Chapter 6: 5. The Last Destination.
Quincy was frozen for quite some time, still stunned by what he was seeing before his very eyes, what he saw on that brochure was something that couldn't be and shouldn't be possible. The church, one place he knew about and most parents had warn their children about was now advertised for everyone to see.
Jade, Holland and Evelyn just stood there and watched Quincy's face look like his face or better say his facials were melting off, Quincy's mind felt like it had totally shut down completely and the remaining function of his brain, felt like his brain was either melting or malfunctioning.
Still on the ground, minute by minute, second by second, and each passing moment he still couldn't process it all.
"No, no, no, no, this isn't possible, it isn't supposed to be?" Quincy talking to himself.
The girls saw from that moment that this church must be some kind of a big deal, they didn't know Quincy that very well and had no idea what he had went through all his life, even Jade who has known him for years still counted as a person who had no clue about Quincy.
Apart from knowing him as the 'Desperate Student' and the only person in school who constantly got bullied, to the point that even the teachers themselves couldn't intervene. Or maybe the cold hard truth is that they just didn't care much.
Quincy who was clearly now the one who was now wasting time, decided to stand up and he folded the brochures and eventually tore them into pieces of papers. After that he just threw them away.
Something in him had changed from that innocent, looking kid. Now Quincy, was just different and not the normal kind different like in a good way, his mood had completely changed into something.
He just looked at the girls who were just looking at the pieces of their brochures all over the street, he didn't need to say anything and anyone who was smart enough knew that he wasn't in the mood anymore.
He just bowed down his face and just walked going back.
Jade, Holland and Evelyn didn't expect any of that as they watched him pass between them, not saying even one word. He just left.
A minute and a split second didn't even come close to ending, Jade just decided to asked the burning question that was boiling in her.
"Quincy, where are you going?!"
Quincy kept on walking.
"Where does it look like I'm going? Isn't it obvious that I'm going home."
Jade couldn't believe Quincy's response that it was directed to her, it felt so cold and heartless.
"And what about us? What about our tour?"
"I don't care about your stupid tour, you go wherever you want." Quincy never bothered to even look back.
"What is wrong with you? Are you going to leave us all three ladies alone, in the middle of the night?" Holland getting frustrated.
"You act like you guys are headless chicken, don't you know your way home?" Quincy still cold.
Something in Holland just flipped, "Who said we wanted to go home? We want to see the places that you promised us that we'll get to see and now you are acting like this!"
Quincy could clearly hear how Holland was feeling, she was now pretty angry but he couldn't care less.
So he just kept walking away.
Holland noticed that Quincy ignored her.
"Hey, you punk? Don't you hear me talking to you?!" She shouted.
It's not like that even mattered to Quincy to him, it was just another simple, ordinary day that many people would just talk to him like that, in most cases especially if he had his headphones on him.
Evelyn now sobbing, "But I don't want to go home, I wanna see the town."
Not liking what she sees, Holland just went in and hugged her.
"It's okay, you don't need to cry we'll figure out the way on our own, we don't need him."
She was comforting her friend in need but at the same time she was looking at Jade, with sorrow eyes.
Jade didn't know what to do at that particular moment, but in the end she just followed Quincy who was walking slow for someone who didn't want to do anything with this anymore.
"Wait, please." Jade held Quincy's arm and stopped him.
Quincy didn't react in how he would have reacted if it was any other day or situation, instead of being happy and disbelief that Jade just held his arm. Instead, he was just normal.
"What do you want?" He sounded uninteresting.
"Please, just stop okay, we are sorry that we had to make you see what you saw, I promise you that we didn't know." Jade sounded so sincere.
Quincy just looked at her.
Jade feeling ashamed, "Look, at least can you take us to one last final destination?"
"And why would I do that?" Quincy not easily persuaded.
Jade took a deep breath like what she was about to say was thought of carefully.
"Look at Evelyn, she's hurt and I know that maybe you are hurt too, and if it was possible. I wouldn't even dream of asking you to come with us, but since you tore up our brochures with directions. I was hoping that maybe you'll take us to Evelyn's destination?" Jade sounding convincing.
Quincy was not going to be tricked by the beauty of the girl he so desired, he told himself that he was not going to allow himself to be a simp, and he was winning that's up until.
He looked at where Holland was comforting Evelyn, who was now crying because of him and he was conscious enough to know that.
When Jade was busy talking to him, Quincy walked slowly but after what he saw and once came back from his mind, he suddenly stopped for real this time.
Quincy, not believing himself that he is convinced, "Fine, let's go."
Jade's frown changed to smiling, even though she wasn't making it that obvious but she still had teary eyes.
Quincy went back to Holland and Evelyn, feeling ashamed for how he reacted he didn't even know where to begin.
"Look, I am sorry I guess playing around that place as a kid did eventually create and manifest those things that my mother told me about."
He sounded so sincere.
Evelyn stopped wiping, "it's okay sorry too for bringing this brochure.", Evelyn hugged Quincy.
Who was overwhelmed with this beautiful moment, a previous girl just hugged him that's something that never happened for him before.
After hugging Evelyn, Quincy focused on Holland who did look like she wasn't going to easily forgive Jim, but she bent.
"Fine, I forgive you too." Holland said.
Quincy smiled in the sight of relief, and mouthed, "Thank you."
Seeing how sorry he must have been, Jade just pulled him closer and just hugged him too.
"But, next time if you act like this I'm definitely going to kill you." She whispered.
"Now that everyone is to has made up, how about we continue with our tour." Jade suggested.
Everything was better now and everyone else was now happy that, they all just walked. While walking Jade just decided that she was going to wrap her arm around Quincy's arm.
Talking and enjoying the moment the guys didn't really care about much after that, they were talking and admiring every place that they had come across.
Evelyn's destination was actually the last destination of the night and it was starting to get pretty late, maybe the time was about 21:00 pm, and the moon was still shinning brighter and making their path a bit easier to navigate.
They had already forgotten about what went down between them in just like an hour and a half ago, Jade and Quincy were the ones who were talking in front taking the lead on showing and navigating them through everywhere.
Evelyn being the sweet, innocent girl she was she wasn't actually that different from Quincy when it came to the looks, even though they had different personalities and class if that was not a thing to classify. Actually, their similarities would identify them as the same... If not twins.
And from her personality, Evelyn had chosen a place that really suited her... It was like some kind of antique store l but looked like a Waffle House too.
It was a kind of place that had everything she loved, it was believed that her destination was one of the most famous places, in the whole town. It was an old abandoned house, that still looked new but had that vintage vibe about it.
It was the destination where most pop stars would stop and make their music videos; like the likes of famous young teen pop stars from all kinds of teen stars like solos to pop group stars.
From the brochure the place had that vibe of ancient chinese building, the ones from the Qing dynasty design.
But when they got there, it was way different than what the picture had shown.