Strawberry Devil in a Fantasy World

Chapter 110

After a short lunch, Kanoko prepared herself for the meeting with the Hero King. She really didn't have show herself but she dressed herself properly for the occasion nonetheless.


"Yes. Let's go."

"By the way, I'm assuming King Dolan knows about this?"

"Yes, the king and the prince. They're my superiors."

"I'm surprised they let you go with an unpredictable person like me? I hardly earned any trust with them."

"It's not like that. If anything happens to me, someone else is ready to take my position."

"Oh wow, replaceable at any time... Reality is harsh."

I really don't understand royalty.

Her gaze, bored into me.

"Uh huh, and, who do you think brought that harsh reality to me?"

"Sorry, I'll make it up to you somehow!"

"Then I'll take you up for it! Deal?"

"Uh... Sure, deal!"

The two of us were like besties who had known each other for ages. She was definitely that caring and reliable big sister everyone looked up to. If I ever got into trouble, she would lend a helping hand.

Rotask, the capital of the King of Appallia, was only a step away. Cast a void barrier, input the coordinates, and just like that, the city came into view.

"The king's palace is in the middle of the city. Should we walk there or teleport there directly?"

Kanoko, with her mastery of [transformation], had transformed into a human. As for her status, I overrode her current one with a fake one that displayed one of a level 30 human. Whether others had the ability to see through, I didn't have a clue. Hence, my initial plan was to have her hide within range of my detection which will allow two way communication. That plan however was shot down by Kanoko which was why I asked if she wanted to walk or teleport to our destination.

"We still have time. Let's walk. I want to see how this country has progressed over the past century."

"Sure," I replied and landed us in an alleyway as our starting spot.

From here on out, we had to watch what we say. Intelligence operatives were among civilians, and any leaks from either of us could be detrimental. Either way, there was a possibility that they were already onto me. After all, immediately after I disappeared last night, one of their top secret facility had some super unexpected anomalies.

The ability to disappear wasn't something unique for a hero. After all, heroes were blessed with outlandish abilities. Who said heroes couldn't teleport?

Anyway, by now, their intelligence agency was probably scrambling, trying to dig up anything related to me. My background was a complete mystery. Though, in my mind, heroes were supposed to be cool and mysterious! I was the perfect fit in that department.

"I believe tomorrow will be the start of the selection tournament for a new hero king. I wonder if I should participate?"

"That's up to you."

"I wish I knew some martial arts. The only thing I can use is magic, and I'm not that good at it."

"You? Not good at magic? What does that make me? And the regular folks?" She smiled wryly at my statement.

"No, I'm talking about actual magic. I'm only good at tricks."

I had to mince the words a little. Kanoko, of course, understood what I meant. Fey magic was something different from the magic commonly used by mortal races. I could only use basic magic that was learned by Smoothie. As convenient as memory sharing and ability sharing with me due to |bond| and |progenitor|, they weren't perfect. After each sharing session, all the knowledge temporarily possessed would fade away like old memories with only small bits remain. As for abilities that were shared with me, I would lose those.

"Ah well, it's never too late to learn. I'm sure you can pick up some simple swordplay while at it."

While we chatted on the bustling streets, she browsed the stores and visually inspected all the buildings around here.

I wasn't slacking off either. I was eavesdropping on all the conversations the Hero King, Jaco Spiriard, was having with his associates, nobles and ministers. Furthermore, I was carefully tracking the movements of various groups within the city. One could never be too careful with wild heroes running around.

Heroes, maybe they should be called vigilantes or even adventurers. Yeah. I think the system could make an |adventurer| trait for those lackluster pretend heroes.

None of the heroes I was tracking were heroic in any sense. Perhaps, some had to do with bad timing. One was flirting with some young girls in a salon. One was in the washroom. One was smuggling something underground for a particular organization, possibly being a part of a resistance group. Though, it was kind of hard to tell since I lacked detailed information on their network. There were just too many conversations to keep track of.

Most of the heroes I had seen were human males.

A beautiful female hero was always by the Hero King's side but hidden from sight. With jet back hair, and pale complexion. Her outfit was black as well, tightly fitting to her slim body. From the way she carried herself and the hidden weapons on her, she was likely an assassin. How an assassin became a hero was beyond me. Anyhow, she posed no threat to me.

Now, now, now... Where in the world did you hide that sword? To escape my tactical sight, you're good... Hmm...

Interestingly enough, one hero was leading a gang of hooligans from several blocks away. Their path would cross with ours within several minutes time. Certainly, I rather not cause a ruckus around here just before meeting up with the number one of this country.

"Things certainly have changed." She mused calmly.

"I'm sure they did." Then I whispered to her, "We have trouble coming our way."


"Yes. They're there to 'test' us. One of them is a hero. I'm wondering how I should dice them."

"Go easy on them, please no bloodshed."

"Yeah, maybe I'll just teleport them away. I don't know if it'll work on a hero though."

Unfortunately, |creator| didn't allow me to see through a hero's status cloaking feature. If he had any strange abilities or traits, then I might be in a bit of trouble. Regardless, there was no way I could lose to a stray hero who was also a gang leader.

I confirmed with Echo, the voice, that forced teleportation on heroes was permitted in most circumstances. Teleporting them to their death was obviously disallowed unless it was self defense in a death match or something. However, heroes were apparently nearly immune to magic in general but this didn't apply to traits and abilities. I could use |creator| to teleport them away because world administrators were just that capable. I was in a way, a low level administrator. Still, there was a line I shouldn't cross with heroes.

Blessing, it was one thing all heroes should have if their statuses were visible to me aside from the |hero| trait. Each hero had a different blessing. As to what they were, Echo wouldn't disclose them to me. Thereby, I had to be super careful when dealing with heroes. There was always the possibility they might have an suicidal blessing that killed all enemies upon their death.

Let's not kill any heroes. Nn. That was my mindset.

It was only a matter of time before we were surrounded. There was a total of seven of them, including their leader.

"So you're the newbie, huh. Quite the charming one." The leader eyed me with a snicker.

I really have to lower my expectations of heroes in this world. Seriously, what qualification did he have to become a hero? Don't tell me he used to be good and somehow tragic befell him and this is the result!? Echo, when I get access, I'm going to revamp the system. This isn't okay, not at all!


Aside from the hero, the rest of the members were around level 30. They certainly weren't weak per se but if it was just Kanoko, she probably wouldn't be able to handle all of them. After all, combat didn't seem to be her forte.

"I have no business with the likes of you. Make way. Today, I have an appointment with the Hero King." I announced, standing proudly to face him.

"Oho? A gutsy woman. That's what about I'm talking about!"

"I don't care if you're a hero or whatnot and don't make me repeat myself."

I infused dense mana into my celestial eyes, my gaze pierced into his dark eyes.

"What's wrong, boss? Teach her a lesson not to mess with you! We're on home turf! She can't do a thing against you, boss." One of his followers jeered.

For a brief moment, I could see hesitation in the hero's eyes. His fingers were trembling and his knees nearly gave out. However, he quickly steadied himself.

"Uh... Hah. You and your tricks, and you call yourself a hero?" He said with a hint of anxiety in his voice.

"Who said I was a hero?" I replied as a matter of fact before I followed up with a taunting remark, "Are you done or can I get a move on? I don't want to be late for my appointment, unless you want to come with me. Make up your mind."

"How dare you! Boss, what are you waiting for? Show this newbie what you're made of!"

Surrounding us, the members of his gang cheered him on. Yet, I could see this guy swallowing hard. He really wasn't cut out to be a hero. Perhaps it would be better if I ended him here to spare him of misery.

I waited and waited, and still he wasn't making a move.

Is he scared stiff? I don't get it.

"Last warning, move out of my way," before I teleport you into desert pit.

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