Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 40: Detective Harpers POV

Detective Harper leaned back in her worn leather chair, the glow of her desk lamp casting a dim, yellowed light over a sea of case files, half-empty coffee cups, and scattered notes. The city of Ravetham hummed outside her window—gritty, restless, and teeming with the secrets of its supernatural underworld. Her fingers drummed against the wooden surface as she read over the latest intel that had crossed her desk.

A name stood out: Kaelen Valrath. It didn’t ring any immediate bells, but the file attached was interesting enough to warrant her attention. The Ravetham Police Department had requested her to look into him—a figure enmeshed in a web of criminal activity and shadowy connections that seemed far too intricate for a simple investigation. The twist, though, was what really intrigued her: Alyssa Thorne, her long-time rival and a force to be reckoned with in Ravetham's legal scene, had taken on Kaelen as a client. Alyssa, the Tiefling with a penchant for bending the law to her will, never picked low-profile cases.

Harper's lips curled into a wry smile. Alyssa, always playing her games.

Reaching for her coat, she stood and grabbed her badge. The weight of the steel felt comforting, though she knew it wouldn't shield her from the murk of this world. As an Aasimar, Harper was used to walking the thin line between the mortal and magical realms, and Kaelen’s case felt like it would blur that line further than she’d ever ventured.

Her destination: the Justice Guild’s Headquarters. A looming fortress of stone and glass, its towering marble pillars spoke of power and ancient authority. For centuries, the Guild had served as a meeting place for Ravetham’s finest heroes and those who dared to seek their protection—or judgment. If Kaelen was making waves here, he wasn’t just a petty criminal. He was in deep.

The Guild’s edifice gleamed under the waning afternoon sun as Harper arrived, her eyes narrowing at the sleek security system in place. As she watched Kaelen stride up the steps, passing through the elaborate checkpoints with ease, she noted the confident set of his shoulders. He greeted the guards like old friends, and they, in turn, nodded respectfully. Harper's instincts flared. This was no ordinary suspect.

Who are you, Kaelen? she wondered as she exited her car.

Harper’s boots clicked against the pristine steps leading to the Guild’s entrance. The place reeked of privilege and power, a sharp contrast to the grimy alleys she was more accustomed to patrolling. As she approached, the guards immediately took notice.

"Can we help you, ma'am?" One of them stepped forward, his tone polite but practiced, clearly sizing her up.

"Detective Harper, Ravetham PD," she said, flashing her badge. "I’m here on official business."

The guard looked unimpressed, shaking his head. "The Guild operates under its own laws. No one enters without an appointment. Even for the RPD."

Harper's frustration flared, but she swallowed it down. She was about to press harder when one of the guards received a call. He listened for a moment, his face betraying a flicker of surprise before turning back to her.

"Detective Harper," he said, his tone now respectful. "Delphinus requests your presence. Follow me."

The name sent a jolt down her spine. Delphinus—Ravetham’s most powerful hero, a being whose celestial origins remained a mystery even to the Justice Guild itself. He had been a fixture of the city for centuries, his near-mythical reputation as a protector—and at times, a silent ruler—preceding him. That he wanted to speak with her? It didn’t sit right.

Still, she followed the guard through the winding halls of the Guild. The grandeur and opulence of the place, with its ancient pictures and gleaming statues of long-forgotten heroes, spoke of a history Harper had only ever read about. As they approached a set of double doors, her heart quickened. This was no ordinary investigation anymore.

The doors swung open, revealing a dark, expansive room lit only by the soft glow of arcane energy radiating from a massive window that overlooked the city. Delphinus hovered near the window, his ethereal form casting an otherworldly light, his dolphin-like back turned to her. His aura of power was suffocating.

"Detective Harper," came his voice, calm yet commanding. "I've been expecting you."

Harper, ever the skeptic, crossed her arms, her tone hard. "What’s this about, Delphinus? Why am I here?"

Delphinus turned slowly, his pale, almost translucent eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that made her skin prickle. "Kaelen," he said simply. "We share a mutual interest in him."

The room suddenly felt colder, and Harper’s mind raced. Kaelen was clearly more than just a street thug. "You want him out of the picture?"

Delphinus’s smile was chilling, devoid of warmth. "Kaelen needs to suffer, and for that, he needs to be free. Yes, he killed a person, but he's a prince. You have to fight it in court. Let me handle it."

Harper’s eyes narrowed. "And why should I trust you. He’s been accused of murder."

"Yes," Delphinus replied, his voice taking on an almost bored tone. "And there’s an easy way to deflect that. Red Dot—an elite assassin, notorious even in Ravetham’s underworld. Suggest he was involved, and the pressure on Kaelen will evaporate. You’ll buy yourself time. And in exchange, I’ll make sure you have access to what you need."

The mention of Red Dot, the elusive figure who had haunted Ravetham's criminal world for decades—made Harper pause. If she could pin the murder on him, no one would dare question it. But this wasn’t just about Kaelen anymore. Delphinus had his own agenda, and Harper was being drawn into it.

"You’re asking me to play a dangerous game," she said, her voice low.

Delphinus’s gaze never wavered. "You’ll find Ravetham’s games are always dangerous, Detective. But it’s a game you’re already a part of."

Harper weighed her options. She knew Delphinus was right—if she didn’t play along, she’d never get close to the truth. But trusting him? That was another matter entirely.

"Fine," she said slowly, weighing her options. "I'll play along. But if this blows up, it's on you. I’m not going to let Kaelen slip out of my grasp without answers."

Delphinus inclined his head, the faintest hint of amusement in his eyes. "Oh, Detective, I never intended for you to lose him. I simply need him free... for now. The truth will find you soon enough."

As Harper exited the Guild's towering edifice, the cold air of Ravetham's streets bit at her skin. Her mind swirled with possibilities and unanswered questions. She was in deeper than she'd ever been, and the city, with all its corruption and mysteries, was closing in around her.

Her next stop was Alyssa Thorne’s office, a sleek, glass-and-steel building rising like a dagger in the heart of the city. Alyssa, a Tiefling lawyer known for her unorthodox and often morally ambiguous methods, had recently taken Kaelen on as a client. Harper wasn’t sure how Alyssa always seemed to come out on top, but she had no doubt that the Tiefling had more than just legal tricks up her sleeve.

Pushing through the glass doors, Harper found Alyssa lounging behind a massive mahogany desk. Her pale gray skin and gleaming horns made her look as dangerous as the predators Harper usually dealt with in the field. Alyssa's golden eyes flickered with amusement as she saw the detective enter. "Detective Harper," she purred, her voice as smooth as silk. "I was wondering when you’d show up."

Harper crossed her arms, her tone hard. "I need information on Kaelen. His involvement with the Bankhands murder."

Alyssa’s smile widened, and she gestured to a chair across from her. "Kaelen, hmm? Fascinating case, truly. But you know I can’t discuss client matters so freely, Detective."

Harper stepped closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "This isn't just about Kaelen, Alyssa. The RPD is on this, and you and I both know that there's more going on. I’m not leaving until I get some answers."

Alyssa’s eyes gleamed with mischief. "Well, Detective, it seems we may be at a crossroads. But... I think we can both agree that Kaelen’s story isn’t as simple as a murder charge. We both want the truth, don't we?"

Harper’s jaw clenched, but she nodded. "Fine. But don’t think for a second I trust you."

Alyssa chuckled, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Trust? Darling, trust is for those with nothing to lose. Let’s just focus on what we can gain."

Leaving Alyssa’s office, Harper found herself heading toward the Black Fang, a notorious nightclub owned by Kaelen. The neon sign flickered in the cold night air, casting an eerie glow over the surrounding streets. Harper parked her car in the shadows, her hand resting on the grip of her sidearm as she approached the entrance.

Inside, the heavy thrum of bass shook the walls, the dim lighting making it difficult to see much past the smoky haze. She spotted Kaelen near the bar, his white hair and violet eyes unmistakable, talking to a striking woman with pink hair and a frilled black dress—Loren, if Harper remembered correctly.

She stepped forward, her badge out. "Kaelen," she called out, her voice cutting through the noise like a blade.

Kaelen turned, his expression guarded but calm. "Detective Harper. I wasn't expecting you."

"I'm investigating the murder of Bankhands," Harper said bluntly, her eyes locked on his. "I need answers."

Loren stepped forward, her red eyes narrowing as she glared at Harper. "I am a mighty dragon. You dare approach us like this, pigeon?" she hissed, clearly offended by Harper’s presence.

Harper ignored the insult to her Aasimar heritage, focusing on Kaelen. "Where were you the night Bankhands was killed?"

Kaelen's gaze darkened. "I was here, at the Black Fang. Anyone here can vouch for that."

From across the room, Trap Icy, lounging on a velvet couch with her Kenku boyfriend, Kunai, nodded. "Kaelen was here all night. We all were."

Just then, a chilling presence swept through the club, and Harper felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. Red Dot, cloaked in his menacing armor, emerged from the shadows. "Detective," his voice was a low growl. "You’ve overstepped. Leave, now."

Harper’s hand tightened around her weapon, but she knew better than to draw it. She met Red Dot's cold gaze, refusing to back down. "I’ll be back," she said, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her. "With backup."

Red Dot’s eyes glinted dangerously. "Make sure you do, Detective. I’m looking forward to it."

As Harper exited the club, the cold night air felt sharper than before. She knew she was in over her head, but the truth was calling—and she wouldn’t stop until she had it.

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