
Chapter 4: Emotions

His gaze wandered across the room. The floor was fully covered in a majestic blue carpet, adorned with intricate yellow designs, making it seem noble-like. To the left, attached to the wall, there were two large, dark wood bookshelves filled with a colorful spectrum of books. 

To the right, a large, ornate mirror hung on the wall, its gilded frame reflecting the colors of the carpet and bookshelves, adding a sense of depth and luxury to the room. 

And now, facing Aster, stood a sturdy, wooden desk with a high-backed, leather chair positioned behind it. The desk was polished to a warm sheen, as if it was completely new. 

Aster was well aware of the deliberate choice of the elegant table.

Behind it, a man with slicked-back black hair and piercing green eyes rose from the leather chair, revealing his full body covered in a long, black leather coat. Aster's gaze was drawn to the man's towering figure, his imposing presence commanding attention. An aura of quiet confidence and authority emanated from him, making Aster wary. 

The man's smile never wavered as he glided across the table and walked towards Aster. As he grew closer, their eyes locked on to each other. And then with a very gentle yet firm touch, the man's fingers wrapped around Aster's chin, his thumb tracing the curve of his jaw as he tilted his head, studying him with an unnerving intensity. 

'Who the hell is this guy?' Aster thought to himself as the man continued to examine him. After a while, he finally let go of his chin. 

"Nnngh!" the man's voice thundered, his face darkening with indignation.

"He's not well fed, and his physique is appalling! How could you have neglected him so much so that he seems like a walking pile of bones?!" His green eyes blazed with a fierce intensity, looking left and right, boring into Aster's caregivers with a scathing accusation, as if daring them to justify their obvious dereliction of duty. 

Then the elephant in the house, the senior nun stepped in, and stood to Aster's right, as she faced the furious man. 

"My lord, this boy is a voidborn, the reincarnation of devil, how could you care about this..this thing's health! Just look at his eyes!" The senior nun tried to defend herself, grabbing Aster's right ear and lifting him up, a striking pain spreading throughout it. 

"Just look at them! They're hollow, and without any emotions whatsoever. This demon might end us all one day! It does not deserve mercy!" The senior continued. 

"So I, as a follower of God have decided to punish this boy daily. It is what he must rightfully suffer!" The senior nun scoffed confidently, as she continued to squeeze Aster's right ear even more tightly with her rough and wrinkled fingers. 

"Enough!" the man bellowed, his patience snapping. He grasped the senior nun's wrist with a vice-like grip, his fingers digging deep into her skin. His face was a mask of fury, his green eyes blazing with a fierce intensity that made the senior nun's eyes widen in alarm. 

"Sister! My lord please, you're hurting her!" Another sister rushed to the man's side, worried about her senior. 

"Hah? So you worry for you senior, but do not care for this ill and malnourished child?!" The man turned to the sister as his terrifying green eyes locked onto her brown eyes. 

Finally letting go of Aster's ear, the senior nun's voice trembled slightly as she spoke, her head bowed in a deep, submissive gesture. "I understand, my lord," she repeated, her words laced with a hint of fear, as she stood frozen in place beside Aster. 

The man's face eased, as he turned to Aster and sat down on one knee, meeting his gaze. His expression which was just angry and fierce, turned gentle and faded into a warm smile. Looking deep into his eyes, the man spoke, 

"So how about it? Boy, would you like to come with me?" The man said, as he placed both of his arms onto Aster's shoulder. 

'What did you say?' 

"Umm, sir, I couldn't hear you. Could you repeat that please?" Aster asked the man, who nodded, and once again spoke with a tender voice. 

"I said, would you like to come with me? To my home." 

Aster immediately turned right to the senior nun as he watched her appalled face, staring at the man. Looking at her like this, he couldn't help but chuckle in his thoughts. 

'Again, this must be a joke right?' Aster thought to himself as he replied the same to the man, 

"Enough of these bad jokes, mister. Can I go back to my room? Old hag, could you take me back? I wanna at least relax a bit until I get beaten up." Aster sighed as he turned once again to the senior nun, who seemed to be relieved, smiling at him while meeting his eyes.

"Wait!" The man extended his arm between Aster and the nun, commanding her to stop. 

His visage turned into a disappointed one as he looked once again into Aster's eyes and said with a soothing voice, 

"Boy. Look at me. I'm not joking." 

Aster was surprised. 

"But, why? Why would you adopt a voidborn like me? I'm cursed you know. I'm the devil's reincarnation." 

"Haaaah… " The man sighed. 

Realization struck Aster. 

 "Oh. I get it. You must want to have me all for yourself and punish me by yourself." Aster said, his thoughts about the man slowly changing. However, right then and there, the man looked once again into Aster's eyes, shocked about his insights. 

"No, you idiot child. I'm NOT adopting you to torture you. I'm adopting you to....adopt you." 

"I want to give you a happy life. As my son." 

"I don't wish the worse for you like these monsters over here." The man smiled. 

"Bu-" Aster was about reply once again but was interrupted by the man. 

"I don't care that you're a voidborn. I don't care that you're a child of Satanists. I assure you that nobody in my family would either. I already have a son, and I can tell that you're a sweet boy. So, I would like for you to give him company. Not just that though. I want you to be my son, not because you got 99%, but because I want to take care of you. " The man took Aster into his embrace. 

His wide arms covered the whole of his body, his black leather coat warm, as if embraced by an angel. Most of all, Aster could feel his heart, gently beating. He too then wrapped his arms around the man's chest tightly. 

He looked at the blue carpet, as his emotions began to swirl like the golden engravings on it. 

Somebody had finally started to care about him. It was a new and unfamiliar feeling, yet Aster felt tender and warm inside and fully embraced the man, tears swirling up in his eyes. 

'I can finally…finally…' 

He closed his eyes and continued to embrace his….his father. 


After letting go of Aster, the man stood straight as he looked still into Aster's eyes. 

"Child. It's time for you to go to sleep. We shall depart in the morning. If you still feel uncomfortable calling me father, then welcome to call me Marcus." Marcus said as he turned to the senior nun. 

"Take the boy to his quarters. If any of you lay even a finger on this boy, I shall consider it as an offense against me." Marcus fiercely told the senior nun. 


Aster lay still on the white bed that he was sleeping on previously. He looked at the dark ceiling, illuminated by the night light. 

He turned left, to look out the window. Looking at the beautiful and pristine moon, gave him a sense of relief and peace. The array of bright stars twinkled as Aster turned warm from the inside. 

"Haaahh… so tomorrow, I can be rid of this place. I might even have a place to truly call home." Aster let out his thoughts, as he slowly closed his eyes, before drifting away into a comfortable and relaxed sleep.

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