Soul Merger

Ch 61

Alicia found that her techniques were coming faster than ever. Probably because she was in perfect alignment with her merge.

She really wanted to kill that succubus who was chattering at them. Preferably in some horrible fashion.

"So!" the voice rang out as Alica cut off a zombie's hands and kicked it into the surviving undead. "I gotta say this having a complete soul thing is really awesome. You never know what you're missing until you find it. It's let me get a new understanding of how much fun being a devil is."

"Got my bow," Clara yelled. "Found some of my arrows too, and Rosalina's chips. Think we can hack our way out of here?"

Alissa removed a skeleton's leg. "Hack? No. But Fili can probably burn a way through."

"Yeah, I can," Fili said. "Just need a few seconds."

"AS I WAS SAYING," the succubus growled. "Souls. Important. Let me figure out what makes you humans tick. How I was formed."

Alissa kicked a locker into the doorway, slowing the undead down. "I don't care."

"Oh but you should. After all, you're like me sister. Just a little more complete."

"Firestorm." The rest of the succubus' commentary was cut off by a rush of flame that charbroiled the skeletons along the way.

Alissa dashed through and looked around. The exit to the central grounds was open, and the undead waves had pretty much ended. There were only so many zombies you could stuff into a room, and looked like Fili had burnt through them. "Right. Do you know where they went, Clara?"

"Yeah. It's through here. Going to be a run, but we should make it in time to help. Especially if they're smart and play defensive," Clara took the lead heading out towards the open air.

They made it to the open central field just in time to see a few stragglers from the kids move out a side passage. There was no sign of monsters chasing them, so that seemed to be handled as well. "Good." Alissa muttered, checking those problems off her list.

A squeal and a pop signified the speaking magic coming back on. "Ah there we are." Alissa groaned but kept running. Hopefully the creature couldn't slow them any more. "So succubi. Everyone thinks it's about the sex. But if you actual sit down and use your brain, isn't it really about power?

"We're not built off lust. We're built off sadism. Humans taking what they want with no regard for others. Just like how we take bits of souls that we want." Alissa growled in annoyance. She didn't need a weird motive lecture. And she wasn't happy about being reminded of that soul drain fiasco.

They were getting close to the opposite end, with the ramp slowly coming into view, and Alissa's heart sank. One of those damn metal grates was covering the far end. "Fili can you break through that?"

"I don't know," Fili panted. "Maybe I could break a wall? There's rooms to the sides."

"Now that I'm whole though I find it's much easier to enjoy the power," the succubus continued. "Power over those who can't escape my charm. Power over the weak. And of course power over people like you stuck on the wrong end of a series of ancient spells and tech."

They were approaching the gate now. Alissa tried to think back to the place they came out of/ Which wall would most likely lead to a good room?

"But there's one power I love most of all." Alissa stopped dead as the grating rose into the ceiling. The succubus giggled over the speakers. "The power to backstab some powerful asshole right when they least expect it."

"Have fun sister. See you round!"

Alissa threw aside her confusion, hatred, and fears. "Let's go. The others are waiting." There'd be time for the rest later.

"Right," her friends answered.

Trevor looked up at the dragon who'd tormented them for so long. The black scaled beast was bleeding from one eye, but power was swirling around it. Valorous had prepared for a fight.

The harpy was first to move, screaming and rushing the dragon claws out. A spike of fear ran through his soul, so he ran to help the girl.

A wing swept forward and smacked the harpy to the ground. Trevor stepped in front of the girl's body, raising his shield as Valorous inhaled deeply.

The storm was coming, but this time he was ready. Light suffused his body. His cause was just, and he would hold.

Valorous' wind breath rushed at him with a roar. The impact was tremendous, like when he blocked a hammer poorly. Still his heels dug into the floor, and the wind shattered against the metal of his shield. Light cut through the tearing wind, turning it to whipping currents of air.

Finally the blast subsided and Trevor stumbled forwards. He'd done it!

"Foolish boy! You think this changes anything?" Valorous roared.

"Stop embarrassing us, Worm," Rosalina's voice rumbled in reply.

The light this time was painful, blinding. Not the holy light the angel had granted him, but pure power given form. Thunder deafened him as his eyes started to clear, revealing Valorous snarling with smoldering claw.

Rosalina moved to his side, eyes glowing. "You've shamed all dragonkind with your rambling. We will not permit you to mock us any longer."

"I don't need the words of a weakling who bowed their head to the first rich child they met," Valorous snarled.

Trevor saw Maria recovering to the side. While he didn't want the woman to have to suffer that dragon in her head, it was a good chance. He raised his blade in challenge. "Then prepare to be banished back into the void." He advanced, keeping his guard up, while Maria began her own attack.

"For my sister," the woman snarled as she swung up at the dragon's neck.

"Another disappointment," Valorous sighed as he batted her away. Maria slammed into the wall with a crack, but she was pulling herself to her feet a moment later.

Trevor gave his attention fully to the dragon. That cursed weak scale was in front of him and this time he had no qualms. His blade burned as he stabbed towards it. The tip hit the scale shattering it to reveal flesh beneath-

And then a surge of wind blew him back. The light shielded his body as he hit the ground, but his foe was once again out of reach. "You think I wouldn't protect myself little boy?" the dragon sneered. "Your efforts are futile. Even if you win I shall rise again. I am a complete soul. I shall be reborn again and again until someone comes to aid my rule. And I will take vengeance on all you petty fools."


The word rippled through the air, and Trevor instinctively called up the holy power within to protect himself. He looked back to see the catgirl standing tall, eyes black as night. "You will not rise again. Today you die and I take your soul."

Rosalina looked shocked. "Ibaraki-"

"The oni is not here," the catgirl replied. "Your priestess has called me, Izanami no Mikoto. And all who die shall be mine to take."

Be wary, the angel's voice said. She does not fully control it.

Valorous gave a rumbling laugh. "Oh. And I suppose you're hoping this child will beat me in single combat like a valiant storybook knight? Or perhaps the part dragon will manage to spit enough lightning at me to kill? And of course all this while you keep your wounded from being slain."

The dragon had a point. The harpy's, Kotori's, wing seemed broken, while Trevor had no idea how Maria was still standing. He could defend or attack. But not both.

"She was probably waiting for us."

Trevor glanced back to see a stunning woman wearing a very small amount of leather and a small mage in wet robes rush into the room. He could tell something about the beauty up front was trying to draw his gaze, but the holy power within defended him. He turned back to Valorous, who seemed less resistant. A chance.

He considered attacking, but pressing that tiny opening seemed foolish. Instead he picked up the harpy girl who warbled in pain and carried her to the side. Fortunately the bird woman was light. Here she'd be out of the way of future conflicts.

The correctness of his choice was soon shown off when the mage leveled her staff and it let out a solid bang. "Water Lance, Enhanced!" the small woman called out. A steaming jet of cutting water shot out at Valorous.

The dragon barely recovered, incanting "Deflection!" The torrent of boiling liquid hit a barrier causing a rain of steam, while the main thrust flew to the side. The beam was weakened, but it still punched through one of the creature's wings. He roared in pain before slamming the ground so hard it trembled. "You rats! You've wasted your surprise! Now-"

The scantily clad woman locked eyes with the dragon. "Now I tell you about how your ally betrayed you. At least if you're willing to Listen."

Trevor felt the word ripple through the air, again being snuffed out by his own power. The dragon meanwhile paused. "Why should I care?"

"You shouldn't," Alissa admitted. "You also shouldn't have stopped moving."

A heavy crossbow bolt slammed into the dragon's other eye, popping it. Valorous screamed as the arrow melted into acid, further aggravating the wound.

Trevor's feet moved into action. He zig zagged as he approached the dragon, hoping the creature couldn't guess his movement's purely from sound.

"Wait!" Valorous gasped out. "I know the demon's plan! I call truce! You need me alive!"

He hesitated a moment. But the cold voice from behind answered, "I am goddess of the dead. Their secrets are mine as well. Your life is meaningless"

The dragon swung out blindly and Trevor ducked. "Wait! You can't-"

His blade flashed forwards again. Again he struck the weak spot. But this time there was no spell enhanced scale there to protect the creature.

Hot blood burst forth as his blade pierced the artery. With a powerful swing Trevor ripped the blade free, leaving the dragon to collapse to the ground.

"Everyone is weak sometimes," he muttered to the shuddering creature, saying words he'd kept bottled up for years. "Today it was you."

And so the great 'Emperor' died, his dreams failing before they even started.

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