Chapter 29: Philosophy
Arriving back abord the Oblivion, this time with two new additions. Vincent lead the small group towards his quarters so that they could finish the remainder of the conversation that needed to be said.
Once they where all inside and made themselves comfortable, Shaak Ti was the first to voice a question that she had been dying to ask since she learned of the information." So I have to know Vincent, what the deal with the new jedi order that young emperor skywalker has been building. Is the prospect of a new order just an elaborate scheme concocted by the empire as a final last ditch effort to round up the remaining jedi members. By lowering our defences and allowing us to believe that there is still hope or at the very least a chance that we will no longer have to run from the empire for the remainder of our lives."
Her honest and rather blunt question allowed a kind smile to form on his face. Sitting behind his deck as he overlooked his new companions." You do not have to worry yourself Shaak Ti, what Anakin is currently astablashing is an genuine jedi order. The only difference between the old order and the new is that the teachings will be focused around the philosophy of the Gray jedi teachings."
His statement left both master and apprentice momentarily relifed, before complicated expression came over them.
While Marris has not the slightest idea what the Gray jedi were, as this was a topic that was never thought back at the temple. But the same could not be said for Shaak Ti, as both a master and a council member she was well informed of different force using factions that had made an aperance throughout the galaxy.
Maris's confusion got the better of her." I have not heard of the Gray jedi. What exactly are their philosophical thoughts on the concept of the force."
Vincent understating her ignorance answers." Put simply, the Gray jedi believe that in the end the force is neither good nor evil and that both sides of the force should be learnt to fully comprehend the will of the force."
Getting her answer she is left with conflicting thought on this concept. As someone currently undergoing an inner battle between both her light side and dark side the idea of balance was rather comforting, the realisation that she could be allowed to embrace both side herself was quite liberating.
Shaak Ti was a little more worrisome of the idea of Anakin leading a new order that could that had the pertental to be rather dangerous in the wrong hands. She had on multiple occasions watched Anakin struggle with his inner demons and she believed that with out emotional support this new order could fall just as quickly as it raised.
Catching a glimpse of her worry Vincent reviled information that would help ease her mind on the matter." Anakin has been able to reconnect with his old master once more, and will be acting as his moral compass going forward. Master T'ra Saa and master Quinlan Vos are also some prominent names that have so pledged themselves to this new order, aswell as numerous young padawan that went into hiding after the purge."
Now this was a statement that cleared all remaing doubt from Shaak Ti's mind, with not just one but three jedi master joining this new order she could once again find a glimmer of hope in this ever bleak and war torn galaxy.
The same could also be said for Maris the idea that she would no longer need run and hide in fear of being hunted down and slaughtered like simple animals filled her mind with hope of a better future.
With the most important issue resolved and a better mood now engulfing them. Shaak Ti decided to move on to less pressing matters mut important matters for their future going forward." From the way you are speaking I am correct to asume that the new jedi order is not the destination that we are currently headed. So that only leaves me with one question.what is our destination."
Hearing her question a smug smile crept onto Vincent lips." We are currently headed in the direction of the my personal planet. Where for the last couple of months I have had the pleasure of calling home. And would like to extend that pleasure your way Shaak Ti."
Emotion threatened to overwhelming the ever strick jedi master for a second time today, as her first love offered herself and her apprentice a place to live worry free on a almost uninhabited planet. To her this was akin to offering her his ever lasting love towards her.
Forcing back her tears that threatened to spill out and once more tarnish her reputation infront of her Padwan. She put on a loving smile." It would be my greatest privilege to share my life with you once more my beloved Vincent."
A charming smile graced his face." Like I should have all those years past and the years going forward I will devote myself hole heartedly to make sure that no further halm befalls you."
While this holesome moment played out the other remaining individuals that were left our completely had very mixed thoughts on the current engagement.
Maris for one had a hard time watching her most respected master and personal savour act like an old woman that rekindled a once precious relationship that that been separated by unforeseen event that had left the galaxy in further turmoil.
While Kokichi was now on relising what it could be like to have a loving partner that would be willing to do anything for each other no matter the cost. A thought that left him slightly bitter about his past self that was unable to experience one of the only true pleasures that life had to offer.
And so as he gazed opinion the scene before him, he valed that from the moment forward he would focuse on bettering himself so that one day he could be just a lucky as the couple in front of him.