Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 12

Chapter 11 – Di Wan Gnu

He likes to wear blue clothes and golden pupils, and he can enter and exit Langdie Valley at will.

Adding these characteristics together, Yan Yu quickly figured out the identity of the woman in front of her. She was Ying Fan who was good at the water-type spirit technique among the Five Little Vajras of Langdie Valley.

She was born in the country of Bosse. Because her body and animal soul were combined, she was born with a half-human, half-fish body. She was excluded by her own race as a different kind and became homeless. That’s why she joined Yin Beiqing’s family.

Under normal circumstances, Ying Fan usually uses spiritual methods to transform into a human appearance. In fact, her real appearance is a fish with a human face, similar to the mermaid in mythology.

“I’m not stealing, I want to plant these back.” Yan Yu explained.

Ying Fan didn’t care about her words. He took a step back, looked her up and down, and suddenly smiled and pointed at her, “I know you, the sick goddess that Sister Ruan hates the most, right?”


“why do not you talk?”

Yan Yu turned her back and continued planting, “I don’t know what to say.”

“Aren’t you wondering why I’m here too?”

Of course Yan Yu was not curious, she knew the reason.

As a water-type veterinarian, Ying Fan is happy when encountering water, and looking at the Langdie Valley, the best water quality is the spring water of this cobalt-rhodium spring.

As mentioned in the original book, she would occasionally avoid Yin Beiqing and come here to enjoy herself.

But she was right, compared to stealing fruit and taking a bath, the people in front were less afraid of death.

Ying Fan took off his coat and sank his body into the water. The two straight long legs immediately turned into fish tails covered with scales. The light blue scales shimmered in layers under the moonlight, very eye-catching.

She wagged her tail comfortably, put her hands on the wall of the pool, and tilted her head to talk to Yan Yu.

“Actually, it’s okay for you to pick some and take them away. The owner of the valley never cared about those few grasses, and no one took care of this thing. I absorbed the spiritual energy of the world and grew a piece of it here.”

Listen to this, let the people outside who have a lot of money to find a grass hear it, and they will not die of anger.

Yan Yu smiled politely, but her hands speeded up instead. She wasn’t afraid, because Ying Fan was already the most tempered among Yin Beiqing’s subordinates, but she had a problem…

“Hey, I heard that you can bring the dead back to life, is it true?”

“By the way, someone said that you slept in Master Gu’s room last night, and she invited you to sleep in?”

“Tsk tsk tsk, take a closer look, these bruises on your neck and chin can’t be…”

“No!” Yan Yu hurriedly answered.

“Hahahaha.” Ying Fan laughed loudly, “Don’t be in a hurry, don’t be in a hurry, let me tell you something that is easy to answer, Sister Ruan said that you can also suture, and the technique is very good, so you can sew one for me too. “

Listen, how can anyone curse themselves like that.

“Why don’t you talk anymore, do you hate me too?” Ying Fan turned over, and the fish’s tail slapped the water heavily, splashing Yan Yu all over.

Yan Yu sighed, and silently patted off the splashed water droplets on her body. She felt that her forehead was a little swollen and painful. She really couldn’t deal with talkative people, and every time she touched her, she got a headache.

Such a beautiful woman, why does she have a long mouth?

“I don’t hate you, I just don’t like to talk.”

“Really.” Ying Fan blinked, “Well, in fact, it doesn’t matter if you hate me, I just like to torture people who hate me when I have nothing to do, and you also dislike me for being noisy, right?”

“Say it, I don’t hate you.” Yan Yu finally planted all the lotus flowers in the basket back, she stood up and wiped her hands, “You go on clubbing, I won’t tell about tonight’s affairs.”

“It’s kind of loyal.” Ying Fan saw that she didn’t go back, but went to the back mountain with a basket, “Little Goddess, you went wrong, the back mountain is very dangerous at night, you bumped and fell or were blamed.” If you are bitten to death by insects and ferocious beasts, no one will save you.”

Yan Yu suppressed the foul breath in her heart, so she couldn’t expect Ying Fan’s mouth to say anything nice.

“Thank you for the reminder.” Yan Yu’s footsteps did not change direction because of her words.

“Brush—” Ying Fan jumped up from the water suddenly, and when she landed on the ground, her fish tail had turned back into a beautiful human leg. She dried the clothes on her body with a spiritual method, and pulled up her coat casually, “You really want to go, I with you.”

“No need.” Yan Yu lowered his head and quickened his pace.

“Don’t, it’s rare for you to be so loyal, so I’ll take care of you for a while.” Ying Fan put his hands on her shoulders with a smile, and put all the weight of his body on her without any politeness. Gu is one of my own, why are you being polite, and you said just now that you would help me keep a secret, isn’t that treating me as a good sister, how can I refuse you, right?”

Who is being polite to you!

“You don’t have any flesh on your body, it hurts my hands.”

“What do you want to go to Houshan so late?”

“Hey, hey, little goddess~ just take care of me!”

“Picking herbs.” Yan Yu gritted his teeth and replied.

To cure her Qi Deficiency Syndrome, only one lotus petal is not enough, but also the root of Soul Gathering Grass, which is not too rare, and she remembers that the original book said that the back mountain of Langdie Valley naturally grew many strange things. Flowers and plants, this is where I want to try my luck.

The soul-gathering grass is different from the lotus flower. Its appearance is not much different from ordinary weeds, and ordinary people can’t tell them apart when they look closely. In addition, the back mountain is not clearly under the jurisdiction of Langdie Valley. She picked a few plants and brought them back. Drugs are unlikely to be discovered.

“That’s it, then you should have said it earlier, I am familiar with the road here.” Ying Fan hooked her neck and brought her to him, “There are many herbs in the east, I will take you there.”

Yan Yu was uncomfortably strangled, but her strength was too great compared to Ying Fan’s. After struggling once, she found it was useless, so she let her go.

The further east, the denser the woods, and the dimming of the light. Yan Yu stared closely at his feet, and immediately stopped to pick one that looked like a soul-gathering weed and put it in the basket.

There are all kinds of smells mixed in the woods, the pollen that makes people sneeze, the smell of grass mixed with soil after the rain, and… There is also a familiar cold fragrance.


“Damn! Boss!” Before Yan Yu could react, Ying Fan exploded.

A slender black shadow suddenly floated out from nowhere and stood in front of Yan Yu.

Yin Beiqing narrowed his eyes, and glanced coldly at Ying Fan’s hand on Yan Yu’s shoulder.

“Good evening, Boss! I remembered that I was on guard tonight, so I’ll pack up and go to work!” After speaking, Ying Fan jumped into the puddle on the side of the road, and disappeared after the incomprehensible spiritual method shadowed.

Only Yan Yu was left standing there, staring silently at Yin Beiqing who was full of displeasure.

Yan Yu’s heart beat very fast, she felt that she was really going to die this time.

Yin Beiqing lowered his eyes and glanced at the basket in her hand. Yan Yu hid it behind her back guiltily, but the other party stretched out his hand to her, and hooked his fingers, the meaning was obvious.

Yan Yu pursed her lips and handed over the basket.

But the man took the basket, without even looking at it, he threw it on the muddy ground beside him, and then pulled out a bunch of things from the wide sleeve with his other hand like magic, “Take it.”

Yan Yu stretched out her hand to hold it in a daze, and lowered her head to look at it. Isn’t it because she only found two small plants of Soul Gathering Grass after searching for a long time.

“…” What does Yin Beiqing mean?

Yan Yu couldn’t figure out what Yin Beiqing was thinking, but she found that this man started to stare at her again as if he was going to swallow him whole, staring at him constantly, and still refusing to speak.

At this moment, every second of the quiet air is a kind of torture for Yan Yu, and her heart is getting more and more flustered.

Is this the legendary give a sweet date, and then give a stick?

The soul-gathering grass in my hand is sweet jujube, so what about it? How does she want to torture herself?



“Are you polite?” Yin Beiqing said with a wooden face.


“Won’t you say thank you?”

Yan Yu finally came to his senses, looked at the grass in his hand, then raised his head to look at someone with his hands behind his back and his chin slightly raised, with the words “I’m noble and immediately kneel down and thank me” written all over his face.

Got it.

She held the bunch of soul-gathering grass in both hands respectfully and raised it up, bowed at a standard ninety degrees and bowed to Yin Beiqing, “Thank you very much, Lord Gu.”


What about Buddha?

The author has something to say:

Yan Yu: I understand, but I don’t fully understand

(Brain to make up for it, Sister Yin held the mood of “my wife will definitely praise me severely”, diligently searched for the soul-gathering grass, and the result…)

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-25 18:00:22~2021-06-26 18:00:22~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Xu Feng, as long as you are free, and Yang Bai;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Liu Yifei’s little wife; 8 bottles of late-stage lazy cancer; 488030255 bottles; , We are co-existing, 1 bottle of Si Yue, Wolf Star of the Moon;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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