Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 78: Basketball Battle

Kaelen was ready to hit the gym, but it was Kunai and Trap Icy who reminded him of something important first. “Hey, you promised to post another workout video,” Trap Icy said, crossing her arms. “Fans love seeing you sweat.”

Kunai nodded in agreement, “It’s been a while since you showed any cardio. You’ve got to keep up appearances, Kaelen.”

Kaelen sighed, running a hand through his white hair, but couldn’t argue. “Yeah, alright. I’ll film something today.”

Vex and Elara, who were nearby, overheard the conversation. “We’re coming with you,” Vex chimed in, eager. “You’re not doing this without some company.”

Elara, always composed, gave Kaelen a soft smile. “We’ll make it a team workout.”

Loren, who stood off to the side, and Seraphis, joined as well. Jason, however, had other plans. “I’ll be at Shadow Sweets,” Jason said with a wink. “Got my own kind of workout planned. But if you need me, just hit me up.”

As they were making plans, Mason walked up, giving Kaelen an update. “No sign of Delphinus yet. Cygnus has been keeping Aquila busy, so we’ve got some time.”

Before Kaelen could respond, the nanite suddenly buzzed in his head. Host: objective confirmed. Host: eliminate target.

Caught completely off guard, Kaelen instinctively yelled, “ACCESS DENIED!”

The entire diner went silent. Every single eye turned toward Kaelen, their stares wide and questioning. Kaelen chuckled awkwardly, trying to play it off. “Sorry, sorry... I was just, uh, talking to this nanobot. It integrated with me—picked it up from Patch and Glitch.”

Patch and Glitch, sitting nearby, exchanged puzzled looks, laughing it off. “What are you talking about?” Patch asked, leaning back in his chair. “Nanobots? We don’t have any nanobots.”

Mason wasn’t laughing, though. He quickly scanned Kaelen with his advanced watch, frowning. “It’s in your brain, Kaelen. The nanite has merged with it. There’s nothing we can do about it.”

Mason then turned his watch toward Patch and Glitch, scanning them as well. His expression darkened. “And you two—your bodies have been replaced by machines.”

Patch and Glitch exchanged worried glances, looking at Mason for answers. He projected a 3D hologram, showing the structure of the nanobots. “These nanobots have fused with your cells at the molecular level. It could mean you’re still yourselves—or you could be imposters.”

Mason deactivated the hologram, dropping the topic as tension filled the air. Kaelen couldn’t shake the discomfort of knowing there was now a nanobot fused with his brain. But he pushed the thought aside, determined not to let it ruin his day.

As they headed for the exit, Jason couldn’t resist one last jab. “Android 17 and 18, huh? Guess we know who you two are now,” he teased Patch and Glitch.

Trap Icy overheard the banter and leaned in toward Kunai. “Did it hurt?” she asked Kaelen, curious. “You looked like you were in pain.”

Kaelen blinked, surprised by the question. “Nah, it doesn’t hurt. It... takes control sometimes, but I’m not gonna tell you when that happens.” He smirked, keeping it vague.

Trap Icy cursed under her breath and handed Kunai a stack of money. “Damn, I was hoping you’d loosen up and let the nanite take over more. Guess I owe Kunai.”

As soon as she mentioned the nanite, it stirred within Kaelen, whispering: Host: secondary objective attained.

Vex, who had been quietly listening, couldn’t resist anymore. “So, Kaelen, what exactly does this nanite do?” he asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

Elara elbowed him in the ribs. “Don’t bother him with that nonsense.”

Kaelen shrugged. “Nah, it’s fine. Basically, it analyzes me, tells me my full capabilities. I’ve learned a lot about myself through it, like the fact that I can turn into a dragon.”

Vex’s eyes widened in awe. “Wait—you can turn into a dragon?! Holy shit, man! You’ve got to show me that. Trap Icy, record this!”

Trap Icy was already on it, pulling out her phone. “Bet. Let’s do it in the parking lot.”

They all stepped outside the diner. Kaelen stood in the open space, focusing on his inner energy. This was the first time he’d transformed voluntarily, but he felt it—he felt the power coursing through him. His body shifted, his skin hardening into iridescent white scales that shimmered under the sun. His wings unfurled, and his tail swept behind him, his form majestic and imposing.

Trap Icy streamed the whole transformation, narrating with excitement. “Our boy Kaelen is a motherfucking dragon! Look at those white scales—damn, they’re shining like diamonds. And look at the way the light hits them! Man, this is fire!”

Feeling the rush of power, Kaelen wanted to show off a bit more. He raised his head and fired a blast of white-hot plasma into the sky. “Hyper Beam!” he shouted as the beam of light shot upward, leaving everyone in awe.

Not wanting to be left out, Seraphis transformed into her pink dragon form, her wingspan double Kaelen’s. She grinned as she soared into the air. “Not fair, bonded! I want in on the fun, too.”

Trap Icy was beyond excited now, her voice almost shrill. “Not just one dragon, but two! And my favorite color—pink! Hell yes!”

As they flew together, Kaelen suddenly felt a strange drain on his energy. It wasn’t his mana or stamina—those were full. But keeping his dragon form active alongside his domain was pulling on his life force. Realizing this, he landed softly, transforming back into his human form. Seraphis followed suit, landing beside him.

With the spectacle over, they all made their way to the End Grind Gym. John, Darren, Davis, and Brandon, who had been playing basketball, immediately noticed Kaelen's arrival. Their faces lit up with excitement. The four were regulars at the gym and had played a memorable game against Kaelen and his crew not too long ago. Seeing Kaelen was an opportunity for them to up their game.

John was a tall, athletic human with a deep caramel complexion. His shaved head gleamed under the gym's fluorescent lights, and his build was muscular, giving him the appearance of a seasoned athlete. Darren, a half elf, had the same height as John, his gray skin giving him an intimidating look, but his wide grin suggested he was more playful than fierce. Davis, a light-skinned elf with strikingly sharp features, moved with the fluid grace typical of his kind, his long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. Finally, Brandon, a human with light brown skin and dreadlocks, had a leaner build but was quick on his feet, wearing a tank top that showed off a tattoo of a serpent coiled around his arm.

“Yo, Kaelen!” John called out, dribbling the basketball effortlessly. “You down for another game?”

Kaelen exchanged a glance with Vex and Kunai, who were eager for some competition, and nodded. “Alright, I’m in. But this time, it’s me, Vex, Kunai, and Elara. You up for it?”

Elara looked less than enthusiastic at first, but Vex smirked, clearly excited about the challenge. Kunai, always ready for anything, bounced on his heels, his Kenku feathers ruffling slightly in anticipation.

John tossed the ball in his hand, a smug smile crossing his face. “Let's see what you got.”

The game was set. The gym had cleared out a bit as other patrons were leaving, leaving the court almost entirely to them. The large, polished hardwood floor gleamed under the bright overhead lights, casting long shadows as the players took their positions. The baskets stood tall on either side, rims glistening like targets, daring them to aim true.


John and Kaelen took their positions at the center of the court. As the whistle blew, the referee tossed the ball up. Both men leaped, muscles straining in the air, and it was Kaelen who tipped the ball back to Vex, who immediately dribbled down the court with speed. The ball moved with fluidity, almost a part of him, as he zigzagged past Brandon and Darren. The first few moments were a blur of fast-paced movement as Vex went for a quick layup, scoring the first points of the game.

First Quarter

The pace was immediately set. It wasn’t going to be an easy game. John’s team came back hard, with John and Darren working together to box Kaelen out of the paint. Darren used his brute strength to muscle through Kunai, while John’s agility allowed him to break past Elara. John received a pass from Davis and swiftly executed a flawless three-pointer from the corner, tying the game 3-3.

Kaelen’s team responded in kind. Vex and Kaelen began coordinating on a two-man fast break. Vex passed the ball to Kaelen, who, using his natural speed and reflexes, faked a drive inside before stepping back and shooting a mid-range jumper. The ball arced beautifully before sinking through the net, earning them a lead.

The game grew more intense. Brandon, with his quick footwork, was able to steal the ball from Kunai on one possession, darting down the court for a breakaway dunk that had the gym echoing with the sound of the rim rattling. Darren, though bulky, displayed surprising finesse by grabbing multiple rebounds, giving his team several second-chance opportunities.

Second Quarter

Kaelen's team quickly adapted. Elara, though not the most experienced player, used her sharp mind to read the other team's movements. She positioned herself strategically, intercepting a pass intended for Davis. Elara tossed the ball down to Kunai, who soared toward the basket. The Kenku's feathers rustled as he performed a perfect alley-oop with Vex's assist, the ball slamming into the hoop.

"Nice!" Kaelen shouted, grinning as Kunai gave a short chirp of satisfaction.

John’s team wasn’t about to let that go unanswered. They shifted tactics, relying on quick passes and sharp cuts to outmaneuver their opponents. Brandon, in particular, used his speed to pull off a series of crossover moves, leaving Elara momentarily off balance. With a deft flick of his wrist, he lobbed the ball to Darren, who dunked with such force the entire hoop shook.

But Kaelen and Vex were in sync. Vex would draw in defenders, leaving Kaelen open for long-range shots. Kaelen, using his telekinesis, fired the ball from deep behind the three-point line, nailing a clean shot that had the audience on their feet.

The second quarter ended with Kaelen’s team up 24-21.

Third Quarter

Fatigue was starting to set in as the third quarter began. The game became more physical, with both teams fighting hard for every inch of the court. Darren and John doubled up on Kaelen, forcing him to pass more often. Kunai, though quick, was struggling against the sheer size of Darren and found it difficult to keep pace with Brandon’s agility.

Davis, ever the graceful elf, began finding his rhythm, sinking several mid-range shots and one impressive three-pointer that tied the game again. It seemed like John’s team was about to gain the upper hand.

But Kaelen wasn’t about to give in. He summoned a burst of energy, pushing through the exhaustion. He broke through the defensive pressure, storming down the court for a one-handed dunk that left the gym buzzing.

Final Quarter

The fourth quarter was electric. Both teams were neck-and-neck, trading buckets. Every possession mattered. John and Darren ramped up the intensity, with John pulling off a behind-the-back dribble that left Vex stumbling before hitting a layup.

Kaelen responded with a sequence of deep passes and fast breaks, moving the ball quickly around the perimeter. In one final play, Elara surprised everyone by faking a pass to Vex before driving to the basket herself, scoring and drawing a foul. She completed the and-one, putting Kaelen’s team back in the lead.

With only seconds left, the score was 50-48 in favor of Kaelen’s team. John’s team had the ball, and they moved quickly. John passed to Davis, who aimed for a final three-pointer from the corner. The ball sailed through the air, the entire gym watching in suspense.

But Kaelen leaped higher than anyone expected, swatting the ball mid-air, sending it into the hands of Kunai. Kunai sprinted down the court and finished with a layup just as the buzzer sounded.

Final score: 52-48, Kaelen’s team emerged victorious.

John, sweating but grinning, walked up to Kaelen and extended a hand. “Hell of a game, man.”

Kaelen shook his hand, a satisfied smile on his face. “You too. We’ll have to do this again.”

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