Slave Comapny

Slave Company Chapter 37 Heavy Stench

Avian and his group spend half a day shopping around.

Avian made sure he bought everything they needed, such as clothes, armor, equipment, daily necessities and weapons.

All of that while costing him a pretty penny, wasn’t nearly as much as when he bought Gabriella and others nor the amount he spent buying the Earth Lizard with the carriage.

Still Avian ended up paying another 8 small gold pieces altogether for decent quality goods fitting their rank, fortunately there were people who didn’t need a weapon among them such as Gabriella, Avian and Cornelia.

But honestly the person who had the biggest harvest among them was Gabriella, using her sword and shields unique ability, she copied every sword and shield she could copy, giving her a huge arsenal, unexpectedly though Gabriella couldn’t immediately use those weapons she copied, talking with her revealed that some of the swords and shields she copied were locked and could only be unlocked after she used a particular sword or shield for a good amount of time or got stronger herself.

The logic behind this was not something Avian could understand, but he wasn’t dissatisfied as Gabriella would eventually unlock them in time.

After buying everything, the sky was about to turn orange signifying the coming of dusk, the carriage they rode was slightly more filled in now with all the things they bought while the women started talking excitedly.

-I feel so refreshed!

-Yeah, finally I got a change of clothes.

-If only we could get a bath after this, actually as soon as we get back lets immediately get into a bath!

-A bath…that sounds nice…

-When will there be food!?

Gabriella sat next to him on the coach as the women talked, protecting Avian like a loyal guard without talking much as she insisted on sitting together with Avian, but still listening to the others as her ears seemed to perk up when she heard about the bath.

Avian too started to think that a bath would be nice, but there was still one place they had to go to finish up before everything else, driving up an empty alley to park the Earth Lizard they all stepped down the carriage making a light thud as their feet hit the ground.


Ogra’s leather coat lightly shook as she landed on the ground, wearing a gray shirt underneath that exposed her lower abdomen with her belly button, she wore a leather pair of pants with leather boots giving her both a wild, but also sophisticated look combined with her exotic beauty.

Of course those things immediately went out of the window as soon as you looked what she got hanging behind her back which was an enormous spiked wooden club that Ogra could hold with a single hand showing how monstrous her strength was as a half-orc [Barbarian]

Next was Deborah, landing not as heavily as Ogra, but much more lightly, her body was covered in a dark green good to which underneath was a white padded armor covering most of her upper body and a bit of her lower body, on top of that was a sturdy leather vest which just covered her chest, her legs were covered by a black pair of stockings or at least they looked like stockings as Avian was informed they were actually made from monster spider silk allowing for much flexibility and decent defense.

Finally, she wore a pair of knee high leather boots completing her looks as he now looked much more like a real [Hunter] then a farm girl, though it didn’t mean her innocent eyes disappeared as she still very much exuded a calm and soothing atmosphere.

On her hips she had a short bow plus a quiver with arrows attached with a couple of daggers for self-defense.

Cornelia came down next, wearing a black poncho with a hood, Avian couldn’t see what she was wearing underneath, but he saw her choose a white blouse, a corset with a leather armor which he assumed she was wearing right now, her long legs were lined with a black pair of skin tight leather pants to which she strapped a few holsters to store her weapons which she kept hidden inside her poncho and near her legs.

Everything about her was a shade of black or brown as her hands and feet adorned pairs of elbow length leather gloves and knee high boots.

Even Cornelia looked more befitting of her blessing as it seemed to Avian like her stealth ability had improved for some reason just by changing to suitable clothes.

Gabriella who was beside Avian too had significantly changed as she no longer wore her earlier rags.

Equipped with her iconic sword and shield strapped to her sides, she wore powerful looking studded leather armor, a metallic skirt with metal greaves and boots shielding her completely.

Metal armguards covered her arms underneath which she wore leather gloves.

Gabriella’s already heroic and courageous aura only multiplied with the armor she wore as she was the most armored within their party currently while also the only one wearing metal armor.

Avian originally wanted to give her chain or plate armor since he still could afford it, but Gabriella advised against it as she said that it would hinder her mobility a bit too much and wouldn’t be worth it if she didn’t have enough strength to cover it, giving her, her current looks which was still impressive.

In fact, everyone now looked more impressive, even Avian who still mostly kept his original looks with his traveler’s outfit with the only true addition being the leather armor Gabriella recommended to him earlier.

Everyone was no ready to go, carrying the still sleeping rabbit girl, Avian wondered if he should leave her here with the a few of the others, but ultimately decided not to as he got a good idea the more he looked at her.

-Is everyone ready?

-We are ready master.

-Then lets go.

Saying as such, the party finally left the alley and went out into the open, before leaving Avian gave the Earth Lizard some instructions as he told it to not leave until they returned and that if anyone tried to come closer and do something fishy that it should roar and growl loudly while trying to scare off the intruder.

The Earth Lizard as soon as entering the alley found another trash pile to consume, Avian wasn’t sure how much it really understood his intentions through their connection, but when he asked if it understood, the Earth Lizard turned towards him before giving Avian something akin of an affirmative through their connection which he could only take as a yes.

In any case the alley was close enough to the place they were going to that they would likely notice if anything happened which is why Avian wasn’t worried, stepping into the main road, Avian and his party looked far more natural now as they weren’t any different from the adventurers walking around who looked almost the same.

Not too far away the finally reached the place they were aiming for as a lot of adventurers went in and out of that place, a huge sign was over the door of the equally huge building reading very sternly.

Adventurer’s Guild.

Deborah and Cornelia audibly swallowed when they saw the intimidating aura the building exuded which included the people who seemed to frequent it as they all didn’t look very good judging by their expressions.

This was Deborah’s first time seeing or being near an adventurer’s guild as she lived in a very rural town where there was no adventurer’s guild, while Cornelia had seen the adventurer’s guild before, but never one such as dark as this one, the influence of the frontier showed as it was very gritty compared to the guild she was familiar with back in the capital or close to her hometown.

Only Avian, Ogra and Gabriella were unfazed, as they to a certain extend were used to things like this, not minding it too much as everyone entered the guild hall as a party trying to fit it.

The insides were not much different from the outside, looking at bit darker the windows were closed shut as candles lit up the hall with people sitting around the numerous tables smoking, drinking and playing cards.

For how chaotic it looked, the sound wasn’t too loud as everyone talked in a more hushed tones making for a tame atmosphere.

Cornelia immediately felt nauseous upon entering as she couldn’t stand the stench here just like back when she was inside the slave tent, the others were better in regards to this, but some of them still frowned as they weren’t used to the heavy smell of smoke.

Avian thought that they could easily go in like this without getting noticed since there was already a good amount of people even though it was dusk, but contrary to his thoughts as soon they came in, almost everyone inside the guild hall suddenly turned their heads towards them looking at them in a scrutinizing manner.

Everyone abruptly stopped when it happened, the sound of talking also abruptly halted, but Avian tapped Gabriella on the waist signaling her to continue as she simply gave them people inside the hall a glare before walking up the counter with the others.

Avian kept himself as small and as unassuming as much as he could, carrying the sleeping rabbit girl on his back with the cloak covering her completely, he did stand out a bit, but the most people would assume when they looked at him was likely that he was some kind of baggage carrier or porter of their party which suited him fine.

-Welcome ma’am to the Alimdal adventurer’s guild, I see that you are a newcomer, how may I help you?

Standing behind the counter, an old man with a scar across his face greeted them with an amiable smile on his lips looking to be a receptionist or a bartender, this guild also seemed to double as a bar or a tavern as there were a few people near the counter eating and drinking as well, looking at them secretly.

Avian had already activated his [Blood Sense] the moment they came in, sensing all the people inside the guild hall Avian was vaguely able to judge everyone’s approximate strength, through this he found out that one here was at rank 2 and that at most there were a few rank 1 individuals who seemed to be the leaders of their own party, but upon seeing the scarred old man Avian immediately noticed his strength as he too had the faint green aura spread evenly upon his body, this reminded him of Avrid, telling Avian that the old man was at least rank 2 and maybe the strongest person here at the moment.


Suddenly, the old man seemed to notice something as he mysterious stopped looking at Gabriella who stood at the front and instead turned his eyes towards Avian as if aware that he just had been inspect smiling at Avian as if he was looking at a mischievous kid.

This was something that surprised Avian internally as he didn’t think anyone would notice his [Blood Sense], truly Avian had been too arrogant to think that he could look at anyone as he pleased without being noticed himself, this world had too many strange and unknown blessings after all, on top of that maybe the old man was sharper than most people which Is why he noticed something.

In any case Avian didn’t need to look at anyone anymore which is why he quickly disabled his [Blood Sense] and looked down hiding his face while Gabriella shifting her body for a bit to block Avian noticing that the old man had been looking at her master oddly which she didn’t like.

-Yes, thank you, my name is Gabriella, and the guy behind me is Lukas, we want to register as adventurers today and form a party of 2, is that fine?

-Of course! In fact, this is very welcoming, we don’t get any new adventurers anymore because of the monster horde coming this way, we can use any new pair of helping hands in these dire times, please go to the stall over there, I will quickly get the documents ready, and I almost forgot the registration fee will be 1 small silver piece for each person so please be prepared for that.

Gabriella nodded, before giving the old man 2 small silver pieces Avian gave her earlier, the old man smiled taking the coins graciously before stepping away and walking towards the stall gathering his documents while Avian and the others moved towards the stall to register or rather wait for Avian and Gabriella to register.

The whole time the old man didn’t ask anything that didn’t concern him as he stayed professional to the end only asking the things that were required.

The old man also brought out an orb that looked suspicious similar to the Divine Orb that was used to reveal the blessing of another person.

Avian though knew what this orb was as it wasn’t actually the same Divine Orb, but rather a similar device that the guild and other official government organizations employed to see if the person they were hiring had a blessing on the blacklist, it was a countermeasure to filter these individuals, Avian and Gabriella both put their hands on it and passed easily as the orb shone green indicating they were clear.

Next he gave both Gabriella and Avian a document they needed to sign, which basically required them to give their basic information which was just their names, country of origin, so on and so forth.

Almost anything in this document could be faked, which Avian did putting his entire alias into this piece of paper while Gabriella only wrote her name correctly while keeping everything else hidden.

The guild knew of this fact that people could give fake information, but didn’t care as the adventurer’s guild by nature was always this loose about the identity of its members considering what kind of work they did which was basically self-employment.

The only important part of this document was the last section, which asked what kind of blessing the person signing it had, this too could be faked, but later when adventurer’s guild would require certain individuals with certain specialties they would call out to the people that their blessings on these papers, if it was found out that they lied a heavy penalty would be given out which could even expel the adventurer from the guild depend on how heavy their lie was.

The adventurer didn’t particularly need to directly state what their blessing was, but just give a vague description such as good at fighting with swords, being able to tame monsters or magic caster.

But Avian had already planned a lot of things out, most importantly because he had 2 blessings he immediately wrote [Monster Tamer] in that section without adding anything extra while Gabriella just as he instructed wrote frontline fighter without revealing her status as a [Knight] which was too conspicuous.

The old man took the 2 documents with a smile and inspected them, he seemed satisfied as he glanced at them, but as soon as he looked at Avian’s paper, a look of surprised flashed in his eyes as he momentarily glanced at Avian before turning around.

-I need a bit of time to get your tags, please wait here until its finished, don’t worry it won’t take long, until then I recommend getting a drink or eating something, Maribel here can get you whatever you want, Maribel!


With this finished, Avian and the others only needed to wait for the tags to be finished.

Ogra was the most ecstatic about this as she immediately brightened up when she heard the mentioning of food, no bothering how she looked she immediately sat behind the counter before asking what they had to eat, Maribel a bit overwhelmed by Ogra still nicely explained everything they had on the menu to which Ogra anything that had a lot of meat.

Gabriella thought that Ogra was being a bit too excessive since it was her master’s money she was spending here, she was about to go and try lecturing her to which Avian stopped her as he didn’t particularly mind even if he suspected he would lose some good amount of coin because of this glutton, instead he started to notice that someone was approaching them from a nearby table holding a bottle and looking drunk.

Gabriella noticed him too when Avian gave her the clue, they thought everything would go fairly peaceful at this rate, but both Avian and Gabriella could feel that trouble was imminent with the way the drunkard was approaching them.


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