Start with Cell Editor

Chapter 364

Chapter 365: The Role of Quantum Double Technology

In fact, Lu Li does not have much demand for land. He now owns more than 100 million square kilometers of land, but it should belong to his interests and he still has to get it.

Of course, he will also appropriately consider the interests of the country and the nation. At this stage, the country needs the land and resources of the neighboring galaxies to achieve rapid development.

So, after thinking for a while, he said: “The proportion of the contribution of this war is difficult to quantify, and the spoils obtained are also difficult to quantify. Let’s change the distribution plan. All the captured Vulcan civilization battleships belong to the space army. Vulcan Give me a copy of all the scientific and technological materials sent by civilization. I only need 10 million square kilometers of the land of the neighboring galaxy, but the Barnard galaxy belongs to me.”

Hearing what Lu Li said, everyone including Li’s surname was stunned. According to this distribution plan, Lu Li was obviously at a disadvantage, not because the value of the Barnard galaxy is not high, on the contrary, The Barnard galaxy has two life planets and more abundant resources. In terms of value, it surpasses the neighboring galaxies. However, the Barnard galaxy is still under the control of the Vulcans. It is still unknown whether the Barnard galaxy can be successfully handed over.

“Dr. Lu, think about it seriously.

Li Zhai persuaded.

540 Other people have also started to persuade Lu Li to follow the previous plan, and their motives are also based on national interests. Lu Li is very important to the country at this stage, and it must not be caused by the distribution of benefits. Unhappy.

“No, I think this plan is pretty good. If you agree, just assign it like this.

Lu Li said with a smile.

that’s all.

Everyone chatted for a while, and the matter was settled. Then Lu Li chose a piece of land near the sea and left the virtual world. After he left, the meeting was still going on, but the content of the discussion became How to develop the resources of the neighboring galaxy and how to attract immigrants to the neighboring galaxy, especially the latter, is a headache for everyone.

Because the survey report shows that the domestic people are not very enthusiastic about emigrating to the galaxy. The reason is simple. The welfare is very good now and there are many opportunities. You can live comfortably on the solar system. If there is not enough temptation , Who wants to go to a strange galaxy a few light years away.

How to manage the neighboring galaxy is also a headache for everyone. It takes several years from the solar system to the neighboring galaxy. The reason for the planet’s ruler, but now that Proxima has been taken, it must be directly governed by the country. How can we ensure that Proxima Galaxy will not become independent in the future? Is it to maintain a strong garrison? This is not very reliable, Because the garrison in the colonies is what needs to worry the most.

Of course, Lu Li does not need to consider this issue, because the military power he holds are intelligent creatures such as King Kong, Sea King, Shenlong, Yinpeng, and Zerg. They are 100% loyal to him, even if there is a rebellion in his colony, he You can also send an army of intelligent creatures to suppress it at the first time.

Soon, two days passed, and the country found a plan to control the colony, which was to prevent the colony from mastering the core technology of making spacecraft. The key to this plan was the “quantum double” technology invented by Lu Li.

According to this plan, the core technicians of the spacecraft project can only stay in the solar system, but they can participate in the construction of spacecraft in the colony through “quantum doubles.”

This means that once the colony becomes independent, no new spacecraft can be built.

Lu Li was in favor of this plan. He directly stated to Director Wu that if a colony becomes independent, all intelligent creatures in that colony will be directly on strike.

At the same time, the country also announced the distribution of the spoils, and introduced the “Proximity Galaxy Immigration Plan”.Every adult, as long as they immigrate to the neighboring galaxy, they can get 100 square kilometers of land, 1 million immigration allowance, and 2 million. Interest-free loans.

As soon as the news was announced, it caused a huge sensation.

On the meager, countless netizens participated in the discussion.

“This is too cool. As long as you emigrate, you can get 100 square kilometers of land. If a large family immigrate, you can directly get thousands of square kilometers of land. The area of ​​many cities is only one or two thousand square kilometers! ”

“Now we have entered the interstellar age. The Proxima Centauri is the closest star system to the solar system. It must be the first choice for interstellar migration. There is a lot of room for development in the future. Those who have immigrated to the past will have a very valuable land in the future.

“No matter what you think, I decided to take my family and immigrate to Proxima. Even if nothing happens in the future, I can leave hundreds of square kilometers of land for future generations.

In reality, many people are very excited, especially those elderly grandparents who are totally unable to refuse the temptation of 100 square kilometers of land. Even if their children do not emigrate, they will emigrate and leave a piece of land for their children.

At the same time, Lu Li is in the WeChat group chat world, chatting with old classmates.

After so many years, the old classmates have also undergone earth-shaking changes. They have all become wealthy people, especially Song Yao, who has a net worth of more than 100 billion yuan, even on the global rich list. However, They still like to chat with this WeChat group.

Song Yao said, “Dear old classmates, I am ready to immigrate to the neighboring galaxy. Is there any one together?

Lu Li said: “What do you emigrate for? With your current wealth, even if you don’t do anything, you can live very smartly in the solar system.”

Song Yao said with a smile: “The pattern of the solar system has been set, and there is not much room for development. If I stay in the solar system, I am afraid that there will not be much change in the next ten years, but the neighboring galaxies are different. , There is an undeveloped virgin land, and opportunities are everywhere. If I emigrate in the past, I might still be the richest man.

When other people heard this, they couldn’t help but be moved. They often come into contact with people at the top of the world like Lu Li. They are inevitably affected. If you want to become a big man and continue to develop in the solar system, this dream is difficult to achieve. , It’s better to go to the neighboring galaxy and fight hard.

Looking at the expressions of these old classmates, Lu Li knew that they had made a decision, so he smiled and said, “The Galaxy Life Company will establish a branch in the Proximal Galaxy. If you need help, you can tell me directly, In addition, I have a technology here that allows you to go to the neighboring galaxy now.”

“Now?” Song Yao exclaimed, “Have you researched wormhole technology?”

Lu Li shook his head and said: “It’s not a wormhole, it’s a quantum substitute. In short, it is through virtual world technology and quantum communication technology that you can have a substitute that you can control. This technology has been studied very early. , It just didn’t enter the civilian market.”


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