Special Years

Chapter 45 - Going to war?

The conversation between Yin Xiancong and Yin Xiancong was actually forgotten after solemnly turning his head after changing the guard.

The time is already the first day of the new year.

He has more to look forward to.

Actually, there is nothing to look forward to during the Chinese New Year. What Zhuang Yan looks forward to most is not the New Year, but after the New Year.

More than half of the three-month recruit period has passed. The gossip in the battalion said that at the end of this year, they will have to meet the headquarters assessment and compete for the title of the quick-response unit. Compared with previous years, the recruits are ten days shorter than the previous years, and the company will start professional training in advance.

The so-called professional training refers to other professional training in addition to the common subjects of the troops.

If your major is infantry, then you must study infantry, machine gunners should study machine guns, and artillerymen should study artillery.

And each major is subdivided into various categories of minor majors.

For example, in shooting subjects, the infantrymen of the front-line field troops require the 81-1 automatic rifle shooting practice one, two, and three, some units even need to learn four or five practice, and special reconnaissance units need to learn tactical shooting, and tactical shooting is subdivided into Close-up, mountain shooting, ride-on shooting, and more…

Or throw a bomb. In the infantry major of the elite field troops, the bombing subject is no longer the single run-up and long-range shooting that recruits learn in the company, but it is required to be divided into lying position bombing, kneeling position bombing and standing position bombing. Bunker target, fixed-point bombing, etc.

The former is compared to distance, the latter is compared to technology.

Before joining the army, I solemnly heard such a saying.

The hardest part of the three years of soldiers was the recruit company. After leaving the company, they trained on the buttocks of the veterans. If the veterans were lazy, they would also be lazy, and life would not be too difficult.

So he looked forward to it every day, eager to get off the company early, and felt that his neck had grown by two inches.

The battalion commander Teng Wenji had already announced the arrangement during the Spring Festival—half training for three days, and on the first night of the new year, he would go to the regiment headquarters to watch the performance.

There is no nighttime physical training, no emergency gatherings, no bedtime standing training, no physical training in bed, all the annoying and scary things seem to be gone…

After the Chinese New Year, if you grit your teeth and train for another ten days, you can leave the company.

After leaving the company, it is said that there are various opportunities to escape from the front-line troops.

It’s really a good time!

After changing the post, Majestic rolled up the quilt, with a rare and relaxed smile on his mouth, and fell into a beautiful dream in the dim light that came in at the door.

Dreams are always beautiful, but reality is always cruel.

This sentence has a profound experience in the solemnity of the boot camp.

must must must must must be must-

A short whistle sound, too familiar, broke the silence of the entire camp.

Emergency assembly whistle! ?

Zhuang Yan bounced off his bed and hit his head against the bed frame, grinning in pain.

It’s not yet dawn outside.

The sun in winter is always late.

He thought he was dreaming.

New Year’s Day emergency gathering! ?

These guys from Dog Day are crazy! ?

However, the familiar sound of Xixi Susuo getting up made him understand that this was not a dream.

“Emergency assembly!”

The voice of the platoon leader Adai rang in the platoon room, and only then did Zhuang Yan know that the **** was really here.

Although his head was chaotic, his body moved mechanically – carrying a backpack, putting on clothes, putting on a backpack, carrying a water bottle, gas mask, satchel, holding a gun, and then running to the playground with the brigade.

“Seriously, what’s going on? There is an emergency gathering on the first day of the new year!?”

While packing his backpack, Zhuang Yan turned his head to ask the seriousness of the bed next door.

“I don’t know! Hurry out!” said Serenity, while knotting the backpack strap, hanging the water bottle satchel and the bullet strap, grabbed the gun, grabbed the backpack and ran away.

After solemnly exiting the row, he found out that the second row was not doing the emergency rally training by himself.

He saw that the entire camp was immersed in a silent and tense atmosphere.

In the darkness, there were rustling footsteps.

The whole camp is moving!

The entire battalion urgently assembled!

Zhuang Yan followed the team in the platoon, running around in a circle, until he came to the big playground.

When he saw the situation on the big playground clearly, he was stunned.

The entire battalion, including the veteran company, is here!

On the big playground, the company runs one by one into the predetermined position.

“Fuck… I’m not going to fight, are you?”

Zhuang Yan felt that his liver was clenched tightly, and the small hairs on his face stood on end.

“have no idea…”

Ordinary people say that the seriousness who knows everything about the army is also confused about this emergency gathering. Like Zhuang Yan, he is also confused.

When people are unlucky, they get stuck in their teeth when they drink cold water…

Zhuang Yan couldn’t help but get up.

Could it be that in the past two months as a soldier, some small neighboring country has violated the border?

Father Zhuang Zhenguo fought in wars.

When he was a child, Zhuang Yan often rummaged through food at home, and unintentionally found a few military medals from a secret place in a cabinet in his parents’ room.

Although I don’t know what that thing is, it must be a tribute to Zhuang Zhenguo’s fighting hero or something.

Once upon a time, when the relationship between the two fathers and sons was not too tense, Zhuang Yan also asked his father what happened on the battlefield, intentionally or not.

But what surprised Zhuang Yan was that Zhuang Zhenguo, who had several military medals, never mentioned those past years in front of his son.

He always has a deep expression, UU reading www. uukanshu.com frowned, his face heavy, and then reprimanded in a paternalistic tone: “War is to die for! What else to say!?”

And now, have you also encountered a war?

Thinking of this, the solemn face of the recruit Danzi turned pale.

I have been in the army for less than two months, and my gun has never felt hot, and I have only learned to shoot with a 100-meter fixed chest ring target. I have not even started shooting live ammunition, but now I have encountered a war…

“Dog Day’s…”

As he cursed inwardly, he almost cried.

In the faint morning light, surrounded by black steel helmets, there were constantly companies running into the field.

Next to the eighth company of recruits is the company of veterans.

There is a big difference between these veterans and recruits.

The veterans are all in 87-style camouflage uniforms, with dark green steel helmets on their heads, and the steel helmets are covered with all kinds of camouflage—cloth covers, cloth strips, and even the withered grass and weeds on the roadside…

Compared with the recruits, the veteran’s eyes have a calmness that the recruits never have, and even a bit of a feeling of being incapacitated.

What made Zhuang Yan’s eyes even more open was that he saw many weapons that he usually couldn’t see.

The veteran with two bars hanging on one shoulder next to him carried a large steel plate like a tortoise shell, while the other carried a huge round barrel.

Not far apart, Zhuang Yan could even smell the gun oil and gun smoke on the veterans.

Time passed by second by second, and all kinds of firearms and the like all entered the field one after another.

The tense atmosphere is getting stronger.

Is there really going to be a war! ?

He murmured again in his heart, and solemnly, whose nerves were extremely tense, felt that his knees were a little weak, and he had the urge to go to the toilet to pee.

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