Special Years

Chapter 65 - To fight or not to fight?

“I’ve decided, recently your second practice basic training is almost done, and you’re just short of the practical exercise. I plan to organize a practical exercise tomorrow. The recruits of the whole company include the comrades of the fire platoon. Get out of this tolerance.”

Seeing that the team below was discussing, he tensed his face and said loudly, “All quiet!”

After everyone calmed down, he continued: “I’m here to give you a little news. This business trip is to help the water police station. They are our joint construction units. There are only dozens of people in their entire police station, which is not enough. Let us send ten people to Yutian Port to help them move things and manage a meal. I remind everyone that the water police station is a good unit that does not owe funds. Their meals But it’s delicious, at least much better than our company’s food.”

Hearing that the food was good, everyone was moved.

Recently, the amount of training has increased, and Zhuang Yan finds that no matter how much he eats, he feels that he is short of oil and water. Usually, not long after eating, his stomach will growl with hunger again.

When he came to be a soldier, Zhuang Yan weighed 151 pounds. Over the past few months, Zhuang Yan felt that his trousers had lost a few sizes.

When he was at home, Zhuang Zhenguo had always been critical of his weight and body shape, and he would definitely be overjoyed to see him now.

A few days ago, it was Zhuang Yan’s turn to help the cook in the cooking class. He was still weighing on the scale, and found that he was only 131 pounds, a full 20 pounds less.

Twenty pounds!

That’s a whole roast suckling pig!

The promise of company commander Zhang Jianxing caused an uproar among the recruits.

I can take a day off, and I can go to Yutian Port with the gang of policemen.

Yutian Port is the largest port in S City. It is near the urban area. Zhuang Yan has long wanted to go for a walk in the urban area. Now that he has the opportunity, how can he let it go?

In fact, it is not only solemn, everyone in the entire Eighth Company is eyeing these nine places.

From the cadres’ point of view, the company commander’s incentive was a slap in the face.

I’m afraid this live ammunition test will be another battle.

The collective sense of honor of the troops is very strong.

In the platoon, it is the competition between squads, and in the company, it is the competition between platoons and platoons.

Everyone wants to show their soldiers in the assessment competition. Even Yin Xiancong, who has always been indifferent and only focused on studying and preparing for the military academy, was moved.

After dinner, Yin Xiancong gathered ordinary people to hold a class meeting under a few big pine trees on the training ground.

“Monitor, if you have something to say, just say it.”

Yang Song, the deputy monitor, saw that Yin Xiancong didn’t say a word for a long time, so he couldn’t help but speak.

Yin Xiancong said, “Yang Song, do you think our class can grab a few tolerance indicators?”

“How many?” Yang Song smiled, shook his head and said, “There are only 9 indicators in total, including firepower platoons. We have ten platoons in a row, and one per person is not enough. I think…”

His eyes swept across the rest of the recruits.

“It’s okay if our class can come up with an estimate, but one is serious, and the others are not enough.”

Yin Xiancong sighed and said, “Recently, the company has been taking care of me in the entrance examination, so they always ask me to make up for cultural subjects. The training is usually brought by the class deputy. I have neglected this point.”

Then he changed the conversation and said, “Yang Song, think about it, if I do this, it will also benefit you.”

“Benefits?” Yang Song said, “What benefits?”

Yin Xiancong said: “I will start the exam in May. I am the monitor of this class in name, but you are actually leading it. The results are all yours. Besides, you don’t want to get a third-class merit and turn over? “

Yang Song was stunned.

What Yin Xiancong said is not without reason.

When it comes to training, Yang Song really belongs to the upper level in the level of the eighth company monitor, otherwise the coaching brigade would not have kept him.

Only then made a mistake.

In essence, Yang Song is still a soldier with pursuit.

There are more than 20 squad leaders and deputy squad leaders in the entire company. Every year, one or two indicators are given to the outstanding squad leaders who lead the troops.

There is a practice in the Eighth Company, as long as you get a third-class merit during the three-year service period, then when the service period expires, the company cadres will be retained as the backbone.

Staying in the team is equivalent to overdue service. In the fourth year, usually one third-class merit and two third-class merits will be taken care of, and there are conditions to apply to the superiors directly.

Therefore, the third-class merit is also an opportunity.

“I know what you’re going to say, squad leader, I appreciate your kindness, but you see how much competition we have, let’s just say we are in the platoon. The second squad leader may not want to stay in the team, but the third squad leader is determined to stay in the army. Damn, you can see that he has been holding his class training so tightly recently, and the results are not bad…”

Yin Xiancong said: “That’s not necessarily true. The training of Xu Xingguo in their squad is very good, and the quality of other soldiers is not necessarily better than that of our squad.”

Yang Song said: “Shooting is a subject, our class should be serious…”

Yin Xiancong glanced at Zhuang Yan and signaled to Yang Song: “I think Zhuang Yan is okay. I think that the grades of other people are good. It is estimated that half of our class can achieve excellent grades.”

Yang Song turned his attention to Zhuang Yan with a face full of indescribable words: “Zhou Zhuang? Just him?”

Zhuang Yan originally wanted to go on a business trip, and was questioned by the deputy classmate Yang Song in person, so he couldn’t help saying: “Deputy class, don’t underestimate me, I can do it!”

Yang Song said: “Cough, at your level, you can sometimes be good and sometimes bad. In our company, your training is not the worst, but you can’t be linked with good words. Look at the first time you practiced, you actually Still off target…”

“I…” Zhuang Yan almost rushed out, revealing that he deliberately hit Guo Xiangyang’s target with a bullet.

But still held back.

Let the squad leader and deputy squad leader know that they did this deliberately, and I’m afraid they will be punished again.

However, Yang Song’s words really ignited the competitive fire in his heart.

“Anyway, I can do it!”

Yang Song smiled: “You can do it, boy~www.mtlnovel.com~ the sows will climb the tree!”

Zhuang Yan said in disbelief: “Okay, deputy of the squad, just wait. If I make the top ten in the whole company, you can go to our company’s pigpen and hold a sow and hang it on a tree.”

After the meeting, Yin Xiancong asked all the recruits to return to the row room, leaving only Yang Song and the two to talk.

After chatting for a while about the recent training, Yin Xiancong suddenly said: “Yang Song, don’t underestimate that boy Zhuang Yan, I was by his side when he practiced shooting last time, this boy was very accurate in the first few shots, and his level was good enough. , Although the last shot was off the target, I looked at Guo Xiangyang’s target paper, and the bullet that ran to Guo Xiangyang’s target was 10 rings.”

“Cough cough cough—”

Yang Song almost choked to death on the smoke.

“10 rings?! You mean, his total number of rings should have been 46?”

Yin Xiancong said: “That’s right. I have been observing him for a long time. This soldier is a bit interesting. He is afraid of hardship, but he is very shameful. He doesn’t want to stay in our company. I wanted to be a hygienist and a correspondent, but people wanted it again, and I felt ashamed of being at the bottom of the list, so I kept the middle level every time.”

“You say that, he is preserving his strength?” Yang Song smiled.

Yin Xiancong said, “You can say that, I think he has great potential to be tapped. If you don’t believe me, let’s see this second practice test. He really wants to go on a business trip, so he will definitely do his best.”

When Yang Song heard this, he suddenly felt a little more confident.

In fact, it’s not that he doesn’t want to achieve results, but that he has turned over his mistakes. He feels that the company cadres have simply given up on him, and that’s why he doesn’t think too much.

“Okay, if this kid can make the top three, I’ll go to the company’s pigsty and pick up a pig and hang it on a tree for him to see!”

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