Spider-Man Mayhem

Chapter 257: Chapter 257: Public Enemy #1

[Third Person's PoV] 

Peter and MJ woke up the next morning, still curled up together. Their clothes were still on, so nothing too extreme had happened between them.

Both had wild bed hair, and their expressions showed they were still half-asleep.

Peter let out a big yawn before pressing a light kiss to the top of MJ's head. "I've got something to do today, so I won't be able to walk you to school. Sorry."

MJ groaned. "It's summer, Pete. School's ending in, like, two weeks. Do we even need to go?"

She flopped back onto the bed and threw a pillow over her face.

Peter chuckled. "Technically, summer doesn't start until the 21st. And I have perfect attendance—I don't want to mess that up."

MJ scoffed, still buried in her pillow. "Perfect attendance, my butt! You've missed so many classes. The only reason you're not failing and stuck in summer school is because your test scores are good and you actually do your homework."

Peter smirked. "I might've missed classes, but I haven't missed a day. Well—except for that one time I was sick. But that was an excused absence, so it doesn't count."

MJ lifted the pillow just enough to glare at him. "Alright, alright, Mr. Perfectionist… So what's so important that we can't walk together? That's, like, the only thing that makes getting up in the morning worth it," she muttered the last part under her breath.

Peter sat on the edge of the bed, ruffling his already messy hair. "I'm walking Mr. Connors' son to school. If people see him being escorted by Spider-Man, he won't get bullied."

MJ's annoyed expression instantly softened. "Aww~" she cooed. "That's adorable. Actually, I'll join you! What could be better than getting escorted by two superheroes?"

Peter raised an eyebrow. "Fine, but you better get ready fast. And no eating dry toast on the go—I will not allow it."

MJ groaned and kicked him lightly on the butt. "Will you drop the dry toast thing already?! I swear, next time, I'll kick you harder."

Peter just laughed, rubbing his backside as he headed out of her room and through the front door. He greeted Ms. Watson on the way out, who returned the greeting, already used to Peter showing up unannounced.

Once he got home, he took a quick, warm shower, got dressed, grabbed his things, and hurried downstairs.

"Morning!" Peter called as he rushed past Aunt May and Uncle Ben. "Can't stay to chat—love you!"

Before they could respond, he snatched a toasted waffle, layered it with toppings, chugged down some juice in one go, and bolted out the door, leaving them staring after him in disbelief.

Outside, MJ was already waiting. She had tied her hair into a high ponytail, with two long, curly red strands framing her face. She jogged over, skipping slightly. "Ready?"

"Kinda. Let's go." Peter spoke with his mouth full, having eaten only half of his oversized waffle. He noticed MJ eyeing it and chuckled. "Here."

Her eyes lit up. "Really?" she asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Just take it, you glutton." Peter rolled his eyes, handing it over.

MJ shot him a look but happily accepted it, munching as they walked.

Soon, Spider-Man and the Scarlet Spider were swinging through the city, effortlessly navigating between rooftops.

"So, do you already have her address?" MJ asked as she landed beside Peter, running along the rooftop before leaping off and swinging to the side.

"Yeah. Aria got it for me, along with her number," Spider-Man replied. "I messaged her last night as soon as I got home. She was skeptical at first, but after some reassurance, she was okay with it. Though… maybe it was just the way I read it, but I think she was still unsure."

He suddenly stopped at the edge of a rooftop, crouching down. MJ landed beside him, tilting her head in confusion.

Peter pointed to the building across the street—a large apartment complex. Near the entrance stood a tall, beautiful woman with dirty blonde hair tied in a low ponytail.

Beside her was a little blonde boy with bright blue eyes, gripping the straps of his backpack with both hands, shifting uncomfortably as he looked around.

"Meet Martha and Billy Connors," Spider-Man whispered.

Billy fidgeted, glancing up at his mother. "Who are we waiting for? You said we were going to school with someone special…"

Martha checked her watch, an awkward expression crossing her face. "In a few, Billy, honey. He said he'd be here any moment."

'I really hope I haven't been stood up,' she thought anxiously. 'Surely this wasn't a cruel prank? That's exactly why I didn't tell Billy who we were meeting—I didn't want to get his hopes up…'

Before she could worry any further, two webs shot down in front of them, latching onto the sidewalk. A second later, Spider-Man and the Scarlet Spider swung down, landing smoothly in their iconic poses.

"Hey~" Spider-Man grinned, striking a playful tone. "Is someone in need of a hero?"

Expecting excitement, Peter instead met a look of pure disdain.

Billy turned to his mother, frowning. "This is the special someone you mentioned?"

"Ugh!" Spider-Man clutched his chest dramatically as if he had been struck.

Both MJ and Martha blinked in surprise at Billy's reaction.

"What's wrong, Billy?" Martha asked, concerned. "I thought you liked superheroes."

Billy shifted behind his mother shyly, peeking out—though his gaze was fixed on MJ. "I do like superheroes… her especially. I'd definitely like her autograph."

MJ smirked with a hint of pride. "Smart kid."

Billy's face darkened. "But does it have to be Spider-Man?"

"UGH!!" Spider-Man staggered, dropping to his knees.

"If you knew me, you'd know I hate Spider-Man."

"Urghhh…" Peter was now on all fours, shaking slightly.

"He's my least favorite of the bunch."

Spider-Man stretched out a trembling hand, barely holding himself up. MJ crouched beside him, patting his back sympathetically. "You're… you're killing him over here with your words." She turned back to Billy. "If you don't mind me asking… why do you hate Spider-Man so much?"

Billy clenched his fists, his eyes welling with tears. "Hmm, I don't know… maybe because he's the reason my dad is in jail and I don't get to see him anymore."

"Yeah… that would do it." MJ winced, rubbing the back of her head. "Looks like you've found your number one public enemy, Spidey."

Even Martha looked uncomfortable. "Honey, we've talked about this… You know it's not Spider-Man's fault—"

Spider-Man lifted a hand, stopping her gently. He crouched down to Billy's level, his voice calm and understanding.

"Okay," he said. "I get it. You don't like me. That's fine—I don't have to be your favorite. But is there a hero you do like? Who's your favorite?"

Billy hesitated, eyeing Spider-Man with a look that said he barely found him worth speaking to.

Billy grumbled, crossing his arms. "I like Nightwing more… It would've been way better if he was the one here instead of you."

MJ frowned. "Come on, that's a bit harsh—"

But Spider-Man just placed a hand on her shoulder and shook his head, stopping her.

Instead, he looked down at Billy with a smile. "Alright then. One Nightwing, coming right up."

Billy blinked in confusion as Spider-Man casually walked a few feet away, tapping the side of his mask. "Aria, call him for me, please."

From where they stood, they could faintly hear his conversation.

"Hey, can you do me a small favor? I'm in a bit of a pinch right now… No, it's not money-related! Since when have I ever asked you for money? Anyway, that's not important. I need you in your other persona at the moment."

A pause.

"Let's just say I met a kid who likes you way more than me and is… uh, very disappointed with who he's meeting right now— Don't laugh!! It's not that funny! I'm bombing out here, man. I need backup. So, are you coming or not?"

Another short pause.

"Alright, have Aria guide you. She'll explain everything."

Spider-Man let out a small sigh before turning back to the group. "He's on his way, so don't worry."

Billy's eyes lit up. "I'm gonna meet Nightwing?! Mom, did you hear that?! I'm gonna meet Nightwing!" He practically bounced in place before looking up at Martha. "Do you think we have time to go up and grab my comics so he can sign them?"

Martha hesitated, but seeing the sheer joy in Billy's eyes—the same boy who had been so withdrawn and hurt for months—her resistance crumbled. The memories of his sadness, his quiet sobs at night, and the way he had been struggling since his father's arrest flashed through her mind.

She sighed and nodded. "Alright, alright. Let's go."

Billy beamed and immediately grabbed her hand, dragging her toward the entrance. "Come on, let's go before he gets here!"

As they disappeared inside, MJ's frown deepened. "I don't like how that kid was talking to you at all. If he knew the real conversation you had with his dad, he'd be singing a very different tune."

Spider-Man just chuckled, reaching over to softly ruffled her hair. "It's alright, Really. I expected this."

She gave him a skeptical look. "That doesn't mean it's fair."

"No, it's not. But it makes sense," Peter said, his voice softer now. "He's a kid. He's grieving. He's hurting because his dad is gone, and on top of that, he's getting picked on for it. From his perspective, I'm the reason for all of it."

MJ clenched her fists. "It's still not right."

Spider-Man stopped her with a reassuring pat on the head. "You getting angry on my behalf is more than enough." His tone turned playful. "Besides, I doubt a brat's opinion of me is gonna be the end of the world."

MJ sighed, shaking her head with a small smirk. "Alright, fine. You win. I'll drop it."


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