Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 60: The Epicenter of Chaos

Kaelen stepped outside the Black Fang, his mind swirling with the mess unraveling before him. The thick scent of smoke and burnt rubber hung in the air. Ahead, the streets of Ravetham looked like chaos personified. Stoplights flickered erratically, blinking between green, red, and yellow with no rhythm, throwing traffic into complete disarray. Cars had backed up in all directions, honking in frustration. A truck had collided head-on with a motorcycle, the driver of the bike lying in a pool of their own blood. It was a sickening sight—the crumpled metal, the sharp scent of gasoline, and the pained wails from bystanders. People were scattered across the scene, some holding their necks or heads, others kneeling on the pavement. It was obvious that the collision had caused whiplash injuries.

The flashing lights of an ambulance cut through the chaos, paramedics working quickly, while the familiar figure of Sheriff Holden stood near the wreckage. His expression was a storm of fury and exasperation. He barked orders to his officers, but it was clear the situation was getting out of control.

Kaelen clenched his jaw, feeling the pressure of responsibility weigh heavier on his chest. This—this chaos—was happening under his nose. Ravetham was coming apart at the seams, and it was no accident. Someone was pulling the strings, and the city was suffering for it.

Seraphis and Loren flanked Kaelen as they exited, with Trap Icy and Kunai following close behind. Trap Icy was livestreaming the entire scene on her phone, broadcasting the chaos to her audience. The camera panned over the crashed vehicles, the injured, the blood on the street, and the police trying to make sense of the disaster.

Loren’s eyes caught on Alyssa, who was standing beside Aelira, looking as tense as ever. Without hesitation, Loren stepped forward, her posture sharp and respectful. She bowed deeply, a formal and graceful motion that came naturally to her. “It’s an honor to meet one of the Duchesses of the Underdark,” she said, her voice soft yet filled with reverence.

Aelira, caught off guard, stammered, her cheeks flushing. “T-t-thanks,” she mumbled, her gaze darting between Loren and Kaelen. Her eyes lingered on Loren for a moment longer, and then she turned to Kaelen with wide eyes, her voice trembling. “W-who is this beautiful maid, and w-w-w-why do I f-feel like she’s my r-rival?”

Kaelen winced, rubbing a hand over his face. This wasn’t exactly the conversation he was ready for, not with the city in turmoil around him. Aelira wasn’t entirely wrong. He did have deep feelings for Loren, feelings that went far beyond their professional relationship. If he had a choice, he would marry her over anyone else. But this wasn’t the time for personal revelations, not with everything else falling apart.

Before Kaelen could formulate a response, Seraphis spoke first, her voice cold and regal, cutting through the tension like a blade. “She is my maid princess, and you must show her proper respect, you lowly Duchess of the dirt.” Seraphis stepped forward, her eyes blazing with draconic pride. “Now bow to this mighty dragon, or I might eat you.”

Aelira looked like the ground had opened beneath her, her face pale, her entire body stiff with shock. She stood frozen for a heartbeat, her mouth opening and closing as if trying to find words. And then, without a word, she spun on her heel and ran off in a random direction, disappearing into the shadows of the city.

Kaelen watched her go, wondering if he should feel guilty about letting her run off alone in the Shadow Fall District, where danger lurked around every corner. But then again, she was from the Underdark. She was no stranger to danger and had made it this far on her own.

Seraphis, however, was far from satisfied with Aelira’s reaction. She growled low in her throat and leaped into the air, her body shifting mid-jump. In seconds, her human form was replaced by her dragon form, her massive wings cutting through the air as she prepared to take flight after Aelira.

“Sera, stop!” Kaelen finally snapped out of his thoughts, his voice firm. “Let her go.”

Seraphis landed heavily beside him, still in dragon form, her large, scaled body towering over him. She snorted in frustration, smoke curling from her nostrils as her wings folded against her back. “She disrespected me, Kaelen. You know how I feel about that.”

“I know,” Kaelen said, trying to soothe the rising tension. “But we have bigger problems right now.”

Seraphis’s eyes glinted, still brimming with barely contained fury. “Fine. But don’t expect me to tolerate that sort of insolence again.” She huffed, her voice still tinged with annoyance.

As Kaelen glanced around the chaotic streets, an idea sparked in his mind. He looked back at Seraphis, her powerful wings casting a shadow over the ground. “Sera, would you mind if I rode on your back? I need a better view of what’s happening across Ravetham. I can’t shake the feeling that this is all connected.”

Seraphis blinked, her irritation quickly replaced by curiosity. She tilted her head, considering the request. “You know I don’t let just anyone ride me,” she said with a hint of amusement. “But for you, Kaelen, I’ll allow it. You or your grandmother, of course—she earned that right with her diligence when she was serving me as a princess.”

Kaelen nodded, grateful. He could always count on Seraphis when it mattered most. With a quick motion, he climbed onto her back, settling between her large, shimmering wings. The moment he was secure, Seraphis took off, her powerful wings pushing them both into the air.

The city stretched out below them, Ravetham’s streets illuminated by flickering streetlights and the glowing chaos of malfunctioning electronics. From this height, Kaelen could see the full extent of the traffic jams, the halted cars stretching in every direction. The crash site where Sheriff Holden stood was only one small piece of the greater pandemonium.

But something else caught his attention—a faint ripple, like a disturbance in the air itself. It was subtle but undeniable, and it seemed to be spreading from several points across the city.

“What do you see, Kaelen?” Seraphis’s voice echoed through his mind, her telepathic connection strong as ever.

“Anomalies,” he muttered, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the ripple in the distance. “Someone—or something—is distorting the very fabric of reality.”

As they circled above the city, Kaelen couldn’t shake the growing sense of urgency. Whoever was behind this, they were getting bolder. And the chaos in Ravetham was just the beginning.

They needed answers, and fast. But the deeper Kaelen delved into the mystery, the more he realized how far-reaching the consequences could be. The doppelgänger, the time anomalies, it all felt like a calculated move in a game far larger than any of them had anticipated.

And Kaelen? He was right in the middle of it all.

As they flew toward the epicenter of the distortion, Kaelen’s mind raced with the possibilities. Whoever was pulling the strings—Delphinus, Cygnus, or someone even more dangerous—they were about to make their next move.

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