Start with Cell Editor

Chapter 368

Chapter 369 We Are Not Left Behind!

Time passed quickly, and three months passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period of time, there have been many topics that have aroused heated discussions around the world.

The most popular topic, of course, is that the Expeditionary Force prohibits anyone from helping the natives of the Proxima Centauri. In the virtual world, people are discussing this matter every day, and the media often discuss it. In this process, the mainstream thinking of mankind, quietly Changes have taken place, and those who support the expeditionary force have already accounted for the majority.

At the same time, in the distant neighboring galaxy, the number of indigenous people is declining.

The second hot topic is that Li Hua led half of the expeditionary force back to the solar system. There are 1,000 Vulcans who came to the solar system with the expeditionary force. The Expeditionary Force defeated the Vulcan Civilization Fleet and received two star systems as compensation, which is a great achievement for all mankind. Therefore, all soldiers of the expeditionary army are regarded as heroes by people, and everyone is looking forward to the return of the expeditionary army.

The third hot topic is the vigorous interstellar colonization era, which has finally begun! It has been seven years since the beginning of the space age. Most of the resources of the solar system are already in charge, and the return on investment is decreasing. Those in space The consortium, which was full of mouthfuls, was quite dissatisfied with the current rate of return on investment, coupled with the stimulation of the expeditionary army, finally decided to step out of the solar system.

Longguo’s Penguin Group, Ari Group, Huaxing Company and other established companies, although they have mobilized a lot of resources to set up branches in the neighboring galaxy, their background is very rich.During this time, they formed their own interstellar expeditions. Leaving the solar system in different directions.

The consortiums of seven countries including the Star Country and the Bear Country have also been stimulated, and they have announced the formation of an interstellar expedition team, which will set off soon.

As for Lu Li, after he posted that Weibo, he didn’t care about it anymore. In fact, he didn’t care about it. Since he has already stated his position, the interest group centered on him will spontaneously implement his will.

And he himself has been immersed in the research of dark energy. On the day the cell editor was upgraded, he found a special dark particle. Under certain conditions, this dark particle is prone to element decay reaction. And the conversion rate of mass to energy is infinitely close to 100%.

This means that as long as he builds an elemental decay furnace, and then extracts this dark particle from the void, he can almost obtain unlimited energy, and the energy problem of warp speed is also solved by the way.

However, he encountered a new problem, that is, how to store dark particles. Dark particles do not have any reaction with ordinary particles such as photons and electrons, which means that they have strong penetrating power. Containers such as metal bottles and glass bottles cannot be used to store dark particles at all.

To store dark particles, space must be used as a container. Simply put, it is to create an independent space isolated from the surrounding space.

Lu Li has been able to do this. Those silver photos that can sail at war speeds can create space bubbles that are isolated from the surrounding space.

However, the problem came again. The space bubble was completely isolated from the surrounding space, and there was no way to fill it with dark particles.

Therefore, Lu Li needs to find a way to create a channel for space bubbles to exchange matter and energy with the outside world.

This is a certain degree of difficulty. Lu Li didn’t think of a solution for the time being, so he decided to change his mind and first build a device that can observe dark particles. Otherwise, he can’t expose the fact that he can extract dark particles. Others, did you discover and extract dark particles with the help of the cell editor?

As for how to observe dark particles, he already has ideas. Although dark particles do not react with ordinary particles such as photons and electrons, they will be affected by gravity. As long as they follow the principles of optical microscopes to create a gravitational microscope, You can observe dark particles. It was not difficult for him. In only two weeks, he designed a gravitational microscope, and then let the Galaxy Science and Technology Research Institute manufacture it.

this day.

R&D center, laboratory.

Not long after Lu Li entered the working state, he received a call from his assistant Xu Xiaochuan, and the Galaxy Science and Technology Research Institute had already sent the gravitational microscope.

“You test the equipment to see if you can find a dark particle girl.”

Lu Li’s tone was very calm. Although he discovered that dark particles were a big event enough to usher in a revolution in physics, he had discovered dark particles a long time ago, and the excitement has passed.

Xu Xiaochuan is very excited. Although he is a researcher in the field of biology, he is also very clear about the meaning of discovering dark particles. This will open a new era of physics and will also bring a new round of technological revolution! Now Lu Li lets him Testing the gravitational microscope means that he may be the first person to see dark particles. This is to be recorded by history. How can he not be excited?

Thinking of this, he said hurriedly: “Dr. Lu, I will test it right away.”

After speaking, he activated the gravitational microscope.

“I found it! I found dark particles! There are dark particles everywhere in the vacuum, and there are many kinds of them. They don’t react with ordinary matter in any way!”

Soon, Xu Xiaochuan shouted excitedly.

“Show me quickly.

“How many kinds of dark particles are there?”

“~Haha! The physics world is about to have a big earthquake again. Those who study physics must be very depressed. From controlled nuclear fusion to gravity to dark particles, all of them were discovered by Dr. Lu, a scientist in the biological field.”

“They are not depressed. They have been saying in the virtual world for these years that the days when they can hold their thighs are really comfortable.

“Dark particles have been discovered. With Dr. Lu’s research speed, it is estimated that a method of extracting dark energy will soon be developed to solve the energy problem of warp speed!”

The faces of other scientists are also full of excitement. Over the years, they have been giving Lu Li their hands and assisting Lu Li in researching Yinpeng, which is capable of long and fast sailing. Now they finally see the dawn of completion of the project.

At the same time.

Venus Altar.

Starland Space Base.

At the invitation of NASA, media from all over the world came here to participate in the expedition ceremony of the Star Nation’s interstellar expedition fleet.

At the ceremony, NASA Director Bliss said excitedly: “It is undeniable that the Dragon Kingdom has walked ahead of us. Companies such as the Penguin Group and Ari Group have also dispatched an interstellar expedition fleet, but our star country has not fallen behind! Today, our interstellar expedition fleet will also set off!”

“The interstellar expedition fleet that set off this time includes both the official fleet and the expedition fleets of companies such as SpaceX, Boeing, and Apple. Half of them are transport ships and half of battleships. The total number has reached 3,000. Each spacecraft is the length of the ship. Both are two kilometers, with artificial gravity devices, which can allow astronauts to carry out normal life, equipped with dormant cabins, which can put astronauts into a dormant state during the voyage, and each astronaut has been injected with a complete genetic version of the medicine. Adapt to various harsh environments.

“Speaking of all this, I just want to tell everyone that in this interstellar age, our star country is not left behind, and we also have the ability to colonize the stars. Soon, we will have a colony outside the solar system just like the dragon country. ”

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