Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 58

The next week brought a lot of changes to New Lordaeron.

Starting with the most important, a working sewage system. With scans from the Probes, my time in trade school and the Lordaeronian Builders' knowledge we managed to install working plumbing in all the building. We established both a grey and black water system to improve treatment. While we had no need to reuse the water ourselves, I wanted to make sure we weren't tainting any remaining water tables. The end result was basically using ionization fields via Pylons to separate impurities and then exposing the waste to plasma treatment from repurposed Photon Cannons. The remaining gases were captured with shields and disassembled at the Forges or converted into Vespene Gas. This took some trail and error to get right but wasn't as complicated as it sounds.

Raynor was a happy camper, he loved his new armor and the modified rifle based on his old one. He was even happier whipping the recruits into a more modern fighting force.

Once the new recruits have been supplied with brand spanking new suits of power armor, Raynor had them live in them for the week. He even made the poor bastards sleep in them.

I was waiting to design my own suit as I wanted to be able to incorporate all the adjustments and improvements testing was going to bring.

They were quickly provided rifles based off Raynor's, with my own modification. A few hours each day was spent at the new shooting range where they were learning to use the weapons as both battle rifles and sniping. Judging by the damage caused to the new berm, the average gangoon was as threatening as a kitten.

He taught them different formations and tactics and divided them into two five man squads.

The completion of the Barracks didn't change his training, however it did allow each of the recruits to be converted into Footmen were raised their performance quite a bit. They also ate a lot more, but it wasn't a problem, we had enough rations stockpiled for quite a while now.

The end of the week brought the first three farms' first harvest. We now had fresh corn, potatoes and beef.

I wasted no time and designed a huge grill and smoker for all our BBQ needs. Soon enough brisket and ribs and steaks were available at meals. The Nomads kicked in plenty of the synth spices that enhanced the flavor of our meals. Though I swore I would one day have fresh herbs and spice to cook with, and knock the socks off of everyone.

Raynor had mentioned that there had never been that much variety back on his family's farm growing up. Later he got used to eating army rations, almost tasteless cubes of nutrients designed to keep you going and never spoil. While he quite enjoyed the excellent rations the Company sold us, it wasn't enough in my book. Life owned this man a fucking badass homecooked meal of epic proportions, and I would deliver.


Project Underbridge completed both of it's first stages. The spiraling road down into the earth and the bridge itself were finished smaller gem sized Psicrystals embedded into the concrete at ten foot intervals both to extend the Psifield and to provide lighting. At night the bridge seemed to glow with a soft blue light. A Pylon at the center covered the structure from prying eyes.

I went down there a lot with Sally and Megan to just enjoy a different view of the canyon. From here I could see the the outflow of water from the valley had formed a small lake which had a stream running off to the northwest. It wasn't much yet, but it was growing by the day, and might eventually rival the Colorado river.

Speaking of Sally and Megan we continued our new found pass time of kissing every chance we got.

Our latest date, saw us having a picnic down on the bridge. We sat on a blanket laid on the concrete while enjoying a meal together. We spoke of our dreams and goals, and that led into another passionate afternoon of kissing and petting.

The talking did bring some perspective on why we were hitting it off so fast.

"We usually find that anybody interested in one of us, is only interested in one of us. We decided when we were little we would never be apart any longer then we had to be, and so any body we were with had to be okay with that. Surprisingly most men aren't okay with that, stupid Gonks." Megan explained nearly breathless from the latest round of making out. Her shrug carried a hint of confusion. She returned to seeing if she could find all my secrets hidden in my mouth.

A bit later.

"We love each other but neither of us are into girls really. We fool around sure, but we're just the best of Chooms and figured we'd be able to share a serious partner if it came down to it. Plus getting attached to non-Nomads wasn't a good option until we met you, and there are some odd rules about the whos and hows of relationships in the Clans." Sally plowed into the topic full speed ahead, between lip wrestling and sensual massage jujitsu.

Later still.

"You're the first input we've met that hasn't tried to cut one of us out. Usually because they want to take one of us back to their family." Megan expounded, with her swollen lips and shimmering eyes full of pleasure.

"Of course, it helps that you make us feel special and new to all of this." Sally liked to run hands over my new abs. Thank you, Paladin class!

"I am new to all of this and just so happy to be here with you ladies. Was starting to think I'd end up alone for the rest of my life, and would be overjoyed if we could be together as long as you two can stand me." I had a smile on my face but I don't think it was a happy one. Wistful maybe. Basically this was working because I wasn't trying to tear them apart, but I still couldn't understand how anyone wouldn't want to be with both of them. Eh their loss, my gain.

"Oh you are just sooo hard to get along with Ryan." Megan chuckled as she hugged me, pulling my face down to start another round of deep kissing. She was eager to get back into our current session. She had a thing about running her hands through my hair, she liked the texture. I liked the feeling.

They really enjoyed that I had figured out how to trickle mana into my kisses, they said it felt like a shot of pure joy. The reality is that I figured it out because I was trying to mitigate the after effects of our fun on my anatomy. Running mana through my body slowly helped a lot when it came to dealing with pain. It was like trying to cast a spell but stopping right at the cusp of ignition.

Sally slugged my shoulder, "I still don't believe you weren't fending girls off all the time." She had become fascinated with my ears and more specifically nibbling on my earlobes. It never failed to bring a shiver to my spine. She whispered, "Soon we're going to make you all ours, too bad for all the others." as she started to nip as the rim of my left ear.

What a fun date.


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