Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 48

I drove back to my Outpost in the city.

As I descended into the depths, I received 2000 CPoints and a Round Token made of the same material as the Hero Token. Which reminded me, I should really use that when I get back to the valley. That would be a loyal ally in a world where too many by any other standard was not enough here.

The Psifield had strengthened in the tunnel. It was a comfort. Something about it seemed to prop me up, helped me recall my purpose here.

The Probes had dug out four large areas so far. Three areas had two Robotics Facilities apiece. I immediately set those up to build Sentries.

The fourth area had two Forges in it. We could break down just about anything and use those resources to build just about anything. I had a lot of future plans for that. All in good time.

The Probe that were digging out these rooms had shifted to digging another tunnel to the north. It would be good to be able to pop up anywhere in the city that I wanted.

I started tinkering in the Forges. I had the Probes tunneling North haul material back here to break down instead of banishing it to the void. Sure it would slow them down, but I'd decided not to be in a hurry anymore. We could take as long as we needed to accomplish ours goals. So long as we remained undetected.

I started assembling the parts for a larger freight elevator. Once the parts were done, I had Buzz and Jitters start breaking down the stairs. A few hours later, I had a working lift to get back and forth. Bonus, the Sentries should be able to use it, so they don't have to stay in the tunnels.

With that out of the way, I assembled some basic furniture. Table, chairs and a bed. A couple of fridges and a stove for when I could stock the place, later. I had to tweak and combined a few different schematics to get a proper oven with a stove top from the odd collection of things scanned into the assemblers database.

That made me realize I hadn't been drinking nor had anything to eat for quite a while. Fuck.

I took the lift, Buzz and Jitters floating about me to try to find some food that wasn't too bad.

Turned out there was a dinner just up the street. It served what something called fusion cuisine. I ordered a noodle burger. This was a patty of "meat" and some "vegetables" wrapped in noodles on a bun. Tasted better than I thought it would but still didn't quite meet my standards. I had a canned lemon ice tea with my meal that wasn't too bad.

I did grab a few more of those cans of tea to throw in the fridges back at the outpost.

I was going to head back to the valley in the morning. There was no point in sticking around the Probes knew what to do.

My rest was mostly peaceful and I awoke in the morning ready to head out.

5:00 AM good time to get started.

Took Jitters and Buzz with me to the van and we got rolling.

The drive out to the valley was uneventful, just the way I like it.

When I got to the bridge though, I discovered a problem.

There was grass growing everywhere. Minty smelling purple grass. The same grass that tends to grow by the waters of a Moon Well. From the bridge all the way up to the cave following the overflow troughs.

Like the one Arasaka saw, at the other outpost. Fuck.

I should have thought of this already. I groaned in frustration. I might have banged my head into the steering wheel a few times.

Well it's not like I didn't have an idea of how to take care of that problem. I just had to get started on the solution.

'Hey Meadran, I'm coming up. See you soon.'

'Hmm. Good to hear from you Young One. We were starting to get worried.' A sense of peace filled my mind at contact with him. The Valley really was becoming home.

Up and through the cave which had even more offshoots now. I supposed the constant search for resources continued.

Lumi met me at the entrance to the Valley and after some scratches and rough housing, he run off into the forest.

At this point there was nothing but forest here the whole of the valley was flooded with trees. I was staring at a kaleidoscope of different colored foliage.

Meadran himself had grown a bit more, not as dramatic a change as last time but still noticeable.

The Rim of the valley had a fully built trail around it following the path set by the Pylons there. Photon Cannons and Keeper Statues where placed by each Pylon. this place was about as defended as we could get it, right now.

There was all manner of undergrowth now as well. Various bushes and flowers all playing their parts in the cycle of life here.

Movement outside the trails and path built by the silver Wisps would be difficult at best.

Yet as I descended the undergrowth seemed to lean away from me as if to not get in my way. I did reach out to one bush to pluck a berry out of it and it seemed to lean into my hand almost like a dog seeking affection. I gave it a pat and it shivered. Okay, that wasn't the wind.

What was this?

'Meadran what's up with the plants and trees?' Trying to project my full meaning over our connection.

'They are happy you are home, Young One. Druids are ever bound to nature and all the subjects therein seek the favor of the Druid. We are all connected.' His thoughts were deep and carried ages of meaning. Even at the speed of thought it would take a while to process all of that.

'There is someone you should meet, Young One.' Meadran seem excited.

'Huh? Where?' Someone got in the Valley?

I ran to Meadran island, and there they were.

A nine foot tall skinny tree person, a treant with Golden leaves and dark walnut colored bark. It waved at me enthusiastically, while performing some kind of dance. I could tell it was excited and happy to be here.

'While his connect is still growing stronger he can not yet talk mind to mind. This if Faergin a descendant of the First Trees and one who walks the path of Lore.' Meadran projected a sense of family and closeness.

"Pleased to meet you Faergin. I hope you find what you are looking for here." I tried to project friendliness.

After all trees seemed to be the best people so far, if Meadran was any example.


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