Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.10 Chapter 25: Oath

In the void of the multiverse, endless worlds are shining with different brilliance, like stars dotted on the sky.

Although most of the colors of the light of the world, seen from the far side of the void, are silver that represents the power of steel, but if you look closely, on the silver background, every world has its own uniqueness. The same, each has a special brilliance.

Of course, only professional stargazers can see that subtle difference. Generally speaking, for the captain of a void ship, they only need to observe a few special signs to distinguish them. More than ninety percent of the state of the world.

White means the first birth. This kind of world may have just emerged from the creation vortex. The power of flame and steel has not yet been completely transformed into the world itself. Such a world is dangerous inside, but there is a small chance that extremely precious resources will be born.

Pure silver means stability, order and life. The brighter the pure silver brilliance means that there are more intelligent lives in this world, and the inner soul reincarnation, that is, the steel python, the stronger. This kind of color world is rare, as long as you see it, it is basically It means that this is a livable world, and there must be civilization inside.

Black means death. Life may have existed in such a world, but now it has been completely destroyed for various reasons, and can only slowly fall into the abyss with the passage of time. In such a world, there may be demons or races that have not yet transformed into demons, but only a few lives can adapt to such a dead environment.

In addition, there are red, gold, and purple, which respectively represent’the violent internal changes may cause danger to the surrounding void’,’the world of non-civilized life’ and’the system with a unique internal supernatural power’-these are the multiverse In, the more common world brilliance,

The cyan brilliance is extremely rare, but it does exist, even for professional stargazers, few people can see this from the complicated signs.

It usually appears with black and can hardly be found. It means recovery, rebirth, and fire has not burned yet, but it will certainly reignite one day… In other words, it means a dead world that can be transformed, can The barren world of rebirth and recovery.

Cyan means hope that has not yet been born.

But now, the endless blue flame is spreading in the galaxy throughout the world.

“This is… the order of recovery?!”

“Pure power of steel, pure vitality, but how is this possible?”

“Who is it, who is spreading these flames? Which world is so extravagant, spreading its pure ‘vitality’ at will!?”

In the Lost Galaxy, among the many deadly worlds, a steel python recovered from a long slumber. They looked around at the dense cyan flames around them, and they were all dumbfounded and unbelievable.

These steel pythons that fell into sleep due to the large-scale extinction of civilization caused by the invasion of the evil gods should have dissipated in a long time, or become a broken will of the abyss, but now, the cyan flame is like a surging giant The waves spread with a speed and density far beyond their imagination.

In just an instant, tens of thousands of steel pythons recovered from their slumber. Among them, only a few possess wisdom, and only a small part of these few retain normal logic and thinking ability, but it is just such a thing. The small number of steel pythons with normal wisdom are all the will of the world that decayed against evil gods thousands of tens of thousands of years ago in the era of glory! They are experienced and have witnessed the final battle, but in the end they failed to wait until the victory.

And now, they have revived, the power given by others. But even so, these steel pythons are subconsciously worried for the people who give this power, because the pure steel power that awakens them is so precious, for a world consciousness, it is basically something similar to the original power. Spreading this power indiscriminately, of course, can wake them up, but awakening them, the losers, is far better than gathering these powers together to deal with the evil gods.

—— Their spirit is still immersed in that tragic battle thousands of years ago. But this mentality is indeed correct, after all, what awaits them now is a more tragic end battle.

But soon, these steel pythons discovered that they wanted to do much more than that to awaken the existence of all the silent steel pythons.

An ancient steel python poked its head out of its own world. It used to be the world will of a high void civilization, but it died in the army of the evil **** brought by the invasion of the fertile evil god. This steel python thought it would It will gradually die away as the soul circle inside the world is shattered. It did not expect that it will have a chance to recover. It looks around the void, hoping to find the spreader of this flame in the large and dazzling blue sparks, and then take good care of it. Thank you, and implore the other party to stop walking indiscriminately to save yourself these losers and waste your own roots. It is best to gather all your strengths to fight against the Chaos Cthulhu.

However, it saw a scene far beyond the imagination of all steel pythons.

In the endless world of the Lost Galaxy, the lifeless black world is the overwhelming majority. In this galaxy that has been invaded by the near-holy evil gods, the future of too many worlds has been cut off by the chaos-and now , The cyan flames flew, reviving a steel python that had once died… and even more than that.

They saw that the cyan flame flew into a dead world. In this dead world, no civilization has ever been born, and there has never been any life. It floats alone in the void, like an inconspicuous stone, But cyan flames rushed into it violently, and then it didn’t take long for a steel python that was born with a misty look and it seemed unclear what was going on, was born from the deadly nothingness.

Then, there were ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand–even the heavens and the realms, all worlds, the same scene appeared.

These steel pythons with self-intelligence, when looking at other dead worlds, they almost can be said to be spawned steel pythons, the feeling in their hearts is ‘unexplainable’. They haven’t reacted yet, thinking this is a world resurrection they don’t know, and the other party is out of luck and didn’t maintain their wisdom, but soon, with these steel pythons that were spawned, they took the initiative to fly out of them. The world of, carrying all the energy that can be used in a world, when they instinctively flee towards the distance towards the cyan flame, what they feel is’horrible’.

It can be seen that the light on the outside of the steel pythons that have been spawned has left the world, and the light on the outside begins to dim quickly, turning into almost complete silence, leaving only a little residual blue light swaying, leaving a trace of them. The possibility of recovery, but it is possible, and will be extinguished at any time.

“This, this is not right!”

A steel python shrank subconsciously towards his own world, and his scales were all close together, and he could see that it was very nervous: “This is almost a clever squeeze of the world and our power!”

“By catalyzing the birth of the steel python, all the free energies that can be used best in a world are integrated, and then the power of this steel python is captured…”

Another steel python can analyze more things, but it doesn’t seem to be so nervous. Instead, it is deep in thought: “If we say, to wake us up and give birth to the existence of these new-born steel pythons, it takes effort. It’s 10, so even if it’s a small world’s steel python, he can get more than 100 rewards, let alone other larger world steel pythons.”

“Moreover, even this plunder is different from the abyss. The result is nothing more than losing all the extraordinary elements in the world and returning to deathly silence. He also left the seeds of recovery, and did not completely take them away, just took the fruits. But it left the roots.”

——Could it be that another strong man is fighting the endless chaos? The state of affairs has reached such a point that even if it is the residual power of our long failed corpses, even the little transcendence contained in those deadly worlds do not want to let go.

Even if the embers that have been burned a long time ago are picked up again, the source of this power, I don’t know whether it is strong or sad.

This steel python looked around the void, and it could see that in this star field alone, there were thousands of steel pythons spawned flying towards the center of the world galaxy. It watched this scene and fell into meditation.

Then, it took the initiative to break away from its own world, leaving with the big piece of steel python that was catalyzed without self-awareness.

——Anyway, it has nothing left.

Whether it is its own child or the world itself, it has long been broken, and its heart is ashamed, even if it recovers. It can sense that the huge chaos still exists in the distance, and the existence of this flame belongs to the order at least. He is willing to awaken the will of many worlds, even if it is only to seize their power, but to make them return to the dead who have already failed. In the world, even if it is just a short moment, it feels grateful.

Therefore, it wants to see what the existence of this order is for making such a move… If the other party is really order, this move is a lasting battle against endless chaos.

Then this broken body, the little power left, just take it.

The steel pythons of the ten thousand worlds have gathered into a mighty trend, rushing towards the center of the world galaxy, and converging towards the steel giant who has become the axis of the world’s galaxy.

In order to achieve this step, Joshua had already begun preparations before he entered the Maelstrom of Creation.

At the beginning, the warrior had no extra thoughts, he just wanted to revive the world, so that many dead worlds could be reborn… So he sent Hotaru and Rin to shape special armor for them, and let them go to every corner of the galaxy in the entire world. Spreading azure orbs-that was before the expedition to the multi-galaxy. Sister Shenji was entrusted with such an important task to travel through the lost galaxy through the transmission of the Ten Thousand Realm Sacrifice Field in just nearly two decades. The most remote corners planted the seeds of hope.

In fact, when Joshua defeated the evil **** of death and was located in the Maelstrom of Creation, he did a similar thing-he dumped a large number of’repairing light beams’ at that time, that is, his base point, the silver metal pillars. In the nascent creation vortex, let them naturally spread throughout the galaxy with the rotation of the creation vortex. This is the preparation of warriors to guard against possible over-powerful enemies, and it turns out that that kind of enemy is indeed Existence, the near-sage-extreme sublimation polymer is that kind of existence.

Later, when he entered the Maelstrom of Creation for the second time, in which he solved the eternal mystery of the evil god, he also did a similar thing-the warrior created many worlds as a basis, and even used his own power for a period of time. The world born in the Maelstrom of Creation, stamped on its own mark.

Starting with these imprints, base points, and the azure orbs scattered by the divine machine sister and brother, Qiao Xiu ignited the entire lost galaxy with the cyan fire.

——High in the central axis of the world galaxy, making the entire world galaxy revolve around itself, and the four-armed steel giant silently looks around the heavens.

He could see that the mighty torrent of steel pythons had arrived, and they were like raindrops coming to the face, like snowflakes that were blown over, pouring on himself like this, covering himself with a layer of incomparable density. Strong armor.

Every steel python is a scale on this armor, and every steel python carries almost all the extraordinary powers of a world—the quality conversion is too cumbersome, even if Joshua wants to swallow it. In these worlds, Cthulhu will not give him time, it is better to give the energy of all worlds to circulate self-will, and let these energies come and gather on him.

“This power…”

He sighed, spreading his four arms, the warrior’s body was filled with countless twisted apertures. It was the formation of many steel pythons intertwined and merged. The cyan and silver streamers gathered together, dancing around the giant **** like a flame. In Qiao Xiuya’s eyes, the scarlet scorching divine light penetrated the void, making the distant worlds tremble.

It can be seen that on Joshua’s arms at this time, there are snake-like light bands rising, they are wrapped around the shoulders and arms of the warrior, ascending and changing like a corona. I could see that it was as if the entire world Galaxy was afraid of Joshua’s changes, its spinning speed became a little faster, and countless worlds began to vibrate slightly, just because of his existence.


Now, at this moment, countless steel pythons are awakened, it is like the whole world galaxy has awakened its own will, and a world galaxy-class steel python is born-and this huge star river is entwined in Joe Xiuya’s body has endlessly improved his power and turned it into his guardian.

A kind of exquisite plunder, a spontaneous convergence, just like a huge nebula that will gather the surrounding nebulae and turn them into stars. The huge steel power aggregate will spontaneously gather all the free steel power, Turned into a larger existence. This certainly makes the flames of the galaxy in the entire world dim, but it is better than letting it shine and being swallowed by the evil **** in the end.

A long time has passed-most of the steel pythons that have been spawned have been transformed into an extremely strong armor in the blazing flames, shrouded in Joshua’s body, this armor is simple and unpretentious, but densely packed Outside of the scales, there is no extra decoration. There are φ-shaped runes floating on it. The silver and red brilliance are gathered together, floating on the surface, like a blazing flame, escaping infinite sparks.

The sparks are flying, illuminating the void, and every scattered spark is burning like a world-like illusion, and everything is burning in it, and finally turned into ashes.

On the head of the four-armed giant, a phantom crown floats. The essence of this crown is a kind of rune, a recognition that it can use soul or chaos as the source to pour power into the world, and the world will also Power is poured into it. This mutually beneficial relationship is called the’soul burner’, and the supreme person who holds this kind of authority is the so-called’soul burnt king’.

And now, Joshua pours power into the whole world galaxy – and the whole world galaxy also pours power into him.

[King of Burning Soul·World Galaxy Form]

This is a force far stronger than when he combined with the Iron Python of the Stars World, and Joshua himself, as the controller, was far stronger than he was at the time. When he achieved the form of the Soul Burning King’s world galaxy, at this moment, he could feel that almost all the worlds in the whole world galaxy are part of him, and almost all the steel pythons that were spawned are integrated into it, and they are Joshua’s hands and feet are Joshua’s body and heart.

He really seems to have become the steel python of the galaxy of the entire world. He can sense the reincarnation of the souls of all worlds in his body. All these rebirths, all the cycles, converge in the creation vortex-that is the rise of the world galaxy. Hajime, if Xinghe also has a self-will, then that will must be born in it, just like when the evil **** of death is about to be born, turning the entire creation vortex into its own extremely dark abyss.

But Joshua would not do this. All he needs is strength, not really swallowing the entire world galaxy.

Moreover, this is not to say that only the steel python spawned by Joshua came.

In the vast tide of steel, there is also a part of the will of the world who came voluntarily. During the long journey, they saw the fading world galaxy and the endless chaotic army in the distance. They saw that the many worlds were volitional. As a soldier’s armor, there is not a single trace of wasted, and the steel **** is gazing into the distance, about to set off.

——Take us together!

-Let us move forward together.

——Don’t leave me!

For the future, for revenge, or simply have been left behind once, so they don’t want to be left behind for the second time. They also voluntarily join in and accompany this unprecedentedly powerful man to go beyond the distant galaxy. An unprecedented expedition.

And in this mighty torrent, there is no lack of Joshua’s familiar existence.

——The steel python of the world of Carlsley also came. It was mixed in the trend of the world and seemed to want to hide itself, but Joshua recognized it at a glance and recognized the familiar breath.

“You don’t actually have to come.”

In the center of the world galaxy, the voice of the giant **** shook the void, enough to displace the world. He stared at the steel python placed in his palm, and said faintly: “All the steel pythons with self-will, I will not force them, and They came because their hearts were dead, or they were bent on fighting for revenge, and you, Karlis, my friend, you still have life bred in your body, and there is a future to speak of.”

“The world of Karlis has finally rekindled its flames. You don’t have to come, go back quickly.”

“No.” Since he was discovered, he didn’t want to hide, Karlis replied resolutely, with a solemn tone and determination as hard as iron: “I want to fight with you.”

“Joshua, you know, there are still survivors from the world of Grantia in my body. They have created a new civilization. I am happy for their development, but I am still at a loss because I know that they will no longer No matter what, it is still not my child. I want to love them, I tried, but in the end I have to admit that I hate the evil **** more than love.

My children have long since disappeared and died of evil gods. I have told you that no matter how unforgettable hatred is, it is nothing but insignificant dust in the multiverse, insignificant water waves, stuck to this, and can never really move forward—but I have made a choice, and this is my way forward. I want revenge. ”

It said so, the Python of Steel did not lower its head and looked at the Titan of Steel. Its eyes were extremely firm and resolutely said: “Joshua, don’t hesitate, let me be your strength!”

“Whether the future is life or death, let us move forward together!”

The giant could not refuse. So he sighed and clenched his hands.

The silver brilliance is shining, and Karlis’s power is gathered in him. Joshua could sense that Karlis’s will was with him, just like other intelligent steel pythons who came voluntarily and turned into his strength.

——The Iron Python of the Siboa world is also here. It came from the old Void Maelstrom and shrank a little. When he saw Joshua, the steel python seemed to feel very embarrassed and apologized in advance.

“I am not a qualified steel python, I know everything.”

It muttered to the giant god, seeming to recall one of the few memories of his past. Siboya’s voice was low and with a trace of regret: “I have failed too many lives. I should have redeemed my sin… I know, I am a world. The power of is actually nothing to you, but I also saw the sky full of darkness…Joshua, I know, if you can’t succeed, then this world galaxy and this multi-element galaxy will usher in destruction… I just want to tell you, if you don’t mind, I can help you, even if it’s just a little bit.”

“Siboya, at least now you have a responsibility.”

Joshua sighed. He tried to admonish: “Supernatural beings and soul puppets need your guidance. The Siboar world has also been promoted once. Your future has a great future. I also believe that you can change yourself and become a qualified world will. …No need to be.”

“Yes, I hesitated too.”

Siboya happily admitted this, but his tone finally returned to calm: “But my child, the Siboyans are destroyed because of my inaction, and the super-powers and soul puppets have begun to develop steadily, and steel is no longer needed. The pythons are supported. I don’t deserve to continue to lead them—now is the time for atonement, and I have left the seeds of the new steel pythons, which will be the steel pythons belonging to the new Sibeyans themselves.”

“I will give them the responsibility of guiding their destiny, and myself, just to burn the rest of my life, to light up a little darkness for their future.”

It also belongs to Joshua, with the warrior.

At the far end of time and space, a corner of the Lost Galaxy, a dusty world that looked like a dead world, suddenly unlocked the outer seal, revealing light,

——The Father of Nature released the seal that closed the world. The old tree was in the world, looking up at the endless void, tears streaming down his face.

“I’m just, a cowardly god.”

Once, he fought with the evil god, and his tragic destruction overturned the continent of Mykroff. The **** should fight to the death, but perhaps because of cowardice, or because he sheltered the elves, he chose to escape and took the only remaining elves in that continent. Fleeing the battlefield, went to a remote world, and then sealed himself, intending to escape the catastrophe.

He knew that he was cowardly and very irresponsible. He left a part of his people and tried to save another part of his people… He knew how heavy his sins were, but his destiny never gave him a chance to recover-Guangyao Civilization is gone, and the visitors of Starfall Civilization even helped him repel the incoming Cthulhu, but he did nothing to help.

In order to prevent the Heretic God from going to his hometown along the passage of time and space, He closed the world of Ilgna, hoping that disasters would not spawn… But now, the army of the Heretic God, which can cover the multiple galaxies, is coming. Faced with this is enough to bring the entire multiple The world swallowers who have eaten all galaxies, how can it be useful to escape? .

“Ah…I finally understand.”

The huge world tree, sighing slowly uprooting its roots, the extremely luxuriant **** of nature, began to transform into a hazy stream of light, heading to the void outside the world-in the shocking gaze of all the elves, in the world will be indifferent , But in the sound of unconscious sighing, the true God gave up all illusions, and He finally understood one thing, something that He should have understood thousands of years ago.

“In the face of this endless galaxy, the dark disaster that the multi-element galaxy can’t resist, the final catastrophe, facing this endless enemy.”

——The weak, there is always nowhere to hide.

Pray and escape will never bring peace. Waiting, turning a blind eye, can’t solve any problems. Just close your eyes, block your ears, and stay silent, then peace and tranquility will never come.

——Only the courageous can survive.

It is so difficult to live, to live in peace and stability, but to live in an ordinary life. It is so difficult in this dark multiverse… Therefore, we must be brave.

Time to go!

Therefore, with the dazzling divine light and the mighty torrent, the deity set off, and he wanted to return to the array he once threw down…not for the atonement, he is not worthy of this word, the deity did it, just to do it. Now, my duty as a god.

This time, He will never escape cowardly.

——People have already gone to the empty Mycroft world, even the mainland has been cut off, taking away part of the broken world, with the departure of the seven gods and all legendary powerhouses, along with the departure of all intelligent lives, Even the boundless heavenly realm broke away, turned into a single half plane, and galloped into the silent void.

I don’t know if it was on purpose, or if it was caused by accident. Inside the world, a huge seal is slowly unraveling.

Soon, the steel python of Mycroft’s world, the dark snake contaminated by chaos, reappeared in the world.

The so-called chaotic erosion refers to the possibility of countercurrent from the future, the possibility of being eroded by malicious chaos, which contains endless parallel worlds and information about the future. When impacted by this information, madness is normal, reason is the exception, except Apart from the black hand behind the scenes, there is basically no existence that can take advantage of this chaotic future, and any self-will will be swallowed by this vast possibility and become a part of the chaos.

Unless, burn it to defeat the chaotic future and turn it into a real unknown, rather than a cornerstone controlled by humans. The sages and Mykrov once wanted to do this, but time is not enough. The sages must get on the road as soon as possible to stop the source of all that. Compared with the terrible disaster that threatens the multiverse, the survival of a world is not Things that need to be taken care of too much, because even if it is one second late, it may be an extra second for the black hand behind the scenes to develop more power.

But now, the cyan flame swept over and the seal was unlocked. When the steel python was resurrecting, it felt that its corroded condition was greatly reduced. It looked around in surprise, then saw its broken world, and then again. Look at the distant void.

“So soon…is this day?”

The Mother of All Things originally felt that she would have to wait a long, long time before she waited for the power to save her, or to destroy her. It could not have imagined that this day would come so fast…The broken world of Mycroft It is a little puzzled to be empty and uninhabited, but it is not unexpected.

Because it sensed that the vast tide of chaos has come again.

“My children… What do you want to do when you unlock my seal? Do you want me to escape? Or do you want to give me freedom before the last moment?”

But it doesn’t make much sense… children. My friend has long since passed away, my children and grandchildren are few, the ancient gods are all turned into broken marks, and the strong of the past are all withered. My best friend travels to the distance of the multiverse to chase the original. The brilliance of fire, in this lonely multiverse, even if you return me free, what is the point?

So the steel python smiled and sighed. It smiled for the progress of the times. Even if it is not complete, the flame that can burn chaos is something that the sage never did. It sighed for all of this, because the chaos is coming, the end Coming.

Then, it shook its dark tail, and flew towards the center of the world galaxy in the void very naturally.

“Don’t refuse, boy.”

It flew past the stars and passed through the endless void. It saw the familiar figure. The giant steel **** was raising his right hand, illuminating the radiance shining through the multi-element galaxy. It noticed the expression of the giant god, and said with a smile. : “Last time it was a sage, this time it was you. My proud descendants, this time, let me fight side by side with you again.”

So, I don’t know it is a sigh or a bleak howl. Accompanied by the holy cry that shakes the ten thousand realms, all the power is with the warrior at the moment the light shines.

“It’s time to go.”

He said so, the voice resounded through the heavens, and around the giant god, many powerful people from many worlds and many civilizations also echoed in the same way: “It’s time to go!”

The giant **** who supports the galaxy, as if it is the axis of the universe, is not alone, there are many gods, and many people surround it, like comets orbiting stars, stars orbiting the Milky Way, they followed the steps of the giant gods to come here. , And then resolutely promised.

The promise of guarding this multi-galaxy.

What are they going to do? Ordinary people actually don’t know at all, even ordinary transcendents who haven’t reached the Legendary level don’t know—they can’t see the murky and gloomy darkness beyond the void, they don’t know anything, they don’t know anything, and even more. Needless to say the goal of these strong men.

But in fact, even the many powerhouses surrounding Joshua’s side were not very clear about what their purpose was.

Are they going to the Silent Void and repelling all the attacking evil gods, or are they just opening a way so that others can leave with countless civilized shelters?

They don’t know, but they are still determined to go together, with the belief that they are bound to die, with a heart of sacrifice.

And at the moment when the giant got up and was about to set off, suddenly, in the void, two light spots, a silver light spot, and a black gold light spot came.

Seeing this scene, Joshua stopped silently, staring at the two light spots close to him, and then staying at his hand.

“Do you really want to come, Hotaru, Rin?”

The giant asked seriously, and he slowly said: “This is a battle that has no room for it, and it is a resistance that is almost mortal. Have you figured it out, my weapons.”

There is no need to answer this question. The Shenji sister and brother didn’t say anything. They just showed their aura-legendary aura-with the strength that has been honed for a long time, to prove their determination and their will.

——Is this not enough? My master?

——Is it impossible to follow you like this? My master?

Needless to say.

So the giant shook his head, he sighed and smiled, and then said: “If this is the case, then come all together.”

“The fire of the firefly, the dignified light-return to my bones.”

He stretched out his hand and held the two light spots, and then, in the next moment, accompanied by scorching silver light, dazzling sacred glory, a silver great sword, and a black great axe, it was just like this. The giants clasped their hands tightly, their connection was so delicate, as if they were part of the body.

No, it was originally part of the body.

Everything is complete, all preparations are ready, the giant is about to set off, and the giant has set off.

Countless strong men, following in the footsteps of the giant gods, turned into a mighty stream of light, and began to set off. If anyone can watch this scene in the silent void, they will be able to see that there are thousands on the dim side of the galaxy. Tens of thousands of tiny light spots, these light spots dragged long light traces like comets, decisively to the dark void, towards the endless attacking dark tentacles.

-Silent Void, within the etheric ring world.

Turning into the core processing area of ​​the magic net, No. 3 of the central control center of the ether ring world stared at this scene. She saw countless steel pythons, countless familiar existences, and familiar strong men all leaving with the person she was familiar with. Now… she saw that the sister and brother of Shenji finally got what they wanted, and they could fight with their master, the last battle of Armageddon.

She is ready to move… No. 3 also wants to go. She also has the same strength, has the power to surpass the divine machine siblings-the inheritance of the gods, the power of the magic net, and the gains of her own hard work. Her power is not inferior. For any strong.

However, there was a magnificent voice coming from the deepest part of the AI ​​girl’s mind.

“Don’t go, number 3.”

It was the man’s voice, calm, with a warning sign: “Everyone else can, but you can’t.”

“If everything goes to darkness, if everything goes to silence, if our last resistance fails, if we finally turn into dust floating in the void.”

“Then you are me and our last hope.”

After the loud voice resounded, it gradually faded away. Listening to the voice from the bottom of her heart, No. 3 felt the hidden’seed’ in the magic net server, in the etheric ring world, and she was unwilling. Clenched fist biting his lip, but finally let go.

“you’re right……”

The girl whispered to herself in a dazed tone: “What you said has always been right…”

“But… it doesn’t mean that intelligent life has to do the’right’ things… I also have the right to choose stupidity, and I also want the right to make mistakes, do wrong things, and be willful…”

But it doesn’t work. At least not now. No. 3 knows that indeed he alone cannot go, but he must protect himself and ensure his safety.

This is obviously not a major event, everyone has his own responsibility.

But No. 3 didn’t know why, and shed tears.


At the core of the magic net, the girl with data illusion, curled up and hugged her knees, her wings wrapped around her side, making her teary face invisible to others. She muttered to herself in a low voice, “My friend, my hero…”

“Don’t leave us, please… please, you must come back…”

However, the soldier could not hear the voice.

When the silent soldiers rushed to the battlefield decisively, they could no longer hear any sound. When the weapon filled with determination was drawn out, it meant that the realm of life and death was drawn.

The flame was burning and rushing forward, the monstrous flame ignited the silent void, causing the world to tremble.

The power of the world is gathered in him, and the hope of the world is gathered in him, so Joshua Van Radcliffe swears that he will never let down, never give up, the King of Soul Burning will bear everything, save everything, and punish everything .

This is what the man has been following since he became a legend, and has always been abiding…



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