Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 14

Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 14

By BigToFu




Drill Instructor Extraordinaire!


With the commander away, it was his turn to play. Smiling down at the new plucky recruits, Kilowog placed his hands on his hips, took a deep breath, and got on with all the fun stuff.

“Alright you poosers, the big man has left you in my care. That means I get to judge whether you're good enough for my beloved Corp. And I got high expectations.” Kilowog with a bombastic flair of his voice and aura. “Now before I can break my foot off in your weak terran asses, let’s go to medical. It’s Time you got into the best shape you will ever be in your life.”

Kilowog watched as the frail little terrans shared a look before he huffed and walked towards the doors that led into the complex. The station house was a massive thing and the place they would want was the second medical facility, also known as the main one. Since the one connected to the flight bay was for emergencies only, he had to take the scenic route to get the rookies looked at.

“Come along,” He grunted as he walked before the doors even opened for his entry. His ears flicked one way then the other as he heard the pitter-patter of Terran feet. Ignoring the indignant squawks of those behind him, Kilowog led the way past the locker meeting rooms, past the common area, and into the elevator to wait on those following.

Once everyone was inside of the elevator, a mental command had the omni-directional elevator take them sideways. They came to a swift rest halfway to the other side of the mountain before stepping out and onto the medical wing proper. Stepping out of the omnivator, Kilowog made a gesture with his arms for them to follow.

As he waited for them to follow him over to the center island, Kilowog smiled as one of the medical drones came hovering over to his position. Standing at the center was a medical drone capable of healing over a trillion different species.

“Computer, I would like a full medical workup for Jessica Silvers, Benjamin Parker and his family, full benefits of course” He spoke even as he motioned to individual rooms. Bringing up his own hand, green flared to life as he started to hover before planets of wood came to life. From the planks of wood, nails appeared, before strings and cloth followed forming for all watching a hammock for him to rest his large frame.

With a grunt, he leaned back to relax with a book forming in his other hand before stopping. “Well, I ain’t about to hold your hand,” Kilowog grunted. “Stop acting like pansies, the computer is just gonna give y'all a general checkup and a booster. Need to make sure you’re gonna be in proper shape even without that ring.”

“Excuse me, but my age is a little advanced,” Benjamin Parker spoke even as he looked over at his wife and saw a frown on her face. Kilowog knew that they weren't about to pass up such an opportunity, he didn't even need his ring to announce their levels. It was clear from the hidden steel they exuded with their very presence.

“Don’t matter, once the computer is finished with you, you’re gonna move and groove a lot better than them youngins down on your planet,” Kilowog grunted before waving his hand and bringing up a medical hologram. “You will look the same age but physically, you're gonna get the clock turned back for you:  basic medical of course. Now, if you want something like what your nephew seems to have in his system, then you're gonna have to pass basic, we don’t make nobody a super of their species unless we know they can put in the work.”

“I want that,” Jessica said before looking around for a room. “Which one?”

Kilowog shrugged, so she just stalked off and picked her own, he said nothing. Turning back around, he gazed down at the family who obviously had a core of steel.

“You mentioned my nephew, but I would also like to ask about my wife?” Ben stated even as he rocked on his heels for a time or two.

“Family is covered whether you make it or not,” Kilowog grunted with a shrug. “From what I could tell, the docs got instructions to give the kid a good once over and make sure his cells aren't going to deteriorate in a few years. Give the lady a once-over and take care of her carpal tunnel issues while giving the rest of her body a tune-up. And you will get the general Lantern package which would put you in the upper Olympic levels of your species at prime age.”

With a huff and wave of his hands, three holo-sheets floated across the room to hover before their recipients. He idly noted that both the aunt and uncle showed expressions of worry while the kid had a thoughtful expression on his features.

Ben and May shared a look that spoke a lot more than words could before Ben went into the medical room first. Peter, the nephew that Kilowog noticed, was already heading for his own room. Ben stopped at his room door, then did a one-eighty, took his wife’s hand, and then brought her into his own room.

With a grunt and shake of his head, Kilowog settled back into a reclining position. The boss wanted them, so he would train them: whether they passed or failed was not up to him:  but he could already see them passing. The girl was fearless and the man had cold steel inside of his veins, even if he tried to play it off.

A mental command activated the large tv, and Kilowog smiled as Super-Nanny came on. He would put them to the test, but for now, popcorn.


[ Scene Break ]


Dominic Wolf

Green Lantern Commander

Ohh that’s going to wake the neighbors…



My HUD rebooted along with my brain, and I had to take a quick second to register that something was more than fucking wrong. Honestly, the last thing that I remembered was hauling another one of the evacuating bunkers and sending it skywards to get picked up by my funnel system before a flash of yellow and shit went sideways.

Letting out a groan of pain, I pushed myself up and out of whatever the fuck I was stuck in and then fell a mighty long way before my reflexes kicked in. A whole host of boosters and stabilizers flared to life as my eyes snapped open. I didn’t need my HUD’s confirmation to know that shit was bad as I felt my own life-blood run down my face.

Gritting my teeth, I hovered backwards, then through the window of the building at my back, fuck all this. My ring ran diagnostics on my suit, and not only did it come back FUBAR, but I was also reading high levels of Fear energies. Deciding that I could deal with that shit later, I activated my suits' medical systems. There was an audible hiss as my pain started to fade and I had to take a closer look at some of those warnings. First, I started with the breech in my armor, wait… fuck that…  why was there a breach in my fucking doomsday armor…

I used the best that the DC universe had and even alloyed a few. Hell, the only thing I didn’t use in abundance was Nth metal because I was still in the fifth stage of building the tools to build the damn tools to even synthesize any of the fucking things. No….. I dismissed that train of thought while I caught my breath. A yellow cake substance was on my right gauntlet fingertips and that was when things clicked into place for me.

Wait…. Traces of Fear energy were found on the surface of my armor. The metals and alloys were creations and mixtures from the damn DC universe. The emotional spectrum, their entities, and the damn rings were from the fucking DC universe.

My doomsday's armor could not have had such a fatal fucking flaw, but what could I say with the evidence right here before me.

“Sir, should I send reinforcements?”

“No…” I grunted as I popped my shoulder back into the socket.

“But sir, your vitals.”

“No reinforcement and that’s final, keep the perimeter and evacuate the civilians.” I grunted out even as a stim-pack was injected into my system. “how’s the application of the acoustic lasers doing?”

The line was silent, but they pushed on even as I changed subjects.

“Slow sir, but we were able to kill the brood eggs and some of the infections before they set in.”

“Just find the right frequency and get it done. And remember, no sub-spacing the little bastards, we don’t need our own networks infested.” Can’t believe I would have to give a warning like that, but this was fucking Marvel and someone was going to get the stupid idea into their heads. Taking a breath to try and at least calm down some of my raging emotions. That failed as the passing cloud turned into a middle finger and left me scowling.

“Of course, sir.”

I grunted without saying a word as I tested my left arm and shoulder. It was easy to tell why when you looked and saw How torn up that section was. Upside, I got to keep the arm no matter the damage. This was why I absolutely fucking hated death realities, but I could bitch and moan later. From the angle of the sun and reading on my HUD, it was well past noon and approaching the evening. I have been out here saving lives all damn day, and the only ‘thank you’ I received was a fucking nuke to the face.

Rage 206%

Will 136%

Pulling my shotgun down from the mag-clamps, I then snort at how crushed the barrel looked before pushing it into storage and pulling out another. As I was prepping my weapons, my armor’s systems went through their own automatic repair; bringing everything up to 100%. Everything was good, but the left side couldn’t be saved; but I really didn’t give two shits at the moment. I had things to do and was going to just John McClane this shit. Instead, I grabbed both axes and prepared myself as my proximity sensors blared to life.

With my weapons set to automatic, I hafted both of my axes then activated the plasma edge, I was well past using my words. With a zzzt, magnetic fields flared to life containing an edge so sharp and hot, that the plasma could light anything aflame just by being within inches of its surface. Logically, I knew that the disintegration beam was flaring well within the upper Kelvin levels.

Spinning both axes around to get my grips loose and comfortable, I grunted, boosted shift to the left, then slashed upwards with my right bisecting the combo flared bastard in half, thermal vision for the win. I then used the upward slashing momentum to turn and deliver a roundhouse kick aided by its own plasma blade coming from my heel to calf, fuck it all. I was so done with this shit, I came to aid not get some fucking shit pushed inside my ass.

Three more camouflaged broods went down in sprays of blood but I wasn’t finished as I gave another Broodling a savage knee and followed it out of the high rise. My thrusters flared as I used the flash sack bastard to break the obviously expensive office glass.  Ignoring the thing as it went falling to its death, I angled myself and took off towards the city center.

My ring's systems had caught enough of what hit me to get a nice tracking on its position and I was none too pleased with where it came from. That fuck bag just dropped a nuke on my ass. Well, she was about to find out how we beat a mother fucker down back in Brooklyn. My HUD screamed at the power build-up and all that did was kick my ass into high gear to get over there pronto.

Rage 346 %

Will 672 %

My eyes shifted into firmness, a green corona of will started to form around me, the edges tinged with red lines. My HUD belted warnings to me which I ignored.  I flipped over with a spin, auto-aim kicked in for my weapons, and I let them have it. My momentum carried me, I landed with a three-point stance on the side of a building before kicking off hard.

The building collapsed from the combined force of my launch along with the shockwave of my movement. Thrusters flared, wings of green mixed with red trailed behind me as the sound barrier shattered. It wasn’t that hard to keep track of things with how the world exploded around me from each shot landed. Yet, even with the flashes of color, the quakes of the ground, and the buzz of the hive. I only had enough care in the tank for the giant fucking Brood Matriarch. It had to be over a hundred feet tall, but that was dismissed as my HUD outlined where it started and ended at the massive egg sack.

With enhanced perception, I took a chance to look around and found that the creator didn't even leave the crater that it arrived in. The menace started to give birth the moment it landed. My ring gave out at least fifteen different designations to the different-sized creatures, but none really registered to me like the massive Matriarch. 

The tongue flicked out as it hissed with a sibilant twist to its words. Yellow flicked across its skin and my anger just peaked more and more. The creature was grotesque beyond words and bile threatened to force its way up and out. Over the creature’s shoulders held up by two of its insect-like claws were what appeared to be charges of energies. Seeing that brought up the realization, along with a twitch, knowing that this bitch tried to snipe at me from a distance.

Of course, Marvel couldn’t make this shit easy, the first action was to try and smite me with all of her power, and judging from the power levels of those charges, she was about to make a second attempt. They reeked of the corrupting force of FEAR… abomination.

Rage 704%

Will 670%

My HUD screamed at the titanic amount of emotional energies, but that didn’t stop me from calling down my guns, and I do mean all of my guns. My armor opened ports and linked to my hovering carriers. Even up above, the armor on my ship shifted as one of the main cannons made itself known.

My skin tingled and I could feel the anticipation of what I was about to unleash, even if it wasn't the full force of my ship. I wasn't dumb enough to crack the planet I was on.  My stare down with the creature was interrupted with Jessica screaming into my ear.

I guess she finally noticed the weapon systems activating along with a few of the hidden panels shifting to provide access.

“Commander Wolf,” Jessica screamed into my comms.

“You’ll be fine.”

With a thought, I shut the communication node off as I grabbed one of my hover packs and transformed it into a massive mega buster. The head of the Matriarch screamed; her head twitched towards me before looking upwards. Her mouth dripped with a sickly yellow liquid that hissed when it came in contact with the floor and I fought a flinch knowing that she drooled acid. Honestly, I didn’t know what to think, was she a xenomorph rip-off or not, I knew those creatures were out there, but that was for that, and she was before me right now. The Matriarch hissed and clicked to her Broodlings, but she didn’t get enough of a chance to give out commands.

I braced with a shield covering my front, and that was all the warning she got before my ship in orbit let loose with nearly all of its firepower. I flinched as the world flashed a bright light, I dug in as I was hit with titanic forces. The paint stripped from the front of my armor, and I had to ignore the fact that I was now breathing warm air through my helm.

Teeth gritted, I held firm with my shielding being the only thing between myself and orbital decimation.

Yellow hexagons sprang to life in an effort to defend the Matriarch from the onslaught from the heavens. Before the shot could dissipate, I sprang forward with my thrusters going full throttle, and jammed my cannon into the egg sack. The Broodlings that had survived inside of her shielding moved to attack but were impaled by my hovering weapons allowing me to pull the trigger.

The bulbous sack thing shuddered and swelled before bursting like a filthy pustule sack filled with embryonic fluid. My aura flared to life in an effort to protect me and the destruction of the egg sack sent something I never want to be in contact with flying everywhere. My leg boosters ebbed and flowed as I skimmed across the ground as If I was wearing a set of omnidirectional skates. Bobbing and weaving, I made sure to dodge all the parts that could kill me due to their acidic nature even as I placed distance between myself and the Matriarch.

There was a scream before the dust covering the Matriarch blew away in anime stylings. Swarms of Broodlings made themselves known as they skittered around her body. I already knew where this was going as I checked my cannons and set up for another shot. Only to find that the focusing crystal was busted and needed replacement. I decided fuck that as the swarm turned its focus on me. My two axes floated back to my hands and I put the ends together because I was turning it into an ax staff double-headed saber as if I was Darth Maul. I spun my weapon in one hand, ripped my shotgun off the mag clamps with the other, and charged.

Later when I reviewed the footage, I would find that the sun was setting at my back with me casting a long shadow.

Rage 760%

The moment my leg touched the ground and my sensors pinged that I was within exactly ten meters of the Brood Matriarch. I linked a construct tether to my blade staff, pivoted hard on the spot before tossing it with all the impressive strength my suit provided. The double-headed ax staff made a whom, whom sound reminiscent of helicopter blades as it flew through the air.

My hand went up, then yanked down before whipping it outwards in a wide arc, spikes growing along the tether as chain links formed. Everything on the right side mulched and pasted in a spray of blood even as I turned and hunkered down. The Matriarch slammed into my side, a clawed arm raking across my armor and digging out huge chunks.

No quarter shall be given, no mercy shall be shown!

I shoulder-checked the bitch and made some space, yellow dripped from my armor and I really wish that this didn’t have any corrupting forces I should be worried about. I didn’t have a chance to double-check the issue as a tentacle went from invisible to visible and I had a microsecond to go, 'ohh.'

Then I was treated to how Loki felt in the Avengers movies as the Matriarch used me as a fucking beat stick against the ground. My head was dizzy and there were flashing lights as things blurred before the thought of 'fuck this shit' flashed through my mind. Boosters, blades, and spikes all burst through my leg armor shattering the thing that held me.

Not going to lie, I could have timed things a lot fucking better as I went flying ass over teakettle. The building that I slammed into shattered, and I had a brief moment before getting buried to see a yellow streak flying through the air towards my downed location. Rolling over, I coughed out the dust as I looked around for my lost shotgun, too out of it to realize that I could just summon the damn thing to my hand.

I was bloody, I was broken, and I was at the end of my rope…

The Brood Matriarch stomped over and I barely had seconds to throw my hands upwards and erect shielding. Blows rained downwards onto my shields creating cracks that were then patched by red flowing lines. Gritting my teeth, I push down any self-recrimination that I might have felt about being just a human in a situation like this. The soft clicks and scrapes of talons on the ground reached my ears and I could nearly count the untold number of Broods slowly stalking my way.

FUCK MARVEL, I wasn’t about to die today!

I was nothing but piss vinegar and rage. I felt around with a leg for something, anything to use as a weapon until my leg found a section on the wall buckled in from the battle. The cement mortar used was brittle from the touch of my suit's fingertips but with a little grit and pull, my hand came away with a very unique weapon, a fucking brick. But my disbelief had to be dismissed as the Matriarch growled, Fear corruption leaking from her lips.

Lowering my center of gravity, I readied myself and my improvised weapon. My ring was doing all that it could to fix the puncture in my side, bullshit Fear shard and Marvel doing its work to try and fuck me in every way imaginable. Fuck that though, I wanted payback. I pound my fist against my chest and screamed at the monster


The Matriarch looked at my beaten and semi-broken form, then laughed with a few creepy hisses. “Pathetic terran.”

Rage 1298%

Will 567%

Red started to bleed into my power ring's aura before the green ring on my finger split from singular into double its brother glowing a bright magma red. My hand felt heavy even as my body surged with renewed energies. Steam flowed from my flared nostrils before rapidly shifting to flames. It was like something inside of me snapped at her words, RED mixed with green at the edges of my vision.

The act of thinking became difficult and clouded with the feel of magma boiling beneath my skin. My rage bubbled and bubbled until the magma that was beneath my skin foamed at the corner of my mouth. Hazy waves of heat filled my vision as the magma from the corner of my lips dripped down, my face pulling into a snarl of rage. My HUD flashed a warning about a second energy source, but it was ignored as I jumped into action. Tucking into myself and putting my working shoulder forward, I gave that bitch a taste of good ole American football. 

Shoulder checking the brood Matriarch powered by the Yellow lantern shard. We fell a long way down the side of the building, my booster rockets flared putting me on top in a full mount position and I took full advantage and abused the hell out of it. Hammer blows were exchanged as I snarled and snapped like a rabid animal.

Rage 2401%

Magma dripped from my mouth, but I didn’t even care as I brought down my brick reinforced by RAGE. Each hit flared with power, each strike made a point, and each blow stoked the flames of my Rage.

Blam! Blam! Blam!

“Fight back mothafuc’ka fight back!” I snarled at the Matriarch before bringing my brick down a few more times.

Blam! Blam!

“You were popping off at the mouth, talking all that shit, fight back!”

Claws that dug into my side were ignored as my life’s blood burnt away the claw and its attempt of corruption. We hit the ground hard enough to crack windows and kick up debris. That was fixed by my brick coming down with enough force to scatter winds and clearing things out.

Blam! Blam!

“Bitch ass fucking ambush! Fight back!”

Blam! Blam!

Claws scrabble across my chest gouging out deep gashes, even taking out half my visor's optics. Again, my boosters flared and I twisted, pulling off a nasty trick I learned in an MMA course a few years back when it was the hype. It was time to fully mount this bitch.

I jammed one leg in the beast’s armpit to pin the limb while catching the other with the crook of my knee. Now its face was free for beating, and during all this, I never even noticed that I was streaming live.

There were no words on the situation as the solar system and maybe beyond watched me beat a Brood Matriarch to death with a simple brick.

My brick came down with such speed and ferocity our localized area shuddered with each impact.

Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam!

Rage 6745!

I screamed my rage overflowing, “You can’t kill me!”

Blam! Blam! Blam!

Yellow and green blood went flying, but I paid it no mind as I brought my brick down again and again. My armor sizzled from the acid, yet I continued single-mindedly with my task.

Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam!

“Bitch ass fucking insect!”

Blam! Blam! Blam!

“Know your fucking place!”

I brought that brick down, again and again, Smash! Smash! Smash!

Rage 9000%

That was the tipping scales and somewhere in the back of my head, a voice quietly chuckled at the prospect of Vegeta calling out that it was over 9000!! It was all drowned out though by the unstoppable, on quenchable anger.

Kill her, burn it all. Hellish hate is your fate…

Words appeared inside of my mind as my body erupted in fire, brimstones, and magma. Red blazed off my form for a quarter-mile as everything within it disintegrated from my eruption. It started with a blast from red energy from my mouth, then eyes destroying whatever was left of the Matriarch’s head. Granted there was barely anything left after I pounded it down as if it was ground beef.


Roaring nice, long, and loud for the world to see, the planet shook from my power even as I levitated into the air. Red blazed off my skin as blood evaporated from my very body. The blast, I had unleashed from my mouth continued even as it destroyed the Matriarchs body and into space as my head tilted back. If I had seen this from the outside, I would have asked which bastard decided that it was okay putting Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan of all people inside Marvel, but since it was me. I did understand how insane and monstrous I looked from the outside.

Red veins trailed all across my body, my hair fell out to be replaced by a red aura. Even the armor I wore shifted from green to red. Ruble shifted as a Brood fell out of a building, it looked around for a quarter second before getting pasted by my arm outstretched as I flew by, clotheslining the creature. 

All across the enclosure, I wreaked havoc, it was very clear for all those watching that. No, I wasn’t trapped inside of here with them, the Brood was trapped inside of here with me. Anything that pinged on my heightened senses was destroyed in a spray of blood and overwhelming violence. The only thing that was able to fight back was a Hive Lord that I found trying to rally the Broodlings.

Holding him by his throat as I stood on a mountain of Brood corpses, I ignored the claws trying to shred me alive as I pulled his jaws apart. The heat started from my stomach, and bubbled up my throat before pooling inside of my mouth, flames licked at the corners. With one final pull, I broke the Hive Lords jaw hinge as I wrenched its mouth open. Ineffectual blows pounding against my chest started strong then turned weak as I leaned over the Hive Lord's face…. And unleashed a deluge of burning magma down its open gullet.



Rage 9000%


[ Scene Break ]


Up high a few lightyears away sat an enchanting form upon her command throne. Hovering before her was a hologram her communications officer was able to procure before they dropped into the system. She sat regally upon her throne, purple boots wrapped her beautifully toned legs as she showed off one of her best features.

Her chest was wrapped in a corset showing off its advanced technology, plates shifting with her every motion to provide her with the utmost comfort.  Along each of her arms flowed her wings, perfectly groomed for one such as her station. Even if she carried a long-lost genetic trait of her people.

Sitting upon her head was a crown that not only protected her forehead but also sat upon her crest without issue. With the lights overhead powered down, she watched the holo-feed before her with hunger in her gaze.

Even the vaunted Gladiator, her brother's pet has never killed a Brood Matriarch with his bare hands before. Plans would need to be made, but that would only matter if this male survived. There was no hiding the savage grin on her face, teeth bared as she watched him dominate the creature. Yes, he would do just fine.


With a press of the button, her minions were summoned to her side. She would have this terrain, and he would provide for her a powerful child.

“Prep the armada for bombardment.” She spoke her voice drifting throughout the bridge of the ship. “And have a team capture and bring him to me.”

Such an interesting specimen…


Authors Note:


Hope you like the colored text.

Soooo, the Red ring of rage finally showed its face. If this is how he reacts to Red, how will he react to the others.? Yandere Dom with the power of love would be interesting. Or The Love Doctor Dominic Wolf. Do share your thoughts on the images provided below, things are about to get interesting. 


Let me know what you guys think about the chapter.

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