Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 85: Blood and Asphalt

The underground streets of Ravetham pulsed with energy as the engines of illegally modified cars roared, their sounds echoing through the maze of tunnels hidden beneath the city. Neon lights flickered off the grimy walls, casting eerie shadows as the racers prepared for what would be a night of speed, sabotage, and survival. This was no ordinary racecourse—it was a labyrinth of treacherous twists and turns, where one wrong move could mean certain death. The walls, covered in decades-old graffiti, loomed like silent witnesses to countless races that ended in disaster.

Deep in the bowels of the city, far away from the neon-lit raceways, a crumbling warehouse served as the hideout for a group of shadowy conspirators. The air inside was thick with the scent of oil and burnt rubber, and the walls were plastered with tattered blueprints and photos of Ravetham’s most notorious street racers—targets marked for elimination. A grimy map of the city lay across a battered table, red X's scattered across it, marking where two of Ravetham’s best had been taken out in fiery explosions.

Gareth "Gravewalker" Trask, a hulking hobgoblin covered in scars from years of street brawls, slammed his fist onto the table. His black leather jacket strained against his muscular frame, and his yellow eyes glinted with a mix of rage and ambition. Gareth had clawed his way up from the slums, earning his reputation through sheer brutality, and now, he was determined to control the underground racing scene—by any means necessary.

“To hell with Kaelen,” Gareth growled, his voice rumbling like distant thunder. “Rumors say he can turn into a damn dragon and knocked Delphinus out cold. But Trap Icy and Jason? They’re vulnerable.”

Across from him, Kira "Shade" Marinos, a slender dark elf with silver hair braided tightly behind her head, lounged in the shadows. Her crimson eyes gleamed as she flicked a knife between her fingers, the blade catching the dim light in rapid flashes. Kira, a master thief known for her agility and stealth, smirked.

“Trap Icy’s always with that Kenku boyfriend of hers, Kunai,” she purred. “But he’s no challenge for us. And Jason? His exoskeleton might make him stronger, but not invincible—not at 200 miles per hour through the deadliest turns in Ravetham.”

Leaning against the wall, a cloud of cigarette smoke curling around his face, Rennik "Vapor" Thorne, a human with cybernetic implants glowing faintly under his skin, gave a slow, wicked grin. A former military engineer turned saboteur, Rennik had already made a name for himself by blowing up two cars with pinpoint precision.

“I’ve hacked into Trap Icy’s ride,” Rennik said, his voice smooth. “One click, and it’s over for her. Jason? Let’s just say his little exo-suit won’t help him when it malfunctions mid-race.”

The conspirators’ plotting was cut short by a loud thud from behind. The room fell silent, the tension palpable as they exchanged wary glances. Weapons were drawn in an instant, but when Gareth turned to face the intruder, his blood ran cold.

Red Dot, the infamous hitman, stood before them. His cybernetic red eye glowed in the darkness, casting an ominous light. Without a word, he raised his silenced pistol and fired. The muffled clicks of the shots were followed by the soft thuds of Gareth and Kira crumpling to the floor, blood pooling around them.

Only Vapor remained, his hands trembling as he raised them in surrender. Red Dot stepped forward, his voice a low, mechanical growl.

“Jason is off-limits.”

Vapor nodded frantically, fear gripping him as Red Dot’s form shimmered and disappeared into the shadows, leaving nothing behind but silence and the bodies of his fallen comrades.

Far beyond the chaos of Ravetham, Delphinus, the psychic space dolphin, drifted through the void of space, his mind stretching out across the cosmos in search of his next target. His prey, Kaelen, had eluded him so far, but Delphinus’s obsession had only grown. With Kaelen’s dhampir-dragon bloodline, Delphinus believed he could gain the power to finally dominate the galaxy. But first, he needed leverage.

His thoughts turned to the Alpha Draconian princess, a fierce warrior who had conquered countless worlds. If he could capture her, he could force Kaelen into a position where he’d have no choice but to submit.

With renewed purpose, Delphinus surged forward through the stars, determined to carry out his plan.

Back in Ravetham, President Aeliseth, leader of the RPD, stood in the underground garage, gazing at her sleek, heavily modified Venator Mk-II. The car was a beast of engineering, fitted with a quad-turbo hyperdrive system and plasma-infused tires that could grip even the slickest streets. But its most dangerous feature? An EMP field designed to knock out nearby vehicles with the flick of a switch.

Aeliseth smirked to herself, brushing a strand of platinum hair behind her ear. She had entered the illegal race for more than just the thrill—she had a score to settle with Kaelen. She remembered the look on his face when he learned she was an alicorn, and she was eager to see his surprise again.

As she slipped into the driver’s seat and gripped the steering wheel, the roar of the Venator Mk-II’s engines echoed through the garage. This race would be unlike any before it—because this time, it wasn’t just about winning. It was about survival.

And Aeliseth had no intention of losing.

Kaelen leaned against his Corvette EV, the sleek, black-and-red sports car humming quietly as he waited for Seraphis. The call from Veil had come earlier than expected—she had finished modding his Porsche in record time, four hours flat, which caught him by surprise. As he handed Seraphis the keys to the Corvette, a smirk tugged at his lips. "Take it for a spin wherever you like."

Seraphis raised an eyebrow, then flashed him a grin before revving the engine and tearing down the street. Kaelen's smirk deepened as he watched her drive off with a skill and control he hadn’t known she possessed. The sight of her effortlessly weaving through traffic with precision left him in awe. "Looks like we’ve got another racer," he muttered to himself, impressed.

Turning his focus back to his destination, Kaelen slid into the Porsche. The engine roared to life as he made his way to the race track. By the time he arrived, the air was already thick with anticipation, the sound of revving engines echoing through the stands. Kaelen parked his freshly modded Porsche, a beast of a machine with matte black paint and Veil’s signature tech enhancements. This was no ordinary ride—it was built to dominate.

He glanced back at the crowd gathering in the stands, noticing a few shady figures wearing masks with Roman numerals etched onto their foreheads. No one seemed to pay them much attention as they placed their bets. The odds were stacked against Kaelen—most expected him to lose early.

What they didn’t know was how sharp his senses had become. He could hear every whisper, every engine rev, see details in the crowd that had once been a blur. The unicorn blood he drank had clearly done more than just grant him light magic—it had heightened his awareness in ways he hadn’t fully explored yet.

“Loren,” Kaelen called over his shoulder, glancing at the passenger side of the Porsche. “Stay inside for now. This is going to get intense.”

As he stepped out, his violet eyes scanning the competition, something outrageous happened. Out of nowhere, a portal opened in the middle of the race track, rippling with dark energy. From the portal emerged a menacing figure—a dragonborn-like creature with sleek black scales, sharp horns, and glowing red eyes with white pupils. But what really caught Kaelen’s attention were the massive **butterfly wings**—intricate, adorned with red and black patterns, creating an otherworldly appearance that defied all expectations.

A voice followed the figure out of the portal—Delphinus.

“That’s him, Princess,” the psychic space dolphin floated above the scene, his voice echoing through the air. “The one you’re after.”

Before Kaelen could even react, the Alpha Draconian princess—a name suddenly flashed in his mind: Nys'trinara—moved with blinding speed. She grabbed him by the throat, her grip like iron as she launched them both into the air.

Kaelen’s instincts kicked in. He wasn’t going to let her have the upper hand. His body shifted, transforming into his full dragon form, his wings beating furiously as he bodied her to the ground, slamming her with such force that the impact cracked the pavement. Without hesitation, he released a supercharged hyper beam, but Nys’trinara flew through it as if it were nothing more than air. The sheer power of the blast didn’t faze her in the slightest.

Gritting his teeth, Kaelen turned invisible, reverting to his dragonborn form, and summoned his soul gun, his mind racing. He commanded the nanite, "Fire the most insane combination of my abilities."

The nanite complied, firing a barrage of reality-warping blasts, each one warping space around them, crushing it flat. Yet, Nys’trinara barely flinched. She knelt in place, absorbing each shot as the nanite continued its relentless attack. Every time Kaelen felt his life force draining, his light magic healed him instantly, creating an inconvenient loop where fatigue threatened to catch up but couldn't.

His wings felt like lead, each flap more strained than the last. The battle was draining his stamina faster than he could recover. Kaelen landed near the race track, now a smoking ruin from their clash. The crowd had backed away in awe, some cheering, others terrified.

As the smoke cleared, Nys’trinara’s force field shimmered out, revealing her standing tall and unscathed. She fired a blast of energy directly at Kaelen, but the nanite absorbed it, instantly rejuvenating him. Confused, she fired again, only for Kaelen to shift into his dragon form and consume the blast, growing stronger with each attack.

Roaring, Kaelen unleashed another hyper beam, this time sending Nys’trinara flying backward. The alien dragonborn dug her claws into the ground, stopping her momentum, but the surprise was evident on her face. She had never faced anyone who could withstand her power like this.

Nys’trinara—the Alpha Draconian princess who had conquered countless worlds—was, for the first time, marveling at an opponent. A pink dolphin-like creature, one of her species' equivalents, had told her about Kaelen. Delphinus had promised that there was someone on this backward, primitive planet who could rival her power, and she had eagerly accepted the challenge. But now, having fought him, all she could think about was how exhilarating this was.

Her red eyes locked onto Kaelen, a fierce grin spreading across her face.

“Marvelous,” she whispered to herself.

For Kaelen, this was far from over. The crowd’s disbelief, the destructive power of his new foe, and the unpredictability of the race had only just begun.

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