Static Flash

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Joe in Danger & the Fight against Nimbus

Barry was pacing as he was waiting for his call to CCPD to go through.


{Hey, Eddie do you know where Joe went he's not picking up his phone}

{Uh, not sure}

{Eddie it's really important that I speak to him I need to know where he went}

{He went to Iron Heights, to see your Dad}

During that call I was already on my way over to Iron Heights, but had forgotten one crucial thing....the antidote.


(Iron Heights State Penitentiary)

Joe was meeting with Barry's Dad Henry Allen and he wanted to talk about how he was reopening his case and that he would get him outta there. As they were talking, Henry saw some sort of green smoke rise up and saw the guard being choked by it.

"What is that?" He asked causing Joe to turn around.

Joe then saw the guard choke to death on the smoke and then the smoke formed into a humanoid shape until finally reforming into Kyle Nimbus.

"Nimbus? You're supposed to be dead." Joe said.

"Same to you." Nimbus said before sending the gas into Joe's throat.

Joe fell to the ground and started to choke on the gas all the while Henry was shouting and banging on the glass screaming for help. Just as Joe stopped moving Henry saw and heard an explosion. The first explosion he heard seemed to be a power outage because all the power went out. The second explosion that Henry saw was the wall outside the glass explode inward creating a small cloud of dust and he heard sparks of electricity.

When the dust cleared, Henry saw was he could only describe as a man made of lightning there was lightning all over the individual's body and their "face" seemed to be just a ball of electricity.

"NOOOO!" The individual screamed but his voice sounded distorted almost like how a voice recording sounded with lots of static.

'Shit i forgot the antidote. I should've gotten it from Caitlin, what am i supposed to do now is Joe going to die? No, This is not how it's going to go down, I don't know when Barry will get here or if he will get here on time. There has got to be something I can do?' I thought and questioned myself.

I then thought I could maybe restart his heart like a defibrillator. It probably wouldn't work considering he was choking on gas but I have to try. I tried it multiple times and it didn't work and I got so angry that I put way to much power into the last charge that when it went into Joe a small pulse like wave of electricity came out from his body and his body jerked before he slowly started to groan.

I was still leaning over him shocked and then I suddenly realized something.

"Of course it was the 'Pulse Heal' ability from Infamous Hell Yeah!!" I said aloud voice still masked.

Just then Barry came rushing in and he saw Joe breathing normally and he didn't seem all that hurt aside from still being groaning on the floor.

"Ugh my head, what happened?" He asked and looked up at Barry and Andrew confused.

Barry simply looked at me questioningly and I nodded. He smiled and then looked at Joe and pointed to me which made Joe widen his eyes a little in surprise that I saved him.

"Go get him." Joe said weakly to us, but more Barry than me.

Barry nodded and rushed out. I saw the hole in the wall I made and threw my Halo out, and jumped on it and flew after Barry.

When I caught up to Barry I saw him run at Nimbus and Nimbus turned to his gaseous form and at the same time flew into Barry's nostrils and throat I saw Barry collapse and start to convulse I flew over, shot a EM Shockwave at the batch of green gas to push it away from Barry as I grabbed the antidote out of Barry's pocket and injected him. He stopped convulsing and seemed to be asleep.

"Looks like I will be adding another two to my list" Nimbus said as he had reformed a short distance away.

Now I started to fly in the air and keep him away as I was thinking about some of my science classes and what they said about gasses. I had forgotten to grab my visor so I didn't have Team Flash to help, not that they were any help in the OG story.

I kept shooting bolt after bolt of electricity, and Nimbus either took the full attack and reformed, or simply dodged it. The EM Shockwaves helped to keep him at bay but I was running out of options I wasn't given anytime to think.

As I narrowly escaped an encirclement of gas I remembered something. All gasses expand when their temperatures increase and when a lightning bolt strikes the ground it superheats the air in a fraction of a second.

The air expands so rapidly that it compresses the air in front of it. This actually is what causes the sound of thunder often heard. I could use it to disperse the gas enough to require some time to reform and give me more time to think.

I sent one more Shockwave to give me some breathing room and then I summoned an Ionic Storm. The multiple bolts of lightning struck down a few were dodged but their resulting Shockwave dispersed the gas in the area.

After all that I saw some interesting things. First the gas was spread out into a very large area and was struggling to reform and there were some areas where there was wet ground that had the gas in liquid form and was slowly becoming dust.

This was due to the boiling point of Hydrogen Cyanide which was only 79° F a bolt of lightning is 50,000° F and its interaction with the water caused the gas to change its form of matter.

As I saw Nimbus finally reform I had one last thing that I wanted to try it was something that I thought about when I fought against Marden.

Nimbus became gaseous again and tried to rush me. I simply smiled and started to gather power in between my hands and had them both placed at my right side. As Nimbus drew closer, I began to move. I started to take small steps forward and at the same stime I spun my body while simultaneously throwing my arms outward in the direction of Nimbus.

What followed was the instant formation of a giant tornado filled with lightning sucking up gravel and trees with weak roots. Nimbus was sucked inside and I could see the gas swirling around inside the vortex. After about 2 minutes, all the sudden I heard a scream and saw Nimbus thrown from the tornado and smack into a tree a couple hundred yards away. I made my way over and saw that not only was he bruised black and blue he also had cuts and burns in many places which I could only assume was from the bits and pieces of trees and the lightning itself.

"Well that was fun, now I think it's about time to go it's starting to stink" I said as I made a horrible gas joke.

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