St Chaos Healer

Ch 1 – Birth

It felt like been so long since I lingered in the dark void.
Now after seeing this white tunnel light, it felt the same way as a long-lost sailor drifting in the ocean who managed to see land.

As soon as I saw the light, sounds of murmuring started to erupt.
I couldn’t make sense of the noise as the sound muffled for some reason.

The suction towards the light tunnel was pulling me in, and I didn’t try to resist. I had already done with this void place as it is. Maybe lingering in a different place for a while would be a nice change of pace.

Just when I came close to this tunnel, I realized the tunnel of light was very small indeed. Although it was pulling me towards it, its suction power seemed a bit weakened than before.

I didn’t resist and let the tunnel pull me in. The tunnel pulled my non-existing body piece by piece while I waited patiently. The tunnel opening seeming to be small and it was a little hard to squeeze right in. Soon as the part of the body that had passed through this tunnel felt a different sensation. It was a different sensation, that I can’t actually put a finger on it.

Just when I was getting out of the tunnel, it suddenly started to collapse. The suction power came to halt and the tunnel started to close in.

That’s when I noticed that I was stuck right between the entrance of this tunnel. Only some of the body parts had already passed to the other side while my other major body was still stuck in the dark void.

I was a bit startled and had no clue what to do.

It was right then I felt a sensation like I was grabbed by something. I felt this feeling on the part of the body that had managed to pass through the light tunnel. I was still connected with the body that had crossed the tunnel, so I could clearly tell that something was holding me.

I was a bit startled and tried to pull back my other body back in the void but failed to do so. Not only I failed to pull it back, but the strange aura also restrained my other half when I tried to free it myself.

Just when I heard a voice,
“The baby’s legs are already out. She needs to push a little more.” a voice boomed out loud. The tone of this voice seemed to belong to a hoarse and mature man. And from the looks of it, he seemed to be old.

I directly discern that the source of this voice came from the other side of the light tunnel.

It’s been so long since I heard the voice of another living thing so I was a bit startled. Although I hadn’t paid much attention to what I just heard but, I could confirm was there was someone on the other end of the light tunnel.

“Dear, hold on a little longer!” another voice echoed. Although, this voice was a bit different from the voice I had heard before. This voice had a tone had a sense of urgency and from the looks of this, it pretty much belong to a man.

I was still trying to make sense of what I just heard. Right now, the language those people were speaking didn’t belong to my demonic realm. But for some reason, this language seemed kinda nostalgic.

After thinking for some time, I remembered.
When I was still not crowned as the Overlord, I had some dealings with the dwellers in the mortal realm.

The mortal realm and the demonic realm existed in a different dimension. The two worlds were in a different dimensional plane and the only way to travel was through the Ancient portal gates created by ancient mages.

I had visited the mortal realm for a brief period and during my stay there I often saw the dwellers conversing within themselves. I also picked up a few words before going back to my realm. So I had no clue what they were speaking. 

So now that it was clear which language, then the people also belong to the mortal realm.

“Beth, you’ve to push a little more. Our baby’s almost out.” the voice boomed in once again, distracting me.

Just when suction increased and the tunnel’s opening once again widened. My lower half part which was in the clutches of someone’s hand pulled me towards it. The one pulling me must be the people who were speaking outside.

At that moment I didn’t understand anything that was transpiring.

Just when remembered something.

This couldn’t be a soul summoning technique?
There were many such forbidden soul binding techniques where one can summon the soul of their enemies and transplant into a puppet to do their bidding. Once the soul was sealed in the puppet, they had to obey their master’s command forever until the owner dies or the puppet’s body was destroyed

Were the mortal dwellers summoning my soul from the void to do their bidding or something?
As I thought about such a possibility I couldn’t help shivering.

Thinking of someone using such a wicked technique, I quickly started resisting.
I would rather linger in the void than become chained like a slave to a mortal dweller.

I started resisting the suction and tried to get back inside the void.

“Hey, miss. The baby is trying to struggle, you’ve to push harder.”

“Beth, just hold on a bit longer. You can do it!” another voice exclaimed.

I don’t have clue what they were speaking but I still tried to crawl back into the void.

Just when a loud grunting voice boomed. From the voice, it seemed to belong to a woman. From the looks of it, the source of the voice was much closer than the other voices.

But before I could do anything, the suction power increased and the lower body was pulled out.

The next second I was suddenly blinded by the light as soon as I crossed out of the tunnel.
I hurriedly tried to close my eyes but this time it worked.

If I was not wrong currently I was just a soul, so if I tried to close my eyes which naturally shouldn’t have worked. But for some reason, it worked just now.

When I tried to close my eyelids from the blinding light, the vision became a little dark with a pinkish hue. Seeing this, I was a bit surprised seeing such a thing.

Once again, I was witnessing a different light other than pitch black and can’t help myself becoming a little happy.

Just when I felt like I was in a grasp of a giant pretty much the man who was pulling me before. I was a little vigilant but for some reason, I could tell the giant who held me had a gentle grasp.

Soon the giant hands started moving and I felt as if I was being wrapped in a soft fabric that covered, binding me and restraining my lower body.

“Congratulations! It’s a healthy boy.”

The source of the voice seemed to be the old man who was holding me.

Just when my body had a little jolted a little. I felt that the touch of the hands-on my back was removed and then replaced by another pair of hands. It felt like the old man just passed me and now another person was holding me.

“Oh, dear! Look at our handsome son.” this voice belongs to the other man.

I can’t understand what he was saying but from the tone he spoke, it felt this giant holding me seemed to be very excited.

“Let me have a look.” a female voice replied in a tired tone.

Once again I felt a little jolt as I felt now another pair of hands grabbing me from behind. It looks like I was once again being transferred to another giant.

Just when I gently opened my eyes after keeping it close all this time.

Soon I was hit by different colors that entered my retina. It took some time to process the information as my vision was not used to seeing other colors for so long.

Just when the faces of two giants came into view.

The one closer to me was the face of the female giants as her curls of red hair were behind earlobes. She had pretty dark red hair which complimented her pretty green eyes. 

One who was currently holding me was the beautiful female giant. She let loose her beautiful long red hair as its curls flowing beside her earlobes. Beautiful long eyelashes accompanied by her beautiful greenish hazel eyes which right now was staring right at me.

From the looks of it, her face color seemed to be a bit pale, and beads of sweat flowing through her brow. Despite her unruly appearance, the bright smile on her face gave quite a lively aura.

From the looks of it, currently, I was in the grasp of this female giant.

Just when my gaze falls beside her, the other male giant was also gawking at me with a goofy smile.

He had rough unkempt curly black hair that seemed to grown like a mound on top of his head. Meanwhile, his charcoal brown eyes looked quite big under as it if he would cry anytime soon. Despite his unkempt hair, he had quite a clean shaved jaw with a small mustache that was trimmed quite well.

After I gazed at the two giants, I looked around my surroundings.

I looked above to see, wooden straw thatch over the ceiling. I found myself in a small room which was lit by a lamp and some candles. This room gave a quite homely feeling, this should be where these giants dwell. 

I also saw a giant old man in the distance. He had a broad grumpy nose and balding head with grey hair on the sides. If my guess is right, he must be the one who pulled me outside the void.

That old coot must be the one who summoned my soul, he does look like those annoying ugly old wizards. But for some reason, he didn’t give much evil aura like those crazy wizards. 

Are these giants actually humans?

Maybe I’m sealed in a small puppet body.

I glanced back at the two near-humans who were still gawking at me with pleasant smiles.
They didn’t seem hostile but I don’t like the way they were treating me.

I had eyelids when I tried closing my eyes so I must have my voice as well.

The two human giants seemed quite happy after completing the summoning technique to make a puppet slave, but they don’t know that they managed to summon, me, Supreme Overlord of the Demon world.

I was already frustrated because of all the betrayal and the demise of my beloved wife. On top of that, being summoned by humans, they seemed quite eager to die. Slaughtering humans would be a good way to vent my anger. Despite being a puppet, I must still able to use my powerful magic to some extent.

I glared at the two giant humans with a stern eye. Then I proceed to release my unleash my threatening Tyrant aura to stir fear and declare who teach who they were trying to mess.

I tried clearing my throat with a cough, which sounded like a weird groan… Nevermind.
[“Keep your grubby hands away from me humans”] that’s what I tried to say.

But the only sound that came from my mouth was,
*Ga gu*

The heck did I say?

I pretty much tried to talk but only two syllabus noises came from my mouth. Even I was wondering did I stutter?

I glared back angrily at the two gawking human couple,
[“What the heck did you to do me?”] I tried to scream in my raging tone.

*Aa Goo* 
The only sound came from my mouth when I tried to speak.

Right now, I was pretty sure I had released my tyrant aura that would petrify every living being under my gaze in fear. One of the Overlord’s skills which are pretty handy. But instead of cowering in fear, the two couples smiled even brightly at me as if they were mocking me.

“Look at our son. He has beautiful eyes just like his Mama.” said the man with curly unkempt hair with a wide smile.

The female smiled with a teary eye,
“He is also quite a handsome boy, just like you.”

I don’t know what they were happy about and can’t make any sense of their language. But it seemed that my Demonic Overlord power and abilities were sealed. Damn it!

I tried to move my body but I didn’t seem to have much control or power in my body. My legs were restrained by clothing, only my hands were free.

I quickly tried to glance at my hands.

Just when I saw smooth-soft pale small hands. I tried moving my fingers but I couldn’t properly control them. But it was a fact that this hand definitely belonged to me.

Soon I realized that my hands were real hands, with flesh and bones. 

The soul summoning ritual attaches the soul to inanimate objects. Most like wooden dolls or tools. Although, there are some historical records of magic where one can add a soul to a corpse this was ancient lost magic.

I once again tried talking but only make lame two syllables noise at most. I tried for few times but only groan and moan a bit.

Seeing my pathetic attempt to converse, the couple giants looked at me with awe.
“Look our baby son is saying something in his baby language.” said the female named Beth with a pleasant smile that reached the corner of her eye.

The man near him looked at me and pointed to the female,
“This is your Mama.” and then pointed to himself, “And this gentleman here is your Dada.”

“Haha… Our son is actually telling me in his language to tell Dad to get rid of his bird nest of a hair,” said Beth while looking at the man followed by a giggle.

The man suddenly frowned,
“Hey?! Are you are using our son to emotional blackmail on getting rid of my beautiful hair?”

The female just smiled without any response.

That’s when it hit me.

During the time the man tried to point at the female and the male, he called them Mama and Dada. Doesn’t it mean mother and father?

I have no clue what language they speak but the universal term for Mother and Father and Mama and Dada. No matter who the people are or where they are born, the newborn baby would always call them mama and Dada/Papa.

The reason why this is to say so is that whenever a newborn baby starts to develop their local vocal cord, the first words they could create is ‘Ma’ or ‘Da’. The former word is most often said first among newborn babies. Hence why the words for mother and father have so many similarities in every language in general.

I know all these things because I had prior researched this thing in my free time.

When Gloxinia, my beloved wife who was still 2 months pregnant and visiting her parents. I had read a lot of books about babies and child care. Of course, I read it in secrecy.

The supreme Demonic Overlord reading such books if anyone came to know I would die in shame. 
I actually bought these books from the mortal realms when I went to visit.

Reminiscing about past bought made me gloomy once again but I quickly shoved the sad thoughts. I had mourned for their deaths, enough in the void as it is.

Now that I was reborn as a human infant without any of former Demonic Overlord abilities. I must once again try to get strong enough to get my vengeance.

I will bear it and play along with the human couple for the time being.
I need to make use of them until I could at least stand on my own two feet.

Being born as such an infant human baby is really annoying. Damn it!

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