Special Years

Chapter 34 - question

Zhuang Yan felt that his head was getting bigger, a layer of fog appeared in his line of sight, and all the surrounding scenery seemed a little blurry.

Hearing is also weakened.

He vaguely heard Yin Xiancong’s voice.

And there are cheers from fellow platoon comrades.


Niu Dali’s voice was so hollow, as if it came from another distant world.

“Come down! Stop pulling!”

Suddenly, Yin Xiancong felt that something was wrong.

The solemn eyeballs have turned upwards.

“Come down! Majestic, I order you to come down! Come down immediately! This is an order!”

No matter how he shouted, Majestic was still like a koala, his hands hanging on the horizontal bar.

Dedham, who was on the side, was just wringing his hands, but this time he rushed to the side of the equipment field and said to Yin Xiancong, “Go up and take him down!”

All this, solemnly unaware.

He knew that if he pulled another one, he would win!

He knew that only in this way could he prove himself!

Xu Xingguo was also stunned.

He didn’t expect that the usual solemnity of Ma Daha would suddenly become a desperate Saburo today.

In the eyes of the entire 2nd row of recruits, Zhuang Yan is a guy who likes to laugh and joke, and is a bit sloppy.

This is the first time everyone has seen Zhuang Yan so serious.

When a person is serious, it is terrifying.

Every mountain moves a mountain, meets a river and builds a bridge.

Nothing can stop a serious person.

All the shouting around suddenly stopped.

Yin Xiancong rushed up, and before he could get under the horizontal bar, Zhuang Yan fell heavily on the sand in the equipment yard like a lead sinker.

“Quick! Take it to the battalion health center!” Dadehan commanded a few recruits, set up the solemn who had fainted and ran towards the battalion headquarters.

Including the other squad leaders, all the recruits in the platoon were stupid.

No one has ever seen Zhuang Yan so serious.


To be precise, no one has ever seen a recruit work so hard!

“Zhengyan…Is it crazy today…” Chang Sheng waited for a pair of copper bell eyes, swallowed a mouthful of saliva for a long time, looked at the serious person next to him and said.

Serious eyes filled with passion, Chang Sheng rolled his eyes and said, “You’re crazy, he’s fighting! Damn, this is the real man!”

When Zhuang Yan woke up, he was lying on the bed in the row room.

The surroundings were empty and no one was there.

Sitting up from the bed, Zhuang Yan suddenly felt a sore back, especially his hands. It was as if lead had been poured into them. They were hard and heavy. With a little exertion, there was a feeling of weakness and soreness, and he couldn’t exert any strength at all.

“you’re awake?!”

Yin Xiancong appeared at the door with a large yellow rice bowl in his hand.

“Squad leader…”

“Stop talking nonsense, just lie down and don’t need to get up.”

Yin Xiancong walked to the window in three and two steps, dragged over a stool, put the rice bowl in his solemn hand, and sat down on the small stool.

“They’ve all gone to training.” Yin Xiancong urged: “Eat it while it’s hot, the sick meal, the meat sliced ​​noodles specially made by the cooking class, but it’s delicious. Usually others can’t eat it if they want, only the sick can eat it.”

Zhuang Yan picked up the rice bowl and held chopsticks. His hands were shaking a little. He didn’t know if it was the aftermath of the excessive force on the horizontal bar in the competition with Xu Xingguo just now, or if he was moved.

Suddenly, he put down his rice bowl and asked, “Squad leader, did I win?”

Yin Xiancong shook his head: “I didn’t win.”

Majestic is a little discouraged.

It seems that Xu Xingguo, a god-like opponent, is really not something he can deal with.

“But I didn’t lose either.” Yin Xiancong changed the subject and said, “You pulled 11 and fainted.”

“Hey…” Zhuang Yan’s heart was relieved, and then he showed a little smile.

Looking at Yin Xiancong, Zhuang Yan suddenly felt that a ball of numbness was stuffed into his chest, and he was choking uncomfortably.

In fact, the monitor is really kind to himself.

Not to mention rubbing her feet, she has also lightened her training intensity for the past two days, but she is feigning illness and being lazy.

Thinking of this, he said with guilt again: “Squad leader, I’m sorry, I’ve embarrassed you.”

Yin Xiancong suddenly laughed: “Are you stupid? Xu Xingguo is a sports student. You are a city soldier, with fine skin and tender meat, and you don’t exercise much. Can you compare with him?”

Zhuang Yan sipped the noodles, and after listening to Yin Xiancong’s words, he immediately put down the rice bowl and said, “Squad leader, I will train well, I will not be worse than Xu Xingguo! Can you not put me in the cooking class to raise pigs?”

Yin Xiancong said: “Don’t you like being comfortable? When I came, I asked if we could send you back. To be honest, I also brought two batches of recruits. You are the first person to say such a thing. “

Zhuang Yan blushed and continued to eat noodles.

Yin Xiancong continued: “Do you think you can go after raising pigs? That’s a beautiful job. If you raise pigs well, you can still achieve third-class merit. All the companies arrange for trained veterans to raise pigs. It’s to take care of, your kid is a recruit, why?”

When Zhuang Yan heard Yin Xiancong say this, he felt relieved.

“Anyway, it’s fine if you don’t raise pigs… I don’t want to go back and ask me why I’m in the army. I can only tell them that I’ve been a pig herd for a few years… What a shame…”

Yin Xiancong said, “Don’t you always want to go to the logistics department? Raising pigs in the cooking class is also considered logistics.”

Zhuang Yan murmured, “I don’t want to now…”

Yin Xiancong said, “What do you want to do now?”

Zhuang Yan said: “I can’t stand the arrogance of the fifth squad leader and Xu Xingguo. I want to train hard and be better than Xu Xingguo! I will let the fifth squad leader see, I am not a coward either!”

Yin Xiancong didn’t answer right away, but put his eyes on the solemn face and carefully swept it up and down several times.

In front of this recruit, something has really changed.

For the first time, he had a feeling of admiration for this soldier under his command.

“Solemnly, there is something I have to ask you, and you have to tell me honestly, but I promise it’s just a conversation between the two of us, and it won’t be leaked. Can you tell the truth?”

Zhuang Yan became a rogue again: “Squad leader, what are you talking about? When did I become dishonest? Heaven and earth conscience, although I am not diligent and conscientious, I can be honest and peaceful, right?”

Yin Xiancong couldn’t help but scolded: “Fuck you! Who are you lying to? Be honest… You are solemn and honest, no recruit in the entire platoon is cunning.”

Zhuang Yan had to shut up.

Yin Xiancong’s tone suddenly became serious and he said, “When you went to the toilet that night, did you think you were going to be a deserter?”

These words were like a bomb, slamming the solemn brain into a blank.

The yellow battle-ready rice bowl in his hand shook suddenly, overflowing with some soup.

“Squad leader…”

“Don’t **** me, just the two of us now, open the skylight and say something bright, yes yes, no no no!”

Zhuang Yan turned his head, and as soon as his eyes met Yin Xiancong, he couldn’t help but guiltily turned away.

This issue?

How did the monitor know?

Like a rabbit in his chest, he began to thump and thump.

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