Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 67

67 Prince Wang Perspective

“Your Highness!”

When I was working in the Wang Prince’s office, Cyril came to me early enough when she entered the room in a constant panic.

Seems to have rushed here from somewhere with a little sweat on his forehead.

“Oh, Cyril. What’s the matter, so hasty?”

To my words, Cyril distorts her face into pain. “Actually…” he opens his mouth.

Put the paperwork in your hand at your desk in such a state of Cyril. And turn your gaze toward Cyril.

“Earlier, Marquis Marcel and Miss Rachel saw him with His Majesty.”

“Rachel and the Marquis… No way!

Cyril’s words.

Rachel and the Marquis, and Your Majesty.

The answer came soon.

The other day His Majesty brought to me a truly deafening story about dissolving Rachel’s engagement.

Of course, I told her no immediately.

Besides, we’re talking about setting up the Virgin as a new fiancée.

… dissolving Rachel’s engagement with the new woman?

It’s not worth thinking about.

I’d rather curse myself for not doing something early before receiving protection from the Spirit King, even though I was perceived as dangerous.

According to research using the information network, apparently the Virgin interviewed His Majesty about this engagement.

Says, if you don’t make yourself King Prince’s fiancée, you leave this country because you are being heard from your neighbor. Apparently.

Originally, this country and its neighbours were one country. In other words, the Virgin Faith is similar to this country. Moreover, in neighbouring countries, the Virgin has not appeared since five hundred years ago, the cause of the partition of the country.

In other words, as Your Majesty, you cannot take the Virgin out of your own country to a neighbouring country. That’s what you’d say.

Rather than the power of the Virgin, the Virgin has a greater influence on the people by her mere existence. If it can be taken in by the royal family, there is no doubt that faith in the Virgin will have a good effect on the royal family.

I don’t care how many cards you hang up when something happens.

Even so, conditioning my engagement, etc.

Without the protection of the Spirit King of Light… I can’t help but think so.


Bite your lips without remorse.

You bit too hard or the taste of blood spreads slightly in your mouth.

Cyril, I’m going to Your Majesty now.

“Yes. Your Majesty is in the office. Your Highness has already told us that he will visit.”

“… a boulder.”

As soon as you take your seat and head to the door, Cyril opens the door.

Without stopping, he headed straight to the king’s office.

… I didn’t expect to call Rachel.

I can imagine what you said, but no matter how many kings you say, they’ll be too much on their own.

Going through the hallway early, I guess my own face looks like a demon due to the poor complexion of the servants standing beside me.

Consciously, within the royal palace, he always had a serene look on his face. I can’t even fix that right now.

When you arrive at the King’s Office, ask the knight to take over.

He looks at my face and says, “I am asking about your visit.”

Unlike the Crown Prince’s office, there are several doors in the back of this passage room, separated from the office room and the dormant room.

Of all those doors, I glance up at all the doors in the office where His Majesty would be.

“Your Highness, your face is to meet His Majesty.”

Like that, Cyril, standing behind me sitting on the couch, looks in her ear and whispers.

“I can’t do that. You’re going to meet your enemies now, but you’re going to laugh.”

I feel the power between my brows in Cyril’s words. The words out of his mouth were too low and cold.

“I don’t suppose the enemy meant his father.”

I give thanks for all the shapes as I pound my inner tongue to the voice that comes from the back door that was opened with a rattle of noise.

Slowly approaching, His Majesty sits on the couch in front of me.

… What is my father?

I often say this to habits that have not fulfilled one single thing, such as being born, acting as a father, etc.

Only such evil is past my head.

“Apparently, you’re in my ear.

It would be roughly about the engagement. ”

“You said you called the Marquis Marcel and the Lady of the Order.

Last time you said you weren’t engaged to the Virgin. ”


The words make my head cool and hot.

“Since you are already eighteen, I will not listen to you like such a child. You don’t know what’s best for your country.”

For the country?

Marriage to the Virgin is for the good of the country.

It is certainly not a pleasure for this country to be taken with the Virgin to its neighbours.

After all, the power of the Virgin is only beneficial given to her by the Spirit King of Light.


“Still, the Virgin can’t use her powers, can she?”

“So what’s the matter? The power of the Virgin is that only the royal family can know. Originally, everyone thinks that the power of the Virgin is a symbol. You will know the Virgin Faith of this country”

“… even if…”

“Okay. The people want the Virgin to be the Mother of the Nation. Of course, so am I.

And power will be able to be used in it. ”

There’s no way she’s going to be the Mother of the Nation.

Looking at Anna Carroll’s actions so far, that’s obvious.

“I still can’t accept it. What would you do then?

“Until my brother became Prince Wang”

I get more irritated by the words I tell you like nothing else.

The father in front of him only sees his own son as one of the pawns. It has been for a long time.

“Of my three sons, the good one carries on the trail. Prince Wang, don’t forget the possibility that his seat will be taken by others.”

Did they say that when they were twelve?

Until that day, I wanted my father somewhere. But I realized at that moment. It’s not the father in front of you. He said he was the king of this country.

Even the past I remember is an abominable memory.

I feel a chilled gaze pointed out of my sight, as if to look at someone who doesn’t make sense.

His Majesty sighs loudly and opens his mouth.

“And your fiancée. No, you’re not.

My ex-fiancé agreed to dissolve it. ”

“Tell me what!

His Majesty’s face sitting in front of him has only slightly raised the corner of his mouth. But my eyes with the same color as mine aren’t laughing at all. It’s rather cold, and I don’t think it’s the eyes that look at my son after all.

His Majesty put a piece of paper on the table, as he offered it before me.

“Give it up. You have been given life as a king prince.

Marriage is also for the sake of the country. It is the vessel that will make you king. ”

I don’t know how I got back to my own office afterwards.

I was sitting in my usual chair when I noticed. In front of me, a cup of cold cut tea that I can imagine had been put in long ago.

And in front of you is a piece of paper with the name of a loved one.

… Rachel.

With what thoughts did you write your name on this paper?

Slowly take the name with your fingers.

Beautiful, if usual, writing is slightly shaken.

From the way it looks, I can see what Rachel thought of signing this.

Protect it.

I promised to protect Rachel.

More frustrating than anyone, for their impudence.

─ ─ Cancer

Hit the wall with your fists to the full force as if to exude its frustration. Cyril called out “excuse me,” as she panicked at the dull sound.

But I can’t even look at it right now.

It looks like the back of my eye burns with a tickle.

Anger passed.

Instead, he would even settle down now.

Cyril, who had been watching me for a while, spoke out.

“I wonder if what His Majesty said was a mistake.”

“I guess.”

“Still unacceptable,” he said?


I know that.

Benefits of taking in the Virgin royally.

That the first of these is political marriage, etc.

If I was the only one who could think of it as an old gain, it wouldn’t be strange to be floating around as one of the choices.

But not now.

Because by Rachel, I disappeared when I could only see things at a loss.

“Do you mind if I don’t stay with Prince Wang? Didn’t you come from a very young age to powder yourself for your country!

Will you stop being Prince Wang?

Cyril’s words unwittingly leak a laugh out of her nose. Cyril opened her eyes to my expression.

“Who gives up,” he said?

Country comes first.

Such a thing is more natural than being born royal.

And it is also my own purpose. Eliminate places where there is no light all over the country. There is no need for a district where everyone turns away. All the people are my people to protect.

But at the same time, I put myself in a future with that dazzling light.

A future for Rachel to stand next to and build.

Earlier, I was upset by the paperwork with Rachel’s name on it. I even had a sense of despair that would darken in front of me, thinking about Rachel and the future away.


“I get everything I want.

Neither marriage to Rachel nor the throne of the Crown Prince.

… and the future of this country. ”

Slightly looking down, Cyril said, clogging her voice slightly: “Yes, it was. … My Lord was a greedy man,” he struck earlier and seeped an unusual joy into his words.

“Write to Rachel. Deliver it to the Marquis Mansion unnoticed by His Majesty.”


Take the note out of the drawer with the words.

Above all, I have to make contact with Rachel.

It’s unlikely, but a sentence written on the document of the dissolution of the engagement.

“New Fiancée,” I can’t even imagine what I would do if they made something like this.

Just imagine who you’re dealing with like that, and you’re about to break a pen. It was slightly powered, or the pen I had screams pissily.

And there’s another problem.

“And I’m going to see the Virgin. Your majesty may know this.”

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