Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 19

Starburst of Sector 2814

Star 19

By: BigToFu

Green Lantern Trainee

Benjamin Parker


Stars, planets, and the occasional nebula flew by, and Ben lamented that he didn't have the chance to stop and take any pictures so he could show May. Hmm, maybe he would be able to ask his ring for a rewind of the flight and print out the pictures after the fact. Okay, that would be good, Ben made a mental note of that as he flew alongside Jessica unaware of the smile on her face.

They took a turn at one of the stars that carried a filed way point and continued on their journey when there was a sudden beep over their open emergency channels.

*Mayday! Mayday! We are being overrun by pirates, we need assistance, Mayday! Mayday! *

Ben could already see it and he honestly thought that such a thing was impossible when stars appeared in the eyes of Jessica. She looked at him with the same puppy eyes that his nephew had and Ben felt his resolution break as he gave Jessica a nod of the head.

"YES!" Jessica yelled with a fist pump. "Ring, take us to the distress signals coordinates."

This was the job Ben thought as they both took off towards the location and were followed by a streak of green across the starry skies. As they left their location, a streak of green stopped at their previous location and when it was dissipated, there stood a large pink humanoid alien with a smirk on his features.

[ O.O.O ]

Ben could only shake his head as they came out of FTL to find two medium size cruisers laying into a massive civilian carrier. From where he floated, it was clear to Ben that the civilian ship carried only minimal weapons, but it was well defended with shields that shook from each salvo that it withstood.

While Ben was taking in the situation and was about to have his ring contact the ships in question, a voice rang out at his side.


It was a good beat and Ben held his breath as the attacking vessels stopped firing on the civilian ship. The two attackers turned towards them, and Ben felt a flash of dread and was able to get his shields up in time to tank and protect himself against the incoming cannon fire from the two pirate ships.

Okay, it was clear that there would be no type of negotiations with these pirates.

"GIVE ME THE BOOTY!" Jessica screamed as she flew forward in a stream, a green giant chainsaw raised above her head as she went in for the attack. Jessica screamed as her chainsaw chewed through the back two engines of the ship. "YEAAARRRGGGGHHH!"

With a sigh and a shake of his head, Ben pressed two fingers to his ear, "Jessica, we need some of them if not all of them alive to turn over to Nova Corp, we are in their space currently."

There was a buzzing on the other side of the comms as Ben heard Jessica reply, "Okay, but treasures mines."

Ben could only shake his head at his partner's reply but said nothing as he flew over what was clearly the civilian ship. With his ring forward, Ben did a quick and rudimentary inspection of the ship before having his ring ping into the ships communications, the translator in his ring already at work for him.

"Hello, this is Benjamin Parker of the Green Lantern corp, may I speak with the captain of the ship?"

[ … ]

The line was silent for a time before Ben heard a few beeps of the line as static was cleared.

"This is Kora of Nova." The radio clicked.

"Good," Ben stated with a smile, then continued onwards, "This is Green Lantern Benjamin Parker of Sector 2814, and I'm here to help."

"Well, if you can do something about those dang Ravagers, I just need 5 spins to get a patch on the jump drive," Kora yelled over the comms and Ben had to tilt his head to the side from the volume.

He blinked for a second thinking on what she meant by five spins when his ring translated the time to five minutes, and he was able to understand what she meant. His ring pinged danger, on the drop of a dime, Ben turned around, his ring hand forward Captain America's shield coming to mind instantly.

Green blaze lit up the void as Captain America's trusty shield was pushed forwards absorbing the stray plasma blast that was fired his way. With narrowed eyes, he was able to see Jessica doping between the two fighters, one of them listing to the side and releasing wild blind shots all over the place.

With a quick glide, Ben repositioned himself to the port side of the Nova empire ship and protected her aft and starboard from any more of the stray shots. With a shake of the head, Ben switched from an open channel to the Green Lantern network squad communications that he shared with Jessica.

"Hey, Jess, stray shots are getting through," Ben stated with two fingers to his ear.

"Yeah, yeah, stray shots," Was Jessica's rough reply even as Ben watched her take a sword to the ship's cannons.

With a shake of the head, he turned back around and went back to inspecting the Nova Empire ship. From what his ring was saying, this was a class five civilian frigate and was rated for at least one hundred passengers along with a decent-sized cargo area. Humming at that information, Ben went around looking for breaches and only found plasma trails and a damaged airlock which was reported to Kora who was none to happy about that.

Turns out the pirates had tried a sneaky approach first and if it wasn't for course correction, Kora and her crew would never have known about the pirates. That course correction caused the airlock seal to fail and blow which gave the pirates away. That was fine to Ben but he was more interested in knowing why the airlock didn't sound an alarm when someone first attached to the hull.

Kora herself didn't know why but she was more interested in getting the jump drives back online and not figuring out why the airlock alarm didn't sound. Since she wasn't going to pursue the matter, Ben made a note of it before shifting himself to the rear of the ship and helping with the engine diagnostics.

Turns out, with Jessica taking care of the pirates who were both now just floating out in the void with no engines. Ben was able to give Kora more than just five minutes to get her engine up and going.

With a glowing green hand above his head, a hyper welder in its grip fusing together sections of metal. Ben had to smile at a job well done as the Nova empire ship was now more than ready for interstellar jumps.

Now that he was finished, Ben couldn't help but frown since it had been some time since Jessica last spoke to him. Ben knew that she was looking at the pirate ships and that her life signs were still strong, but he couldn't help but worry. Not about her, but about the pirates that would be on that ship. From what he knew about protocols, he had two paths before him. He could contact Nova Corp for the pick-up or take them back and process them for the iso cubes.

Honestly, he wanted to process them himself, but a quick check of the lock showed that the time they were allowed was already shrinking rapidly. With that in mind, it was clear that they would have to prioritize or fail the Astro navigation course.

Before he headed off to inspect the pirate ships, Ben opened communications with Captain Kora and instructed her to just run system checks for now. Before she could leave though Ben would need her signature to sign off his report before they were able to jump out of the system. Once he was finished with his conversation with the Captain of the ship, Ben turned around in a lazy float and had to force down a shiver because it was pure carnage and things were just far too silent for his taste.

With his ring forward and a nice cone of light shining before him, Ben could only shake his head at the level of carnage left by Jessica. It was clear that the two ships that were out here stood no chance against her with clear claw marks or areas of buckled hull plating from impact blows.

Flying over, Ben had to lightly push one of the ship's wings out of the way as he followed the life signatures he was receiving. Okay, those were all good, but what he was more interested in was the green tag of his partner in the bowels of the second ship, its engines looking as if they were pulled apart by giant crowbars.

Then again, with what little he knew of Jessica, Ben wasn't so sure that she didn't use exactly that to keep the two ships here and from jumping. Idly, Ben wondered if a ship could lest to the side if they were out in space and not on the ocean, but he pushed that aside as he arrived at the airlock of the ship.

On the airlock, Ben found more claw marks and what looked like a hastily repaired bulkhead surface. Placing a hand on the surface of the airlock, Ben pushed his will forward with the mental image and projection of phasing through the metal. For half a second, things didn't respond but as he held hope and pushed more thought into it, he slipped right through and into the ship.

[Hope 68% ]

The metal underneath his fingertips shifted like liquid allowing Ben to step onto the ship. He was expecting red flashing lights to greet him, yet he found none of that. Looking around some more, Ben found more of nothing until he arrived at what was clearly the mess hall. He was first attracted by the green light and then when he arrived, he found the pirates captured and to one side of the mess hall. On the other side of the mess hall though was what was clearly the ice box and standing in the doorway was Jessica.

Something had to have happened for her to be standing there and not moving, Ben just couldn't figure it out from where he was standing. Walking forward and peering around Jessica, Ben had no words, on one hand he was impressed and on the other, he was also appalled. On one side of the wall was what appeared to be a sleep chamber with someone golden inside of it and on the other was a massive treasure chest overflowing with gold and other types of precious materials.

"Jessica…" Ben started but he was ignored as she zeroed in on the gold and other bits of treasures, like the giant sword that was still somehow on fire along with other odd bits. He didn't get to say much because Jessica was already moving toward the giant flaming sword, so of course, Ben had to be the voice of reason once more. Before she could even place her hand on the sword, Ben was already projecting a wall to block anyone from picking up the giant flaming weapon.

"Jessica…. No, just no." Ben stated with a sigh, the green wall that he created shifting with more bricks bolstering the layers and pushing her back some.

"Waah, but big sword!" Jessica exclaimed her face shifting into a pout.

He didn't fold though as Ben shook his head, "Take the gold as your twenty percent for stopping the pirates but leave whatever that weapon is alone. You and I took the same class on messing with psionic weaponry and that screams bad-juju." Ben finished his statement with a motion towards the towering flames dancing around the large blade.

Jessica did her own hand motion towards the weapon, "But giant sword?"

Ben shook his head, "We still have reports to write, video footage to gather and our Astro-navigation test to finish," Ben checked his watch, then had the ring run calculations. "Another two hours to get to where we need to be, let it go so we can go."

Silence fell between them as Jessica clearly thought things through before her hands were thrown up into the air, "Fine, but I want the three bricks of vibranium, golds sorta useless when we can just mine it from anywhere."

"Alright." Ben returned with a small smile.

Now, all he had to do was smooth over things with the Nova Corp and call of Kilowog and report the situation.

{ o.O.o }

Green Lantern

Diana Prince

Twisting around in the air, Diana didn't even blink as Gladiator flew by her beyond the speed of sound. Her hand lashed out and snagged the ends of his cape.


As Gladiator gagged from his quick lessons on why you don't wear a cape into battle unless you were an ultra-badass, Diana dashed forward cape in hand. With a skip through the air, Diana turned on a heel, spinning Gladiator around her like a bludgeoning ball. Gladiator moved to recover when she smashed him through a building, but Diana was already a step ahead of him. With his hand pressed against the side of a building to brace himself along with his flight, Gladiator swung out with the precious seconds of recovery he was able to gain.

Unfortunately, Gladiator wasn't used to fighting people on his level as Diana used this chance to skip up and over his arm, run alongside the building's bracing wall, and wrap Gladiator's head in the cape. With the cape-coving Gladiator's head, Diana took his back, sunk her heels in, and laid into the asshole with savage blows, kidney shots so powerful shockwaves were released with each one.

Three rapid punches were followed up by her hand gripping that mop he called a head of hair. With a twist like she was on a dancer's pole, Diana flipped over Gladiator and threw him as the energy build-up she was sensing was finally released.

"You filthy kay'nar!" Gladiator snarled

Diana's reply was a half-second flash of teeth from her smile, then her knees came forward smashing into Gladiator's face. She heard the satisfying crack of bone, jaw breaking as a tooth went flying.


She gave Gladiator two more knees before twisting around and throwing him into space. With a look around, Diana found her commander facing off against some giant goose monstrosity and she wanted nothing to do with that. Another quick look and check found that Jessica was already moving upwards with the ship.

There was a glare and flash of red that Diana caught coming at her from the peripherals. Leaning back, Diana spun as the laser beams went right over her shoulder, as she righted herself, Gladiator was there in her face, fist cocked back and ready to be used.

Again, it was clear to Diana that he wasn't used to actually having to fight, no, Gladiator was filled with holes since he was used to just overpowering all he faced. That was then, and she was now; so his punch never connected. She slipped low and into his fighting form, the punch going clean over her shoulder.

Her right hand, though, went down and between his legs, her fist grabbing the two orbs in a vice grip strong enough to rend all known metals in the universe. Her left hand grabbed Gladiator by the throat and she pulled her left and right hands apart ripping, destroying any hope of the Strontian's species ever being able to repopulate.

"RAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!" Gladiator screamed from the sheer evisceration of his family jewels, he never got the chance to watch as Diana destroyed them with a laser blast as he was hit with the same exact thing right after.

With a snort, Diana turned and threw what was left of the meaty mess towards the systems sun before heading towards the Green Lantern Ship that was hovering at the edge of system space. Behind her though, Diana did notice that the Shi'ar were starting to fight amongst themselves though, but that could only be her Commander's doing.

{ o.O.o }

Green Lantern Commander

Domonic Wolf

With a dash, I jumped up and backward allowing my Gundam armor of Full Frontal to wrap me in her warm embrace. This was perfect timing as a giant rock man came smashing down in my previous location.

"Bring me his head!" D'Ken screamed from his location on the high throne.


Ignoring the asshole on the throne, I shifted my attention towards the rock-xeno, flexing my hands a few times, I brought my left in close, shields upfront to tank the punch thrown my way. I brought my other now gauntleted fist around and smashed it into the rock alien's jaw separating us both.

He went back half a step, but at least he was now out of my personal space, though that didn't leave me much room to think as I had to dodge another attack.

"Alright, fuck this!" I snarled lashing out with a backhand that sent someone in black and white spandex flying before activating my booster and giving the rocky asshole a knee sandwich surprise.

My knee strike smashed through his throat and I rolled in the air on the other side before landing in a three-point hero stance. I stood up on guard and noticed the room full of Shi'ar troopers.

Pulling out my mark five blasters, I sent the mental command to shift it into my own special version of the M134 minigun, then retracted my helm and smiled at the smug bastard sitting on his throne. The shock on his face was epic as my minigun went from silent to fully charged before it started to spew death with just the click of a button.

*DA! DA! DA! DA! DA! DA! DA! DA! DA! DA!*

The nobles and the guards at and around the throne jumped and dodged to the side as I rained a hail of death at D'Ken. Color me surprised though when a shield sprang to life and saved the little bastard. Although from the way he covered himself, even he didn't know about the fucking shield inside of his throne. Well, screw that, instead of focusing fire on him any longer, I turned my minigun on his little entourage and showed them why puff the magic dragon was one of my all-time favorites.

The asshat that looked like a wookie ate thirty laser rounds, the chick with the wings ate fifteen, and the guy in the power armor that had a shield up before him ate a hundred rounds. Guards came running into the room and they got a spicy meal of laser fire along with some of the ones trying to jump over and fly at me.

"YOU WILL BOW BEFORE THE MIGHT OF THE SHI'AR!" D'ken screamed from the throne, his eyes wide and wild with rage and all kinds of emotions. "RELEASE THE GOOSDRA!"

The translation of that alone almost made me pause in my job of laying down why you don't fuck with someone that's willing to fuck you back without lubrication. I had my ring repeat that a few times and still I was confused because what in the fuck was a Goosdra. That can't be a thing and I had no memories of such a thing in marvel.

The other reason why I was confused as all hell was because of the Shi'ar name that it was translated from was Honkiamt, the mother of all Goose. Like what in the fuck, that can't be right. Then again, I was also relying on my ring to keep things translated and me updated on all things important.

Those thoughts were dashed out the window though as the palace started to shake and I got a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Activating my flight systems, I started to hover and went ten feet up and backward to keep my back to the wall and settled in to watch what was about to happen, I didn't have to wait long though.

It wasn't a long wait before the side of the palace was destroyed as a motherfucking hydra goose, or was it geese showed its multiple heads, by the grace of Stan Lee, what in the fuck was that?


Eyes wide, I look up in terror as a massive goose easily six stories tall came smashing through the hole, five heads already snarking with some wickedly sharp teeth. Ice, fire, lightning, that fucking thing had it all and then some.

Ohh fuck that, I brought my arms together in a classic green ranger pose then said the words with my chest.

"In brightest day!

In darkest night!

No evil shall escape my sight!

Let those who worship evils might!

Beware my power!


The moment those words left my lips, my Gundam power-armor explodes outwards. The chest plate, gauntlets, and legs expand to fifty times their normal size as my power armor transformed into that of my powerful mobile suit armor. Bright green light flooded the area as the armor repositioned itself long with resizing as I was shifted and was placed into the chest cavity of my Gundam. Honestly, D'ken and his ilk had no idea what was happening as the sailor moon magical girl transformations jingle played from my ring for all to hear.

Straps flew over my body and were pulled snug as my neural implants took over along with synaptic helm and receivers activating. When my eyes opened, I glared across the palace way at the goose hydra as my body settled into being in full control of the Gundam. The lens to my helm flashed a red, my weapons systems primed themselves as my shoulder pads shifted, the rockets in their racks thrumming with power.

Shifting into a combat stance, I put one hand out and held the other close to my chest and made a come here gesture at the giant hydra goose. All six of its heads shifted in confusion and that was all the prompting I needed, the boosters in the feet of my Gundam activated sending me forward in a burst of speed.

The GoosDra reared back at my approach, flames, poison and all types of death started to spew from its many mouths. The one to the far left was caught with a rocket boot to the bill, the one on the far right was caught in my grasp. Then I realized that I didn't have enough hands and said fuck it, shoulder rockets were a GO! GO! GO!

The shoulder pauldrons of my mech suit popped open, and twenty rockets flared to life, deuterium-tipped rockets flying outwards and slamming into the heads of the GoosDra trying to take a bite out of my ass. The beast was rocked by the rocket blast, and this caused it to throw me with a mighty roar as it reared back from the pain.

Activating my back rockets, I flew up and back with the action and through the roof of the palace.


The red of my lens flickered as I blinked and realized that I should not be fighting that blasted monster, twisting in the air to dodge the Goosdra, I held out a fist and that could mean only one thing, ROCKET PUNCH.

The massive fist disconnected at the elbow, rockets flaring to life as the massive gauntleted fist broke the sound barrier and smashed into the shield surrounding the throne. I glanced to the side and rolled out of the way before activating the afterburners on the rocket fist. The shields around the throne cracked a bit as D'ken screamed his little lungs out on his seat.

Looking over my shoulder, I dodged another breath attack from the mighty beast, as I flew around playing keep away from the damn thing. A chain flew out of the backside of my gauntlet connecting to my Gundam's elbow joint.

The massive green chain connected, and I used it to pull me forward, my hand gripping into the ground around the throne, my rockets pushing me forward even more.


Ignoring the beast at my back, I hit overdrive on all thrusters and hit that sumbitch with an all-American linebacker tackle. The shield to D'ken's throne didn't even stand a chance as it shattered like glass. With a twist and turn, I stepped on that little shit stain and launched myself back into the air, the Goosdra smashing into my previous position. I flew forwards and upwards smashing through the palace roof and leaving more destruction in my wake, I kept going, deciding that now was the chance to breach the atmosphere.

Pulling back from the neural connection, I found myself flowing inside of the chest to my Gundam surrounded by the full holodeck projection suite. Looking up and left, I found the massive red button that brought a smile to my face. Hitting the transform button and the chest spun around with the legs folded over, the shield taking its place to cover the cockpit and double as the nose.

For anyone who was looking, they would be able to tell that my Full-Frontal mobile suit armor transformed like that of the Angel Wing from Endless Waltz, one of my favorite amines of all time before my untimely death. It was a true classic and the Shi'ar was about to discover the might of my imagination.

I pushed my throttle forward and opened up some space between myself and the planet and discovered that there was a whole lot going on out in space. Good, from the quick mental updates that I was receiving in real-time, it looked like my little plan to fuck with the Shi'ar navigational data was working perfectly.


Shit! Rolling my Gundam-turned spaceship, I dodged out of the way from a breath attack and pulled around to survey the area. Okay, Diana was back with Jessica in the main ship at the edge of the system, Shi'ar wasn't paying my any attention as Deathbird and Lilandra were now rallying troops to fight for the throne and I was not about to be monster duck shit because I was mother fucking tired of this mother fucking bullshit.


"Motherfucker!" I screamed dodging another blast, this time the raw power and heat from the damn thing making me feel as if I was cooking in my pilot's seat. I rolled my ship, then smashed the transform button and landed on their moon-sized mega gun. Ignoring the fact that the moon gun was charging for some unknown reason. I gave my ring its commands to shut that shit down even as I turned and faced off against the giant Goosdra


"I know, I know," I growled low underneath my breath, sweat dripping from my brows and hands slightly twitching over my controls. Two wings flapped, and six heads roared at me.


The charge was final and simultaneous, the clash was brutal as the moon cannon beneath us buckled inwards and the floor crumpled. I dodged around a ring, accepted the blow to my side, then twisted around and came down with my giant chainsaw revving.


I sliced from the upper right shoulder down to the stomach, lashed out with a foot, and then sawed from the belly upwards and carved that giant turkey as if it was a chicken.



"Not today you big piece of shit!" I snarled, green glowing lines lashing out and tying it to the moon cannon and holding it in place. The monster thrashed, but in the end, it fell to my giant ten-foot chainsaw.

Breathing hard, I took a step back and found the battle that was raging around me had settled down as they took in the scene. Nothing was said as I reached down into what they would consider their sacred beast and pulled out the crystal that made up its head.

Holding it in my giant Gundam's gauntlet, I aimed towards the center of the solar system, boosters kicked in as I charged up the drive. Then without warning, I fired my rocket fist towards the sun. Everyone was stunned and I knew this since I had my ring hack all the systems and projected video footage for me to follow.

Then, when it was clear that I wasn't going to call it back, the ship commanders started giving orders as both Lilandra and Deathbird screamed for not only my head but also the heart of the mother goose.

No one noticed as I slipped out and started to head in the other direction, stealth drives fully engaged. Screw these people, I wanted to go home, get a nice shower and eat some damn ice cream.

Authors Note's:

No one said that things were ever going to be easy.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter.

Let me know what you guys think about the chapter.

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