Spiderman: I had enough

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

With my priorities finally defined, I immersed myself in learning every last detail of the process needed to create the super serum.

As I combed through the villain's research papers and experiment logs, I unknowingly slipped into a deeper state of concentration. Thoughts and ideas surged into my mind, and as I continued to dig deeper, I lost all track of time.

Hours, days, maybe even weeks—I couldn't grasp how long had passed.

I only knew one thing: I stayed in that state until my body couldn't keep up.

Even though my body is already better than a regular human's, days spent in such intense focus, without sleep or food, would still take their toll.

When I finally emerged from that deep state, my mouth was dry. I was thirsty, starving, weak, and had a splitting headache pounding in my skull.

The world spun around me, and it wasn't long before I collapsed onto the cold concrete floor, slipping into unconsciousness.

Time passed as I lay motionless on the ground. Almost half a day went by before I finally woke up.

Luckily, the headache was gone, but I still felt dizzy, weak, and painfully hungry. My stomach felt like it was digesting itself.

Slowly, I got to my feet and reached for my cellphone lying on a nearby counter.

Checking the date, I realized it was already 7:00 AM on February 14, 2012—two months before the New York invasion.

I'd arrived here on February 7. No wonder my body was in such rough shape.

I'm amazed I'm even alive after a whole week without a single drop of water. I should thank my enhanced body for holding out this long; a normal person would have probably died within three to five days without water, let alone an entire week.

If I were a regular human, I'd be dead.

But if I had to do it again, I'd do it without a second thought. Now, I don't just understand the serum—I know everything about it.

With the knowledge I've acquired, I can modify and create a version of the serum that I can actually use!

Not only that, but I could even make a version of the serum that doesn't rely on animal DNA. It wouldn't be as powerful as the one that does, but it's possible.

In fact, I could probably sell those weaker versions on the black market and make a fortune. There are plenty of people willing to pay for any chance to enhance their strength. And I plan to take full advantage of that.

But that's a plan for later. Right now, I just need food and water.

After I eat and drink, I'll need to gather materials to create my modified version of the serum.

I could buy everything I need on the black market, but I have a better idea of how to obtain it. And let's just say… someone's not going to be happy.

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