Star Wars: Darth Hassan

Chapter 7: Geonosis: The Chase.

Boba was feverishly pressing buttons, engaging the engines, locking the doors, activating the onboard computers, and so on. At least, Gabriel was looking at the child in astonishment as he played with the combat ship. However, the sound that appeared, seemingly from the engines, clearly indicated that Fett knew what he was doing.

There was also one passenger seat in the ship, where he placed the bound Shaak Ti and secured her. It would be bad if she were to suddenly fly into a wall or the viewport during a sudden takeoff, and he hoped that wouldn't happen. Nevertheless, there was a ten-year-old boy behind the controls, which couldn't help but make Hassan nervous.

"Kid, do you know how to pilot a ship?" the woman asked, concerned. Well, he wasn't the only one worried about that.

"Of course," Boba confidently stated, "my father taught me."

"Maybe it would be better if Darth Hassan would take the lead?"

Gabriel turned sharply to her. He had never flown in space in his life, where could he possibly have learned to pilot a spaceship? All these incomprehensible buttons all over the ship, levers, computers, and other strange things—he was seeing a spacecraft for the first time. Well, he might be able to steer it, at most. Just turning the steering wheel and that's it, right?

But here, Gabriel messed up. He had focused so much on finding the ship, leaving the planet, and making money quickly that he hadn't thought at all about who would be the pilot. Seriously, could the kid even lift this heap off the ground?

"Boba, are you sure you can handle this?" Gabriel's voice sounded uncertain too.

"I can handle it."

Shaak Ti looked at Hassan with fear in her eyes, and he understood her perfectly. He was scared too, but she couldn't see that behind his mask. Gabriel stood behind her, holding onto her shoulders, or rather, holding her in place, more than hugging her.

"I'll at least die in the company of such a beauty," Gabriel murmured nervously.

The Jedi tilted her head back to look at the young man with surprised eyes. It didn't last long; she soon slightly cocked her head to the side, and her expression easily conveyed, "Are you serious?"

By this time, Boba had prepared the ship for flight and finally lifted it off the ground. If it weren't for the viewport, Gabriel might not have noticed the ship's movement at all. Surprisingly, everything went very smoothly and even softly. They smoothly exited the hangar and ascended to the skies... only to sharply change course downward a few minutes later, nearly causing Gabriel to fly backward.

"What happened?!" Hassan asked with concern.

"We're being pursued!"


Both the young man and the child started to panic because of the pursuer, and Shaak Ti grew visibly anxious too. If they failed to capture the ship, their small team would undoubtedly be shot down, and the Jedi would perish. To die at the hands of an ally? As a certain schemer would say, how ironic.

"Can you shoot it down?" However, Hassan quickly got control over his panic.

"No! The Slave 1 doesn't have enough weaponry to take down a fighter."

"Tsk," he clicked his tongue disapprovingly, "alright..."

He extended both his hands in front of him and froze. He intended to use telekinesis to take down the pursuing fighter without clearly seeing the target. In the game, such a thing was impossible, but now, in reality, it was the perfect opportunity to experiment with his magic. Shaak Ti had seen the kidnapper's stance and immediately realized his intentions, and she had no doubt that he would succeed.

"Darth Hassan! Untie me! I can evade the fighter!" The Togruta raised her voice in an uncharacteristic manner, but the young man ignored her.

That meant he was completely focused on using the Force. The longer she delayed, the higher the chances of the Jedi's death! If Fett could evade the pursuer, nobody would die. That would be the best possible outcome. At the same time, the Jedi realized that there was no other choice in this situation but to trust the son of a bounty hunter with the ship's controls.

"Boba, can you shake off the tail?" she asked with concern.

"I think I can," Boba replied somewhat uncertainly.

The child descended abruptly, causing the Sith, who was concentrated on an unseen target, to fall onto his back. He quickly got up and looked at the young pilot.

"Boba, what the hell? I was about to catch him!" Gabriel protested indignantly.

Instead of a response, Boba guided the ship into a canyon, maneuvering between hills not far from the stalgmite city. Dissatisfied with his earlier failure, Hassan straightened up and positioned himself behind the captive, holding onto her shoulders. Boba, using the ship's capabilities to the fullest, veered left and right, squeezing through narrow gaps at full speed.

Suddenly, as the canyon split into two directions, Boba slowed down, fired at the wall to the right, and then took cover behind the left turn. He shut off the engines and held his breath. The passengers did the same. Gabriel was nervous. If the Jedi didn't fall for Boba's clever trick, it would be the end of them. He wished the child would let him finish what he started; he had nearly crushed the fighter with his power.

About five minutes passed, which felt like an eternity to the team. Boba was growing impatient and reactivated the engines, lifting off the ground and beginning to move away from the pursuit. Gabriel breathed a sigh of relief, as did Shaak Ti. This planet would certainly be remembered by both of them for a long time.

"Darth Hassan, are you holding onto me, or are you holding onto me?" the Togruta asked in a strange tone.

Only now did the Sith realize that he had nearly embraced the young woman. Gabriel quietly detached himself from her. With the chase over, Boba calmly guided the ship into orbit, so there was no longer any fear of flying into the viewport. Hassan enthusiastically watched as Fett left the planet's boundaries. Media, comics, and movies romanticized space, but Gabriel was still impressed by the cold, dark atmosphere of the universe, dotted with stars like white peas. For some reason, he felt like a tiny speck in this vast world of the Far, Far Galaxy.

"You did great," Gabriel and Shaak Ti said simultaneously before falling silent.

"Thank you," he replied, self-satisfied but also worn out.

Boba began inputting something into the ship's computer, and then the dark expanse outside the viewport blurred, and the ship entered a white tunnel. A hyperspace jump in person!

"Wait," it finally dawned on Darth, "are we flying to Kamino?"

"Yes," the boy said wearily, "I need to retrieve the book."

"Of course..."

To be honest, Gabriel had no intention of going to Kamino. He wanted the kid to drop him off on some lawless planet along with Shaak Ti. Hassan contemplated this. It seemed that Kamino was where clones were grown, making it a vital planet for the Republic. How did Boba plan to infiltrate this strategically important world?

"Will we be able to land on the planet without any problems?" Gabriel asked.

"Of course," Boba replied wearily, "all the access codes are programmed into the computer."

"Alright," Gabriel surveyed the ship, "it looks like we can rest for now."

"Kid, did your father teach you how to fly?" the Togruta asked.

"He only taught me how to fly," the child replied, looking at the white tunnel, "but this maneuver was my first time."

"You did it beautifully, Boba," Gabriel interjected.

"Yeah," the kid reclined in his seat and closed his eyes.

It seemed like he had been quite nervous, so the adults decided not to disturb him. Gabriel sat on the metal floor and leaned against Shaak Ti's seat on her right side. The Togruta herself finally relaxed.

A child pilot and an unknown Sith. Shaak Ti never would have imagined that she would find herself in such a strange company.

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