Succeed, or Fall into Depravity as a Witch!

013 Fatal Side Effects

The passing of time mattered little to cultivators. Jiangming had only took a few steps into the magical realm and was busy exploring the novel wonders of it. Combined with pressure from senior sister, these few days passed by in a flash.

She had successfully cultivated to the first level of Qi Refinement.

However, as she fully immersed herself in cultivation, she also found a seriously headache-inducing problem. This [Incomplete Yin Psalm]……seemed to have significant side effects!

And those annoying side effects were left unwritten in the manual.

Every time she practiced, she would feel her lower abdomen slightly heating up, and a strange restlessness surged from deep inside her heart. She can’t help but want to lick her lips, feeling strangely cold, so lonely, wanting to be hugged, and even more unsightly thoughts constantly emerged.

For instance……she had often fantasised recently: What did it feel like to be swallowed up by that Nirvana Sacred Tree?

At first, when she was still getting used to the body of a girl, Jiangming thought her cultivating had gone astray somewhere, and something had gone wrong. Until she continued to practice day after day, and those ‘bad thoughts’ continued to become more and more intense, making her dizzy and affecting her consciousness.

And in this befuddled state, her hand moved on its own as if possessed, reaching down between her legs.

There’s so much nectar……


The next morning, Jiangming slammed her head repeatedly against the wall, finally recalling all the details of last night’s ‘self-indulgence’ with this ‘Classic Memory Recovery Technique’ (Brute Force).

Panting and gasping like that……Tch, how shameless, and I don’t know if Brother Qin next door heard me.

Probably not, right?

Yeah, probably not.

Feeling her body ‘calming down’ which was rare in the last few days, Jiangming had a sudden epiphany as to why that may be. In order to confirm this guess, she changed back to her male form and decided to visit senior brother Song.

“You’re right, [Incomplete Yin Psalm] does have side effects.”

Inside the infirmary’s medical lodge, Song Tianxing roughly assumed Jiangming had accepted his fate, and did not think further about it. He opened the tea lid, sipping from the cup between telling Jiangming everything he knew, without holding back.

The more Jiangming listened, the more his hands began shaking.

“[Incomplete Yin Psalm] has two special features. Firstly, Six Desires produced during dual cultivation’s spiritual synchronisation would be blended with the feminised woman’s whole-hearted devotion to her ‘master’, gradually refining the woman’s meridians and spiritual roots, becoming more suitable for use as a human cauldron, and as such enhancing her talent.”

“Senior brother is so deceitful. Last time, when you told me [Incomplete Yin Psalm] could enhance practitioners’ talents, you didn’t add so many major premises.” Jiangming was deeply annoyed, and his tone became unconsciously worse.

He originally thought [Incomplete Yin Psalm] was a brilliant method, only to now see the fine print — this was a brilliant method suitable for raising living fleshlights!

Requiring dual cultivation to enhance one’s talent, even if one doesn’t mind that, but on top having to become ‘feminised’ as well as showing ‘whole-hearted devotion to her master’. This so-called enhancement of talent isn’t really ‘enhancement’ for the individual, but rather making them a more outstanding human cauldron for others!

Jiangming was so mad he was about to laugh. As expected of the Joyous Union Sect, nothing here could ever be straight or proper.

 “That’s incorrect, junior brother. Although the user becomes more suitable as a human cauldron, but the requirements of a cauldron naturally include everything necessary for cultivation…...”

“What about anything unnecessary? I’m curious as to what else [Incomplete Yin Psalm] enhance beyond that.” Jiangming asked bluntly.

Song Tianxing became quiet. He coughed awkwardly before saying with a wry smile: “I’ll tell you, but I hope junior brother don’t get angry.”

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll be even more angry!”

“Alright……” Song Tianxing helplessly counted with his fingers: “Spiritual purity, so your spiritual power is more easily absorbed; Sensitivity, which makes you more easily satisfied; Sexual desire, which makes you more lustful; Servility, which makes your temperament more receptive to serving others, and less afraid of pain…...”

Jiangming became silent for a long time.

“Senior brother, you’re such a bastard!” He cursed bitterly.

Song Tianxing was stumped. He sighed softly, reaching out to pat Jiangming on the head like before, “I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you. I’ll protect you for the rest of your life, so that you’ll always stay young, carefree, and pure of heart.”

Jiangming dodged the hand with a step backwards, his face expressionless: “No need. When I give you a pounding in the future, just don’t shrink back like a turtle in its shell.”

Song Tianxing misunderstood the meaning of ‘pounding’ and thought it meant the kind a couple does on the bed. He sighed in relief and said with a smile:

“Don’t worry, junior brother. When the time comes, senior brother will neither hide nor fight back. You can vent all you like to your heart’s content!”

“Hmph.” Jiangming couldn’t be bothered to explain.

After boiling the medicine and heating up another pot of tea, Jiangming asked about the second feature of [Incomplete Yin Psalm].

“Now that second feature is something truly impressive. If you’ve seen your senior sisters fight before, you should be able to appreciate the speed of [Incomplete Yin Psalm]’s circulation and release of spiritual energy, the rapid rate of recovery after using techniques, which is far greater than any other methods out there.”

Jiangming thought about it, and it seemed to be true. He had never practiced other methods in depth to compare against, nor had he seen his senior sisters fight before, but he was familiar with [Like-Dragon Artes].

At the same level of Qi Refinement, [Incomplete Yin Psalm] actually recovered qi twice as fast as [Like-Dragon Artes] theoretically could!

Song Tianxing smiled and dropped another bombshell, “This feature becomes exponentially stronger as your realm advances, and after the Nascent Soul stage, [Incomplete Yin Psalm] practitioners will almost never have a time when their spiritual energy dries up.”

Infinite Mana!

This really surprised Jiangming, who was expecting it would be another ‘feature exclusive for living fleshlights’ again.

He didn’t expect it to be more like a game trainer granting unlimited energy……Sheesh~

“However, ahem, although spiritual energy won’t be depleted, there is still a limitation. And this limitation stemmed from [Incomplete Yin Psalm]’s side effects.”

Jiangming froze mid-smile.

That ominous foreboding feeling came tumbling back, like a lump in the throat, making it difficult to calm down.

“Practitioners of [Incomplete Yin Psalm], whether cultivating or in combat, accumulates lust as they circulate qi inside their meridians. If they recklessly waste their reserves betting on their quick recuperation, it is likely……they won’t be able to hold back during combat, seducing their foes on the spot to continue the rest of the fight in another way.”

Song Tianxing recalled the scandalous reputation of ‘Joyous Union witches’ amongst outsiders, smiling sarcastically with a bit of embarrassment.

Jiangming was struck dumb.

So, it wasn’t infinite mana, instead exchanging the sanity bar for the mana bar……Cough, what kind of porn setting is this?!

He suddenly remembered an outrageous anecdote from the mouth of a Black Sky Sect official long ago: those Joyous Union witches, after fighting for a while, will start making secret overtures at you, slyly tempting you, and behaving seductively. At this time, simply getting close and giving her a slight push……then you won’t need to fight anymore.

Because it’ll trigger her defeat CG cutscene right away, and you can do anything you want then.

Jiangming originally thought that was just the slutty nature of those senior sisters, but now he knew, they purely fell victim to the side effects of this shitty cultivation method!

“I……” Jiangming took a deep breath, holding back the expletives that almost came out of his mouth.

Being former men transformed into women, they kept their old indifference to the notion of chastity, they’re naturally unwary towards members of their former ‘same sex’, and they’ve retained their past lustful habits.

And on top of that, having their brains continuously fried with extreme emotions and desires from their cultivation method, how many of them could maintain their bottom lines against sudden impulses? No wonder, no wonder those senior sisters fall into depravity so quickly.

Jiangming’s chest rose and fell, and for a long time it was difficult to calm down, feeling a sense of absurdity and confusion towards tomorrow. There was no doubt, he was a man…...well, at least in soul and half the time in body.

Being a male yet cultivating the [Incomplete Yin Psalm] method for female human cauldrons, meant suffering more un-manly side effects was to come.

What would become of him in the future?

We're just checking off each tag in this story as we continue on! Incidentally, this chapter has been censored in the original, but the uncensored version was made available to me. I will always translate the original uncensored chapters.

Thank you for reading!

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