Soul Merger

Monsterpedia Supplemental - Monster Aggression

Monsterpedia Supplemental :

Monster Aggression

Monsters are drawn to attack humans, especially unmerged humans. If they just threw themselves against humanity's defenses that would be annoying but easily handled. However instead the aggression of monsters seems to be affected by a number of factors. First, how many humans are in the area. Second, how many monsters there are in the labyrinth. And lastly, how many monsters are present above the labyrinths. These factors not only affect how aggressive monsters are, but the formation rate of monsters within the labyrinth.

These three factors mean that monsters tend to only become seriously aggressive when they have a strong chance of breaking out, and rapidly increase their aggression when a city's defenses start to fail. Without strong response towards monster aggression, the situation can quickly spiral out of control.

The current situation is represented by several different levels, each indicating a bigger disaster and threat.

The names of these situations and the specific rules for dealing with them vary from city to city. It's important to learn what your city's signals, rules, and plans for these events are.

Situation : Safe

No monsters aboveground. This is what cities aim for. It's also unreachable. Even ignoring monster tamers and farms, some monsters just naturally form in high magic areas. Sewers are a common problem. Sure a random sewer goblin is likely to be eaten by the perfectly mundane rats, but you should never assume somewhere is completely free of monsters.

Some people blame monster tamers, jackalope farmers, or even magicians for the appearance of random monsters within city limits. However the only things required for monsters to form are a lot of magic and souls. Magic use decreases the magic in the area, and if anyone's figured out how to keep souls from congregating in an area, please tell the local Tower to get your honorary degree. Until then Safe is an impossible goal.

Situation : Random Monsters

The average situation for most areas. For a village this can be very dangerous, as a wandering giant or three can cause a massive amount of damage. But in a city this simply means you have to keep an eye out in deserted areas or late at night. The same precautions you need to take to avoid thieves and other unsavory humans. The most important thing is teaching children about monsters early in life so they won't be surprised. The bustle of a city won't magically keep the outside world away.

Random monsters are annoying, but given the number of delvers in a city they're usually quickly disposed of. Guilds offer extra bounty for monsters killed in city limits, so don't hesitate to ask for assistance in clearing them.

Situation : Outbreak

Outbreaks are when a number of monsters are free and attacking citizens. This can be a horde that broke into the city, or a group of monsters that was brought in illegally and freed. Technically a pack of goblins or orcs would count as an Outbreak, but fate is rarely that kind. Most modern outbreaks have included multiple creatures and caused several deaths. (With the singular exception of the Great Slime Outbreak in Whale Bay.)

Outbreaks usually require delvers and other powerful fighters to hunt down and kill all the monsters on the streets. The majority of their targets will be found and eliminated easily, but it's nearly impossible to catch all monsters. Expect random dangers for the next week.

During an Outbreak the streets are all dangerous. Even if there's been no reports of flying monsters, it's very possible some were missed. Or that scouts from the main group escaped whatever security you've put up. The best plan during an outbreak is to gather with your neighbors and defend yourselves as a group.

Of the last 30 outbreaks in local cities, fully two thirds of them have occurred due to illegal monster handling, unsanctioned experiments, or lax labyrinth maintenance. The rules exist for a reason. Don't break them, and don't let anyone else convince you to turn a blind eye.

Situation : Rampage

If monsters manage to take control of the entry point for a labyrinth. Once that happens there's an unlimited supply of monsters capable of reinforcing the hordes inside the city. Those monsters may or may not work as a team, but they're drawn to attack humans, and break open other labyrinths.

The only way to stop a Rampage is to contain the labyrinths again and establish control via teams of delvers and guards. Almost every delver's guild demands their members help put down a Rampage for the good of the city.

Rampages have become very rare. Still when they do happen there's frequently confusion around local signals and what the response should be. Don't just learn the details for yourself, encourage your friends and family to learn them as well. When a Rampage hits you need to act fast to get to safety, and if you can't read the signals you won't know what direction that is.

Situation : Collapse

If enough monsters get to the surface and lay claim to an area it's possible that the land will become oversaturated with mana and souls. When that happens the location collapses into the earth forming a new Labyrinth. During the Fall repeated Collapses were responsible for the majority of Labyrinths in our area. If a Rampage gets out of control an entire city can be lost to Collapses.

Humans caught in a collapse almost certainly die. Some have survived due to random chance and fleeing the area, but that's pure gamble. No matter your skill, if the labyrinth decides to fuse you with stone you're dead. Get away from places about to Collapse. Work on keeping that disaster contained. If you can.

The ruins of East Town should be a strong reminder what can happen with a Collapse.

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