Star Wars: Darth Hassan

Chapter 39: Tatooine: Love Troubles. Part 7 - The Past

"I see the target."

Sev'rance tore her gaze away from the canyon's crevice and approached her former partner. They weren't afraid of being caught because they were in hiding, concealed behind the hills. Of course, if Sha'a had flown to the canyon in a ship, she might have noticed the mercenaries lying in wait. However, everyone, including Sha'a, understood that approaching the meeting point in a ship was like announcing their arrival with a loudspeaker.

Moreover, Vandalo and Sev'rance were wary of staring directly at the approaching target. Vandalo had worked closely with Dooku, and Sev'rance had once been his apprentice, so they knew full well that Force adepts could sense unfriendly gazes. To avoid this, the Chiss had brought along a drone. He had come to Tatooine knowing he would be hunting Sith, so the blue-skinned mercenary had prepared thoroughly. In addition to the reconnaissance drone, he hadn't forgotten to bring explosives—the most effective weapon against those sensitive to the Force.

Now, they both looked at the tablet displaying the drone's feed. Sha'a had left her ship far from the gorge and made the entire journey on foot, not bothering to secure a speeder for a quick escape. Or perhaps she intended to steal someone's transport on the spot. Either way, she moved slowly, glancing around cautiously. She was scanning the area not just with her eyes but also with her senses, trying to detect any observers. This trick didn't work on machines and droids, making the small drone practically invisible to her, and she was also unlikely to sense Vandalo, who was not Force-sensitive. The Twi'lek might have had a chance to sense Sev'rance, but the ring worn under her glove completely concealed her in the Force… How useful this artifact was!

"Rafael,"—Tann contacted her teacher via the communicator,—"the target is approaching your speeder."

"Understood,"—he replied briefly.

Cheesecake reached for her belt. There, alongside the blaster holster, hung a detonator. There was no point in planting explosives outside the ship, as Sha'a might spot them from a distance. So, they had decided to plant the bombs inside the ship itself.

Vandalo and Sev'rance had handled the mining, so she had deliberately left half the bombs inactive. In truth, it didn't matter how many bombs would eventually explode, as the ship would be blown to pieces regardless. She had taken this step only to increase Hassan's chances of survival if something went wrong. The teacher was still needed by her. She had to achieve at least a fraction of the power he had shown her!

Still, should she worry about the remaining explosives, since the detonator was in her hands? Vandalo had immediately handed her the trigger to win the trust of his new allies… But this was just a ploy. Other mercenaries might have fallen for his trick, but Sev'rance knew him inside out. After all, they had spent many nights together.

"She's planting a bug on the speeder and preparing to leave,"—the Chiss said anxiously. "Tell Rafael to start the engines."

"On it,"—the girl reactivated the comlink,—"Raf, fire up the engines. Now."

"Got it, got it,"—the pair of Separatists shuddered at his inappropriately parodic response.

"Perfect, she's taken the bait,"—on the screen, Sha'a looked back at the canyon and, after a moment's hesitation, jumped down.

Vandalo instantly assessed the situation and adapted effortlessly. It was these qualities that had not only charmed Sev'rance but also caught Dooku's attention. The Count could have easily discarded the unnecessary Chiss, taking only the Force-sensitive Tann under his wing, but the mercenary had proven his worth to the old man. Over time, Vandalo had become a prominent figure among Tyranus's inner circle, who were far more willing to hire the blue-skinned shooter than to test the patience of his former girlfriend.

But everything changed when Sev'rance realized she was a bird of a completely different feather. Vandalo was undoubtedly a dangerous bounty hunter, but Sev'rance had a connection to the Force, which already placed her above the rest. If he had also been chosen by the universe, she might have considered preserving their relationship, but reality had proven too harsh. Vandalo could no longer offer her anything, so she had already written him off, dedicating herself entirely to her training under Dooku. To move forward, one must shed the ballast. The girl drew her blaster and aimed it at her former partner's head.

"The second detonator."

"What?"—the Chiss didn't make any sudden moves. "I gave you the detonator. What else do you want from me?"

"Enough, Vandalo, I know you tied your bombs to a second detonator. Don't make me take it off your corpse."

The Chiss, having no other choice, slowly reached into his pocket and just as leisurely pulled out a small remote with a single red button on it. His face was hidden behind the helmet, but he was undoubtedly in deep shock, unable to comprehend how Cheesecake had seen through his cunning plan.

"I suggest you lower the blaster if you don't want your buddy to go up in flames."

They were at a stalemate. Vandalo pressed his finger to the button, while Sev'rance aimed at him from close range with no chance of missing. Either Vandalo died first, or two others in the canyon followed him to the afterlife. At least, that's what he thought, completely unaware of who stood before him. Sev'rance extended her free hand, focused on the second detonator, which in the next moment flew out of the Chiss's fingers and landed in her palm.

"!"—Vandalo's silent reaction was louder than any engine roar.

Pleased with herself, Sev'rance hung the bomb control remote on her belt, then removed her helmet. Along with the clatter of the helmet hitting the ground, his heart pounded loudly. He was staring at the very Chiss he had long buried in his mind. His heart was ready to leap out of his chest, his hands trembled with nerves, but the mercenary clenched his fists tightly, refusing to show weakness. Sev'rance hated the weak.

"I thought you were dead,"—Vandalo also removed his helmet. "How?"—he asked in disbelief. "Did you fake your own death?"—suddenly, the image of Rafael flashed in his mind. "Don't tell me… that Rafael is the Sith Lord,"—he was quick to piece things together, as always.

"Correct,"—Sev'rance allowed herself a condescending smile, never taking her blaster off him. "Dooku betrayed me and left me to die here,"—she hissed through her teeth. "But instead of killing me, Darth Hassan took me as his apprentice. Now he's my master, which makes you my enemy."

"Heh, by Xilla,"—the Chiss sighed wearily, looking up at the sky,—"I've been wasting my time here from the start."

"Don't blame yourself. The teacher isn't afraid to play a role and embarrass himself in public,"—of course, she was referring to his persona as a green mercenary, still wet behind the ears.

"And now what?"

"Actually, I'm curious why you came to Tatooine. Did you really come to avenge me?"—Tann sneered at her ex.

"I'm a man of my word,"—Vandalo looked firmly at his former partner. "Don't you remember we promised each other to return our bodies to our homeland and bury them according to our traditions?"

"HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!"—Sev'rance burst into hysterical laughter. Her laughter could have drowned out the explosion of an entire ship. "You still remember that conversation?! How adorable!"

"You've changed, Sev'rance. You've always been tough, but now you're more like a beast,"—because right now, Vandalo saw her predatory grin and the devilish glint of madness in her red eyes. "I don't recognize you anymore."

"The old me is gone!"—she declared proudly. "I've discovered the Force! You can't imagine what it's like to wield power granted by the entire universe! I can tear my enemies apart! Lift boulders with my mind! I can dance through blaster fire that can't even touch me!.."—Sev'rance paused to catch her breath and think. "You wouldn't understand."

Vandalo looked at his former girlfriend with pity. Fate had been cruel to both of them. Vandalo didn't consider himself a saint or a savior. He had taken up arms because that was his talent. The army had confined him, while a career as a bounty hunter had opened the door to a vast universe where he had met Sev'rance. In a way, they had become kindred spirits. The army had stifled their potential, so they had left their home system to start anew… But who could have guessed that her path would be painted black.

"I wouldn't understand,"—Vandalo shook his head. "Are you going to kill me?"—he asked phlegmatically, accustomed to the icy breath of death.

"No, we'll wait for the teach…"

The Chiss flinched as an explosion erupted nearby. Vandalo immediately grabbed his blaster and aimed it at the rising dust cloud, while the agitated Sev'rance kept her weapon trained on him. Whatever had just happened, it resembled the landing of an escape pod falling straight from space. The blue-skinned mercenary had been through a lot, so he knew what he was thinking. But soon, a humanoid figure emerged from the dust, and out of the storm stepped someone in a cracked mirror mask. His figure was completely concealed by a long black cloak, so Vandalo couldn't help but see his own tense expression reflected in the enemy's mask. He had been afraid before, but this was the first time he had seen his own fear from the outside, which only added to the pressure on his mind.

"Master…"—Tann said timidly.

Vandalo shifted his gaze to his former partner. Instantly, all the arrogance vanished from her face. The once fearsome Sith now looked no better than a punished child. If Vandalo instinctively feared the Sith Lord, she was in obvious, silent terror. Even the glimmers of madness in her eyes had disappeared. His mere presence had knocked the arrogance out of the apprentice, dispelling the mind-corrosive toxin of the Dark Side. Not even Dooku had exerted such overwhelming pressure on her.

"Sev'rance,"—the teacher looked at the apprentice,—"Vandalo,"—then shifted his attention back to the Chiss. "You were looking for me, and here I am."

"Actually, I was looking for her corpse,"—the mercenary replied nonchalantly, pointing at his former partner and holstering his blaster. Rafael had demonstrated his power with a dramatic entrance, so a tiny blaster was unlikely to harm him. "But instead, I found her alive,"—despite his feigned calm, Vandalo was trembling inside.

"You wanted revenge?"

"To fulfill a promise. I promised to return her body to our homeland and bury her according to our traditions,"—he answered as honestly as possible. Only honesty could save his life in this situation.

"And for that, you defied Dooku?"

"My word means more to me than anything."

Principles distinguish a mercenary from a thug. Maniacs kill for pleasure, while mercenaries merely sell their skills for reward. To avoid losing themselves in a world of perpetual violence, each of them creates personal rules.

Over time, this internal code becomes an anchor that keeps them from falling into madness. Vandalo had never compromised his principles, which was why he rarely experienced inner turmoil and anxiety… Unlike Sev'rance, who was literally teetering on the edge of a knife.

"Why did you join Dooku?"

"I didn't join Dooku—she did,"—the Chiss nodded toward the subdued Tann. "I just worked for him."

"Working with Sith is a risky business,"—it was surprising to hear this from a Sith. "You must have been doing a good job, since Dooku hasn't gotten rid of you yet, but I think you should have realized by now that it's only a matter of time. So why did you keep working for him?"

The world of mercenaries. Reward goes hand in hand with betrayal. Power-hungry and greedy Separatists tear each other's throats out to get closer to the Count. Not all of Vandalo's missions were directed against the Republic. Some were aimed at his employers' direct competitors. In other words, he did the dirty work, knowing that sooner or later, he too would become a victim of internal strife and intrigue. In fact, when the Chiss realized this, he had planned to leave… But he didn't.

"You didn't leave,"—Hassan broke the prolonged silence,—"because…"

"I hoped to leave with her,"—even in the face of death, Vandalo wouldn't let anyone speak for him.

Vandalo and Sev'rance had indeed been in a relationship, but it wasn't love that influenced his decision. They both lived in the same world, and they both understood that their affair was just a fleeting spark that would soon fade. But there were no other Chiss in the current region. Besides Sev'rance, he was also acquainted with Thrawn, whose arrogance surpassed Dooku's pride in every way. Sev'rance Tann was the only piece of home he had left.

"And how could you trade such a partner for power and strength?"—suddenly, Hassan shifted the topic to the apprentice. "I still have much to teach you."

"…"—in response, she merely lowered her gaze, not daring to answer or contradict the master.

"My name is Darth Hassan, and I,"—the Sith Lord approached the mercenary, whose hands instinctively reached for his blaster,—"ask you to join me. I am a Sith Lord, but not like Count Dooku. When the war ends and her training is complete, I promise to release both of you. You will be free to do as you please, as will she. Wait a few more years, and you will finally be free,"—he extended a hand from under his cloak.

Vandalo hesitantly looked at Hassan's outstretched hand. Sith against Sith was nothing new, but was he worthy of trust? Hassan sought to use his skills, and in return, he promised to release the mercenary. Don't bounty hunters crave money or fame? Yes, that's what had brought Vandalo into this world, but now he felt a target on his back. If the Republic didn't come for him, the Separatists surely would. And who could protect him then? Who could stand against a Sith Lord? Another Sith Lord. The Chiss didn't possess the Force. Foresight was beyond him, though his natural insight allowed him to glimpse the future more clearly than many Jedi.

Who was he? A mercenary. A good mercenary. A professional. But someone like him could easily be replaced. A few inquiries and hiring someone like Cad Bane or Hondo, whom Vandalo knew by reputation, would suffice. If losing Sev'rance was a significant blow to Dooku, the death of a professional mercenary would change nothing. Before it was too late, Vandalo decided to secure the support of a new powerful figure in the arena to increase his chances of survival… And to stay close to his old friend. By observing her behavior and mental changes, he would determine whether Hassan could be trusted. Was Hassan truly a different kind of Sith, or was he just like Dooku? This would be evident through their shared apprentice. One must always keep an eye on the wind, or the storm will catch you off guard.

"I agree,"—Vandalo shook the outstretched hand, joining the faction of the new Sith Lord.

"Good,"—the masked Sith nodded. "Does Dooku know where you are?"

"No, I've avoided his agents."

"Then return to him and spy for me. Sev'rance will give you the email address for my datapad."


"Do you really think he can be trusted?"—Tann asked, disarming the active bombs on the ship.

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Besides, he was sincere. A con artist like me can tell truth from lies."

It was amusing to hear such words from a Sith more powerful in the Force than Count Dooku. If Darth Hassan was a con artist, then Count Dooku was a pitiful imitation. Though a part of Sev'rance was pleased with this outcome. Perhaps the old her, not yet versed in the ways of the Force, had awakened, or maybe she was simply glad for the growing strength of their faction. One Vandalo was worth ten professional bounty hunters, and given time to prepare, he could obliterate a battalion of droids and clones. Likely the latter. Her relationship with her ex was in the past, and there was no need for either of them to cling to fleeting feelings.

"Why did you spare Sha'a?"—a logical question. Though Sev'rance had survived, she had endured far more torture than the Twi'lek, who had gotten off lightly.

"I don't kill without reason. I gave her advice and a chance. If she doesn't take them, her head will join my collection next time,"—sitting in the chair, Hassan pulled Sha'a's lightsaber from under his cloak.

Honestly, Cheesecake didn't understand her master's logic. In her opinion, he had shown softness, weakness, which she despised. But she couldn't just voice her grievances to the master. The apprentice still remembered how acts of disobedience had ended… Goosebumps ran down her skin, and memories of bones protruding from flesh flashed before her eyes.

The girl closed her eyes and exhaled quietly, trying to compose herself.

"What do we do next?"—to distract herself from heavy thoughts, she decided to change the subject.

"You've done well, Sev'rance, but you've been by my side all this time. We'll continue your training,"—the girl smiled with satisfaction,—"but soon I'll give you a personal mission."

"You can count on me, master,"—the apprentice turned away from the bombs, faced Hassan, and knelt.

"I promise not to disappoint you."

"Your mission will be to find a way into the palace of the Queen of Naboo. Our target is Padmé Amidala's private chambers. There, we must find some compromising material on her… And someone else."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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