Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 53

There was no way I wouldn't put out a chapter today even if I had to cheat a bit. One month of working on this story. Yay!

Okay, I'm getting a handle on the things I need to get done and I should be able to increase writing time "soon-ish". No promises on schedules and the like. But the story really does help with my ability to focus on other things, so I need this.

Again I re-emphasize, I am not chasing numbers here, not money nor fame. I'm just getting ideas out of my head, and since I was going to do it anyway, why not share with everyone else. Yes I am trying to get better at writing, in the sense of quick improvised chapters, to improve my ability to create simple but effective scenes as fast as I can. Though getting everything on the page as fast as I can is still the priority. And I can honestly say I'm not where I want to be, yet. I have always learned best by doing something, so here we are. I'll keep at it, and hopefully you keep reading.

If you enjoy the Story, I would much rather you drop a quick comment, than a rating or a review. I not looking to blow up accidently and get swamped by all of the issues with that. If you don't enjoy the Story... well good job forcing yourself to read this far. I can't do that so you are a better person than me.

For everyone who helps with edits, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It makes things so much easier for my mental wellbeing.

-DAB 08/15/2024


My time over the next few days was largely spend doing what I had found I loved best, improving schematics. Mostly small adjustments to improve power flow, or to streamline chassis like the Sentries. In some cases, the new knowledge in my brain was proving very useful, like several improvement to the cloaking fields. for example you no longer needed a bracelet to operate under the field provided you were designated friendly by one of the recognized authorities of the Valley.

I branched out into coding, so I could better understand and regulate the AIs governing my robots. Probes were showing remarkable improvement across all fields, and I even managed to include a few new tools in their latest redesign. Better lifting and pulling, expanded repair and upgrade features and especially in the baseline building programming. Now they could build any schematic from scratch rather than having to warp it in.

How did this help? As I had learned from observing the Lordaeron builders it was faster, and didn't emit anywhere near as much of an energy signature. Also they could now perform many of the functions of a Forge on their own, just on a much smaller scale. Good for making new equipment.

Even the minor additions to Alina's code were already paying dividends. Day to day needs and functions were handled with precision. She was running the base expansions now, with only slight input from Meadran and Raynor. Although at this point the Valley really had no room for anything else. So most new building projects were happening out in New Lordaeron as we had all taken to calling it. I figured it would be good for the morale of the people I summoned to have a reminder of their home.

I had taken to training with Jim and the recruits for a couple of hours every day. Getting used to my new physical improvements, which were substantial. I still hadn't spent my free points not understanding where I might benefit the most. Though Meadran and Jim both said I should do something about my agility. That would be Reflex, right?

I took this training time as well to cast Nature's Blessing on everyone. Making the already ridiculously speedy construction of buildings that much faster, and the training that much smoother.

It was during one training session that I got perhaps my best idea yet.

Raynor had been trying to get some of the Probes to cycle into the training, so the recruits would have something different to spar with. It wasn't going well, the Probes really didn't like being ordered by anyone but me. They were mostly just beeping angrily at him, but today Buzz was not having it. He rammed into Raynor and plinked off Raynor's armor.

Raynor's powered armor.

Raynor had mentioned that mechanical enhancement of humans in The Confederacy was rare, and usually the last ditch method to treat someone. They mostly enhanced people genetically or chemically. However, his armor was powered granting him a fairly large boost to strength and speed.

Watching Buzz ram into Raynor again and again, I couldn't help but think that we could make more armor. Better armor. If my experiments with Khalai tech had taught me anything it was that human equipment was easy to replicate and improve using the Forge.

"Buzz! Scan that armor." I pointed at Raynor's armor. "Raynor can you teach these guys how to operate that armor or some just like it?"

Buzz hovered around Raynor, his scanners working on every little detail of the armor.

"Of course, they're dumb as rocks and mule stubborn, but that was all my boys back home. I can whip them into shape, but where are you... I get it." His eyes lit up with understanding. "That'll be something."

Buzz beeped his completion. "When this is done, the Probes will help with training. We can use it to enhance their battle algorithms. Right, Buzz?"

Buzz gave a sad beep. "Cheer up Buzz, it will help improve everyone. Isn't that good?"

A doubtful beep that meant, "Sure , but can you trust them.?"

"Maybe not as well as you guys, but sure I trust them." I nodded at the grumpy Probe. Buzz flew off to get back to his work.

"Is it just me or have they gotten more uppity lately?" Raynor asked gruffly.

"Yeah, side effect of the infusion process. They keep developing evolving personalities and it get more pronounced when they get a name. Kind of like kids. But they are way better company now." I shrugged. "I'm going to get to work on the designs for Terran and Protoss fusion armor."

That was when I got a call. Sally.

My face drained of blood. Oh fuck. I'd gotten too caught up in everything.

"Sally are you alright?" I tried to keep my voice calm.

"Yeah, they didn't really chase us. We think they just wanted to drive us off. A couple of the old vets had eyes on them for a while after we scattered. They're guarding the area, not letting anyone near. They barely even seemed interested in the remains of your buildings other than the water. They were real keen on that."

That was a load off my mind.

"Can you guys meet up? Hell bring everyone if you want. I've got a solution for the Corpos watching us from above. We have water and food and plenty of room. Better yet, new weapons and armor coming down the pipeline soon." I said the last part like you might say hot steamy sex.

"Ooo. That does sound like a good time. You talked me into it, you smooth devil. I'll talk to Amanda and we'll head that way shortly." The line went silent. She didn't seem upset, good. I guess I hadn't fucked up too badly.

Raynor chuckled, "I know that look. Wife?"

"Huh!? What!? No, we just met not that long ago. Still figuring all that out." I felt my face heat up.

"Oh, son. Your goose is already cooked, you might as well make peace with the idea. Been there a time or two. Before you ask, no, it never gets easier."

Yeah. I was looking forward to their arrival, and dreading it all the same.


I'll try to not have six days between chapters again, but no promises. I wish you all a lovely day.



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