Start with Cell Editor

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Animal Experiments

Although the press conference is still going on, the whole world is already boiling over it.

That Lu Li… he really conquered AIDS.

Not only that.

He also arrogantly announced that he has stood at the top of the field of biological sciences, and no one can help him progress, except himself.

In short, there are too many explosive topics on him.

Star country.

Huasheng Daily.

“Today, this genius scientist of the Dragon Kingdom is the protagonist of the world!”

Fox News.

“Today, Lu Li, a genius scientist of the Dragon Kingdom, used genetic technology to transform macrophages and successfully conquered AIDS. This marks the advent of the era of gene therapy. We can also see the rapid rise of Dragon Technology from here. May become a leader in global technology!”

Following the reports of these news, countless people from Star Country knew Lu Li for the first time, and then they felt their heads exploded.

At only 18 years old, he has the ability to remember life, extraordinary comprehension, and extraordinary scientific research ability.

It only takes three or four hours to study a professional book thoroughly.

After two weeks of studying biology, a paper was published in the “Cell” magazine. The single-base gene editing technology he developed was worshipped by scientists all over the world.

After researching for a month, AIDS was overcome, and by the way, a technology called biological gene lock was developed, which can control the number of cell divisions.

The people of Star Country who saw this news were all shocked.

“Have such a genius ever appeared in human history?”

“I suspect that he is not a human at all. He is probably an alien!”

“Could it be that there is going to be a scientific master who can rival Einstein in the East?”

“I want to go to Long Country and see this genius with my own eyes. He must be cool.”

Of course, this is just the reaction of ordinary people. As for the bioscientists and pharmaceutical giants, they are all seriously studying the technology demonstrated by Lu Li at this time.

Gilead Company.

This is the absolute hegemon of the global HIV drug market.

The global HIV drug market is close to 28 billion U.S. dollars, and the Gilead family has a 51% market share.

Therefore, when Lu Li announced that he had overcome AIDS, Gilead was the most nervous.

Gilead, CEO Jason called the R&D manager to the office.

“Lu Li has already stated the method to overcome AIDS. How long does it take for your R&D department to develop the same technology?”

“I’m sorry, although I don’t want to admit it, I have to say that I am not sure at all right now. It may take three, five, or even ten years.”

“Fak! Lu Li researched the technology alone. Your R&D department has more than 2,000 researchers, the world’s most advanced equipment, and sufficient R&D funds. You have no reason to be unsuccessful!”

“Mr. Jason, you have to understand one thing, we are all ordinary people, and Lu Li is not ordinary, he is a genius. His understanding of genetic technology has far exceeded my level of cognition, until now I can’t figure out how he modified the macrophages. It is estimated that no scientist in the world can figure it out except for himself. However, if you can provide me with some samples, I might be able to discover something.”

“A sample? I get it.”

Dragon Kingdom has also exploded on the Internet.


The people eating melons talked a lot.

“Today was completely swiped by Lu Li’s news.”

“I’m also 18 years old, but I don’t understand the technical terms that Lu Li said… I’m completely kneeling down and throwing myself into the ground!”

“Everyone said, how high is Lu Li’s IQ? It should be 300, right?”

“Compared with Lu Li, I feel that my IQ has been insulted!”

“I feel my IQ being rubbed against the ground!”

The press conference is over.

Lu Li left the venue and returned directly to National Tsing Hua University.

The chimpanzees he applied for in vivo experiments have been transported to Tsing Hua University. There are 20 chimpanzees in total, all of which were used by other scientists to study HIV drugs, and they were all infected with HIV.

Because these chimpanzees take up a lot of space, the school also specially replaced Lu Li with a laboratory.

In addition, Professor Xu also sent all his students here, temporarily acting as Lu Li’s scientific assistant to help Lu Li carry out this experiment. After all, these are 20 chimpanzees, and Lu Li may not be too busy alone.

“Xuedi Lu, you are here.”

“School brother Lu.”

Seeing Lu Li walk into the laboratory, the senior brothers and sisters greeted enthusiastically, with envy and respect in their eyes.

“Good brother, good sister.”

Lu Li also responded with a smile.

Immediately, he came to the cage where the chimpanzees were closed and observed carefully and found that these chimpanzees were sick and weak.

“Let’s take the blood of the chimpanzees first and check the status of AIDS in their bodies.”

After watching for a while, Lu Li spoke.

HIV mainly exists in human body fluids such as blood, sperm, saliva, etc. Therefore, to know the HIV status in these chimpanzees, a blood test is the best way.

The elder brothers and sisters did not get any ink marks, and immediately started to move, carefully drawing blood from these chimpanzees, and then placing the samples under an electron microscope for observation.

During the whole process, Lu Li was only in charge of directing, and he didn’t even have a chance to do it.

This is the treatment that the instructor only has.

But the brothers and sisters did not complain at all.

Because they no longer regard Lu Li as a peer, but as a big cow at the same level as their mentor.

“No. 1, No. 3, No. 7 and No. 15 chimpanzees have high levels of HIV in their blood, which are severe infections.”

“No. 2, No. 8, No. 11, and No. 16 chimpanzees have low levels of HIV in their blood, which are considered mild infections.”

“…A moderate infection.”

Senior brother and sister recorded these data.

Then, they took the newly formulated macrophage drug from Lu Li and injected the chimpanzee.

The next step is to wait for the medicine to work.

At this time, it was getting dark, Lu Li bid farewell to the senior brother and senior sister, and left the laboratory. *

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