Stop it, Bro~

Now That’s Orange (4)

A/N: Since Nami never asked for Luffy's help this time around, her behavior would naturally be different since that was the pivotal role for her character~!


While Brody felt there would have been some sense of resistance from Nojiko to share her past, his worries were largely unfounded as she revealed the tragic death of her adoptive mother at the hands of Arlong, how Nami forced past her sadness to join Arlong's crew regardless to gather enough money and purchase the 'rights' to her village but what Nojiko and the silent Nami in the distance clenching her fists couldn't have expected was to see Brody shed tears.

"You're... crying?" Nojiko's lips twitched as Brody banged the table, "Damn right, I am! What kind of monster wouldn't?! *Sniff* I mean... it's always mothers!"

"Always?" Nojiko noted as Brody blinked and wiped away his tears before nodding, "Yeah, my partner also had some tragic background but nothing as raw as this. You have my condolences, Nojiko... and while I may have been a little out of place, I apologize for calling you names. I was... hungry at the time."

"I knew that wouldn't have been filling enough after seeing you eat later in the tavern," Nojiko smiled, "And don't worry about it. My life is dull... it was nothing but the truth. Here, let me refill your cup."

"Isn't that his sixth cup of tea?" Nami frowned as she kept the count while Brody nodded, "It is. Your sister's tea is really good."

"Enough of this," Nami snapped, "Why won't you just leave?"

"Did I forget to mention that I want the both of you or either of you two to join my crew?" Brody tilted his head.

"You didn't..." Nojiko sighed, "But... it's too dangerous."

"I'll protect you," Brody smiled without a hint of hesitation.

"You? We don't know anything about you! Maybe we would need protection from YOU!" Nami narrowed her eyes.

"That's fair... there's nothing much about me. I didn't become a pirate to loot and plunder, perse. I want to become the strongest and find my father. Being a Pirate places me in the most convenient position of conflict and traveling. I figured, with a diverse crew who have their own ambition, I would get a chance to travel various places and eat loads of different things!"

"You aren't fooling anyone! You said it yourself that you only wanted Nojiko because she's beautiful!" Nami stood up and growled with an accusatory tone.

Looking over at Nojiko and letting her know that this time he was fully checking her out as his gaze wandered over her figure, Brody inquired quietly, "Is your sister a little... slow on relationships? You did say you were raised by a single mother... it's possible she doesn't understand a man's role yet..."

"Oh, my god!" Nami shouted, "I know what you were talking about. I meant... that is the most shallow reason to recruit someone!"

"Wow, sorry," Brody huffed, "You can recruit any lone dick harry you want but try not to comment on my preferences, yeah? I'm just trying to fulfill my mother's wish right before she died."

This made Nami silent before she looked away, "Sorry..."

"What did your mother wish for?" Nojiko questioned curiously.

Leaning back, Brody sipped his tea, "She wanted hundreds of grandsons—"

"That's it, perv! It's either you or me!" Nami instantly assembled her staff and pointed it at Brody, ready to make use of it while Nojiko sighed, "Nami, stop... all this talk did actually get me thinking... the only way you can ever fulfill your dream is by leaving this island and the village. And... without you, all I have here is memories and emotions too tragic to bear alone..."

"But... you really can't be thinking of traveling with him, right? He's dangerous!" Nami asserted, "I've encountered many pirates who tried to have their way with me in the past! What's different about him?"

"That I have a girlfriend?" Brody added.

Both of their expressions froze as Nojiko blinked, "Your pardon?"

"Yeah, my girlfriend, the partner I'm talking about, is waiting for me in Loguetown," Brody replied.

"YOU have successfully managed to pursue a romantic relationship?" Nami questioned dumbly.

"Feeling pretty dry and stupid, huh?" Brody mocked with a smirk and then turned to Nojiko, "Listen to me. Joining my crew is most certainly dangerous but the danger wouldn't stem from me. All that about having a hundred kids... that's a joke. All my mother wanted for me was to NOT grow out like my father. That's all. He would smack a woman without care but I would only do so if the said woman wants a smack or did actions that suggested she was thrilled for one."

"And you," Brody turned to Nami, "Hate me all you want for being a pirate, but grow up and open your eyes. Do you think only pirates are 'bad?' Do you think marines wouldn't have freed this island if they were aware of all of this? Bad, good, pirates, marines... those are titles of the most meaningless sort. I'm Strong. And I'll remain one, protecting your sister AND you if I have to. If keeping my promises costs me everything... so be it. I'm prepared for the price and consequences of my decisions."

Nami's hold around her staff grew tighter as she couldn't form a response at all.

"Get out! How dare you poach my navigator!"

A loud shout broke the somber tension bubbling within the cottage as Nami released an exhausted sigh, "One after another... You know what, I'll join whoever comes out on the top amongst the two of you. Since I have to travel to fulfill my goals and I need someone strong to consider my safety, it should be fine to choose the strongest, right?"

Giving a sly smirk, Nami added, "Come on, Nojiko. Since they want to fight over us. Let them."

Nobody said about fighting over us... Nojiko thought silently and looked at Brody, "Don't destroy my Tangerine produce..."

"Got it! We'll pack them for the journey," Brody grinned, "Even I will tire eventually by swimming with both of you riding me."

"Wait, what's that about swimming now?" Nami blinked as Nojiko stood up, "Let's go from behind. I want to throw some bones at Arlong, too... maybe dog shit, too."

Nami's gaze glimmered venomously, "Yeah, let's go..."

As they left, Brody walked towards the front and saw six men waiting for him outside. Zoro and Usopp, he knew...

But the blonde man in a black suit with half his face covered by his locks and the other half revealing a curled eyebrow looked stunningly familiar...

"Yea? Who're you supposed to be?" Brody smiled. His red pupils landed on the dark-haired youth standing in the center with a straw hat covering his head and a red, sleeveless buttoned-up shirt alongside blue shorts as part of his ensemble.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy, the captain of this crew... aside from these two," he pointed at the two individuals with broad sabers in their hands.

"Monkey D. Luffy, huh... I'm Bro D Hanma," he smirked, "So, you're a captain that already has another captain in your crew, huh?"

Luffy gave a 'huh' while Zoro sighed, "Look, I'm telling you—"

"That I am indeed Captain Usopp! Hahahaha!" Usopp laughed as Luffy shrugged while Zoro and the blonde youth released tired sighs respectively.

"And you?" Brody looked at the Blondie still smoking his cigarette.

"I'm Sanji."

"No family name?" Brody inquired.

"No family. Thus, no family name," Sanji replied calmly but all of them were injured to some extent.

"Did you guys have some kind of rumble before arriving here?" Brody leaned against the door with his arms crossed as Luffy replied, "Yeah, we beat up some pirates. Now.... where is Nami? What did you do to her?"

"Oh, a lot~" Brody chuckled, "I filled her up with nice, juicy—"

"Bastard!" Sanji instantly raged as Brody finished.

"— thoughts."

"Oh..." Sanji nodded.

"And now, she is having the time of her life in the steamy, hot—"

"You punk!" Sanji growled as Brody finished.


"Ah," the blondie calmed down again.

As if Brody had found a new toy, his grin widened, "But, of course, before that, I gave her a filling load of—"

"I'll kill you!" Sanji instantly roared as Brody finished.


"I see."

"Stop falling for the same thing again and again!" Usopp, Zoro, and the remaining two men shouted at once as Luffy scoffed, "Where is Nami? I won't leave until she joins my crew for real this time!"

"Oh, she left for Arlong Park. Something about venting her anger on furniture," Brody lied through his teeth.

"Oh, I see," Luffy nodded, "Well, I'm leaving."

"He's obviously lying!" Everyone piled on Luffy this time as Brody chuckled, "Man, you guys are fun. Wanna join my crew?"

"No!" Luffy raged, "You look strong, YOU join my crew!"

"No, you join my Devil Back Crew!"

"No, you become the part of straw hat pirates!"

"Devil Back!"

"Straw Hat!"

Brody and Luffy's glares sharpened as they stared at one another. Despite being taller than Luffy... their gazes were leveled at the moment. The tension was brief but then both of them grinned.

"Gomu-Gomu No—" Luffy's arm... strangely, or rather inhumanely, stretched back for ten meters as if his arm had no solid structure while Brody's gaze grew predatory and his figure blitzed towards Luffy.

'Gotcha~!' Brody leaned sideways as Luffy shouted, "Pistol!"

Luffy's arm contracted and stretched forward with dangerous velocity but...


His fist entered the cottage and from the sound of it, a bunch of different furniture as both of their expressions froze.

"You bastards! How dare you destroy Nami-san's home!" Sanji instantly shouted in outrage.

"Hey, it's your captain's fault!" Brody pouted.

"Why'd you dodge?" Luffy crossed his arms and inflated his cheeks in a similar manner, "Not my fault!"

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