Steal The Heroes’ Harems

54. Demon Knight

The hero party went deeper past the demonic vines. The hero party, which comprised Aman, Hannah, the heavy armor and protector, Wynn, the Dragon Mage, Nysta the Nun, Kiara the Knight, and Raven the Ranger. Six of them slaughtered countless monster vines. 

At some point, Raven even wondered whether these things are actually demonic, but her suspicions were they had to be. These vines never existed prior to the demonic invasions, and so they could only be demonic. The vines themselves were fairly harmless, once they managed to hit their cores. 

But killing so many wore them done, and even the powerful Wynn and her ice magic seemed to tire of the seemingly endless number of demonic beasts. 

Then, finally found some actual demons belong to the demon lord. 

A large demonic knight the size of an elephant, with a flaming halberd in it's arm. It roared. 

The hero leapt forward, surprised. They were already exhausted from the battle and did not expect to encounter a strong demon. "An actual demon knight.

Hannah got in position. "Aman, be careful, we've not faced these before." 

Aman was exhausted, and Nysta immediately shouted a boost. A blessing of the goddesses empowered Aman, and suddenly his body was lighter, nimbler. 

"Oooooooooh?" The demon looked amused, but then, it flared its own demonic energy. An oppressive weakness aura descended on the battlefield. The girls immediately felt weaker, only Aman was unaffected. 

Aman closed in, and his shining holy sword met the flaming halberd of the demon knight. They exchanged blows, each of his shining sword was blocked by the flaming halberd deftly. 

The demon roared some more, and an even more oppressive suppression aura caused the rest of them to freeze. Raven had never felt true horror at fighting the demons, but for the first time in her entire life, she realized that maybe- just maybe- she didn't really want to be a heroine. 

When Raven looked at her fellow teammates, only Hannah was determined. Even Nysta, the nun, looked particularly shaken. Her hands shivered, and Wynn, the dragonmage looked worried. Hannah immediately slammed her shield on the ground, and activated an ability. A golden glow washed over the rest of the party. "[Shield of Faith]! Get your act together, girls. We got to support the hero!" 

Raven felt the holy energy wash through her, and understood that Hannah was the one closest to the hero in terms of her Goddesses' blessings. Yet, if this demon knight was so strong, were they not destined to die eventually? Surely- the greater demon lords are even more powerful?

"Raven! Start shooting! Wynn, enchant the hero!" Hannah commanded, and snapped them out of their stupor.

The demon knight merely roared, and the flames of his flaming halberd turned scarlet red. His flaming halberd struck Aman's sword, and now, Aman was pushed back. Aman cursed but charged. In a magical glow, his blade struck the demon knight. The demon knight staggered back, a single glowing scar through it's chest. 

The hero's holy power prevented the demon from regenerating. It roared, but this time, it didn't aim for the hero. Instead, it looked at the girls, and all the five girls suddenly felt vulnerable. It charged at Wynn in a blazing comet, and her ice magic merely bounced off it's flames. She panicked, her legs suddenly heavy and unable to move, perhaps a side effect of the demon's fear aura. 

Hannah cursed, she was too far- 

But Kiara leapt in the demon knight's way, and her sword glowed. She didn't know why she did it. But her glowing blade flashed, a hundred magical slashes. Her blade was special. Powerful. This wasn't her old sword. The demon knight slammed into Kiara and Wynn, and all three of them smashed into a large mass of demonic vines located on the sides.

The flames were gone. They were propelled by momentum.

The demon knight shattered into a thousand pieces, dead. 

Kiara and Wynn however, was knocked into a pit, and fell into a mass of demonic vines.

"Kiara! Wynn!" Aman and the rest of them shouted. 


Edmund watched the battle from afar. He had expected the hero to win, but the demon knight gave a stronger fight than he expected. The fact that both Kiara and Wynn fell into a pit of demonic vines, was also awesome. They'll be in there for a while. 

Edmund shapeshifted and teleported into the pit. Demonic vines were actually mindless monsters, vegetations from the demonic world. They were the quintessential origins of the tentacle monster, and they are largely a mass driven by instinct. An instinct to breed. A demon lord like Edmund could easily gain control of these demonic vines, and he watched as both Kiara and Wynn fell into the deep hole. 

The hero was probably going to slash his way down here, but it would take him at least three to four hours. 

That was enough, as Edmund activated his own demonic lord abilities to rouse the demonic vines and aimed them at the two heroines. The heroines, already injured and weakened from the battle with the demon knight, found it difficult to resist when the vines began to wrap around their bodies and touched them.

"Ngh." Wynn cursed as a vine gagged her mouth. The vines somehow quickly undressed her, and lathered her entire body in a sappy liquid. She tried to struggle, but her hands were tied, her dragonwings were tied, her tail was tangled with a vine, and her two legs were tied up by some vines. She twisted, and the vines just made her entire body tingle.

She looked around to find Kiara similarly covered in vines. The only saving grace was that she was still in her armor, and the tentacles were commanded not to remove her armor. 

The vines wrapped around Wynn's breasts, and then, some viney thing twirled around her nipples- then tugged. She yelped. Then, another set of vines found itself around her nether regions, and sucked it strongly, as if draining her lower half of juices- 

It was such a strong sensation that it made her pee uncontrollably, her bladder clearing itself.

"Wynn- Kiara!" They both heard the hero in the distance. The hero was coming for them. "Hang in there. I'm cutting through these vines right now."

Edmund cursed. He didn't have much time to work with these two. He immediately intensified the stimulation on the two ladies, causing the two of them to convulse from the constant stimulation. But he didn't make the vines penetrate them. He just wanted to make them so filled with lust and desire and see how the hero would behave when faced with two horny women. 

Wynn struggled against the vines, the vines somehow figured out all the usual sensitive spots, and fondled them despearately.

"Wynn- Kiara! Can you here me?" The hero shouted, his voice closer. They could hear his blade slashing and chopping. 

Wynn twisted, struggling. She was a proud dragonling, being naked and molested by vines was absolutely not something she imagined herself to be. If the hero saw her now, she didn't know what to say. But her magic was draining out of her. These vines, their sap seemed to make her entire body burn and so sensitive.

She squirmed as her body peed some more. She looked at Kiara. Kiara's armor was filled with vines that fondled her throughout her body. Kiara's face was red, and she winced whenever the vines fondled her body. At times, she would moan uncontrollably. 

Wynn struggled and stopped when one of the vines nibbled on her nipples. It triggered an orgasmic sensation throughout her body. Yet, it didn't reach the peak. It was always wanting. The vines. They were incomplete. They were almost there. Almost.

"Kiara! Wynn! Can you hear me?" The hero repeated, now even closer. 

Wynn tried to speak but the vines gagged her. Kiara looked so drunk in pleasure that she couldn't even hear the hero. Kiara was already familiar with this sort of pleasure. It awakened that hazy, drunk feeling, when she felt like floating. The tentacles in the armor kneaded her constantly, so the vines was similar. It was just more blunt, more- aggressive. 

Wynn tried to speak again, and then, the vines stopped gagging her mouth. But, instead of trying to call the hero, the vines attacked her body and then suddenly she moaned. 

The hero's flashing blades could now be seen. "Wynn! Kiara." 

The hero arrived faster than expected. Only slightly more than two hours and the hero was already here. He looked at the naked Wynn, her equipment scattered on the floor, and Kiara covered in vines. He slashed through the vines, and Wynn fell into his arms. 

"You're alright?"

Wynn couldn't say anything. She felt tingly wherever. Her body was stuffed with the sap. The rest of the party came soon after, and helped Kiara up. Nysta cast a blessing on both of them. 

But Aman looked embarrassed once he noticed Wynn was nude. "Oh- I'm sorry." He took off his cape and wrapped it around the dragonling. 

The walk back was awkward. All the girls wanted to see how the hero reacted to two vulnerably women in various states of undress. If the hero picked anyone, it would create conflict. If the hero didn't pick one, that would create conflict. If the hero picked all, that would still create conflict. 


Gib monies. I have 3 more chapters on patreon <3


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