Chapter 13: Chapter 13: The Rogue Part 2
I made it to the theater but I couldn't see anything because some sort of black cloud was covering everything. But I could still hear the screams of different people as they were struggling to escape the darkness.
I landed and put my Halo into my jacket pocket and made a ball of lightning in my hand and held it out to try and see my surroundings from the light it emitted. I walked through and had to keep moving around to avoid rushing civilians.
'Damn. I can barely see ten feet in front of me.' I thought to myself as I moved through the dark cloud.
All the sudden I sensed an individual with my Seismic Sense. I recreated the ability of Toph from Avatar the last air bender for a situation just like this. I felt a cold wave of air coming towards me so I employed my Polarity Wall.
I did it just in time and I saw my wall freeze solid. You could still see the shape of the wall from the now statue of my wall. My best guess is the ice froze the water molecules in the air and trapped the electricity from my Polarity Wall inside.
'It has to be Snart, but how? He was in Iron Heights. But the cold gun couldn't create this cloud of darkness so what is it? Another metahuman, or maybe Cisco made another gun.' I pondered.
I then heard Snart's voice, confirming my suspicions.
"So you must be the other guy, where's your speedy friend?" He asked.
"Wouldn't you like to know Snart." I replied snarkily.
"So you know who I am, but I don't know you. How about we have a nice little chat." Snart said back.
"We can have that chat once you're locked up in Iron Heights again. How did you even escape?" I asked.
"I made a new friend." Snart replied teasingly.
Just after he said that another blast from his Cold Gun was sent my way. I dealt with it the same way I did before, creating another ice statue of my Polarity Wall. Although this time I took cover behind it as I waited for Barry.
I heard the sound of rapid movement and the static sound of lightning.
"Volt, what's going on? Where did this Dark Cloud come from?" Barry asked as he found me from the light of my lightning ball.
"It's Snart. Somehow he escaped Iron Heights. He said he made a new friend. That's probably where this dark cloud came from, I think it might be another Meta." I said.
"Okay what's the plan?" Barry asked as I was the more strategic of the two of us and had a bit more experience in a fight.
"You can see the ice statue in front of me right?" I asked.
"Yeah, it looks like your Polarity Wall." Barry replied.
"That's because it is. I was attacked by some sort of ice beam, I stopped it with my shield but I can't see anything. I only stopped it because I could feel the cold air heading toward me and put up my shield. Best way to do this for now is to slowly move forward and use my shield for all the ice beams. After we take care of the source of the ice, we can deal with whatever's making this dark cloud." I explained.
"That's as good a plan as any right now." Barry said.
We moved painstakingly slow as we made our war forward with me having to block the ice beams every so often.
"Man if only we had a little more light." Barry commented.
"That's it more light!" I exclaimed.
"What's it?" Barry asked.
"Every human has an electrical aura that surrounds them and I can make it visible." I explained.
I then charged up some electricity and made a wave that passed through the surrounding area. We then got to see two glowing auras. One that was blue and another that was light grey. Barry had an orange aura around him and mine was a white blue just light my electricity. I channeled the wave with one hand and kept my other hand free to put up my shield.
We ran forward and I had to block more and more ice beams we finally arrived in front of Snart with his Cold Gun and another man dressed in an all black trenchcoat, black goggles with white lenses, and a lower face mask that covered the bottom half of his face and was holding a black gun of similar design to Snart's in his hand.
'Who the hell is that?' I wondered.
'Whoever it is I'll deal with them later' I decided.
Barry began to run around dodging ice beams while I would block them. Barry and I had to use the light from the electrical auras as a focul point to manuever as the other guy kept shooting out more waves of darkness from his gun making the already dark area even darker.
'I wonder if Wells was more mad about a second weapon being created' I thought to myself absently while trying to get closer to the two criminals.
(S.T.A.R. Labs After Barry Left)
"How long have they been missing." Wells asked.
"I don't know." Cisco replied.
"I'm going to ask again Cisco, and when I do, I want a more specific answer than "I don't know" Now how long have these weapons been gone?" Wells continued to ask.
"A day, maybe two. One of the janitors didn't come to work this morning, he was probably the one who took it, I didn't think that...." Cisco started before being interrupted by Wells slamming the locker door closed.
"You didn't think, because if you had you would've discussed with me first your desire to build something that could in theory hurt anyone, but one of the weapons in particular, Barry Allen." Wells said angrily.
"I'm sorry. If you would just let me explain.." Cisco said before again being interrupted.
"You know how I feel about weapons Cisco, they do not belong in S.T.A.R. Labs. Now you are going to find a way to locate those weapons, and you are going to do it right now." Wells finished before leaving the room.
Cisco looked dejected and Caitlin commented. "These guns that you built what exactly can they do?"
"Bad things." Cisco replied seriously.
(Back at the theater)
As we were moving, the guy with the light grey aura started to send more waves of darkness in my direction until I couldn't even see my hands in front of me. All the sudden I was struck by an ice beam that sent me flying backwards into the darkness.
"That takes care of him for the moment." A distinctly british voice said coming from the guy with the gun that was shooting out clouds of shadow.
After I was sent flying it interrupted my ability to show the electrical auras and Barry was locked in darkness.
{Volt, what happened?} Barry asked over comms. But didn't receive an answer.
When I was sent flying by the attack I landed on a piece of destroyed frozen metal and was impaled through my spine and out the my torso. The pain alone almost made me pass out and I was struggling to extricate myself from the piece of metal, but I couldn't move my legs and I didn't know if it was from the piece of metal that went through my spine, or the cold that numbed my body.
I was so focused on escaping my predicament that I didn't hear Barry speak to me over comms. The hero in question was utilizing my advice to avoid the ice beams. He focused on a feeling of cold air heading toward him, just like I said I was, to dodge the ice beams as he couldn't see a thing. He needed more help and since Andrew wasn't responding, he asked Team Flash for some help.
{Guys i need some help} Barry said.
{What is it, what's wrong?} Caitlin asked.
{There's these two guys, one of em is Snart, the other, I don't know. They have these guns. One shoots ice, the other shoots out waves of darkness.} Barry replied as he was panting from having to run and dodge so much.
{Where's Andrew?} Caitlin asked.
{I don't know, I can't see anything through this dark cloud, but he was helping me to see, but all the sudden he stopped. I think he got hit by one of these ice beams.} Barry explained.
If Barry had been in the Cortex he would've seen Cisco look more and more dejected as he heard about the capabilities of the guns and what happened to Andrew as he knew they were his weapons and they were in the hands of bad people. It didn't help that Wells was giving Cisco an angry stare as if to say "if they die it's your fault, you'd better find a way to deal with this."
{Can you get close to Snart?} Cisco asked.
{I don't know there is so much darkness the only light I had was from Andrew and Snart's ice attacks.} Barry said.
Caitlin then got back on the comms.
{Use the light from Snart's beams and get as close as you can. After that, grab the gun and get it far away from him.} She suggested.
Wells then interjected.
{That won't work. Right now Snart's beams are the only source of light, but Caitlin had the right idea. Use the light from the ice beams and get the gun from the other guy, after that Cisco should be able to talk you through getting rid of the dark cloud.} Wells explained giving a pointed look toward Cisco at the latter part of his words.
Barry was confused about how Cisco could help with the dark gun, but listened regardless. He'd figure out all that later.
There were some sounds of ice blasts and grunting from Barry for a few minutes until they heard him again.
{Okay i got it, now what do I do? I can't even see the gun in my hand.} Barry said.
{Okay feel along the gun and find the trigger, once you have done that there should be a divit located right above the trigger.} Cisco explained.
{Okay i found it} Barry said.
{Okay now you have to stick your finger in the divit and slide your finger down. That should slide open a plate and there should be a button there.} Cisco explained.
{Okay i think I found it} Barry said.
{Perfect, now press down for ten seconds that should reverse the polarity of the gun and suck in all the dark cloud. If it successfully got all of the cloud a red beam like line will shine on the gun.} Cisco replied.
Barry did what he said but not before carefully finding some cover for when the dark cloud receeded. After he found the cover and completed the process, the huge dark cloud started to be sucked back into the gun. Once that happened, the gun had a glowing red line in the center. And he could see again.
As soon as Barry could see, and he adjusted to the light, he quickly rushed toward Snart and grabbed his gun and speed punched him to knock him out. Unfortunately he left the other gun back behind where he was taking cover.
Once Snart was taken care of, Barry looked around and had a somber realization. There were at least 3 frozen bodies scattered around and many more injured civilians, most likely from being trampled or running into objects in the darkness.
Barry then went to look for Andrew. He saw him in a corner of the area he was in and could see a bloody piece of metal protruding from his chest and a large pool of blood had formed beneath his body.
"ANDREW!!" He exclaimed and ran over to me.
"Andrew are you okay?!?" He asked concerned.
"Do i look okay?" I joked weakly as I had lost a lot of blood.
"No, sorry, we need to get you to S.T.A.R. Labs. Can you get up?" Barry asked.
"No. Actually, I can't feel my legs, I can't feel my legs." I said as my consciousness began to fade.
Barry heated up his hands by rubbing them together to generate lightning and used the heat to cut the back of the piece of metal away so he could pick Andrew up. He quickly rushed him to S.T.A.R. Labs for treatment.
(Still at the theater)
The man in the black trenchcoat walked over to where Barry left the gun.
"Hmm, Andrew is it? Interesting." He said aloud as he quickly ran away, blending in with the rest of the remaining civilians that were running out the theater after they could see again.