Star Wars: Darth Hassan

Chapter 11: Hyperspace: on the way to Bogden.

Gabriel watched as the young boy pressed buttons and stared at the onboard computer screen, displaying symbols that were completely unfamiliar to him, but apparently understood by Boba. These strange characters were significantly different from his native language, making it impossible for him to read the words on the screen. Not only had he found himself in a different universe, but now he would also have to learn to read?!

Hassan sadly shook his head, puzzled by the captive's expression. He stepped away from Boba and sat down next to the chair where Shaak Ti was seated. Inability to read might come back to haunt him in the future, which meant that Darth would have to find himself a teacher. On the other hand, they hadn't sent him to the Galaxy Far, completely "naked" – his new body was a marvel in itself! Besides, everyone here spoke a language he could understand...

What language? In what language were they talking?! It was only now that he realized his tongue moved in a completely different way than it usually did when pronouncing his native words! Somehow, he was capable of speaking in an unknown language from a galaxy far, far away! Most likely, it was because of his gaming body. In the game, there was a translator that instantly translated any language into one the user could understand. Could it be that he was still subject to gaming conventions?

Hassan was in deep shock, and the woman sitting next to him could feel it. The white reflective mask could hide the boy's face, but the Force connection wasn't so easily fooled, especially when two Force adepts were inches away from each other – the Sith sat at the feet of the Jedi.

It was quite a peculiar situation from an outsider's perspective. The fact that the Sith was sitting on the floor while the Jedi occupied the chair might diminish the power of the Dark Side, but the Jedi was bound, which, on the contrary, spoke of the superiority of evil over good. However, the captive clearly got a more comfortable seat than her captor, so even the most brilliant psychologists would be baffled.

"Is everything okay?" the girl asked the kidnapper, sensing the storm of emotions within him.

"Of course," the impostor replied, causing her to see her distorted reflection in his mask.

"The Force binds us. You remember, don't you?"

"I remember," the boy turned away from the Jedi Master. "But that's not your concern."

A clear response that required no further explanation. With these words, Hassan made it clear that he didn't want to discuss the matter, which didn't offend the Jedi in the slightest. Instead, she patiently responded:

"You can share your burden with me." Her voice carried a hint of care for the man who had abducted her from the battlefield.

Even Boba momentarily diverted his attention from checking all systems to look at the peculiar pair. He felt that Darth Hassan, his father's friend, was being too lenient with the Jedi, while the Jedi herself appeared strangely calm in captivity. She hadn't even hinted at attempting an escape, though he was still young and inexperienced. Perhaps Hassan was employing some special tactic or strategy?

"You're still my captive," Shaak Ti's words disconcerted the young man, which she certainly sensed. To some extent, she was surprised by them herself, but as a Jedi, she was obligated to bring a lost soul to the Light. At least, that's what she felt her duty was as a Jedi. "Don't lose sight of that."

In response, Ti nodded and backed off, mentally deciding to try approaching him again after some time. Delicacy and caution were crucial here. She had already shown him that she was open to dialogue.

"Where are you planning to look for Dooku?" Gabriel redirected the conversation.

"He hired my father on one of the moons of Bogden," the boy began typing something into the computer hastily.

"What's Bogden?" The newcomer, of course, knew nothing about this place.

"It's a planet with many moons," the Jedi woman answered in place of the boy. "I'm not sure, but it seems to be a haven for mercenaries and bounty hunters."

"Let's go," the space around them blurred, and the ship found itself in an endless white tunnel, seemingly without end.

"Tell Boba about Dooku," Hassan addressed the woman.

After all, it would be useful for the boy to learn about the person he was searching for. Dooku was one of the significant figures of this time, so even Gabriel could benefit from refreshing his knowledge of the universe, of which he had very little.

"Dooku was a Padawan of Consul Serulian and a student of Master Yoda," at this point, Gabriel was quite surprised. So Count Dooku had been trained by Yoda himself? "Master Yoda primarily taught Dooku in lightsaber combat, which made him a formidable duelist. Soon after the death of his Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn," at the mention of this name, Hassan couldn't help but sigh, "he left the Order along with some other Jedi Masters. Most likely, it was around that time that Dooku began to explore the Dark Side of the Force."

"Got it," Boba muttered and then turned back to the onboard computer.

"I thought you were familiar with Dooku," the woman looked at the kidnapper.

"I haven't seen him in person," the young man replied, processing all the information.

In his mind, a clear chain of students and teachers had formed. Yoda had trained Dooku, who had then become a master to Qui-Gon Jinn, who later went on to teach Obi-Wan Kenobi, who took Anakin Skywalker as his apprentice, and Anakin, in turn, became Darth Vader, the father of Leia and Luke, eventually becoming Yoda's student and the master of Rey and Kylo Ren, who...

"Hassan," the Togruta woman interrupted his thoughts, "have you seen the future and Dooku?"

"Where did you get that idea?" he arched an eyebrow under the mask.

"I sense it," she replied.

"He will die, like many in this war," Hassan adjusted his mask.

For some reason, she remembered her captor's prophecy. Again, a Force user typically couldn't see the future of someone they had never met or been interested in. And again, her theory that the self-proclaimed Sith was actually talking about his own fate troubled her. This would imply that he would have to kill not only her and Dooku but also Master Windu. Honestly, Shaak Ti believed that Hassan had the strength for it.

However, it was still a distant future, and Force visions offered no guarantee of fulfillment – the future was ever-changing and in constant flux. Perhaps, if she could turn her captor to the Light Side, then she might be able to save both herself and Master Windu. So, she couldn't afford to give up.

In her view, Hassan leaned more toward the Light Side than the Dark, even considering his talent with the Lightning of the Force. Although the Force Lightning was considered a Dark Side technique, Plo Koon had managed to develop his own version of it that didn't require tapping into the darkness. She didn't sense negative emotions from Hassan when he used the Force Lightning, so she could confidently assert that he was using the same technique as Master Plo.

Her primary goal now was to gather information and possibly sway Hassan to the Light Side. She would also do everything in her power to prevent Boba from going to Dooku. However, at the same time, the Togruta understood that her captor was right – Boba would not go against his father's orders.

It might seem like she was behaving carelessly, being in the clutches of the self-proclaimed Sith, but the Togruta felt strangely at ease, as odd as that may sound. Perhaps only her hands and feet were sore from the ropes, but otherwise, she had little to complain about.

"What will you do with the captive, Darth Hassan?" the boy asked, gazing out the window.

"I'll ransom her from the Jedi," the kidnapper casually replied, also watching the endless white tunnel.

"Wouldn't it be more logical to sell her to Dooku? I think he would pay you much more."

"You're starting to sound like a mercenary," Gabriel chuckled. "But it's not just about the money, even though that's my top priority."

"Then maybe we could find him together..." Boba said somewhat hesitantly.

Both adults understood where the boy was leading. He didn't want to part with Hassan and was asking him to stay with them until the end. However, Hassan had no intention of getting involved with Dooku so easily – it was far too dangerous. And if he handed Shaak Ti over to him, he would kill her. Maybe not right away, but he would definitely kill her.

On the other hand, the Togruta had relaxed a bit. She had suspected that the kidnapper wouldn't hand her over to Dooku, and now, scanning him through the Force, she was fully convinced of it. She was grateful for that. The Republic might lose money, but they wouldn't lose a formidable combat asset in her.

"I'm sorry, Boba, but I don't intend to cross paths with Dooku right now, and this beauty here is unlikely to be pleased if I sell her to that almost old man," the young man nodded in the direction of the Togruta.

The boy turned around, looked at both of them with a strange expression, and then returned to gazing at hyperspace. Hassan leaned against the chair, his neck touching the back of the girl's legs. In his homeland, feet were considered the "dirtiest" part of the body, but he wasn't overly concerned about it. Shaak Ti simply closed her eyes and relaxed, sinking into meditation.

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