Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 7: I Should Have Stayed Quite…

After ordering Philo, he scrambled to get out of our bush, can't you just jump out of it? You're a bunny and all you know?

Well, I don't have time to say that, I immediately woke up also scrambling to stand up because my feet and hands are so small, and immediately assessed the situation, the arrow is just flying towards me, or well, in front of me when I saw it, good thing it missed, I didn't assume the assailant to be some kind of master archer, if he/she is then she has to at least be an adult-sized person.

How did I know that the assailant is not an adult? Simple, because the arrow came at an arc, the bush is at least two feet taller than me and thus it is impossible that an adult will be completely covered to have to rain me in a lower vantage point, and thus the only conclusion is that the one who shoots this arrow is a humanoid monster.

But what monster could i-, no, no way, there's no way that is THAT monster, not when I just randomly blurted out their name, no way, no way.

I slowly looked outside the bushes and a nervously shaking green-colored, fat-bellied, poorly dressed monster, three feet in height, a perfect match to my speculation. I mean, besides me, who is the other person who is three feet or below that can walk and shoot an arrow right?

A goblin archer.

I shouldn't have said their name!

Sigh... Anyway, enough of that, the goblin saw me and immediately knocked her crooked bow with an arrow that is not properly chiseled, I only realized this right now, but when I tried to inspect the goblin, her stats, skills anything, I finally noticed that I don't have the ever so essential for isekai MC's, the appraisal skill when I asked [Guide] about the goblins, he just says they are weak, Don't downgrade goblins now.

Back to the fight, the goblin, however, who is about to shoot me saw the undead, she jumped like she is about to do the Historic Drexler and immediately shot arrow after arrow in wild abandon, my tank has an unusually big agility stat dodged the reckless shots and pushed forward towards the goblin, the goblin is not particularly bad, she is also quite agile and got away from Philo for a while, jumping from trees to trees causing the headbutts of my bunny to miss, I made my stones into the ready and imbued them with my mana, causing them to be more sturdy and have more damage.

Heh... That works huh? Isn't mana and magic the same, [Guide]?

[Master, No, Mana and Magic are not the same, Mana is the fuel while Magic is the product.]

Oh, so that's what it is huh? So basically if I, for example, injected these stones with mana, they will just become sturdier but will not have any attribute, like how gasoline will not catch fire unless you threw a source of fire into it huh? That's neat.

I continuously watched the fight which became one-sided immediately, Philo, who has more HP and of course, stamina, than the archer goblin overwhelmed the poor green-colored monster and now, she can only dodge once in a while, her whole body is covered with bruises because of the headbutts.

Now my unique skill describes that to make a dead person my undead, that person has to die by my hands, and at this rate, Philo will beat me to it so I immediately ordered him to slow down his relentless assault, and he retreated and the goblin, with a sobbing sound escaping from her mouth as she started to mutter some words that are, I know is a language I can understand, English in short but still too inaudible to be heard, and alongside her inaudible rambling is a shimmer of hope in her eyes.

I ignored the whimpers of the poor soul and poured cold water in her hope, this bitch just attacked us in the middle of me napping so I hailed her a volley of stones without remorse, I am stoning her to death, after another volley of three stones that hit on the spot, the goblin died earning me a notification.

Notice [You have acquired a sufficient amount of Experience. (56 EXP)

Your level has increased by +1.

Your STR has increased by +1

Your INT has increased by +4

Your VIT has increased by +2

Your AGI has increased by +3

Your DEX has increased by +2


Eh... Siri's lazy once again huh? Well anyway, it seems like I leveled up but Philo didn't, and when I checked his stats why are the requirements for his level up so freaking big? And why is mine so low? When I look at his EXP bar and calculated some maths here and there, I can assume that there is a fifty EXP. requirement increase every level up and look at my stats.

Name: Sophia Demiurge

HP: 57/57

Race: Human (Newborn)

Mana: 20

Stamina: 15 

[Level: 2

EXP: 3/125


STR: 14

INT: 17

VIT: 7

AGI: 15

DEX: 22

LUK: 0

Titles: The Mortal Child of the God of Undead


Unique: [Guide], [Necromancy], [Hastened Human Evolution]

Common: [Throw LVL 2]: Throws projectiles to the enemies, the projectiles can be applied with magic.

[Punch]: uses the fists to attack.

[Spearmanship]: Uses a spear or a staff as a weapon.

[Night Vision]: Lets an individual see into the darkness as if it was the same as day, due to the skill being already in its final form, it cannot further be evolved.

Passive: [Aim LVL 2]: Adds 7% chance to make the projectile you have thrown or attack you have unleashed to perfectly hit the target.


Why is there only twenty-five in the increase? I have my speculation and I am quite certain of it, but let's just ask someone who can confirm it, [Guide]!

Why is it, that my recruitment increase is only twenty-five but to other individuals, by fifty? Is it because of pops?

[Master, I do not know this "pops", but the reason for this occurrence is because the God of Undead Blessing you with reduced EXP requirement by fifty percent, in reverse he didn't give you the blessing of EXP. multiplier because that will be too favorable for you.]

I looked at the air while talking to [Guide] with widened eyes, damn pops are pampering me huh? I guess being a daughter of a god is not overhyped after all, though to be honest, if I were to be asked, I still prefer to have it so that children of literal gods can turn water into wine, stone into bread, and resurrect the dead, but this is not the world of the bible but the world of... well world that has a system, so I guess system themed blessing is more aesthetic.

While I am at it, I also asked Guide how all the EXP. the stuff works and it seems like the increase is not just limited to fifty and is solely dependent on the change of race, for example when my bunny became a dragon for example, having only fifty as a requirement increase while having strength that can destroy cities is broken as heck, so, of course, it has to be greater than when he is a bunny.

Having filled myself with once again an ample amount of knowledge about this world, I stepped out of the bush I am in, leaving the fruits for now, and headed to the corpse of the goblin, and as I went near it, a notification came dinging in my head.

Notice[ Unique skill [Necromancy] can resurrect the corpse of the Low Goblin and make it fight for your cause, will you use the ability of [Necromancy] to resurrect the creature?]

[Yes or No]

I immediately clicked yes even though I didn't make any clicking motion, and as I selected the affirmation, the goblin's body also underwent the same thing as Philo did, black smoke enshrouded her and her bruised and battered body became a shaded grey that has also a shade of green as the goblin's wounds were stitched and a little bondage then appeared in the eye that got struck and destroyed by one of the rocks I threw at her earlier.

The goblin then, like Philo also knelt in front of me, just more noble looking because she is a humanoid. As she did that, another notification sounded in my ear.

Notice[ You have successfully raised an undead]

[Please Select a name for your Undead subordinate]

Hmmm... This dilemma again, I have many names to pick but actually cannot choose one because it being too many in the first place, I then after painstakingly making a process of elimination in my mind decided to call my goblin Lyra, as in Lyra the Lyre constellation, and with the ever so usual Dinging sound, a notification sounded out.

Notice [You have successfully named an undead under you, part of your mana will be repurposed into stats for the named undead Lyra.

As the one who gave Lyra her name, she will be loyal to your will and will try to fulfill all your wishes as your subordinate.

EXP. Share system between a master and named creature was activated between you and named Undead Lyra, you can now share the EXP. of your kills with each other.]

And to my surprise, the first I thought to be already finished notification didn't stop, but instead, another baddie in town appeared in the ranks of my abilities.

Notice[The undead under your command has now gone past the singular number, coordination between the two subordinates and you are now possible.

The hivemind ability of the Unique Skill [Necromancy] has been unlocked.

Hivemind: Let's the other people of a party to be able to communicate without the need to use any device or magic, making commands easier, it also lets the master of a master-subordinate party see the sight of his or her subordinates whilst the Subordinates can also see the vision of their master, only if they are allowed]

Oh my, that's some nice upgrade in there, didn't expect to acquire something so useful to my just now thought-of plan, I have this in mind the moment the fight between the two of us and Lyra is unfolding, if Lyra is alone at that time and goblins can speak the language of humans, it wouldn't make sense to not speculate that Lyra is a stray of her party and maybe is just a member who wanted to impress her party members by shooting down a bunny, but she just spelled her doom because the bunny she thought will be easy picking turned out to be undead, though not high enough to have been granted to have unlimited stamina (Though I bet they will receive such power-ups soon enough).

And so, with our natural connection, I asked her the whereabouts of her companions, she then stared at me and I understood her response even though she didn't say anything, this is strange because it seems like [Necromancy] connects our minds.

She said, "I lost them and I do not know where they are but if we follow the path that my living self has taken, I am sure that we will pursue them sooner rather than later."

A smile, an evil one not suited to a baby at all crept on my face, I knew it! Lyra has companions, after all, there's no way an archer will leave alone without a distraction, after all, archers are snipers so she ought to have companions, and I am right.

I still have to check her stats but if I want to catch them, I have to hurry so I did not bother about that for now as I immediately tapped her shoulders and immediately ordered the two the search for the party, that will soon join the ranks of my undead.

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