Starting With Batman

Chapter 104 – Take Back Our City

Spider-Man is not just a popular superhero; he's an icon, a character so deeply ingrained in popular culture that his name transcends the confines of the comic book world. Even people who have never picked up a comic book in their lives know who Spider-Man is. He's a character that appeals to the masses, a household name recognized by almost everyone, from avid fans to casual passersby.

Charlie Cooper's earliest memory of Spider-Man dates back to his elementary school days. He remembered vividly how he had recently become enthralled with Batman, largely thanks to his neighbor's enthusiastic endorsement. Batman had seemed like the coolest hero to him, with his dark persona, sophisticated gadgets, and unmatched detective skills. Charlie couldn't wait to share his newfound obsession with another friend who lived nearby.

However, the reception wasn't what he had expected. Instead of sharing in his excitement, the other kid had turned up his nose at the mention of Batman. "Oh, Batman? Yeah, I know him," the kid had said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "He got superpowers after being bitten by a bat, right? Total rip-off of Spider-Man! My favorite hero is Spider-Man, and Batman is just a lame copycat!"

[TL Note - I'm swinging, I'm Swinging, Im gonna fcking put a bullet in that kid's head]

That was all it took for the situation to escalate. What began as a simple conversation quickly degenerated into a heated argument. Before long, they were hurling insults at each other, passionately defending their heroes. The dispute soon evolved into a wrestling match on the elementary school playground, with neither willing to back down. While this might have been an isolated incident, it was a clear testament to the widespread recognition of Spider-Man's origin story.

The story of Spider-Man is a tale as old as time in the world of superheroes. Peter Parker, a bright and somewhat introverted young man, was bitten by a radioactive spider, and as a result, he gained extraordinary abilities. It's a narrative so ingrained in the collective consciousness that it's hard to find someone who doesn't know it.

In the superhero community, there's a saying: "The power of parental sacrifice is boundless." This idea is illustrated perfectly in the story arcs of many superheroes. If you look at the original Avengers lineup, you'll notice that the absence of parental figures is almost a prerequisite for greatness. In fact, if you gathered all the original Avengers, you could almost piece together a complete set of parents—though, admittedly, Thor's family history contributed more than its fair share of tragedy. By the time the story progressed, even the few remaining parental figures had disappeared, leaving the heroes to forge their paths alone.

Peter Parker, as a Marvel orphan, starts his journey with a significant emotional burden. The loss of his parents at a young age set the stage for a life filled with challenges. But it was the death of his Uncle Ben—a figure who was more than just a surrogate parent—that truly defined him. Uncle Ben's final words, "With great power comes great responsibility," became Peter's guiding principle, a mantra that shaped his entire existence. These words were both a source of strength and a burden, compelling Peter to engage in battles far beyond his capacity, often at great personal cost, yet saving countless lives in the process.

Carrying the weight of Uncle Ben's death and the overwhelming responsibility of his newfound powers, Peter Parker, as Spider-Man, embarked on a life that was a delicate balancing act. He had to navigate the complexities of high school, the perils of being a superhero, and the mundane realities of holding down a job—all while dealing with the usual struggles of adolescence and the complications of his love life.

When Spider-Man joined Charlie's roster of heroes, it was more than just an addition; it was a significant upgrade that elevated the overall strength of his team. Charlie could feel the excitement building within him. With Spider-Man on board, the potential of his superhero squad expanded dramatically. The future seemed brighter, the challenges more surmountable. Spider-Man's arrival marked a turning point, one that brought Charlie closer to realizing his dream of assembling an unstoppable team of heroes.

The concept of starting with Batman and eventually unlocking the full roster of the Justice League and Avengers was the stuff of dreams. Charlie could barely contain his excitement as he imagined the possibilities. Commanding a team that included the world's greatest heroes filled him with a sense of anticipation and pride.

His excitement was also deeply personal. The first time Charlie saw Tobey Maguire's portrayal of Spider-Man on the big screen, he was just a kid, watching the movie at his neighbor's house. The moment Spider-Man swung across the skyscrapers of New York City, Charlie was hooked. Spider-Man wasn't just another superhero to him; he was a symbol of hope, resilience, and the power of doing good, no matter the odds. Now, having access to Spider-Man's abilities in the game felt like a childhood dream coming true. It was as if he had unlocked a treasure that he had long sought.

Spider-Man's abilities were legendary, each one more impressive than the last:

Superhuman reflexes. Are you worried about dodging enemy gunfire? Troubled by overwhelming firepower? With Spider-Man's reflexes, you can forget about the fear of bullets forever. Unlike martial arts heroes who rely on sheer speed to dodge bullets, Spider-Man's reflexes are practically supernatural. He can effortlessly weave through a hail of bullets, moving with such grace and precision that it seems almost impossible. Gatling guns, snipers, rocket launchers—none of these pose a threat when Spider-Man is on the scene. His reflexes allow him to evade even the most intense and coordinated attacks, making him nearly untouchable in combat.

Super strength. Under normal conditions, Spider-Man can lift objects weighing between 15 and 25 tons with his bare hands. But when pushed to his limits, he has been known to lift hundreds of tons. This kind of strength is rare, even among superheroes. Although Spider-Man is primarily known for his agility, his raw power rivals that of the Hulk. With this level of strength, he can perform feats that would be impossible for most others—stopping a speeding train, holding up a collapsing building, or taking on foes far larger than himself. With Spider-Man on his team, Charlie's worries about overpowering enemies were all but erased.

Spider-Sense. This unique ability allows Spider-Man to perceive the world in a way that is almost otherworldly. He envisions himself as a spider at the center of a massive web, with the air around him forming an intricate network of threads. Every vibration in this web alerts him to potential danger, no matter how subtle. From an opponent's perspective, Spider-Man is like an AI that can anticipate their every move. He can sense threats before they materialize, allowing him to react with lightning speed. This ability makes it nearly impossible to catch Spider-Man off guard. Whether it's a sneak attack from behind or a sniper aiming from a distant rooftop, Spider-Man's Spider-Sense gives him the edge in any situation.

While it's impossible to list all of Spider-Man's abilities in a single breath, it's important to note that in the chaotic world of comic books, power levels can fluctuate wildly. Spider-Man's Spider-Sense, for example, sometimes falters or "glitches" depending on the needs of the plot. His strength, too, can vary—sometimes he struggles with tasks that should be easy, and other times he performs feats that seem impossible. Yet, despite these inconsistencies, Spider-Man's abilities are generally reliable and formidable.

With his new SSR (Super Super Rare) hero in hand, Charlie was eager to take Spider-Man out for a test run, quickly logging in. The thrill of controlling such a legendary character was palpable, and he couldn't wait to see what Spider-Man was capable of in the game.

Spider-Man games have always been a staple in the comic book adaptation genre. Despite missing the initial wave of comic book reunions, Spider-Man benefited from Sony's careful stewardship, resulting in a series of excellent games that captured the essence of the character.

From the early days of the Spider-Man 1 movie game, with its rudimentary graphics and basic mechanics, to the more recent Marvel's Spider-Man, Charlie had played many Spider-Man games over the years. He was intimately familiar with various combat systems, traversal mechanics, and gameplay modes. This familiarity made it easy for him to get into the groove of controlling Spider-Man in this new game.

The experience of operating Spider-Man in the game was nothing short of exhilarating. The sheer joy of swinging and diving between the towering skyscrapers of a concrete jungle, combined with the hyper-realistic graphics that blurred the line between game and reality, provided an unmatched sense of immersion. It was as if Charlie had been transported into Spider-Man's world, where he could feel the rush of wind against his face as he soared through the city.

The game's control scheme for Spider-Man had been honed over years of development, and by now, it was as polished as it was intuitive. There were two primary modes of movement: swinging and web sprinting.

First, there was the classic swinging between buildings, just like in the movies. This was the fastest way to navigate the streets of New York, especially those lined with tall structures. The sense of speed and fluidity as Spider-Man swung from one building to the next was exhilarating. It was a seamless, almost poetic movement that captured the essence of Spider-Man's character.

Then there was the web sprint, where Spider-Man launched his web to latch onto a specific point—whether it was the side of a building, a streetlight, or even a helicopter flying overhead—and used his superhuman strength to propel himself forward. With over 20 tons of force behind him and the incredible elasticity of his webbing, Spider-Man could tear through the air with the power and precision of a rocket. This mode was reminiscent of Batman's grapple gun, perfect for quickly scaling walls, crossing wide gaps, or reaching rooftops in the blink of an eye.

Charlie was completely immersed in the experience. After just a few minutes of swinging through the city, he felt as if the entire metropolis had become his playground—a vast steel jungle where he could test the limits of Spider-Man's abilities. Every swing, every flip, every dash filled him with a sense of freedom and exhilaration.

As he continued to explore the city, a familiar symbol suddenly appeared over Spider-Man's head—a lightning bolt, representing his Spider-Sense. An exclamation point popped up on the mini-map not far away, indicating a nearby event or threat.

Charlie's excitement surged.

This was his first real challenge with Spider-Man, and he was ready to face it head-on.

He quickly redirected Spider-Man toward the source of the exclamation mark, shooting web lines in rapid succession. As Spider-Man reached the highest point of his swing, Charlie executed a series of acrobatic flips, sending Spider-Man spinning through the air before launching another web line to the top of a nearby water tank. With a powerful pull, Spider-Man performed a stylish flip and sprinted across the rooftops, landing gracefully on the building next to the exclamation mark.

Charlie was ready to showcase his skills. But as he looked closer, he realized that the source of the exclamation mark was… a white cat. The cat was stranded at the top of a tree, meowing helplessly, too frightened to climb down.

Charlie couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, of course. It's classic 'Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man'—rescuing a cat stuck in a tree," he thought, amused by the situation.

It was quintessentially Spider-Man, a hero known not just for saving the world but also for looking out for the little guy—or in this case, the little cat.

Meanwhile, two days ago, somewhere underground in Riverton City...

Beneath the city's bustling streets, hidden away from the prying eyes of the public, lay a room that few knew existed. The room was stark, its walls lined with cold, industrial metal that seemed to suck the warmth out of the air. In the center of the room stood a long wooden dining table, its surface polished to a glossy sheen. The table was laden with an assortment of cold cuts, including rich, marbled salami and smoked ham, a golden-brown roasted suckling pig, a plump turkey with crispy skin, and colorful platters of exotic fruits.

The lighting in the room was harsh and uninviting. Fluorescent tubes cast a cold, white glow over everything, making the vibrant colors of the food seem almost garish. The atmosphere was sterile, uncomfortable, as if the room had been designed to strip away any sense of comfort or ease.

Gathered around the table stood several figures, each dressed in a black suit, their attire formal and austere. Some wore silver and gold chains that glinted under the harsh lights, adding a touch of ostentation to their otherwise somber appearances. These were the subordinates—loyal enforcers and bodyguards—standing stiffly behind the table, their postures rigid, their faces expressionless. They resembled a row of robotic sentinels, unmoving and impassive, as if they were mere extensions of the room's cold, mechanical nature, waiting for orders from the true power in the room.

Seated at each side of the table were four individuals—each one representing one of the most powerful underground factions in Riverton City. These were the uncrowned kings of the city's underworld, the puppeteers who pulled the strings behind the scenes. They controlled vast networks of resources, wielding influence over every corner of the city, from its darkest alleys to its most glittering high-rises. Together, they held Riverton City in the palm of their hands, their power rivaling that of the city's legitimate authorities.

In the past, it could be said that if these four were to put aside their differences and unite, there would be little they couldn't achieve within the city. They were the shadow rulers, the ones who could make or break fortunes with a single word.

But times had changed. The world was no longer as it once was, and today, they faced an unprecedented challenge—one that threatened their very existence.

"Alright, everyone's here. I think we all know why we've gathered, so let's skip the formalities and get straight to business," one of them said, breaking the tense silence that had settled over the room like a shroud.

The man who spoke was seated at the head of the table, his presence commanding and intimidating. A deep scar ran down the side of his face, a stark reminder of the life he had led—a life filled with violence, betrayal, and hard-won victories. His voice was strong and gravelly, carrying the weight of authority and experience. It was the kind of voice that could silence a room with a single word, the voice of a man who was used to being obeyed.

"What we're here to discuss today is a matter of vital importance," he continued, his gaze sweeping over the others, his eyes cold. "It concerns not just our futures, but the futures of our children and grandchildren as well."

He paused, letting the gravity of his words sink in. The room remained deathly quiet, the tension palpable. Each of the four individuals seated at the table understood the significance of this meeting. They were not here to discuss trivial matters—this was about survival.

The scarred man leaned forward slightly, his expression hardening as he prepared to deliver the crux of the discussion. His eyes narrowed, and his voice dropped to a low, menacing tone.

"We've gathered here for one reason, and one reason only," he said, each word dripping with determination and malice.

He paused for a moment, letting the anticipation build before he delivered the final words, each one like a dagger thrust into the heart of the matter.

"To take back our city."

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