Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.10 Chapter 22: Stop here (five thousand six hundred)

Simply killing the evil **** is actually a meaningless act.

Because Cthulhu is originally a corpse, a dead soul of civilization, a wreck of the world, they are weapons behind the scenes that the black hand will act on their own, a tool of complete self-discipline—destroying them, blasting them into dregs, nothing for this multiverse The benefit can even be said to add a lot of garbage.

To use an analogy, the destruction of the “possibility that has been locked” does not change anything, because they are already dead, and whether they are destroyed or not is meaningless. It is like destroying a weapon and does not prevent the war from continuing. , Just let the iron **** fall into the soil, dye the earth scarlet with rust and blood.

It is useless to kill the evil god.

So, it needs to be burned.

Return the locked-in possibility to this multiverse—burn the dead corpses into ashes, let the ashes condense into mud, and let new seeds take root and sprout in this new mud—only this way, Can be considered meaningful.

Although the possibility of being restored after being burned is not the possibility of the civilizations originated from the evil god, it is not important. It is the same as the reincarnation of the soul, except for those strong who observe reincarnation, and have witnessed these worlds. Who really cares about the existence of a series of steps from birth, destruction and rebirth, needs to care about these?

This is equivalent to re-melting a weapon, reducing it to iron, and turning it into a farm tool for plowing the field, the same as a tool for building a home… Pure destruction is useless to the dead evil god, only conversion , It is useful to burn with flames. Only in this way can we really fight against the evil god, fight against everything in this chaos, and brighten the multiverse again.

And to achieve this ‘conversion’, this ‘burning’ power, is the path Joshua has chosen!

Its name is–

Turning the void into the light of day, it is spreading.

The light emitted from the Dead and Silent Galaxy has spread throughout the entire territory. The flood of light that spreads in the void like a tide has now reached the Belarus Galaxy. The people in the Pioneer Fortress group raised their heads, and they looked slightly at a loss. With this light, the fleet and the fortress were submerged, like a great magic wave, gently wrapping everything up.

After that, even the silent void was illuminated. The dark haze of eternal silence was swept away. As the light flow continued, all those who could see the silent void were shocked to discover that the silent void that they were originally afraid and worried about as the source of darkness is actually very beautiful-countless In the world, the fragments of stars after the broken galaxy, the particles of steel are floating in the void. They did not exist originally, but as the light arrives, these fragments reflect the light, reflecting the vast expanses of incomparably magnificent colors, and countless The colors are mixed together, as beautiful as a broken dream.

The light is mixed with power, shocking all beings in all realms. Under the flood of light, the position of the world is also shifted, but then it is attracted by the ups and downs of the waves. Many worlds are like wooden **** floating in the ocean tide. , As the stream of light rotated and floated, the entire galaxy began to oscillate slowly.

And this is the power of the near saint.

“…Finally, you have reached this point…”

In the pioneer fortress group, Nostradamus holding the magic book slowly closed the book in his hand. In front of him, there was a whole body of the evil **** family who was shredded by time and space, and followed the warrior’s pace. The old mage on the front raised his head, watching the passing light, tears in his eyes.

This is what he accompanied, witnessed, witnessed and hoped all the way. Finally, the man whose hope was poured out by everyone, did not live up to any hope and came to this point.

“Ah, I am really envious.”

Beside the broken corpse of the chaotic evil god, the **** of justice and power looked up at the light, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, seeming to recall many memories of when he was still a human. I don’t know when, not just the legend, even the gods were gradually passed by him, even far away, but why, this is not strange to the gods, but a sense of reason?

I can only say congratulations-my friend. Everything you have experienced and fought is so heavy, but it is precisely because of all the heavy responsibilities that you have endured that you finally have a real return today.

“Saved again. God knows how many times I owe you.”

The forefront of the Pioneer Fortress, a high-risk battle zone that resists the invasion of multiple evil gods, the most dangerous period has passed. Loranda floats in the void without godless eyes, his armor and body are shattered, and it looks almost like It’s like dying. But the light swept past, his eyes moved, and the paladin felt that his injuries were quickly recovering. This familiar feeling reminded him of the situation in which he fought against the many dependents of the evil **** of natural disasters under the protection of the **** of nature.

Think about it carefully, I only occasionally mess around like this once, but that man, but he does this kind of thing as a daily routine.


Brandon, who had just finished his hard fight with a group of comrades, put his double swords into the sheath. He exhaled. The blue light in his eyes that lit up with his full force was slowly dimming, and in front of him, his whole body was covered with orderly pairs. The blood and flesh evil **** of the blade sword mark is disintegrating, dissolving in the light. The blond swordsman was tired and couldn’t say a word, but he stared at the light coming from afar, but he showed a tired and sincere smile.

The peace of mind being guarded? No, of course not. It’s just simply being happy for your friends. The only regret is that you will not be able to do it even if you are unilaterally beaten up in the future, so even if it is to keep your friends from getting bored, you must work hard and grow as much as possible.

The torrent of light is still spreading, and it has not stopped because it has wrapped the Belarus Galaxy.

It can be seen that a huge ball of light is rapidly expanding from a certain position between the Dead Silent Galaxy and the Belarus Galaxy. From the perspective of the multiple galaxy, it is like a light on the edge of the entire multiple galaxy. An extremely large spot – and because this spot was so bright and dazzling, the light of all the worlds in the entire Multi-Galactic River dimmed and was robbed of attention.


Along with the weird whistling, all the invading and undestroyed evil gods in the Belarus Galaxy and even the Silent Void were sobbing and retreating in embarrassment. They flew towards the depths of the Silent Void in fear – but not Because of fear, it was simply blown away by the power of the light flow, and was uncontrollably thrown to the other side of time and space.

In addition, all the chaotic family members and the seriously injured evil gods were all turned into nothing at the first moment the light arrived. They were all ignited and spattered into ashes, and at the moment they were ignited, They are also torches, become tributaries of that torrent, and become part of the majestic flame light.

Between the Silent Galaxy and the Belarus Galaxy, the center of the fire.

The endless light and fire revolve and stir, the ignited evil gods of billions, and the stream of light transformed into the family members revolves around the giant gods. Accompanied by the violent roar, the two world galaxies of Silent Galaxy and Belos, even both Shortly separated from the large rotation of the multi-element galaxy, they began to move around another axis,

Countless world stars were torn apart from the original world by a huge force. Some lifeless, pure and silent worlds were even shattered in this light, and then reshaped, giving them a rekindling fire. It can be seen that the galaxies of the two worlds are like two spiral lines, gradually moving and merging under someone’s power, and it can even be said that they have turned into his accretion disk, an incomparably huge super vortex.

Qiao Xiuya stood in the void. He was surrounded by countless worlds, and countless evil gods’ corpses turned into flames. In his hands was the core of the close evil gods. The warrior was located at the center of the two scrolling galaxies, watching the endless distance. The emptiness, the incalculable flame surrounded him, making the man’s gaze more pure and firm.

“It turns out that the information hidden in the core of the holy evil **** is far clearer than the ordinary evil god.”

“This majestic possibility, this overpowering force, this other way to the peak… No wonder, it’s no wonder that the sage became a sage after killing the evil **** of abundance, and everything is not without reason.”

Burning the core of the Cthulhu, Qiao Xiu immediately watched all the memories of the Cthulhu, which was different from when he carried the memory of the Cthulhu of Death. At this time, he would no longer be troubled by these things.

Soon, the memory of the Cthulhu’s original civilization was extracted from the confusion and confusion of the Cthulhu blockbuster. Joshua was just like before, watching their origins, growth and achievements from beginning to end like a bystander. And the final destruction.

There is nothing to say about this, it is just a story of a species that originated in the ocean, a civilization eager for the ‘ultimate’, with ‘hope’ nurturing the bitter fruit of ‘sorrow’. Unlike other sorrowful destructions, the birth of the Cthulhu is to some extent a civilization seeking benevolence and benevolence. There is nothing to sorrow or regret. It is just this firm determination to perish if it fails, and it is used by the dark hand behind the scenes , He induced the failure of civilization, and then revived their corpses into a dead eternity.

And just after Joshua thoroughly looked at all the information contained in the entire Condensation Cthulhu, he also naturally knew the path of Condensation Cthulhu, another way to the sage.

Cohesion, fusion, growth, then evolution and sublimation-the integration of all the existing forces of the entire civilization, beyond the long power accumulation period of extraordinary existence, countless already powerful existences merge together, and then break through the hanging door. , Skip countless steps and trials directly, sublimate to become a’near saint’ level existence.

This can be said to be the safest way to advance. A civilization that originally has a network of psychics to communicate with each other can actually be regarded as a huge and extraordinary creature, and this extraordinary creature is truly integrated by rituals and condenses into One body, it will naturally be sublimated to the existence of the near saint——the infinite divine power source of the Annihilation Order of Thakur, and the “Civilization Divine Landing” used by the Patriarch, is actually a similar step, but Thakur The Annihilation Sect is to choose a person as the carrier of civilized power, and temporarily elevate it to the point of being close to the saint. Although this will cause the extinction of the carrier, it will not fully reach the near saint, but it is even more important for the entire civilization. Safety.

“Learning from the path of another near-sage, another civilization, another kind of thinking that pursues infinite thinking, can make me stronger.”

Holding up the light, Joshua has enlightenment in her heart-it is like the gods uniting another kind of relative divinity, which can make themselves stronger, and those close to the sage can also do the same to make themselves stronger Of course, all roads lead to Rome, but for one road, how the other road was paved, how decorated, what unknown dilemmas it has been paved, and what setbacks it encountered during the paving process are all worthwhile. Learning, lessons worth learning.

The more you accumulate, the closer you are to the realm of infinite sages. All the sages of previous dynasties have to do the same thing in this period. If infinity is a ball, then they are on the surface of the ball from the beginning. A point, the more it accumulates, the bigger the point will be, and it will expand into a surface. Finally, when this surface completely wraps the ball, it becomes an infinite aggregation.

But now, Joshua’s roads are actually unusually many.

The power of emotion, although it is not a complete road to infinity at present, there is no doubt that it has potential. Joshua is its creator, but I know that I am not really suitable for its existence. , Because the warrior’s ambitious desire to fight and any other emotions, too pure will, are not suitable for this inclusive power.

The method of the sage’s achievement and the method of the psionic sage’s achievement are still unknown, but their common “super-monolithic world”, an infinitely growing and infinitely swelling ultimate shelter concept, is actually a direct approach. The holy one, leads to the infinity, or, in other words, the path to the’absolute’.

This is actually a path that is very suitable for Joshua, but the nature of this path is actually ‘isolation’. The ultimate shelter isolates the multiverse from itself. In this way, the black hand behind the scenes may not be able to influence it, but again, it cannot affect the black hand behind the scenes, and with the power and realm of the black hand behind the scenes, it cannot be ruled out that he has interference. Ultimately the possibility of a shelter, this is too passive.

And the strength of steel familiar to warriors, if they are consistent and brought to the end, and truly reach the’steel’ achieved after the initial fire shines through the void, the’steel’ that is the true origin of the multiverse of the heavens and the universe, it can also be reached. Close to the realm of the saints and even the sages-but this road, perhaps someone has already walked, it is unknown, it is impossible to determine whether there is, but there are indeed life capable sages with visions of birth and death. If he really exists, then It must be the forerunner of this road.

And he has failed, just like the psychic sage, Joshua was originally confused, but now after seeing the condensed evil god, he confirmed that the path of those sages has disappeared and it is almost impossible to find another one. Sage, behind that road, there is darkness waiting.

“The road to the ultimate sublimation polymer is actually very good, but the problem is the same. Compared with the’infinite’ that can change the multiverse, the ultimate path of’absolute’ is too autistic no matter how it changes. , It simply cannot solve the final problem.”

To put it bluntly, it’s just a turtle shell, or a turtle shell that doesn’t know if the enemy can break it.

A little statistics, in addition to the path he is walking, Joshua has already gathered the power of emotion, the power of the super world, the power of steel, and the ultimate sublimation polymer in his hands. Now he has added the condensed evil spirit…In addition to his own accumulation, It may also be a good way to get the inheritance of the predecessors and seize the way of others.

Thinking about it this way, Joshua thoughtfully: “If I say this, as long as I kill a few more near-sages Cthulhu, I may be able to pass the accumulation period of thousands of years that even sages can’t avoid… this is As far as I know, the most dangerous and fastest quick way.”

Thinking of this, the man showed an indifferent smile instead.

“But I like danger.”

Talking to himself like this, the giant laughed hard, and he clasped the five fingers that condensed the core of the evil **** together, and issued a roar that shattered the world.

At that moment, the light burst. A more vigorous flame was ignited.

Everything was swallowed by the flaming silver.

At the edge of the multi-element galaxy, the silver light spot, which was originally a light spot, shattered at the same time-then, it began to spread endlessly again, becoming a rising supernova!

At this moment, the junction of the Dead Silent Galaxy and the Belarus Galaxy has suddenly become the center of the entire multi-element galaxy. Compared with the brilliance that is blooming here, the light of all the worlds and the darkness of all worlds have been suppressed together— It feels like there is only one light source and one center in the entire multi-element galaxy.

And the nearly infinite light from this center continuously spreads and spreads toward the distance, smoothing all the darkness where it passes, awakening all dead silence, reviving all destruction, and re-enabling everything that has passed.

Everyone is happily witnessing all this, even no matter how indifferent and ruthless people are, when they feel this light, they will naturally feel excited and feel a kind of nameless joy-it is like being given something Something like I’ve never had before.

The light is still spreading-even, with the unreasonableness of the void, only the transmission speed of the energy level, even the Lost Galaxy has ushered in the light of Joshua, and the entire Multi-element Galaxy has been embarrassed in this short time. The torrent of the Big Demon Tide overwhelmed, even crossed the category of the multi-element galaxy, swept toward the deepest depths of the endless silent void, and unmistakably reflected the ruins of countless galaxies and the wreckage of countless worlds.

If someone asks what hope is, then there is no doubt that this is it. No matter what other intelligent beings are, at least human beings are light-seeking creatures, bathing in light with their comrades, and feeling the powerful power of the strong one in the distance. This Probably it was the manifestation of hope in reality-even if there was another invasion of the Cthulhu, even if the endless chaos family members flooded the world, they felt that they also had the courage to fight.


There are still some things that can’t even penetrate and shine through this brilliance.

Just after defeating the near-sage Cthulhu, at a time that should be full of hope, the divine light that was endlessly spreading in the silent void was suddenly absorbed-even the world can penetrate The radiance that can be driven away, absorbed by something that is too turbid and too large, is submerged in the shadow-and not only in one direction, but in all directions of the multi-element galaxy, this dark prototype appeared, but only appeared. There is a difference between morning and evening.

——The light that is too bright shines out the darkness that is too turbid.

The light bypassed these turbid darkness, and it continued to spread towards the distance, but it was precisely in this way, but it outlined many dark shapes, allowing these behemoths to appear before everyone’s eyes.

That is, huge clusters.

That is the darkness that creeps slowly in the endless void.

If you have to say it, they are like tentacles extending from far away where the light is temporarily unable to shine, reaching out to the tentacles of the multi-element galaxy. These tentacles move and advance, seemingly slow, but in fact they are incomparable. Swift, extremely determined speed and momentum, striding towards the Multi-Star River.

And the fastest tentacle has already touched the Multi-element Galaxy – and it is the Belos Galaxy that it has touched.

But… how do you put it?

The Belarus Galaxy resisted, but those thousands of tentacles, a tentacle, and an extremely insignificant front end—what everyone saw in the silent void before, the colorful sky curtains that appeared when many evil gods manifested their existence were nothing but dark tentacles. The front end is illuminated by light, just like a black diamond cut surface illuminated by strong light, reflecting a little one-sided fragment.

In the end, the rushing silver torrent reached its limit, and it could not continue to spread, observing the end of these darkness and the origin of these tentacles.

Faced with these huge darkness.

The light stops here.


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