Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 51: Power moves

The usual hum of the city was barely audible over the news broadcast playing on the screen inside Kaelen’s club. He stared at the TV, lost in thought, until the anchor’s excited voice snapped him back to reality.

“Breaking news: the cosmic battle between Delphinus and Zagoth has seemingly reached a standstill. Both entities have descended to Earth, each landing in undisclosed locations. Global forces are on edge, uncertain if this is the end of the conflict or merely a pause.”

Kaelen’s violet eyes narrowed. Of course, those two would clash again; it was inevitable. His hand hovered over the remote, ready to turn off the screen, but the next update made him freeze in place.

“In local news, Matron Zelyndra Nyxaris has made her presence known in Ravetham. Earlier today, the Drow matriarch publicly declared her grandson, Kaelen, as the rightful heir to the throne of the Underdark. The city’s power circles are buzzing with speculation about what this means for both local and international politics.”

The screen shifted to footage of Zelyndra—regal, commanding. She stood on the steps of a grand building, her black gown shimmering in the light, her dark skin glowing under the gleaming crown of obsidian on her head. Her voice, dripping with authority, filled the room.

“My grandson, Kaelen, is the future of the Underdark. Any who dare question his power will answer to me.”

Kaelen sighed deeply, leaning back into the couch. “Just what I needed,” he muttered, switching off the TV. His fingers pressed into the armrest, eyes shutting briefly to block out the tension building in his mind. He had worked hard to build a life here, only for it to be disrupted by his grandmother’s declaration.

“Time to move,” he said, grabbing his jacket. Loren and Seraphis, who had been silently watching from across the room, exchanged a glance before following him out.

The air outside was crisp, a stark contrast to the growing storm in Kaelen’s mind. He slid into the driver’s seat of his Porsche, Loren settling beside him while Seraphis took the backseat. They drove in silence toward Always Home diner.

Inside the diner, the aroma of sizzling bacon, coffee, and maple syrup wafted through the air. The casual chatter of regulars gave the place a warm, comforting atmosphere, a stark contrast to the high-stakes drama looming in Kaelen’s life.

At the counter, Jason was engaged in conversation with Rachel, while Mason occupied their usual booth, his eyes flicking up briefly from his newspaper to acknowledge Kaelen’s arrival.

“Morning, Kaelen!” Sarah, the waitress, waved with her usual sunny smile. “The usual?”

Kaelen nodded, but glanced at Seraphis, raising a brow. “Good with that?”

Seraphis’s red eyes glinted as she gave Sarah a once-over. “Meat. Lots of it. Enough for a wyvern.”

Jason, overhearing, barked out a laugh. “You sure the diner can handle that order?”

Sarah grinned at Kaelen, unfazed. “We’ll see what we can do.”

As they took their seats, Kaelen’s phone buzzed in his pocket. The screen lit up with Trap Icy’s face, Kunai leaning in from behind.

“Yo, Kaelen! We’re nearby. Mind if we swing through?” Trap Icy’s voice crackled through the speaker.

“Sure, come by. I’ll send you the address.” Kaelen sent the details and slipped his phone back into his pocket.

Minutes later, the diner door swung open, and in came Trap Icy and Kunai, the pair exuding effortless energy as usual. Trap Icy’s platinum blonde hair shimmered under the diner’s warm lights, her confident stride drawing the attention of everyone in the room. She wore a sleek, black leather jacket that contrasted sharply with her bright hair, giving her an edgy, yet stylish look. Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she scanned the room, a casual wave directed at some Kenku fans seated near the entrance.

Kunai followed closely behind, his presence more subdued but no less commanding. His sharp eyes, always alert, scanned the room from beneath the hood of his dark, fitted jacket. The Kenku’s movements were fluid and precise, a testament to his training and vigilance. He nodded briefly to the fans, his beak clicking softly in acknowledgment, before turning his attention back to the group.

Trap Icy dropped into a seat next to Kaelen with a grin, her energy infectious. “Double the bacon for me. And give me all the syrup you’ve got,” she said, not bothering to glance up from the menu she had picked up.

Kunai clicked his beak in agreement. “Same. Extra bacon.”

Once their orders were taken, Trap Icy leaned forward, eyes gleaming with excitement. “So, Kaelen, you headed to The End Grind after this?”

Kaelen took a sip of his coffee before replying. “Yeah. I’m planning to head there after breakfast.”

“Good,” Trap Icy said, her grin widening. “I’ve got Nero’s camera, and I’m thinking we do a workout video—show your fans how the heir to the Underdark keeps in shape.”

Kaelen raised an eyebrow, skeptical. “A workout video?”

“Trust me, it’ll blow up. It’s good for your club, good for your label. Plus, let’s be honest—you’ve got the look.”

Loren, who was pouring more coffee for Kaelen, chimed in with a soft smile. “She’s right. Fans would eat it up. And seeing you in action? Who wouldn’t want that?”

Kaelen smirked, giving in. “Alright, let’s do it.”

After breakfast, they headed to The End Grind. The drive was smooth, the Porsche gliding through the streets with ease. Loren and Seraphis rode with Kaelen, the car filled with a comfortable silence, each lost in their thoughts. Trap Icy and Kunai followed in their own sleek, black Lamborghini, the two vehicles cutting an impressive figure as they arrived at the gym.

The End Grind was relatively quiet, the usual morning rush having already passed. The gym’s industrial aesthetic, with its exposed brick walls and high ceilings, provided the perfect backdrop for their recording. The scent of rubber mats and faint traces of sweat lingered in the air, a testament to the hard work put in by its patrons.

Trap Icy wasted no time, her movements efficient and practiced as she set up Nero’s camera. Her energy was infectious, a spark that seemed to ignite everyone around her. “Alright, Kaelen. Let’s show them how it’s done,” she said, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Kaelen nodded, rolling his shoulders as he began his usual warm-up routine. He explained each movement with precision, his voice steady and clear. “Starting with some dynamic stretches to get the blood flowing,” he said, demonstrating a series of lunges and arm swings.

Loren watched from the side, her eyes filled with pride as she observed Kaelen. Seraphis stood next to her, arms crossed, her expression a mix of amusement and approval. Jason lounged nearby, leaning against a weight rack, his usual smirk in place.

“Bro, if you lifted a car, you’d probably break the internet,” Jason joked, his tone light and teasing.

Kaelen chuckled, shaking his head as he moved on to the next exercise. “Maybe next time,” he replied, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Trap Icy captured everything on film, her focus unwavering. She moved around Kaelen, getting different angles and close-ups, her excitement overflowing. “This is looking amazing, Kaelen. Your form is perfect,” she praised, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

As Kaelen transitioned into his strength training routine, the atmosphere in the gym shifted. The clinking of weights and the rhythmic sound of Kaelen’s controlled breathing filled the space. His muscles flexed and strained under the weight, each movement executed with precision and power.

Jason, never one to miss an opportunity for a quip, called out, “Don’t forget to smile for the camera, Kaelen. Gotta keep the fans happy.”

Kaelen smirked, pausing to wipe the sweat from his brow. “I’ll leave the smiling to you, Jason,” he shot back, his voice light with humor.

As they wrapped up the session, Trap Icy was practically buzzing with excitement. She reviewed the footage on the camera, her grin widening with each passing second.

Kaelen tossed the towel over his shoulder, still catching his breath. “Let me know when it’s live,” he said, his tone calm but appreciative.

“This is pure gold,” Trap Icy said, beaming as she packed up the camera. “Trust me, Kaelen, once this goes live, your fan base is gonna explode.”

Kaelen chuckled, still catching his breath. “Good to know.”

Trap Icy winked. “You’re welcome, by the way. This? This is just the beginning.”

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