a cacophony of pleasure.

The sword, Una thought, and didn’t understand her own meaning. Velisatra, the blade of sacrifice. Before she could step back, before she could formulate any kind of question for herself, or Yael, or whatever part of herself was babbling about weapons, Nezz swung his arm downwards.

Una ducked to one side, and felt the air stir around her as Nezz's fist struck the rooftop, cracking the tiles. The reverberations nearly knocked her flat, but she managed to land on hands and knees, then scrambled to her feet. The pavilion shook as Nezz reared up again, his face contorted in rage.

“What sword?!” Una screamed, and Nezz bellowed wordlessly in reply as his hand swept out again. Una leapt backwards, landing awkwardly and falling onto her rear, her legs splayed in front of her.

She felt a sudden, bizarre sensation: a feeling within her was pulling her towards… something far away. It was as though her body contained a magnet which had suddenly come into alignment with another magnet, and now the two poles sought to draw each other together across vast distances. Within her core, a tingle grew, spreading outward from her depths.

Nezz’s clenched fist descended, and Una felt a surge of panic as she rolled to one side, narrowly avoiding his crushing blow and feeling the wind of its passage whip her hair into wild strands. At the point of impact, the surface of the roof splintered, shards of ceramic flying in all directions. Una covered her head with one hand as debris peppered her, but felt tiny cuts open across her exposed skin.

Una scrambled as far as she could across the roof while the giant rose again; with an abrupt wrench, she felt the pull within her increase and snap into an oddly familiar sensation. The walls of her pussy stretched, and she knew something was inside, filling her up like a lover’s hand.

Backing away from the wounded arch demon, she reached between her legs, slipping her golden thong aside to explore the intruding object. Her fingers found something long and solid, like a dildo or the handle of a vibrator. As she grasped it, the walls of her sex clenched tightly, and she felt a jolt of pleasure shoot up through her abdomen to her breasts. Una moaned and tugged at the object within her.

It would not budge. She felt her insides shifting, accommodating it, and she understood with sudden clarity that the object was both part of her and impossibly alien. Nezz stared at her, his eyes glowing red and the veins on his forehead bulging. He raised his fist once more, and Una yanked the handle down and out of her cunt.

The hilt emerged with an audible squelch, and she saw her juices coating it. The weapon that emerged from her lips was a long, slender blade, curved like a khopesh and gleaming, forged from dark metal. Though the edge gleamed, she’d somehow drawn it out of her tender flesh without a scratch or a single drop of blood. The weapon seemed to pulse in her hand as though it were part of her body, and its feel as she held it was both alien and familiar. Now this has got to be some kind of dream. It’s too much.

The sounds of lovemaking ceased, and the two women stared at Una in wonder, their faces streaked with each other's fluids. Even Nezz had paused, his eyes locked on the sword as he slowly lowered his fist. Una gripped the weapon in both hands, holding it aloft in a stance that felt both awkward and natural, and she glared at the demon lord, daring him to strike again. Her pulse thundered in her head.

“A sigilsword…?” Mary Margaret's voice croaked, soft with awe.

Nezz grunted in disdain. “That toy will not save you, succubus. Just another trick.” He took an unsteady step, and Una realized the demon was losing blood, the crimson fluid pouring from his ruined member in a river. His cock was a ragged mess of flesh, and the sight made Una feel queasy.

“I'll cut you again if you get any closer!” Una brandished the blade in front of her, and Nezz paused, his lips contorting into a sneer. Even hurt, he’s far stronger than I am, Una realized. But he’s also afraid… afraid of this sword?

Nezz drew himself up, and the muscles of his arms bulged. His eyes blazed with hate and fury. Una took an involuntary step back and tightened her grip on the sword's handle, her fingers sliding along its length. Her hands moved of their own volition, twisting and adjusting their position.

Abruptly, Nezz reached to one side, grasped Charlene by the ankle, and flung her towards Una. The young woman flew through the air as though flung by a catapult, and Una barely had time to dive aside as Charlene crashed against the rooftop, skidded, and rolled to a stop.

Unfortunately for the succubus, the demon lord’s feint had drawn her close to his reach. She was too late to react when the massive hand swung down and caught her. Nezz held her within a constricting circle of his enormous fingers and lifted her into the air, her newfound weapon in her grip but pinned to her side. Una bellowed in fear and outrage, her voice hoarse.

Una kicked at the wall of Nezz's wrist, her blows bouncing harmlessly off the demon's skin. She tried to twist her shoulders and hips, but she could not escape, and she felt the strength of his fingers tightening against her ribs. Finally, she brought her head down sharply and clamped her teeth on the skin between Nezz’s thumb and forefinger.

This time, the demon did not hesitate or cry out. He simply flung his hand outwards, hurling Una through the air. The outer columns of the pavilion rushed past as Una soared, screaming in terror. Then nothing lay below, nothing save the streets of Manhattan far beneath the rooftop, and a long, long fall to the ground.

She plummeted, her body spinning wildly out of control as the breath ripped from her lungs. She saw the lights of the city revolving, the buildings hurtling past, the distant moon, a glimpse of the rooftop, and then the street again. Her stomach lurched as she hung in freefall, then began her descent towards Sixth Avenue.

Next time: Plummeting into the depths.

We'd love to know what you think of this scene, as it harkens back to some earlier chapters but moves in what's hopefully a different direction. What's your interpretation of what's going on here?

As usual, we love to see even your "TFTCs" and blob emojis, and to hear any reactions to what's happening in the story. Did something not make sense? Is there a plot development you'd like to see? Or whatever other thoughts you have! As long as we know there are readers out there who truly want more chapters, we'll keep posting!

Want more? If you haven't already read them, check out our side-stories from the same universe, New York City after Portal Day!

  • Parturient, a story by The Wolf Among the Woods. A different and motherly form of demonic possession...
  • SYNCHRONY::OVERRIDE, a strange tale of body and identity in a pocket dimension of soul-driven automata...
  • Redraw Me, a slice-of-life relationship tale about a trans woman whose girlfriend draws her dreams to life...
  • Samira's Curse, a smutty romp about two friends whose relationship is transformed...

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