Static Flash

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Not A Meta-Human

It has been 3 weeks since the incident with Eiling and my skin has regained it's normal color as well as my electricity returning to it's normal color.

This only further proved my theory that I gave to Team Flash about the foreign Bio-electricity being like a virus.

The change back to my normal appearance assuaged the team's worries and everything seemed to be back to normal. If only I had known what was happening soon that would change my previous thoughts and change my whole world view.


(About an hour later at Central City Savings and Loan)

Alarms were ringing throughout the bank as a man was walking back out from a bank door that seemed to have been melted from the outside and a black smoke was coming off of it as well as his own hands.

As I was almost always tuned in to the different frequencies throughout the city, I heard the police radioes about the bank being robbed and told Team Flash that I would take care of it and if I needed backup I'd let them know.

They were all too willing to let me do it by myself as they had seen me working overtime over the past three weeks in saving people around the city. They believed it was due to me trying to make up for what I did to Eiling and his soldiers, but that was only half right, I had been trying to get on the good side of the Karma System to get back to my original appearance.

The only downside to the explanation I gave them Is, if I get on the evil side of the Karma System again, they will assume it's because I absorbed someone's bio-electricity and that I was going to go crazy again. So I had to pretty much not kill anyone directly or it would come back.

I did actually feel bad about the soldiers as they were just following orders, but they would've had to die anyways as they would have known about The Streak and The Electric Man actually existing and that would've been reported to the military and not everyone in the military would keep that information to themselves like Eiling did.

Anyways, back to the action.


(At the bank)

I had just flown over and was flying above the bank and I could see something eerily familiar. I saw what looked like the smoke powers from Infamous:Second Son. There were blasts of smoke and a dome shaped mass of smoke that caused all the police that were trying to stop the bank robbery to start coughing with a aura of smoke over their heads.

'NO WAY! There's just no way' I thought to myself.

I flew through the smoke and finally saw the perpetrator. Wearing an orange shirt and blue jeans, with a bald head, it was.....

"Hank Daughtry?" I questioned aloud.

Apparently he'd heard me.

"Hey, how comes it you know my name?" Hank questioned.

"I don't know what you're talking about, you just looked like a Hank. And I guessed at a last name." I replied to weakly cover up my blunder of saying his name aloud.

"Whatever, you'll lose anyways." Hank said as he shot a smoke bullet at me.

It was unfortunate for Hank that I was all too familiar with his power set and all I had to do was put up my Polarity Wall and keep myself in the air as he couldn't fly, well, not really.

I was doing alright against Hank but obviously Infamous was a game and this is real life so he used an ability I didn't know he had. He absorbed all the smoke that was in the bank whether it was made by him or not, and then condensed it all into one big ball of smoke and sent it flying my way.

It was unexpected and I hadn't fully formed my Polarity Wall before it struck and I was sent flying into the far wall. He dashed over to me and the bank had, after the impact with his smoke ability, it had refilled the bank with smoke and he was too quick for me so all I could do was grab his hand to try and stop him from punching me, but what happened next shocked me beyond belief.

I could feel myself absorbing his smoke, it felt similar to when I drained electricity, but the energy that was now inside of me felt less real. If my electricity felt like an untamed storm that I had to wrest control over, the smoke felt like a formless shadow that kept slipping through my hands. As I was absorbing the smoke, I passed out and surprisingly I didn't get any memories from Hank, but I did take his power.


(A few minutes later)

I woke up and I felt weak as if I had been drained of all my energy and then I started automatically absorbing all the smoke inside the bank and I felt full of energy once more and I could see Hank was still passed out as I seemed to have absorbed all his energy and then some.

I could hear the cops coming so I quickly grabbed my fallen Hover Halo and put it in my pocket and I quickly ran towards a vent.

"Okay, so how to I do this? Concentrate and push forward." I said aloud

At my words I did exactly what I was trying to do, I suddenly dashed into the air vent and found myself on the roof of the bank.

'Holy shit! It's all true, I have the powers of Delsin Rowe. This just got a lot more interesting.' I thought excitedly.

Since I didn't know exactly how to use my new powers that well, I decided to climb down the back of the bank and quickly but discreetly made my way back to S.T.A.R Labs.

'Man, I have no idea how I'm going to explain this to the Team, I guess I will have to tell them I am a conduit afterall, if Conduits are a part of this universe now, I would have to have told them eventually.' I pondered.

As I was making my way to S.T.A.R Labs, I was almost seen by some cops when something crazy happened.

All I was thinking about was hiding from them and suddenly the Earth opened up beneath me and I ended up in a tunnel underground.

'Oh. My. God. I still have access to my Meta-Human abilities I got from the Particle Accelerator Explosion while using my Conduit abilities. I guess the reason I can't use my Electrokinesis is due to the same reason as the game, until I master my Smoke power to a certain extent, it's locked. But that doesn't explain why I can't use my Static Shock version of Electrokinesis." I said excitedly.

'Huh, I wonder why my Static powers are locked? Eh, I'll figure it all out later, for now, I have to get back to the team and explain things.' I pondered.

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