Star Wars: Merek Skywalker

Chapter 1: Chapter 0 - Prologue

-The Afterlife-

"Good evening young soul" is the first thing I hear as I come to consciousness, the voice is soft and faintly masculine.

"Hello?" I respond mostly on instinct then any notion of politeness.

"I hate to be the barer of bad knows but you've unfortunately been killed my dear" The voice says but it sounded different with an accent I've never heard before which is strange.

"I figured" I reply. I worked in the military for a few years before being discharged and becoming a cop, it's fairly certain to say that death is always in the table. So one just has to accept it as part of life and move on.

The voice hums before speaking, "Your acceptance of death is good it may serve you well in the future"

"The Future?" I ask. But before the voice give some an answer a blue mist seems to wash over the void and blinds me briefly, when my vision returns I'm flowing above a seemingly endless Universe.

"Yes, The Future" The voice says almost whispering in my ear. "You see some souls get let's say a second chance at life"

"Like an Isekai?" The question slips out before I could stop it.

The voice let's out a loud and joyous laugh, "Yes! Exactly. Finally someone whose cultured enough to appreciate what I'm about to give them"

"Your going to give me a new life?" I guess.

"Of course I am" The voice says a hint of excitement now in its voice, "and in a most fascinating universe"

I can't help but feel some excitement bubble up within me, "Which one?". Many potential universes pop into my mind, Dragon Ball, Supernatural, Marvel or DC...

"Star Wars"

My mind freezes, "Star Wars" I say. I like many others are familiar with Star Wars having watched the movies and even some of the shows. But I haven't read the comics or novels, granted I have watched a lot of YouTube on the subject though, so I could consider myself well versed in Star Wars but I'm no expert.

"You'll also be granted some boons, gifts or wish in any case. So choose"

As soon as The Voice finishes speaking I'm filled the the knowledge of what the parameters and limits of my wishes. "Alright let's see" I mutter to myself.

"I would like to be Anakins older brother with equal midi-chlorian count to him" I say as my first wish.

"Oh done, you'll be born from the Force just like Anakin" The voice confirms.

"I'd like to have Starkillers core abilities, not a template mind you but more like I have access to his core abilities like his natural genius in both sides of the Force" I clarify.

"Done" The voice says with a touch of excitement.

"Hmm" I hmm, the Starkillers aspect should cover Force abilities and the physical body as Starkiller unlike Galen Mareks body was more suited to the force. "Alright lastly prodigious talents" that should cover the rest.

"Alrighty, let's get this show in the road" the Voice says.

Without any warning, I blacked out.


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